Chapter 40 This, Hasty!
The kids all caught fish!
The fishing rod I took was a simple fishing rod temporarily made of bamboo on the spot, and even the floats were made of reeds.

And he used a special top-level fishing rod...

You say irritating no.

At this moment, it was like stabbing his heart with a thousand needles. It was so piercing that he doubted life a little.

What are you doing every day?
In the end, it's not as good as a child.

Looking at the bent bamboo pole, Zhang Ge, the fishing friend who is pulling the fishing line for the child.

This posture is definitely catching fish.

Judging by the posture, the fish is not too small, it probably weighs several catties.

Really stocked up.

Looking back at his quiet buoy, Fang Hao only felt very hurt.

who am I?
where am I?
what am i doing?
One wave after another, completely bewildered.


"Wow, I caught a fish."

"Dad, come on!"

"Catch fish catch fish."

The little boy danced excitedly.

He caught the fish for the first time fishing, and he was very happy.

Brother Zhang, a fishing friend, is carefully pulling the fishing rod made of bamboo. While being careful that the fish cuts the line, he must also be careful whether the bamboo pole can bear the weight.

Follow the fish first, let it swim in the water for a while, and then slowly pull it back.

When it is close to the shore, use the net to copy it.

It was a two-pound grass carp that was caught.


"This fish probably weighs two or three catties?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, I really caught a fish."

"It's pretty good to catch such a big fish for the first time fishing."

"Is this the novice gift bag?"

"What do you think of the anchor's wave?"

"Every kid has caught a fish, can you do it, anchor?"


At this time, Fang Hao's live broadcast room was extremely lively.

Another wave of ridicule.

"Hahaha, the anchor is embarrassing now."

"Hey, why don't we pack up our things and go home instead of fishing."

"Brother, don't tell others that we are fishing anchors, just say we are outdoor anchors."

A group of water friends in the live broadcast room all laughed happily, happier than anyone else.

They just like to see Fang Hao look like he can't catch fish and is devastated.

This is so interesting.

"Anchor, why don't we catch another dead body to suppress the scene?"

"We can't do fishing, but we are top-notch in catching corpses. After all, we are the anchor of catching corpses."


These audiences are losing one by one, which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted.

It made Fang Hao roll his eyes.

"Old Sun, Xiao Fang, look at the fish my son caught."

"Not bad right."

But at this time, fishing friend Brother Zhang was holding the grass carp in his hand and was showing it to Fang Hao and the others.

"not bad."

"Brother Zhang, it seems that your son is very talented. He caught such a big grass carp for the first time."

"It's good luck."

The two answered politely.

"Hey, this kid has better luck than me. When I fished for the first time, I caught little white stripes."

"How is your harvest today?"

Hearing the praise of the two, brother Zhang, the fishing friend, was also in a good mood, and then asked a question casually.

But this question is a bit disturbing.

Fang Hao and another fishing friend, Lao Sun, have not fished yet.

" place is a bit hot, I'll change to another place first."

Lao Sun cleverly changed the topic here, and by the way, he could change the fishing spot.

"Ha, Old Sun, it's cooler here, and there's still a little wind, why don't you come to my place."

Fang Hao simply pretended that he didn't hear the other party's question later.

Brother Zhang, the fishing friend, didn't care about the reaction of the two of them. His son was in a good mood when he caught the fish.

"Father, fish." The little boy also wanted to play with the fish he caught.

"Come on, son, hold on tight, Dad will take a picture for you."

Brother Zhang, a fishing friend, let the little boy hold the fish, and he took out his mobile phone to take a picture of the little boy.

The little boy hugged the fish in a funny way, but the joy on his face couldn't be concealed.

After taking the photo, fishing friend Zhang Ge put the fish in the fish protection.

Then he sent the photo to the group of fishing friends.

"Look, this is my son's first time fishing."

In an instant, the group attracted a group of fishing friends to watch.

A group of people praised him from below, which greatly satisfied Brother Zhang's heart.

Until a fishing friend asked in the group, "Brother Zhang, what about you?"

The smile on the face of fishing friend Zhang Ge gradually froze.

He also gradually realized that he didn't seem to have caught the fish yet.

This is sloppy.


"No, the anchor is too funny."

"Anchor, you have changed the topic too bluntly."

"How does the host answer this question? He didn't catch a single fish. He can't say he didn't catch anything."

"Amomum pig's heart."

"The anchor has suffered two critical blows right now."

"The anchor just wanted to express that he was very hurt."

"Anchor, I believe in you. You will definitely not catch a single fish today."

"Anchor: ???"

The water friends continued to joke.

This made Fang Hao angry.

Why do I feel that the hundreds of thousands of viewers in this live broadcast room are all black fans.

Damn, we can't let these water friends get too complacent, and we can't let them look down on them.

"You bastards are waiting!"

Fang Hao couldn't believe it.

I have such good equipment and use such a good fishing rod, but I can't compare to a child.

He did not believe that he would not be able to catch any fish today.

"30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, don't bully young people into poverty!"

"The power of fish, nine stages!"

Fang Hao is holding his breath in his heart now.

The children were all hooked on the fish, which stimulated him.

If it's the air force today, they won't be able to catch anything. Why don't they be ridiculed by these little blacks in the live broadcast room for several days?


Absolutely not.

Today, I have to catch fish and slap them in the face.

When you don't believe that I can catch fish, the more I have to catch fish to prove myself.

The only fortunate thing is that I am not the only one who did not catch any fish today, but also my fellow grandson.

Otherwise, it would be too embarrassing to be left alone.


I adjusted my state well.

Fang Hao's concentration improved, and his attention was immersed in fishing, becoming more and more focused.

By the way, I made another nest again, and I have never been so rich in fishing as I am now.

He is now waiting for the fish to take the bait.

I can't believe that my luck will be so unlucky!
"The host seems to be getting serious."

"A serious man, a little handsome."

"I'm a little flustered, the anchor isn't really going to catch a fish, is he?"

"Steady, steady, we have to trust the anchor's luck."

"I would rather believe that the anchor catches other things than believe that the anchor can catch fish!"

A group of water friends are also watching Fang Hao fishing seriously.


Suddenly, a voice sounded in Fang Hao's mind.


(End of this chapter)

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