Let you fish, you fished a nuclear submarine?

Chapter 26 Fishing Harvest: Scrap Radio +1

Chapter 26 Fishing Harvest: Scrap Radio +1
Fang Hao is too familiar with this feeling.

He felt that he was really going to fish this time.

The movement just now was definitely a fish biting the bait.

The mood suddenly became excited.

This time the meaning of the fish to him is too different.

Finally broke his recent record of no fish.

The most important thing is to clear away the gloom of catching dead bodies.

"Are you really going to fish?"

Seeing Fang Hao's expression and movements, all the water friends expressed surprise.

It was the first time they saw Fang Hao showing such an expression.

"Ye Qingjie."

"No, I don't believe it. It must be fake. How can the anchor's skills catch fish?"

"I don't believe that the anchor's technology can catch fish either!"

"I'm afraid he caught something again."

A group of people still didn't believe that Fang Hao would catch a fish, and they all thought that he might have caught something.

A large part of this group of water friends are people who only paid attention to him after he caught the corpse, and they don't just like fishing.

They prefer to watch Fang Hao catch strange things.

If it's just for watching fishing, it's better to watch other anchors who are better at fishing.

They like to watch Fang Hao because he has a good fishing atmosphere and the atmosphere in the live broadcast room is good.

Then there's his bad luck, always catching strange things.

That's what attracts them.

"Hey, I bet it's not a fish this time."

"I bet ten dollars, it's not."

"But no one bet on peeing upside down anymore~"


"As long as the anchor doesn't catch fish, we are still good friends."

A group of people were watching intently, they were as nervous as Fang Hao.

It's just that the direction of their tension is different.

Fang Hao is looking forward to catching fish.

But this group of water friends expect him to catch other things, and they don't want to catch fish.

The atmosphere suddenly froze.

The quiet night is accompanied by a few frog calls, and occasionally there are a few quacking crows in the distant bushes.

Everyone was watching Fang Hao fish.

Fang Hao tried to pull the thread back slowly.

There is a little movement.

And it still has a little weight when pulled up, probably about seven or eight catties.

Finally caught a decent one.

Seven or eight catties of fish is not bad.

After all, there are still too few fish weighing twenty or thirty catties, and it is impossible for someone to catch them every day.

Even though the Baisha Reservoir has a lot of catches, it doesn't mean that big fish can be caught every day.

If it were that easy, everyone would be a master fisherman.

Although Fang Hao feels that he is not yet an expert fisherman, he is at least a seasoned fisherman.

Experienced in fishing.

Feeling the weight, I pulled back a little bit.

This time he pulled carefully.

But as he pulled back, a hint of doubt appeared on his face...

Why does this feel feel a little wrong?
Should not be ah.

The movement before was definitely a fish biting the bait.

He can't be wrong about this.

Could it be because I was too nervous and had hallucinations?
Maybe so.

Although Fang Hao was puzzled in his heart, he still thought that he had hallucinations, so he suspected that what he caught was not a fish.

If you can't catch any more fish this time...

His mind really broke.

With the line pulled back, but... that familiar feeling came back.

"No... absolutely not."

Fang Hao didn't dare to think that way, he was still holding on to his last hope.

It's just that his last hope is shattered when the thing he caught comes out of the water...

Depend on!
Really not.

What he caught was not a fish.

Fang Hao looked at the thing he had just caught and almost cursed.

What bad luck.

He caught another strange thing.

A radio!

To be precise, it was a scrapped radio.

Looking at the appearance and the traces of moss on it, I am afraid that this thing is more than ten or twenty years ago.

There are rust spots on some iron parts, some years old.

His double fishhook was hung on a buckle of the radio, and it was stuck in a position on one side, and it was firmly hooked.

But there is less bait on it, and it seems to have been bitten by something, leaving some bite marks.

From this point, Fang Hao did not make a mistake in his judgment before. There were indeed fish eating the bait, but during the eating process, the fishhook might have been shaken, and then the hook was hung on the radio at the bottom of the water.

And after Fang Hao caught the discarded radio.

There was an explosion in the live broadcast room.

"Hahaha, I almost scared me, I thought I was really going to catch a fish."

"It's better not to fish."

"The anchor's luck is really special, and he still caught something strange."

"This time it was the radio?"

"This bad luck..."

"Haha, the anchor is lucky today, at least he didn't catch a dead body."

"That's right, at least the anchor didn't catch a corpse today."

Everyone laughed again.

Seeing that Fang Hao didn't catch any fish, they were more excited than anyone else.

They just like to see the fish they don't catch.

"It's comfortable."

"As long as I see that the anchor doesn't catch any fish, I'm happy."

"Hey, give the anchor a super hot comfort."

More people gave gifts in the live broadcast room, which was a small consolation.

A fishing anchor who became popular because he couldn't catch fish, Fang Hao was probably the only one.

"I'm dying of laughter, this anchor really caught something else."

"I suspect that someone is secretly hanging things (dog heads) under the water."

"Don't doubt it, the person hanging on the bottom is me (smiling with squint eyes)."

"You all have studied from Deyun Club, right?"

"Ha ha ha ha."

"Anchor, try fishing an antique next time."

"If you really catch antiques, you will really get rich."

"Fuck it, the experts will say it belongs to the state and you have to hand it in! It would be nice to give you a bonus of 600 yuan at that time."


"Anchor, why don't you try this radio to see if it still works?"


Fang Hao's mood is very irritable, just like a girl's aunt.

I never thought that my luck would be so unlucky.

This is too bad luck.

Or is this Baisha Reservoir contradicting himself?

It seems that since I came here to fish, I haven't caught any fish.

Last night...fished two corpses.

Tonight, first he hooked an Ultraman toy, and now he hooked a scrap radio.

This luck is really no one else.

Dao heart collapsed.

If this were replaced by someone else, the fishing rod would probably be broken.

He couldn't figure it out.

Where is the problem?
Yesterday I was a corpse collector, today I am a waste collector.

"Anchor, do you want to try this radio and see if it still works?"

Fang Hao also caught a glimpse of this sentence mentioned by a water friend in the live broadcast room.

This thing has been in the bottom of the water for many years, it is a waste product, how can it be useful.

If it was new, Fang Hao might feel a little relieved.

Can this crap still work?

Fang Hao still pressed the button on the radio and tried it.

After the button was pressed, there was no movement.

How could this be useful.

Not to mention whether there is a battery in it, even if there is, it will be useless after being underwater for so long.

I am also funny.

Even going to try it.

He shook his head, thinking he was too funny.


But the next moment.


There was a sudden movement on the radio next to it, and a special electric sound came out.

(End of this chapter)

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