Let you fish, you fished a nuclear submarine?

Chapter 25 By the Heavens, My Wang and...

Chapter 25 By the Heavens, My Wang and...

Time went back to the beginning.

But Fang Hao's heart was very irritable, and he did not have the peace he had at the beginning.

He couldn't figure it out, why couldn't he catch fish?

Is it the wrong posture for throwing the hook?

Or did you not find the right place when making a nest?
"So what is the dream of riding a horse?"

Fang Hao said something to himself.

"It's Nako."

In the live broadcast room, a water friend named 'Nine-Tailed Fox' answered subconsciously.



"Brother, you literally spoke my heart."

"Sure enough, he is a fellow."

"Borrow one to talk."

"Please send the seeds to my mailbox!"

"You people are really dirty, can you be more serious? Such a good thing doesn't take me, are you human?"

"Hey, I've already washed my feet in the clubhouse."

"Are you washing your feet? I suspect you are washing your hair."

"By God, I, Wang, have never lived together with gambling and drugs in this life."

The atmosphere in the studio was suddenly distorted.

"Life can be without dreams, but only Naizi can't bear it."

"Hahaha, who has a picture of Montessori nodules, show me?"

"Montesson's nodules? What the hell is this?"

"Brother, you are awesome, I want to watch it too!!!"

"You know all this stuff, and it turns out that netizens have a wide range of knowledge."



The live broadcast room was extremely lively, and the painting style changed suddenly, like a group of old drivers gathering.

Fang Hao never expected that what he said afterwards would cause such a big commotion in the live broadcast room, which was extremely lively.

He just wants to catch a fish...

But who cares about him here, the content of everyone's chat has long gone.

You're still on your way to kindergarten, but someone else is already racing on the highway.

When Fang Hao noticed the situation in the live broadcast room, he was stunned for a moment.

What are these?
What are you all talking about.

I'm a serious fishing live broadcast, okay?

This is too contemptuous of me, okay?

"An old driver will take me to see the world some other day?"


"Hahaha, I know there is a place, I will take you there next time, I heard that a lot of new teas have come recently."

"Tsk tsk tsk, it really is the old driver."

"I also want to taste 588's new tea."

"The anchor doesn't even have a girlfriend yet, so he's probably still a virgin?"

While Fang Hao was waiting for the fish to take the bait, he was chatting nonsense with his water friends.

Anyway, now that the topic has gone so far, he simply added it.

Just talk about it.

"Nonsense, I used to have too many girlfriends."

Fang Hao said bluntly, in fact, he has never been in love.

The only time I talked about my first love during college was less than half a month.

But it was just pulling his hands, and he didn't even hit a jump, let alone hit third base.

Then after talking for half a month, the two were not suitable, and finally broke up peacefully.


"Still a child."

In front of a group of experienced old drivers, Fang Hao could not escape their eyes.

Why do these people like fishing, why do they like to watch fishing.

Isn't it because they have already passed that age, a little powerless, powerless, and started to play other things.

Just like when you were young, between girls and fishing, what would you choose?
Young people are young and energetic, how can they stand up to it.

Unless you entered the sage time.

"Fishing fishing."

After Fang Hao was exposed, he didn't want to continue talking about this topic with them.

Diverted a bit of attention.

Bring everyone's attention back to fishing.

"This time I changed the bait and hook, this time I used double hooks."

"I don't believe it, I haven't caught any fish this time!"

Fang Hao made some adjustments this time.

"Give up struggling, anchor, you can't catch fish."

"This is life."

"No, my fate is up to me!"

"I believe I can catch fish this time, I have a hunch!"

"Strong hunch!"

Fang Hao is full of confidence.

"Yeah... the anchor, when you say you have a strong premonition, I think you won't be able to catch fish again."

When everyone heard it, they thought it was a bad thing.

Often overconfident, generally will not gain.

"Let's bet, what will the anchor catch this time?"

"Anyway, besides fish, I think everything else is possible."

"Hahaha... I think so too."

"This time I guess... it might be a branch."

"I guess...don't catch a dead body?"

"A dead body should be unlikely, it's outrageous."

"I've caught two before, so it's not outrageous."

"I guess it's a little bit more reliable, it might be a bag of garbage."

"I guess it's the Air Force."


Everyone started guessing, wondering what Fang Hao would catch next.

Is it fish?or something else?

Anyway, at present, except for a small number of people who guess fish, most people guess other weird things.

Some people even speculate that there are maces.

There are all kinds of weird stuff.

"Tsk, if you catch antiques here, you will get rich."

Some water friends even said something out of the blue.

"It should be impossible to catch antiques."

"The anchor may not be so lucky."

chat and chat.

Fang Hao's fishing rod seemed to move again.

Fang Hao cheered up at this moment.

Are you going to fish again?

But the fishing rod... seems to have regained its calm, as if it was just his hallucination.

This made Fang Hao puzzled, obviously he felt the fishing rod move.

Maybe the fish was testing it just now?
With such doubts, Fang Hao continued to focus on the water.

He stared at the buoy, as long as there was a slight movement, he would immediately pull up.

Time passed by minute by minute.

"No movement."

"Did the anchor make a mistake in his observation?"

"The anchor wants to catch fish so much, it must be some hallucinations."

Everyone thought that Fang Hao had hallucinations.

However, just when everyone thought that Fang Hao's observation was wrong, the float moved again.

This time, Fang Hao was sure that there were fish eating the bait.

I'm coming.

This time it was really the movement of the fish.

He can feel it clearly.

He trusts his own judgment!


This time, Fang Hao didn't have the nervousness before, and he stabilized his breathing.

Breathe lightly and look straight at the water.

Holding the premonition tightly with one hand, the other is ready to pull the fishing line back.

Suddenly, he felt that the fishhook had caught something, and he was overjoyed immediately.

This time, he believed he had caught a fish.

Because the front is too much like a fish eating bait.

He was too familiar with such a scene.

Impossible to be wrong.

Fish, this time there will definitely be fish!
"Just watch, this time I will definitely surprise all of you."

"Let you see my true strength."



(End of this chapter)

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