Let you fish, you fished a nuclear submarine?

Chapter 5 After finishing the transcript, I still need Chapter [-] to go fishing!

Chapter 5 After recording the transcript, I have to go back to fish!


"I am the person in charge here, Lin Wendong."

A plain-looking middle-aged man came in front of Fang Hao, who was of medium height, about 1.7 meters tall, half a head shorter than Fang Hao.

There are some wrinkles on his forehead, his face is dark, but his eyes are extraordinarily deep and bright, as if he can see through a person's heart.

Lin Wendong looked curiously at Fang Hao, who had a somewhat pale face, with a strange expression on his face.

This fishing can catch the corpse, so no one is lucky.

"Lin... Officer Lin, hello."

Facing Lin Wendong, Fang Hao couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

Don't look at the other party's ordinary appearance, just like the uncle next door, but his aura is very strong.

With sharp eyes, there is a feeling that people have nowhere to hide.

"Is this where you fished and caught the corpse?"

"Yes, this is the position."

Fang Hao pointed out his previous fishing position to Lin Wendong.

Lin Wendong also took a look at the terrain here, and it is true that the field of vision is a bit wider.

It's a good place to throw a corpse.

If you want to throw the corpse, this location is good.

It is very likely that this is also the place where the person who committed the crime chose to dump his body.

Although it is not sure whether it was an accidental death or a homicide.

But as a decades-old criminal policeman, Lin Wendong had a premonition that this would be a homicide.

He immediately asked people to protect the scene.

With this location as the center of gravity, the area within a dozen meters or so has been surrounded by isolation belts to prevent other irrelevant personnel from approaching and destroying the scene.

It is very likely that there will be traces left by the murderer nearby.

"Did you find anything suspicious around here?" Lin Wendong asked casually.

"Not yet."

"By the way, Officer Lin, how did this man die?"

"I don't know yet. It will be clear after the forensic examination."

The salvaged corpses have been placed on the shore.

The rancid smell was so strong that everyone who smelled it felt like vomiting.

A young and beautiful policewoman ran aside and retched after seeing the corpse.

When Lin Wendong saw this scene, he didn't blame him in any way.

Because the body that was salvaged this time was indeed a bit scary. The face had been eaten by fish so that there was almost no good meat, and it had been soaked in water for so long, and it had rotted again.

Remnants of carrion hung on it, mixed with white bones, and some people who hadn't experienced it would indeed be affected.

But this is also their line of business, these are small scenes.

When you experience more, it will be fine.

Lin Wendong came to the corpse without changing his face.

It is already difficult to identify the corpse from the face, and it can only be judged from the approximate figure that it is a male corpse.

As for how he died, whether it was accidental or killed, this will only be known after a follow-up forensic examination.

The forensic doctor has already taken out tools and is conducting a simple inspection and identification of the corpse.

There are assistants on the side to help take pictures, keeping the situation on the scene.

After a while.

The forensic doctor stood up, took off his gloves, and then reported the results of the examination to Lin Wendong.

"The deceased was a male, about 33 to 35 years old, about 1.7 meters tall."

"Because of the decay of the corpse's face and being eaten by fish, it is impossible to identify the identity. There is nothing on the other party's body that can prove his identity."

"Judging from the degree of decomposition of the corpse, the time of death is speculated to be between two and three months."

"As for the specific time, we have to go back and do further inspections to analyze the situation more clearly."

"The conditions at the scene are relatively simple, and only some preliminary inspections can be done."

"The cause of death of the corpse was a blunt force blow to the back of the head, and there were marks left by the blunt force blow on the back of the brain of the corpse..."

"Thank you forensic doctor Zhang."

"You're welcome."

After the inspection, they also asked people to carry the body back first.

As for the scene... Lin Wendong also checked around before.

No useful information has been found so far.

People often come here to fish, even if there are traces left before, it may have disappeared after a few months.

Or, there is another possibility... The corpse floated down from upstream.

However, the most important thing at present is to determine the identity of the deceased.

He had to go back and look for the list of men who disappeared in the past two or three months to see if there were any clues.


"Xiao Chen."

Lin Wendong called out to the young policewoman who was still vomiting.

"Team Lin...vomit."

The young policewoman came over with a pale face. After vomiting a few times, she almost spat out all the bile.

It was the first time she had seen such a terrifying corpse.

When I think of this picture, I feel a little nauseous.

"Xiao Chen, take this little brother back to make a record."

"Yes, Team Lin." After seeing Fang Hao, the young policewoman named Xiao Chen looked a little better.

Fang Hao still looks good.

"I'm sorry, because you are the discoverer of this corpse, I need your cooperation and go back with us to make a record." Lin Wendong also briefly explained to Fang Hao.

"It won't take too long, it can be done in half an hour at most."

"Then after taking the transcript, can you send me back?"

Fang Hao couldn't help asking.


Lin Wendong looked at him suspiciously.

The young policewoman felt a little strange about what he said, and didn't know what it meant.

"I'm coming back to fish!!!"

Damn it, Fang Hao didn't believe it.

It's going to be really bad luck today.

I thought it was a big product, but I didn't expect it to be a corpse!
The fish was not caught, only the corpse was caught.

He still wants to fish, but he doesn't believe that he really can't catch fish.

No matter what the situation is today, nothing can stop him from fishing.

After listening to Fang Hao's words, Lin Wendong was very happy.

How big-hearted this kid is, he just fished the corpse, and he will come back to fish after recording the confession in the middle of the night.

The young policewoman was even more dumbfounded, who is this?
Are you crazy about fishing?
You don't even look at what's going on. In this situation, can you continue to come back to fish?

I'm afraid if it was someone else, they would be trembling and frightened by now.

But this guy...except for the trembling of his legs, he seemed to be very calm.

What a weirdo.

"Okay, after the confession is finished, Xiao Chen, you can send him back."

"By the way, this is my contact information. If you find anything strange later, or what the situation is, you can contact me."

Lin Wendong laughed, and then ordered the young policewoman to take Fang Hao with him.

He has other things to do, and the young policewoman Xiao Chen took Fang Hao to do these small things.

In this way, Fang Hao went back with the policewoman to take notes.

(End of this chapter)

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