Let you fish, you fished a nuclear submarine?

Chapter 39 The right time, place and people, I still can't catch fish?

Chapter 39 The right time, place and people, I still can't catch fish?

When a woman brings a baby, she is very careful everywhere, holding it like a treasure in her hand.

When a man brings a baby, it is good to live.

I made a fishing rod by myself, and let the children play by themselves.

You see, it's not noisy, isn't it very obedient.

It seems that children are not so difficult to bring.

I don't know why my mother-in-law used to complain to herself that raising the children was very tiring and hard every time she went fishing by herself, and she was worried every day.

He also scolded him for not caring about his children and his family.

Isn't this a simple matter?
Brother Zhang, a fishing friend, feels that next time his wife loses her temper and scolds him, he will say that he will bring the baby by himself.

"Son, we must be quiet and patient when we fish."

"Then why is this uncle talking to the phone all the time?"

The little boy pointed to Fang Hao.

"This uncle is special. This is his job. Don't learn from him. That uncle is not as good as your father. You can just learn from him. Dad teaches you how to catch fish."

"Good dad."

The little boy nodded ignorantly, and didn't understand what his father said.

But when he heard that he could be taught to fish, he was very excited immediately.

"I want to catch fish too!"

"First of all, you must be patient when fishing."

"You can't just move the fishing rod around after fishing for a while. This will scare the fish away."

"Understood Dad, are you like me?"

The little boy learned very well, and sat upright with his father, holding a fishing rod in his hand, just sitting quietly by the side.

Seeing his son learning so well, fishing friend Brother Zhang felt relieved.

You see, doesn't this mean you won't quarrel with yourself?

The son is playing by himself, fishing quietly, without affecting himself.

He can also enjoy the fishing process very well, killing two birds with one stone.

Leisurely, contented.

From the corner of his eye, he glanced at several fishing friends next to him, and saw that they still didn't catch any fish.

I feel a lot better.

If no one catches any fish, then there is no need to worry.


"Daddy Daddy."

After a while, the little boy suddenly cried out happily.

"what happened?"

Brother Zhang, a fishing friend, lowered his head and looked aside suspiciously, wondering why his son was so excited all of a sudden.

What's the matter?

He thought something happened to the child.

"The fish floated a few times just now, did I catch a fish?"

The little boy asked excitedly, he felt that he had just caught a fish.


He didn't put any bait on this hook...

And they didn't catch any fish. How could this kid catch it so quickly with a simple homemade fishing rod?

It must be a child who doesn't know how to talk nonsense... Damn it!
Brother Zhang, a fishing friend, originally thought it was a child who didn't know how to catch fish or not, and he didn't pay much attention to it, but when he saw it... he was surprised.

At this time, the fish also moved and struggled a bit, and the little boy was almost pulled into the river.

Fortunately, Brother Zhang had quick eyesight and quick hands, so he caught his son and prevented him from falling into the river.

He grabbed his son with one hand and the bamboo pole with the other.

Hey, good guy, this fish probably weighs more than two catties.

Feel the strength of the fish from the bamboo pole, and roughly judge the size of the fish caught.

I was able to catch this for the first time fishing, and I used a simple fishing rod made of bamboo poles to catch it. I am so lucky, okay?

Is this the novice benefit?

Just like when I was fishing for the first time, I seemed to catch a big fish.



"I'm not bragging to you, my fishing skills have been continuously improved over the years."

"My self-created fishing method has a wealth of experience, and there will never be any problems."

"Let's say two years ago, I caught a big fish that weighed almost fifty catties."

"Wait, anchor, when did you catch [-] catties of fish two years ago? Didn't you say that the biggest fish you caught was [-] catties?"

Some water friends still remembered what Fang Hao said in the live broadcast room before, and immediately posted a barrage in doubt.

"Cough, is that right? Did I say it was thirty catties before? Maybe you remembered it wrong."

After being exposed, Fang Hao still didn't blush and his heart beat.

"Of course, that's not the point."

"A good man doesn't mention his bravery in the past."

"Just today, the right time, the right place, and the right people."

"I have all three, do you think I won't be able to catch fish?"

"Before going out today, I even tossed a coin to test it, and said that I would catch fish today."

"Don't worry, I will definitely catch fish today!"

"It will catch fish soon."

"If an expert like me can't catch any fish, then the fishers here today probably won't be able to catch a few."

Fang Hao snorted.

No matter what, the momentum of this master still needs to be maintained.

What he said is not completely bragging. He has been fishing for many years, and he does have certain skills in his hands.

It's just that I've been unlucky recently, and I always catch strange things, but I don't have a single fish.

"is it?"

"Then we'll wait and see."

"If even the children have caught fish, but you haven't caught the anchor, it will be embarrassing..."

"There's no way this is going to happen."

Fang Hao's tone was firm, sure and affirmative!
"Hahaha, the anchor is in a hurry."

"Brother Hao, don't panic, you can still win, kid...wait."

"Damn it, it's time to catch the fish!"

Suddenly, a fish floated up on the bullet screen in the live broadcast room.

This immediately made Fang Hao excited, thinking that he was talking about fishing.

He clenched his fishing rod tightly, his eyes fixed on the float...

But in the next second, there was a trace of doubt in his eyes.

its not right.

This is no fish.

He can still feel whether he has caught fish or not.

There was no movement from him at all.

Could it be that these water friends fooled him?
"Are you fooling me... uh?"

When Fang Hao looked at the live broadcast room again.

But found that the Shangyu mentioned in the live broadcast room was not talking about him.

It's about the little boy not far from him.

The live camera just happened to be able to see part of the picture.

"That kid is on the fish!"

"It really is!"

"It's bad luck."

"This is the novice's luck, right? This is too slippery. A fishing rod made of a bamboo pole caught fish so quickly."


After Fang Hao saw the comments and barrage of these water friends, a question mark immediately appeared on his forehead.

That little kid caught fish so quickly?
how is this possible.

Just this fishing rod is just for children to play with, how could it be possible to catch fish.

I have such a good fishing rod, I haven't caught the top special fishing rod rewarded by the system yet, but I can catch it with just this one made of bamboo?

There was still a child fishing there.

The first thought in Fang Hao's mind was disbelief.

Even if you step on dog shit luck, it's not so awesome.

But as he looked over, he happened to see... When the fishing friend Brother Zhang was holding a fishing rod made of bamboo, the bamboo rod bent in an arc and was slowly pulling the fish swimming in the water.

At this moment, Fang Hao's heart... hurts so much!
(End of this chapter)

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