Let you fish, you fished a nuclear submarine?

Chapter 263 The Famous Fishing Scene

Chapter 263 The Famous Fishing Scene (Please Subscribe)
"What the hell are these people doing?"

Because Fang Hao and the others have been working on the matter of the undersea tomb for a while, these Yingzi people who are using satellite surveillance are all stunned.

It's not what they imagined.

Through this high-resolution satellite, they can roughly clearly see the bronze coffin placed on the ship.

"What is this?"

"It doesn't seem to have anything to do with our stuff."

Although they didn't judge that it was a bronze coffin for a while, they could tell that it had nothing to do with their nuclear submarine.

"Looks like a coffin."

It wasn't until a long time later that no one figured out what it was.


"Huh? It seems to be true."

Now everyone in Yingzi was confused.

This is different from what they imagined.

How could it be a coffin?

At first, they thought they could monitor the other side and see things related to nuclear submarines.

But it turned out to have nothing to do with it.

This is very confusing.

My pants are all off, is that all? ? ?
"Could it be that we made a mistake?"

Now, this group of Yingzi began to doubt life.

They all froze.

They think they have made a mistake.

If they were really wrong, it would be a waste of their resources to spend so much on monitoring an insignificant target this time.

The question before them now becomes whether or not to continue monitoring.

After a period of intense discussion, they decided to continue to observe.

After all, the feeling those people give them is really weird.

It makes people feel unpredictable.

So they still decided to continue to observe.

They always feel that there is some big secret hidden behind this.


After changing to a new fishing spot, everyone also expected that their luck would get better.

Hope to finish the task soon.

"I have a hunch that we should be able to catch the nuclear submarine soon."

Chubby is full of passion and fighting spirit.

Ever since he caught the bronze coffin, his self-confidence has reached an unprecedented level, directly expanding to the extreme.

He now believes that he has acquired a part of Fang Hao's ability, tainted with Fang Hao's luck, and can catch things other than fish.

"I hope so." Fang Hao was very calm.

Anyway, he is ready for a long-term struggle.

I don't think it's possible to do all of this in such a short period of time.

This is no easy task.

No five-star difficulty is likely to be less than one-tenth of this.

The task of fishing for satellites was already difficult.

That thing is not something you can catch if you want to catch it. It is thanks to Fang Hao's good luck that it took a lot of effort to catch it.

It's not that easy.

But even if it is such a difficult satellite fishing, there is at least one prerequisite, which is to know the sea area where it fell.

is known to be within a certain range.

It's not like it is now, it's almost a black eye, and I don't know anything.

The location of the nuclear submarine accident is not known.

Not even an approximate range can be determined.

I can only pass some clues by myself, and then slowly simulate and guess.

This range is too large.

The difficulty factor soared directly.

If the difficulty of catching satellites is 5 stars, then the difficulty of catching nuclear submarines and mushroom eggs this time is more than 50 stars.

This is not a simple one plus one difficulty, but an exponential increase in difficulty.

"Then I have to use your good words to try to catch those things as soon as possible." Captain Han smiled. In fact, he also had the same mentality as Fang Hao, and felt that it was not so easy to catch things.

But he is not easy to discourage Xiaopang's enthusiasm, so he still feels that he needs to support Xiaopang and give him more confidence.

"It will definitely." Xiaopang said with firm eyes.

Captain Han then returned to the control room and continued to be in charge of the work of the whole ship. Fang Hao and Xiaopang were left to play here, and he couldn't help much, and it might affect them.

The only thing he can do is to assist the two, do a good job in logistics, and do a good job in technical support.

For example, the selection of the new fishing spot this time is the best fishing spot obtained through all the existing clues and then conducting probability analysis.

I don't know if I can catch it, but this is definitely the place with the highest probability.

Without knowing the specific accident location of the nuclear submarine, everything is by chance.

Captain Han actually wanted to try it in his heart.

He also wants to fish.

Seeing Fang Hao and Xiaopang fishing, he also felt itchy and wanted to try it.

I even want the other coast guards on the ship to follow suit. More people are more powerful.

With so many people fishing together, the probability of catching it may increase.

After having this idea, Captain Han went to prepare, and by the way, reported his idea, and asked people to prepare a large number of fishing rods and send them to them.

And his idea was also supported by the above.


Fang Hao and Xiaopang found a place for each, and continued to fish by themselves.

Xiaopang is now full of confidence and has a strong self-confidence.

He believes that following Fang Hao, under the premise of tainting the other party's luck, this time there will be gains.

Fang Hao's mentality is relatively calm, for him everything goes with the flow.

What you can catch depends on your luck.

"But it would be great if I could catch fish." This was what he had in mind.

Even now, I still haven't given up on this idea.

For him, fishing and catching nuclear submarines are incidental things.

Depends on which one you catch first.

Both were fishing quietly.

I don't know how long they have been fishing, but the two of them still have nothing to gain.

Fatty didn't catch any fish either.

At this time, the supply ship came, Xiao Pang and Fang Hao were surprised to find that the supply ship brought a large number of fishing rods to their ship this time.


what's going on?
The two were stunned for a moment, but quickly came to their senses.

This is probably because Captain Han also wanted the coast guards on board to join in the fishing.

Everyone in the coast guard was also very puzzled when they saw so many fishing rods being sent suddenly.

until someone reminded...

"These fishing rods are not for us, are they?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone reacted, and then they were excited.

Watching Fang Hao and Xiaopang fishing all the time, their hearts have long been the same as Captain Han, and they both want to try fishing.

I want to go fishing with you.

Even people who have never fished before are tempted to try it at this time.

It's just because of the different responsibilities, even if they have such an idea, they can only think about it in their hearts, and don't think they can really go fishing.

But did not expect.

This time, so many fishing rods were sent, which clearly wanted them to participate.

You say they are not excited.

The excitement at this moment can hardly be held back any longer.

Under the expectation of everyone, Captain Han also announced the matter directly on the ship.

"We will make new arrangements for everyone's next work."

"Everyone will be divided into several groups and take turns to go fishing."

It's not realistic for everyone to fish together.

After all, the ship still needs people to maintain and control it. It is impossible for such a large ship to be unmanned, and it needs personnel to deal with emergencies. It is impossible for everyone to leave their posts.And in terms of logistics, people need to be responsible.

After hearing this, everyone became excited.

One by one, the personnel waiting for Captain Han were arranged.

Let's see who is lucky enough to be one of the first anglers.

Soon, Captain Han announced the assigned personnel list.

The coast guard personnel on the ship were divided into ten groups, and some of the work was assigned to others, and then divided into a special group. People in this group could not participate in fishing.

Everyone on the first fishing list was extremely excited.

None of them expected that they would be the first to eat crabs.

They have long wanted to fish.

Now that I finally have a chance, why are you unhappy?

The first batch of people on the list were soon given a fishing rod.

Don't be too envious when other people see this scene.

The next step is to conduct preliminary training for those who have never fished before and who do not know how to fish.

This one is relatively simple.

As long as you learn the basic movement essentials, you can basically start fishing.

A group of people were distributed in various places on the boat, each found a place, and then started their own fishing.

A famous fishing scene came out.

On this [-]-ton coast guard ship, a group of people gathered around to go fishing.

The scene was absolutely spectacular.

And for the first time ever.

Who would have thought that a coast guard ship, and it was still a [-]-ton coast guard ship, would eventually become a 'fishing' ship.

The boat is also very lively, a group of people are exchanging how to fish.

A large part of this group of coast guards are novices and have never fished before.

Now that I have come into contact with these for the first time, my mood is naturally different.

"I didn't expect that I would be able to fish on a boat one day."

Someone sighed.

"I'm so excited, this is my first time fishing."

"Me too, I hope this first fishing brings me good luck."

Everyone was excited.

Such a famous scene is rare, and it may even be the only one in a lifetime. How could they not be excited.

Everyone was very excited, hoping to catch something.

No wonder they have such an idea.

Whoever made it so that there are now two freaks on board, both of whom are out of the ordinary.

They can catch anything, and last time they caught a bronze coffin together.

This will make everyone feel that catching these things is very simple, and even create an illusion that the difficulty of catching fish may be higher than this.

Of course, these are just illusions.

It's impossible to really think that fishing is more difficult than catching those things.

With the joining of a group of people, the fishing army was mighty, and a group of people started fishing. The scene was extremely spectacular.

Just like participating in a fishing contest.

Speaking of which, the last time Fang Hao and Xiaopang participated in the fishing competition also ended without a problem.

Due to several unexpected situations, the holding of this fishing competition was not smooth.

Although the ranking was selected in the end, the result was not what the organizers wanted.

They did not serve their purpose.

Especially... Fang Hao's side.

Because the purpose of holding this fishing competition is for Fang Hao.

However, Fang Hao left the stage midway.

It almost didn't make them vomit blood with anger.

This means that all their investment in the fishing competition this time was in vain.

But there is no way.

Because these investments have already been paid, even if they want to go back, it is too late.

In this way, the fishing competition turned into an event with a lot of thunder and little rain in the end, and it didn't make much waves in the end.

Without Fang Hao's participation, the attention of this competition is not so high.


This time, it is rare to see so many people fishing together on a [-]-ton coast guard ship.

This group of coast guards, who were fishing with fishing rods for the first time, were extremely excited.

"I seem to have caught a fish."

They also successfully activated the novice buff and quickly caught fish.

Not to mention that this made Fang Hao much envious.

Fang Hao and Xiaopang are still quiet.

Xiaopang seemed to have no luck after catching the bronze coffin lid before, and he couldn't catch fish for a long time.

Xiaopang didn't feel any frustration here, his eyes were already bright and full of fighting spirit.

He is now similar to this group of coast guards, they are all passionate and high-spirited.

As a coast guard caught a fish, others caught fish one after another.

"I caught it too."

Everyone was very happy on board.

Such a picture is still rare.

This is a joy from the bottom of my heart.

A man's happiness is that simple.

What could be happier than a group of people gathering on a boat to fish.

This is so happy.

"Ugh, it's heavy."

"Why is this fish so difficult to catch?"

"Wow, you are such a big fish."

"Don't let it get away."

After seeing someone catch a fish, the people around them also gave them advice and became a dog-headed soldier.

The lively scene also exceeded Captain Han's expectation.

He didn't expect everyone's enthusiasm to be so high.

At first, he was worried that many of his subordinates would resist his idea.

I didn't expect him to worry too much.

Look at how much fun these coast guards are having.

When Captain Han saw this scene in the control room, he also smiled knowingly.

I didn't expect his sudden inspiration to have such a good effect, which is quite an unexpected result.

It's just that he didn't say anything.

Instead...waiting for the next performance of everyone.

He wanted to see if everyone, like Xiaopang, could be contaminated with Fang Hao's luck and get part of Fang Hao's abilities, so that they could catch things that were not fish.

If this is feasible, then... Maybe it can be developed in this way in the future.

Let a group of people fish with Fang Hao.

In this way, the probability of catching something will be greater.

"It depends on whether we can catch other things."

Captain Han waited for the arrival of 'good news'.

Originally, when Fang Hao and Xiaopang were fishing, some people on the boat were idle, but now they all have something to do.


Seeing so many coast guards catching fish, Fang Hao was also stunned.

This... Is the novice's luck so good?

Why do so many people catch fish?

Fang Hao could tell that many of them were fishing for the first time.

But it happened to be the first time fishing, and the speed of catching fish was very fast, as if it was hooked.

Lots of luck.

(End of this chapter)

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