Let you fish, you fished a nuclear submarine?

Chapter 266 Come as soon as you say it, it's really New Year's Eve now!

Chapter 266 Come as soon as you say it, it's really New Year's Eve now! (seeking subscription)
Xiao Zhao's face was flushed red, and he used all the strength in his body, but he still couldn't pull it.

I don't know what the things caught at the bottom are, and he can't pull them with his strength alone.

But the weight should not be too outrageous. The fishing rod is still intact and has not been broken. Presumably the fishing rod has not reached the limit, which means that the weight of the thing caught is not too outrageous.

When the others saw Xiao Zhao's appearance, they immediately came to help.

If he doesn't help, Xiao Zhao will be ripped off soon.

With the joint efforts of everyone, he barely stabilized his figure.

Several people helped hold the fishing rod together.

Prevent the fishing rod from being dragged down.

Obviously, what they caught this time was not a fish.

Captain Han and everyone here are looking forward to it, and they all want to know what they will catch this time.

It matters.

Especially for Captain Han, this is related to his ideas.

If these ideas can really be successful, then...

Can't imagine.

Captain Han was extremely excited, and he immediately walked towards the deck quickly, intending to see for himself what he would catch this time.

This touched the hearts of too many people.

Everyone wanted to know what it was catching.

"Quick pull."

"Work hard together."

Although there are many of them, they are all ordinary people after all, and they cannot be pulled up as easily as Fang Hao.

And Fang Hao saw that these people could pull, so he didn't go to help for the time being.

Unless they can't stand it anymore, Fang Hao will help.

Otherwise, if he makes a move now, everyone may feel that they can't do such a trivial matter, which may affect their mentality.

Fang Hao watched from the side, ready to help at any time.

"Brother Hao, what do you think they will catch?"

Xiaopang was also very excited, extremely excited.

As if he caught it.

"Hard to say."

Who can judge what is caught before it is caught.

Fang Hao is naturally not sure.

He is not a god, he knows everything.

If he was given some precognitive abilities, he might be able to guess.

But in this aspect, he is an ordinary person, what difference can he make.

Under the joint efforts of everyone, the thing that was caught was slowly being pulled up, very slowly, but... this thing was indeed being pulled up.

After about half an hour, the thing in the sea was caught and finally surfaced.

Now everyone can see clearly what they have caught.

"I go."


What was caught this time was nothing but a torpedo.

A torpedo weighing several hundred kilograms was caught, which is why so many people couldn't pull it just now.

It's just too heavy.

This weight is nothing to Fang Hao, and he can catch it easily.

But for ordinary people, this weight is very heavy.

This is a few hundred kilograms. An ordinary person can usually pull a hundred kilograms, which is already quite remarkable.

Not everyone's physical fitness is as terrifying as Fang Hao's, which surpasses the limit of the human body.

That's not human anymore.

If you really think about it, Fang Hao's physical fitness is not far behind Superman.

This group of coast guards is no stranger to torpedo handling.

Then, using other equipment, the caught torpedo was salvaged and placed on the deck.

This caught torpedo has a very different meaning.

This is the first time the marine police on board caught it.

He was also the first person to catch these things besides Fang Hao and Xiaopang.

It's not about catching something anymore.

But the meaning of catching this thing is already very different.

"It turned out to be a torpedo."

"Xiao Zhao is too powerful."

"Xiao Zhao is the first person in our group to catch this thing."

"Or, Xiao Zhao is the chosen one among us?"

It's hard for everyone to judge now. Xiao Zhao, the coast guard who caught the torpedo, caught Fang Hao's luck in order to catch those things.

Or he himself has a certain talent.

These two meanings are very different.

If it is the first type, then there is a possibility of copying, it depends on whether other people catch it later.If there are other people catching it later, it means that it is the first type.

As long as people follow Fang Hao or fish beside him, they will be contaminated with Fang Hao's luck, and thus... possess a part of his abilities.

This is what Captain Han has always wanted to see the most. If it succeeds, then... he can use Fang Hao to build a larger fishing team in the future.

That's scary.

If you think about it, there were only two people fishing at the beginning, and then suddenly there were twenty, or even two hundred fishing together.

The picture was unimaginable.

This is Captain Han's long-awaited 'Fishing Age'.

Still continue to look at the performance of other people behind.

And if no one else catches it later, only Xiao Zhao is alone, it means that this is Xiao Zhao's own talent.

After that... Xiao Zhao will also become a key figure to be cultivated, and the level of treatment after that will definitely not be much worse than that of Fang Hao.

No matter what, the identity of the coast guard Xiao Zhao who caught the torpedo has gradually changed.

"Xiao Zhao can."

"Brother Zhao, you are awesome, when did you teach me to fish for mines?"

There were many people around Xiao Zhao, and everyone was amazed at Xiao Zhao's ability while looking at the torpedo that had just been salvaged.

"I... I... just happened to meet by luck."

Xiao Zhao was surrounded by so many people and praised by so many people, but he was still a little nervous and started to stutter a little.

After all, he was still very young, so he had never seen such a scene, such a battle.

Suddenly became the focus of the whole ship.

"Little Zhao, don't be modest."

"Brother Zhao, continue to catch more things later."

With the addition of the Coast Guard, this scene is indeed more lively than usual.

And these coast guards can also catch torpedoes now, which is obviously helping Fang Hao, so that he won't be put all the pressure on him.

Like Xiao Zhao, Xiao Pang and the others can catch things that are not fish, so Fang Hao's pressure can be reduced.

At least now Fang Hao won't be fighting alone.

Although their current ability is not enough to reach Fang Hao's level, maybe not even one-tenth.

But at least it's a good sign.

Xiao Zhao's heart gradually became firmer, and he secretly cheered himself up, hoping to catch more things in the future.

But... when he caught this torpedo just now, he was almost exhausted.

He couldn't pull it up by himself at all, and he managed to pull it up with the help of so many people.


Xiao Zhao looked at Fang Hao.

He was just fishing for a torpedo, and he almost died of exhaustion, and there were so many people helping him.

But what about Fang Hao?
You must know that Fang Hao is catching more big guys, and he is all on his own.

At that time, seeing Fang Hao catching the torpedo so easily, he even had an illusion that this torpedo was a toy?
Only now, after he caught the torpedo with his own hands, could he feel Fang Hao's terror more and more.

Just can't imagine.

He took a deep breath, and looked at Fang Hao with a lot of admiration and admiration.

And Xiao Zhao caught the torpedo, which seemed to trigger a chain reaction.

Not long after, another coast guard caught a torpedo.

There is no doubt that these torpedoes are all torpedoes carried on the previous Ohio-class nuclear submarines.

In addition to mushroom eggs, this nuclear submarine also carried a lot of torpedoes.

After the nuclear submarine had an accident, these torpedoes were also scattered all over the seabed.

However, compared to the harm of mushroom eggs, the harm of torpedoes is not so high.

Even if it is an explosion, its power is 'limited'.

Unlike mushroom eggs, the power is simply devastating. If it is not handled well, the risk is too great, and it even poses a great threat to coastal cities.

This is what the above requires them to solve the threat of mushroom egg fishing.

Only by catching these mushroom eggs can we be exposed to such risks.

And this time another coast guard caught a torpedo, which also proved one thing.

Others can also catch things other than fish.

As long as they can catch Fang Hao's luck, they can catch it.

And if you want to get Fang Hao's luck, there is only one condition: go fishing with him and form a team together

That way they can get lucky.

From Xiaopang to Xiao Zhao, and then to other coast guards.

This all proves that as long as you fish with Fang Hao, you can catch those things.

Captain Han is extremely excited at the moment, which completely confirms his conjecture.

He succeeded!

The proposals he proposed received strong support.

"I just don't know whether these lucks are short-lived or can be maintained for a long time."

Captain Han was lost in thought.

This is another aspect he has to consider.

If such luck can be maintained for a long time, then in the future, such fishing team members can be 'produced' in batches.

It's just that Captain Han thinks the probability of this is not high...

Perhaps after leaving Fang Hao, such luck will disappear.

Whether it is or not, you will definitely need to try it later.

Now those coast guards who caught torpedoes are included in the list this time, and some separate arrangements will be made later.

When the attention of all the people was on the torpedo caught by others, Fang Hao was still thinking about the fish he caught.

He doesn't care what other people catch. What he cares about is... Since these people can catch torpedoes, don't they share the luck of catching fish with themselves?

That's only fair.

Fang Hao thought in his heart.

For him, as long as he can catch fish, he is satisfied.

He has not given up the idea of ​​catching fish until now, and he always wants to catch fish in his dreams.

It stands to reason that he should catch a fish by now.

Please, let me catch the fish sooner.

Nothing is more important than this.

Just when this thought flashed through Fang Hao's mind, his fishing rod moved.

In an instant, a force yanked the fishing rod.

Fang Hao reacted immediately.

shit, isn't it?

Really here?
He immediately gripped the fishing rod tightly, not giving the opponent a chance to escape.

No matter if you catch a fish or not.

At this moment, his fishing rod caught something, and it was not clear whether it was a fish or something else.

But with the movement in the sea, and the different feel on the fishing rod.

This made Fang Hao realize something different.

this time……

Maybe it's not what he caught this time, but... probably a fish.

Because he could feel the struggle from the fishing rod, it was obviously a living creature.

Can't be in a hurry.

Fang Hao was not dazzled by the great joy, but now he became more and more calm.

If it is really a fish, he has to be more careful, and he must not let the fish escape.

I have suffered several losses before.

Running away with fish is even more irritating than not being able to catch fish.

Only Fang Hao can experience that feeling, it is not ordinary discomfort.

He would rather not catch fish himself than let them run away after catching fish.

And... Now Fang Hao still has to worry about whether he is catching fish or other marine life.

"It can't be other marine life."

"Should I catch a fish too?"

Fang Hao prayed in his heart.

No matter how tense and excited the atmosphere was, he still remained calm.

The movement on Fang Hao's side also caught the attention of others.


"It seems that Brother Hao's demeanor is a little different this time."

Everyone also seemed to realize that Fang Hao's expression was different from usual.

"What will you catch this time?"

"It looks like it's still alive."

Everyone also saw that what they caught this time was a little different from what they usually caught.

The things caught this time will still pull the fishing rod and run.

It was obvious that it was a living thing.

If other people catch it, everyone will think it is a fish, but they will just guess what it is.

But what Fang Hao caught... Even if it was a living thing, everyone didn't necessarily think it would be a fish.

Because the marine life caught from Fang Hao's hands is not once or twice.

What kind of turtles, whales... He has caught them all.

So I can't judge yet, it must be fish.

"But this time, I seem to have a different premonition." Xiaopang muttered in his heart.

He felt that what Fang Hao caught this time might be different.

After Fang Hao caught something, the focus of the whole boat was on him again.

Fang Hao can be said to be the most special existence on the entire coast guard ship. The things he caught are naturally very unusual, and everyone's expectations are higher.

Which one of the things he caught was not earth-shattering and shocking?

"I hope it's not some kind of marine protection animal."

Everyone also expected that Fang Hao would not catch any protected animals.

"I think it's fine as long as it's not something weird."

A group of people has now turned into watching Fang Hao, waiting for him to see what he will catch.

Judging from the feel.

Fang Hao made a preliminary judgment. The "thing" he caught probably weighed one or two tons.

Isn't it a fish?

With such a heavy thing, there is a high probability that it is not a fish.

Fang Hao's heart sank again.

The fish caught by normal people is not so heavy.

(End of this chapter)

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