Let you fish, you fished a nuclear submarine?

Chapter 267 Every fish that passes by will be slapped in the face

Chapter 267 Every fish passing by will be slapped in the face (subscription required)

Fang Hao suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

He was afraid that what he caught this time was not a fish, but some kind of marine life, and he would be really numb.

Instead of this, it is better not to catch it.

"Don't be that kind of strange sea creature."

Fang Hao prayed in his heart.

He still looks forward to catching fish in his heart, but he is afraid that he will catch something that is not a fish just like before.

Not all things that live in the sea are fish.

It doesn't mean that those who live in the sea must be fish, and there are many creatures that are not fish.

The ocean is just too big.

There are thousands of species of creatures under the sea, and there are too many species.

So it is normal to catch creatures that are not fish in the sea.

Fang Hao could feel the size and weight of the creature underneath, which was a little different from normal fish.

Generally, fish are not that big.

It is already very good to have hundreds of catties.

Like this kind of one or two tons, there is a high probability that it is not a fish.

Fang Hao, who was still looking forward to it, suddenly felt a little regretful.

Hey, this luck really is.

Fang Hao now feels that there is a high probability that it is not a fish.

Perhaps what is caught now is not a fish.

Fang Hao didn't look forward to it as much as he did at first.

I always feel that the fish caught this time is probably not a fish.

Something weighing one or two tons, is this a fish? ? ?

Impossible to think about.

Even if it is a living thing caught this time.

But it doesn't mean that all creatures living in the ocean are fish, such as whales, sea turtles, seals...even Godzilla in the movie.

Are you saying these are fish?
This is most likely not.

The marine life that Fang Hao caught this time was very heavy, and it was very different from the fish he usually saw.

So I was wondering whether it was a fish or something that was caught this time.

Even Fang Hao thought it was more likely to be something else.

Even he himself didn't believe that what he caught this time would be a fish.

One or two tons of fish?
Don't make trouble.

Anyway, Fang Hao had never seen such a big fish, so it was hard to imagine what kind of fish would be so big.

No matter what it is, Fang Hao has to catch it to have a look.

He wants to see what this thing is.

But in his heart, he still looked forward to it... This thing is a fish.

After walking the fish for a while, I watched the pull from the rod decrease.

Only then did Fang Hao continue to take up the line.

Now the resistance is much less.

Such a heavy marine creature is like a toy in Fang Hao's hands, and it didn't bother him at all.

Soon, the thing in the sea was slowly pulled up.

There are only more than 30 meters left, and they will be pulled out of the water soon.

The eyes of the people are also watching.

"This time I actually caught a living thing!"

They were also surprised.

Such scenes are relatively rare.

It was also the first time that everyone on the boat saw Fang Hao catch live marine life.

For a long time, Fang Hao has caught all kinds of things, no matter how outrageous.

This time it suddenly became normal, but it felt a little abnormal.

No wonder.

The main reason is that Fang Hao's setting that he can catch everything except fish made everyone feel used to it.

"I don't know if it's a fish."

"It shouldn't be a fish... I've never seen him catch a fish before."

"Uh...it seems to be the same."

"What would that be?"

"Could it be another whale or something?"

Everyone is guessing, but no one can know what it will be.

However, most people still agree on whether to catch fish or not.

I just feel that Fang Hao can't catch fish.

"what is that?"

As Fang Hao gradually fished the thing to the surface of the sea, everyone gradually saw what it was.

"Why do I feel like a shark?"

Everyone looked at the shadow on the sea and felt a bit like a shark.


A shark's dorsal fin sticks out of the water.

Everyone is sure.

"I'm going...it's really a shark."

Now everyone can be sure that this is a shark.

Fang Hao caught sharks this time.


When Fang Hao saw what he had caught, he was also taken aback for a moment.

Obviously, he himself did not expect that what he caught would be this thing.

This was also beyond his expectations.

He never thought that he would catch a shark.

"But I feel that this shark looks a little familiar..."

Fang Hao muttered in his heart, as if he was wondering where he had seen this shark before.

He had indeed come into contact with sharks before, but at that time he just beat the shark, slapped the shark and forced him to fight.

It's just that a long time has passed, and Fang Hao is not very sure.

In fact, if he observes carefully, he will find that there is a faint imprint of a big bully on the shark's body...


At this moment, a thought suddenly moved in his mind.

and many more.

"This shark... seems to be a fish too, right?"

Whales are mammals, so not fish.

But the shark is different, it is not a mammal, but a fish.

So if you catch a shark, it means you caught a fish?

Soon Fang Hao realized this.

Immediately excited.


If this is the case, it means that he has finally completed the zero breakthrough and finally caught the fish.

You said why he is not excited.

This is a historic moment.

It was the moment when he finally caught the fish.

Although there was no live broadcast this time, and netizens didn't know if he caught any fish, this was definitely an unforgettable moment for Fang Hao.

Even his hands, which had always been steady, were trembling at this moment.

It's exciting.

But at this moment, Fang Hao dared not be careless.

This fish has been caught, but it is still one step away.

The shark has to be brought up, and then released.

The hook still needs to be undone.

Not easy.

This time he finally caught a fish.

A smile that hadn't appeared for a long time appeared on Fang Hao's face.

"If it's a shark, it should be considered a fish."

"This is so rare, I actually caught a shark!"

Everyone on the boat was surprised when they saw that Fang Hao had caught a shark.

Including Xiaopang's side, also blinked.

He was also surprised that Fang Hao caught a shark this time, and it felt like a dream.

Even Brother Hao caught a fish... a monster.

It's so rare.

It's almost like the sun comes out from the west.

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, it would be really hard to believe that Fang Hao could catch fish.

"Brother Hao is amazing!"

Xiaopang held back for a long time, and finally uttered such a sentence.

Needless to say, Fang Hao caught a shark once he caught a fish. This scene is also rare.

It's different right from the start.

Now is to be steady, and don't have an accident at the last moment, and then there will be a disconnection and a fish or something.

That would be a failure.

Xiaopang also became nervous for Fang Hao in his heart.

In fact, Fang Hao had already taken precautions against such an accident, so he was very careful when he caught this shark.

The thing of breaking the line and breaking the pole will never happen again.

Fang Hao did not allow himself to make such low-level repetitive mistakes again.

If this 'fish' is allowed to run away again.

He would really find a piece of tofu and kill him.

You must not lose the chain at this last moment.

Fang Hao didn't feel nervous at all, he suppressed the excitement in his heart and stabilized his hands.

Everything is stable.


"Copy it."

Everyone also cooperated with Fang Hao to get the shark up first.

Finally, there was no danger, the shark was brought up by them and placed on the deck.

"What a big shark!"

Looking at the shark so close at hand, Fang Hao felt that it looked more and more familiar.

And that ferocious shark was about to get angry after being brought up by a group of people... But when its eyes caught Fang Hao, it trembled and almost peed in fright.

It's the devil!
Its memory still remembers the figure that made it fear.

It was so frightened that it didn't dare to move.

Afraid of being bullied again.

That slap made its head buzz, and it couldn't bear it at all.

Such a rough-skinned and thick-skinned body can't bear it, so one can imagine how powerful Fang Hao is.

It's just that it can't figure out why it still encounters this devil.


"It seems that the shark is not moving."

"After leaving the water, did you become obedient?"

Everyone was very curious, and felt a little strange that the shark, which was still fierce just now, suddenly became well-behaved.


"Hey, we are afraid of sharks in the sea, but we are not afraid of them on the boat."

Everyone also took advantage of this opportunity to watch the shark closely.

Such an opportunity is very rare.

If you miss this opportunity, who knows if there will be more in the future.

How many times can you catch a shark like this.

What's more, it's rare for this shark to be so well-behaved, not fierce at all.

Like a cat, lying obediently on the deck.

"This shark is not going to die..."

Some coast guards also asked worriedly, fearing that the shark had been out of the water for too long, and then died of dehydration.

If the shark died like this, it would be a big problem.

"No, how long has it been, how can it be so easy to die."

"I guess I'm playing dead."

"Be careful, don't get too close, lest you get bitten."

Some people are more careful and try to stay away from this shark.

And this moment.

The most excited person is nothing more than Fang Hao.

He still looked a little in disbelief.

"I caught this shark???"

"Did I really catch a fish?"

His expression was in a trance for a while, it was all like a dream.

It's not easy.

How long has it been.

Finally caught him a fish, finally caught a fish!

Although this fish may be a bit special, it is a shark, but it is still a fish anyway.

He finally achieved the breakthrough of zero.

And the first fish he caught was too special.


Fang Hao pinched himself, and after feeling the pain, he was sure that he was not dreaming.

He really caught a fish.


too excited.

Who would have believed that he actually caught a fish.

Looks like it's about time.

It's really not easy.

He looked at his hands, almost crying with excitement.


It's so rare.

He really caught a fish.

Really... achieved a zero breakthrough.

Let's see who will say that he can't catch fish in the future.

Look, isn't this a catch?

The only pity is that the shark was caught this time, but there was no live broadcast, and a group of netizens and fans couldn't see it.

Otherwise, today he might be contracting the hot search again.

And the hot search topic is nothing more than [The angler caught a shark! 】【The fisherman finally caught a fish! 】.

It's not easy.

But for Fang Hao, he caught a fish this time, it doesn't matter if there are netizens or fans who see it.

The most important thing is that he has passed his hand addiction.

He finally realized his wish.

"This kid... really caught him a fish."

"It's just that this way of catching fish...is a bit special."

Even Captain Han couldn't help laughing.

He also knew that Fang Hao had never been able to catch fish.

So when I saw this scene, I was also very surprised, and also happy for Fang Hao.

The first time I caught a fish, it turned out to be a shark.

This scene is indeed rare.

"If you don't catch a fish, you can do it. Once you catch a fish, there will be a big scene in an instant."


After being excited, Fang Hao also unhooked the shark.

When it was obvious that Fang Hao touched the shark, the shark moved unconsciously.

Everyone thought that the shark was going to hurt people, and instantly became nervous.

They all shouted to Fang Hao, "Be careful."

They were really afraid that Fang Hao would be hurt by a shark, and that would be a serious problem.

Fang Hao's importance is very high now, and no one wants anything to happen to him.

Fang Hao is very calm here, he is not afraid that the shark will come to hurt him.

If the shark dares to attack him, don't blame him for being rude.

Fang Hao will not be soft.

Even if it's a protected animal, as long as you don't kill it, it's fine.

Big deal, just stun it.

Fortunately, the shark didn't make any follow-up actions, it just shook its body.

In fact, they didn't know, it was because the shark was frightened after seeing Fang Hao approaching...

But in the eyes of everyone, it was mistaken for another situation.

"Maybe it's the shark's normal reaction."

Everyone didn't care anymore.

After Fang Hao untied the hook in the shark's mouth, he asked someone to help him take a photo and record it.

Such a rare moment must be remembered.

It was finally over a hand addiction.

It's really cool.

After catching such a big shark, Fang Hao finally experienced the joy of catching fish.

It turned out that catching fish was really enjoyable and refreshing.

The fish caught this time is also the largest ever!

A shark weighing one or two tons, do you think the fish you usually catch will be this big?

Certainly not.

So this can be regarded as breaking Fang Hao's own record for catching the largest fish.

After everything was done, Fang Hao was ready to release the shark.

Then everyone saw a scene that surprised them even more.

They only saw such a big shark, Fang Hao just grabbed its tail, and then threw it... just like that and threw it back into the sea.

"Go away!"

Ah le.

Everyone was stunned.

This... This is a shark weighing one or two tons, not only ten or twenty catties.

Just throw it back so easily? ?

This strength is too terrifying.

Everyone looked at Fang Hao in a different way.

They knew that Fang Hao's strength was great, but they didn't expect...it was far beyond their cognition.

This strength is too terrifying.

And after the shark was thrown back into the sea, it seemed to regain its vitality in an instant and ran fast.

Swimmed far away in an instant, and then dived quickly.

It's like running away from something.

(End of this chapter)

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