Let you fish, you fished a nuclear submarine?

Chapter 24 Catching a Wild Ultraman

Chapter 24 Catching a Wild Ultraman
After the news of the fish being caught, Fang Hao was more nervous than anyone else.

Nerves tensed suddenly,

The only thought in his mind right now is not to catch fish, but... don't let it be a corpse!

Yes, he really didn't want to fish for corpses anymore.

This time, it would be really numb if he caught a corpse again.

It shouldn't be so unlucky anymore.

Moreover, in this Baisha Reservoir, the police had also gone down to search before, but they did not find any more bodies.

"I must have been hallucinating from being too nervous."

"It's definitely not a corpse."


Take a deep breath to calm down your nervousness.

After living two lifetimes together, I have been fishing for decades, and this is the first time that a fish has been so nervous.

Even if it was the first time I went fishing and caught a big fish, I was never so nervous.

"Huh? The anchor is going to fish?"

Everyone also noticed Fang Hao's situation, and they were immediately attracted.

Everyone's attention was on the fishing rod.

They saw Fang Hao picked up the fishing rod and started to catch the fish.

I got excited all of a sudden.

"Hey, what will you catch this time?"

Everyone's attention is on the thing caught here, and they are all guessing.

"I think it might be a white note."

"Or tilapia?"

"You guys have such strong confidence in the anchor? You can even guess the fish? I bet it's another corpse!"

"Hahaha, if this corpse is caught again, the reputation of the corpse fishing anchor will really not be washed away."


A group of people were amused.

However, most people knew that the probability of catching another corpse was too small.

They will say that, and they just want to make a show effect.

But the effect is really good, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room is very relaxed and lively.

A group of water friends are very happy.

There is only one world where Fang Hao is injured.

After all... He is the only one who doesn't like the nickname of corpse fishing anchor.

He really didn't want to catch any more corpses.

Hold your breath.

Fang Hao concentrated all his attention on the hook.

"The weight this time...doesn't seem heavy, maybe it's just a small fish."

Fang Hao gently pulled back, to test it first.

The fish should not be pulled too hard. Once the fish is pulled too hard, the fish will be frightened, and if it struggles suddenly, it is easy to cut the line.

Especially if it is a big fish, it will be easier to break free.

At the beginning of the fish, it must be slow.

First pull along the direction of fish swimming.

Fang Hao tried to pull it, and found that the thing caught did not seem to be heavy.

Probably only a couple of catties at most.

"Could it be a little white strip?"

"It doesn't matter, it's better to catch fish than to catch nothing."

If it was in the past, Fang Hao would definitely have looked down on a small white note.

But now, he felt that even if he caught a small white stripe, it would be better than anything else.

He desperately needs to catch a fish to prove himself.

Let everyone know that he can catch fish.

Catch a small fish first and get off to a good start.

"Huh? No."

But in the next second, Fang Hao's face changed a little.

He found that the response sent back from the fishing rod was not like the feeling of catching a fish.

It seems that the things caught are not moving.



This time it was definitely not a corpse.

With the experience of catching two corpses yesterday, Fang Hao is sure that what he is catching now is not a corpse.

What would that be if it wasn't a corpse?
"Or is it just my own illusion?"

Fang Hao is not very clear.

This time he pulled the line back faster.

Gradually, the caught thing emerged from the water, it was a...toy!
Or Ultraman.

As things got closer, Fang Hao immediately saw the Ultraman toy wrapped in a rope, and he fished it out of the water.


After seeing what it was, Fang Hao's mouth twitched slightly.

No matter how hard he thought about it, he never thought that he would catch a wild Ultraman from the bottom of the reservoir.

Depend on.

You can also catch toys.

And a group of netizens were also stunned, as if they didn't expect Fang Hao to catch the toy.



"6666, it's actually Ultraman that was caught?"

"I guessed it right! Hahaha."

"Super hot super hot!"

This one said before that as long as you catch a wild Ultraman, you will be rewarded super hot, and you will directly fulfill your promise.

"Anchor, you are so lucky... There is really no one else."

"I thought you could catch a little white stripe, but I didn't expect to catch any fish!"

The water friends who expected Fang Hao to catch fish sighed.

A face full of hatred for iron but not steel.

"Hahaha, I knew the anchor couldn't catch fish."

"But I didn't expect to catch the Ultraman toy."

"I laughed so hard, I really didn't catch any fish."

"The anchor is really six."

"I knew that the anchor can catch everything except fish."

"It was agreed to catch the corpse, why didn't it?"

There are also some water friends who regret that they did not catch the corpse.

In the live broadcast room with so many people, the performance of a group of water friends is also different.

But the only constant is the atmosphere in the studio.

More and more joy.

When Fang Hao caught an Ultraman toy from the reservoir, it was even more lively.

Fang Hao was also speechless.

How did he know that he could not catch fish.

Although it was better this time, no dead bodies were caught, but some toys thrown away by others were caught again.

This is very depressing.

He doesn't collect junk.

What are you doing fishing for these messy things?

He was also speechless.

Could it be that you are going to return empty-handed again today?
Do not!
After finally using a new fishing rod today, it feels so good, how could I just return empty-handed.

It must be that the den just now was not good.

There is too much garbage under the reservoir, so it will affect your own fishing.

"Maybe this den is not very good."

"I'll change the den later, and try to adjust it again."

Fang Hao still doesn't think his fishing skills are good.

He is not a novice, this is the experience he has summed up from fishing for many years.

He felt that it was still his luck.

"Hahaha, the anchor's mouth is the toughest all over his body now."

"Give up, anchor, you won't be able to catch fish."

"Anchor, your skills are still not good enough."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible is my technical problem."

"It must be the wrong position."

Fang Hao continued to speak stubbornly.


Newsman Sun Zhaopeng, who was lurking in Fang Hao's live broadcast room, was also amused.

"This fishing anchor is really interesting."

He watched Fang Hao's live broadcast, just to see if he could come across any interesting news.

To be honest, if Fang Hao hadn't fished up the second corpse before, he still couldn't get the first-hand news materials.

While watching in the live broadcast room, I happened to see Fang Hao fishing for a toy Ultraman.


Another messy thing was caught.

Fang Hao held his breath in his heart.

Do not believe it.

I don't believe that I can't catch fish.

Readjusted a bit, then switched positions again...and continued throwing the hook.

(End of this chapter)

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