Chapter 6?I didn't do it!

"Officer Chen, do you have anything to eat here?"

After recording the transcript, Fang Hao's stomach growled.

After such a long time of busy work, he was unknowingly hungry.

It took two or three hours from the time the body was caught to the time the confession was recorded, and it was already early morning.

"And instant noodles."

"But can you still eat it?"

Although Chen Lin was also a little hungry, when she thought of the corpse, her stomach turned upside down, and she still wanted to vomit.

And the one in front of him not only wants to eat, but also has to go back to continue fishing later.

What a... strange thing.

Chen Lin couldn't think of more adjectives to describe the other party.

"You eat this when you work overtime? That's too inhumane."

"No matter what, I have to have a chicken drumstick lunch..."


Before Fang Hao finished complaining, Chen Lin covered her mouth and rushed out of the inquiry room, and ran to the bathroom to vomit.

She wouldn't want to vomit at first, but after hearing Fang Hao mention the chicken legs, she immediately thought of the horror of the rotting corpse.

It's like eating in the toilet.

In an instant, my stomach was overwhelmed.

That nauseating feeling rushed from my stomach to my mouth immediately.

She couldn't hear anything about meat being mentioned at all right now.

I'm afraid that in this week, no, even half a month, she won't want to eat any meat-related food.

"What's wrong with Xiao Chen?" The other colleagues were surprised by Chen Lin's reaction.

"I didn't do it."

Fang Hao replied subconsciously.


Several colleagues rolled their eyes and were a little speechless. This kid really doesn't regard this as a police station, does he? He even dares to make jokes about them.

If it were ordinary people who came here, everyone would be very nervous, how could they joke with them.

But everyone didn't take it seriously.

After all, Fang Hao is not a bad person.

When they were taking notes just now, they knew that the other party was a fishing anchor, and when they were fishing today, they caught a dead body.

This luck is really a bit unlucky.

It is also due to his big heart.

If it was someone else, I would have been too scared.

And this person calmly wanted to eat instant noodles.

This mentality is definitely a good seed for a criminal policeman.


"I'm going to burn a bucket of instant noodles for you."

A colleague got up and went to boil water and make instant noodles for Fang Hao on Chen Lin's behalf.

"Brother, thank you."

Fang Hao is very familiar with himself, and he has nothing to do with it.

After eating supper, he was ready to go back to fishing.

He didn't believe it, he didn't catch any fish today.

It's okay for now.

Fang Hao also took out the mobile phone he had just brought back.

After reporting to the police, he downloaded the live broadcast, and then his phone remained silent.

When I came to record the transcript, I handed over my mobile phone.

He didn't return the phone to him until everything was done.

After he turned on his phone, he realized that there were a lot of information in his phone.

Text messages, a bunch of friends and fishing friends on WeChat sent him messages.

Some cared about him, and some asked what happened...

"Xiao Fang, I heard that you caught a corpse while fishing in Baisha Reservoir?"

"Xiao Fang, how are you? Are you not scared?"

"Haozi, have you finished recording the transcript?"

"Xiao Fang, let's go back first, we won't fish today."

"Haozi, I heard you're in the big business?"

"Brother Ha..."


Seeing the messages sent by these fishermen and friends, Fang Hao also responded to them one by one.

"I just checked my phone, and the phone was on silent before. I'm fine, and there's nothing else going on. I just came here to cooperate and make a record. After I'm done with the meeting, I'll have a supper before going back to fishing."


It's just that when he replied to the message, a group of people were filled with question marks.

Wait, you have to go back to fishing later?

Do you still dare to go fishing?

This is just a dead body.

Such a terrifying scene... They felt horrible even thinking about it.

But Fang Hao actually said that it was all right, and he had to go back to fish later?

"We've caught dead bodies, aren't you afraid?"

"What's so scary about it? It's just a dead body. I haven't caught any fish tonight, and I'm not reconciled if I can't catch any fish!"

There's nothing more annoying than not being able to catch a fish.

He boasted to the water friends that there would be a big catch today, but so far he hadn't caught anything except a dead body.

He couldn't be reconciled, so he went back in despair.

"Then you pay attention to safety..."

Fishing friends also know how uncomfortable it is to not be able to catch fish, so they can only tell Fang Hao to pay attention to safety.

After talking with friends and fishing friends.

His instant noodles just finished soaking.

Chen Lin also returned from vomiting in the bathroom. There were still water stains on her pale face, but the water droplets on her face looked more dewy and beautiful.

When a colleague saw Chen Lin's appearance, his eyes almost straightened.

Only Fang Hao lowered his head and ate the instant noodles, which was delicious.

He is really hungry.

After a busy night, I didn't eat anything.

As soon as Chen Lin came back, she saw Fang Hao eating instant noodles deliciously, showing a hint of surprise.

She is really envious of Fang Hao, who can eat so deliciously under such circumstances.

This kind of mental quality is too good.

She is really convinced.

Although it wasn't long before she entered the police force, it was just over three months.

But this is probably the first person with such a strong psychological quality as Fang Hao.

A few minutes later, Fang Hao also finished his last sip of soup.


Although I was not full, the hunger in my stomach disappeared after eating a bowl of instant noodles.

It's not good to eat too much instant noodles.

He also has some dry food for himself.

You can eat something later when you are hungry.

"Officer Chen, I'm done eating."

"Are you going to eat something?"

Chen Lin shook her head, expressing that she didn't want to eat.

Even though she had already vomited to an empty stomach, she still didn't want to eat.

She really has no appetite.

I was also afraid that I would have to vomit again just after eating.

It's better not to eat at all.

"Then trouble you to send me back again."

Fang Hao rubbed his hands.

Chen Lin was helpless.

She is really convinced by this person, this is an addiction to fishing, right?

Fortunately, such a person is not her boyfriend, otherwise she would be pissed off every day.

And the other party doesn't have a serious job yet, he just goes fishing every day, doesn't go to work, and just uses a mobile phone to broadcast live.

What's the use of this?

Not at all motivated.

Despite the fact that there are so many Internet celebrities now, some Internet celebrities are easy to make money, but... there are more small Internet celebrities that no one pays attention to and have little income.

No money, no self-motivation, and... just fishing every day.

Who would like such a man?

I'm blind to this appearance and figure for nothing.

Anyway, she doesn't like it.

She thinks that the most important thing for a man is his professionalism and sense of responsibility.

Only such a man is perfect.

Chen Lin slapped Fang Hao in her heart and announced the death penalty.

"Let's go then, I'll take you back."

Chen Lin is going to drive Fang Hao back to Baisha Reservoir...

(End of this chapter)

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