Let you fish, you fished a nuclear submarine?

Chapter 264 Mushroom Egg Sees Mushroom Egg Again

Chapter 264 Mushroom Egg Sees Mushroom Egg Again (Subscribe)

"Brother Zhang, do you want us to compare?"

"Heh, you caught two fish, and it's swollen now, right? Well, let me show you my true strength."

As everyone's enthusiasm soared, some people on the coast guard side also aroused some competitiveness.

Do some competition.

This made the scene on the boat even more lively.

"Brother Zhang, let Xiao Sun show some color later."

"Xiao Sun, Brother Zhang is an old fisherman, don't be too inflated, kid."

A group of people made fun of a young coast guard, who was also the youngest on board.

Among the coast guards on board, there are novices and veterans.

There are also many fishermen who usually like to fish.

When they are not on missions, they will also go fishing at the beach.

This brother Zhang is one of the people who like fishing.

"Hey, Brother Zhang, don't lose to me then." Xiao Sun didn't care about everyone's words, but laughed instead.

"You kid..."

The coast guard named Brother Zhang smiled helplessly.

"It's a pity that this fishing rod is not the one I usually use at home. It doesn't go so smoothly."

A group of marine police booed.

The movement here also caught Fang Hao and Xiaopang's attention.

"Huh? Brother Hao, it seems that they are going to have a fishing competition."

"Shall we join in the fun?"

Xiaopang was very interested and seemed to want to join in.

He was originally a master who liked to join in the fun, and now there is such an event, not to mention how lively it is.

"Go ahead."

What a joke.

If I could catch fish, would I be so calm?

Fang Hao was also very helpless.

However, there are so many people having fun together, and it is still on a coast guard ship, such a scene is indeed relatively rare.

Definitely a first.

There was no precedent before.

Only Fang Hao and the others came, which set a precedent.

This is definitely a first of its kind, it has never been done before.

With the start of such an activity, everyone's enthusiasm is also very high.

Many people also joined in.

Captain Han saw that everyone's enthusiasm was so high, so he didn't stop it.

Now such a scene, on the contrary, is what he wants to see more.

You see how good this is, everyone's enthusiasm is so high, it may be easier to catch something.

Captain Han is looking forward to the results later, to see if everyone will catch any good things.

Show the power of numbers.

Otherwise, with Fang Hao and Xiaopang alone, Captain Han also worried that he would not know when to catch them.

This can be regarded as a relief for the two of them.

With the start of the betting competition of these coast guards, everyone's passion was also mobilized.

People around are cheering for them.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, soon the coast guard named Lao Zhang took the lead in catching a fish, which was a sea fish weighing about eleven or twelve catties.

As soon as the fish was caught, everyone immediately cheered.

"Xiao Sun, come on, brother Zhang has already caught a fish."

"Wait." Xiao Sun was not in a hurry, and still fished at his own pace.

Xiaopang also found it very interesting to watch from the side.

Fishing on a boat like this is simply too exciting.

Not dull.

Everyone will not feel bored.

This injected a new wave of fun into the boat, and everyone completely put aside all their troubles and devoted themselves to fishing.

Everyone feels involved.

Unlike before, they only had to watch. They could only watch Fang Hao and Xiaopang fishing, while the others had to watch.

Time passed slowly, and the coast guard of Xiaosun still didn't catch any fish.

And that brother Zhang has already caught three fish.

There are fish ranging from a few catties to tens of catties.

Seeing that everyone felt that Xiao Sun was about to lose.

Suddenly, his fishing rod started to move, pulled by a powerful force, almost dragging him into the sea.

Fortunately, he stabilized his body in time and held the fishing rod tightly.

And the movement on Xiaosun's side quickly attracted everyone's attention.

"I'm going, so fierce."

"How big is this fish?"

Everyone immediately realized that the fish could not be too small to be able to pull it so hard.

Xiaosun's face turned red, and now he was barely able to hold the fishing rod steady.

Gritting his teeth all the time, he used all his strength to fight against the fish.

"Walk the fish, walk the fish."

"Slip it first, let it consume some of its strength first."

Everyone shouted.

The movement here also caught Fang Hao's attention. When he learned that a novice had caught a big fish weighing several tens of catties, his eyes were full of envy.

This luck is too good.

Watching them catch fish one after another, while there is still no movement on my side for so long, this... really makes me mad.

Fang Hao is really not ordinary envy.

Why is there such a big difference between people.

Everyone is fishing on the same boat, and there are so many people fishing together, but they can't catch it by themselves.

This has to go where to reason.

This luck is really bad.

I suspect the fish are playing me, but I have no proof.

Fang Hao felt helpless.

At this time, he was also watching the group of coast guards help the novice coast guard to catch that big fish together. It was a big grouper with a weight of tens of kilograms. This luck was really not ordinary.

This time the fish caught was so big.

Xiao Sun's heart was full of joy.

"You boy."

That Zhang brother also smiled helplessly, "This time I will lose."

Although Brother Zhang caught more fish, in terms of weight, it was far inferior to that little grandson.

Brother Zhang lost, but the atmosphere on the boat was full.

Everyone became more and more passionate about fishing for things in the sea.

Fang Hao, who was watching the fun, suddenly felt his hands sink.

There is movement.

This time, the fishing rod in his hand sank as if he had caught something.

Judging from the feel, what was caught this time was no longer a fish.

What will it be?
Is it a nuclear submarine or... a mushroom egg?

Fang Hao didn't know what it was, so he could only catch this thing from the ground first.

But judging from the weight, this is about the same weight as the mushroom eggs he caught before...

Maybe mushroom eggs?

If so, then this task is more hopeful to be completed.

Fang Hao himself did not expect to catch another one so soon.

But he wasn't 100% sure until he caught it.

At this time, the people who had just finished cheering seemed to have noticed the movement on Fang Hao's side, and were also attracted.


"Is this... caught something?"

"What will it be this time?"

Everyone widened their eyes and stared straight at Fang Hao, wanting to see what would catch him this time.

"Hopefully it's the wreckage of a nuclear submarine."

Someone prayed.

This is one of the missions they set out to sea this time, and if they can catch it, then their mission is likely to be completed ahead of schedule.

Of course, the most important thing is the importance of this nuclear submarine to us.

Although the Ohio-class nuclear submarine is a product of decades ago, it is still the world's top ballistic nuclear submarine in terms of advanced level.

Possess a very strong deterrent.

If we can salvage and catch this nuclear submarine, it will be of great benefit to our future research and development of nuclear submarines.

The part of the tail propeller that was caught before was also sent to a secret research institute for analysis and research, and it seems that there are some new inspirations.

This will be of great help to our future development of new submarines.

Not to mention surpassing Takako immediately, but at least it will allow us to shorten the gap with the opponent as much as possible, and even catch up.

Our research on nuclear submarines is relatively late, which is why we are behind.

But after years of catching up, we have gradually caught up.

Under the eyes of everyone, Fang Hao slowly pulled up the thing he caught.

Although the weight of this thing is heavy, it is not enough to stump Fang Hao.

With his strength, he can still catch it easily.

Time passed by minute by minute.

After all, this thing is in the deep sea, and it will take a certain amount of time to catch it.

Don't be in a hurry, don't panic.

Maybe if you panic, that thing will fall into the sea again.

And... in case the thing caught is a mushroom egg or something, if he panics and makes something out of it, it will be troublesome.

Fang Hao's hand is very steady.

No rush at all.

After collecting the line for about 10 minutes, I finally caught this thing under the sea.

When everyone saw what they had caught, their eyes lit up.

This time, no one was afraid.

I had the experience of catching it once before, and everyone is not afraid of this thing.

Anyway, everyone knows that if this thing explodes, no matter how anxious you are, it will be useless anyway.

But if it doesn't explode, why worry about it.

This time Fang Hao caught another mushroom egg.

This is the second mushroom egg.

It is also one of their tasks this time.

After all, mushroom eggs are a threat underwater.

If these mushroom eggs are in the high seas, then we don't bother to care, but this is in our sea area, so naturally we must eliminate these threats.

Don't think that some fishermen will encounter these mushroom eggs and detonate them when they go out to sea for big fish in the future. That will be a big trouble.

At that time, I don't know how much the loss will be.

Captain Han was also very excited to catch a mushroom egg again.

Immediately without further ado, let someone deal with the caught mushroom egg.

Moreover, he also put down the probe to check on the bottom of the sea to see if there were any other mushroom eggs.

This investigation... Hey, luck is really good.

Also found another mushroom egg.

Then, with some effort, the mushroom egg was salvaged from the bottom of the sea.

Not long after, a ship approached soon.

"Hello Captain Han, we are ordered to receive this mushroom egg."

"Okay, but not one, but two."


The person who came to receive it was also stunned for a moment, this is different from the order he received.

However, Captain Han quickly explained the reason, and the other party understood what was going on.

Captain Han also had the two mushroom eggs handed over to the other party.

After handing over the mushroom eggs, the person who received the mushroom eggs asked Captain Han about it.

"Can I meet the guy who caught the mushroom egg?"

This one is now a legend.

His name is not only very popular on the Internet, but also in the army, it is also a legend.

"Then I'll ask his opinion." Captain Han is not good at making decisions for Fang Hao, he needs to seek Fang Hao's consent.

Fang Hao's status is a bit special, and no one treats him as an ordinary person.


The captain nodded.

Captain Han then turned around to find Fang Hao, told Fang Hao of the captain's request, and asked for his opinion.

Fang Hao did not refuse, and agreed to the request for a meeting.

He then went to see the captain as well.

"Hello, Mr. Fang, my name is Zheng..."

After seeing Fang Hao, the captain was also a little excited.

This was the first time he had seen the legendary face of Fang Hao up close.

Although this person has never met before, the reputation of the other party has already spread throughout the world.

Every one of the things caught is amazing.

Have everything.

You said such a character, isn't it special?

He looked at Fang Hao with eyes full of worship and admiration,

"Hello, Captain Zheng."

"I finally saw your true face."

"I've heard about you a few months ago, and I've been wondering if I'll have a chance to see you in the future. I didn't expect to be so lucky this time, and I really saw you."

"It's not easy."

"Captain Zheng, you are too serious."

"I'm just an ordinary person, which makes me even harder to see than the emperor. It's not easy to see." Fang Hao smiled lightly, still very calm.

He didn't let himself feel flustered because of the other party's words.

Seeing Fang Hao's demeanor and performance, the other party felt more and more admiration in his heart.

It's really not easy to have such self-cultivation at such a young age.

After chatting for a while, the two were ready to leave.

The other party also has other tasks, so it is impossible to delay here for a long time.

And Fang Hao and the others will continue to fish.

It's almost time for dinner.

This time, the fish caught by a group of coast guards also became food for everyone.

Everyone can eat this fresh and delicious fish.

Because these fish were all caught by themselves, everyone ate more deliciously, and had a good meal.

"It's comfortable, why didn't I feel that fish was so delicious before."

"Of course, the fish caught by myself are more delicious and fragrant."

said others.

After eating and resting for a while, the coast guard also replaced the second batch of personnel for fishing.

Everyone takes turns.

In this way, everyone will not be so tired.

Not everyone has the same energy and physical strength as Fang Hao.

He is like a person who never knows how tired he is, never tired.

"This physical strength is too terrifying."


Many people's definition of Fang Hao has also become a superman.

This physique is really terrifying.

If it was someone else, he would have been tired, but Fang Hao has nothing to do here, and he is full of energy and energy every day.

"Is this skill really so amazing?"

Everyone is also curious about Fang Hao's daily kung fu.

They all knew that Fang Hao had to practice first every morning.

(End of this chapter)

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