Let you fish, you fished a nuclear submarine?

Chapter 7 "A fishing blogger catches a dead body at night, and after recording his confession..

Chapter 7 "A fishing blogger catches a dead body at night, and after recording his confession..."

By the time we got back to the reservoir, it was already past one o'clock in the morning.

The number of people fishing by the reservoir is obviously much less than before, and there are no people.

It was quiet, and under the moonlight, there was a gloomy atmosphere.

Compared with a few hours ago, the difference is too much.

A few hours ago, more than a dozen people came from Fang Hao and his group of fishing friends.

Not to mention there are other people who come to wild fishing, there are about [-] or [-] people in total, how lively it is.

Until Fang Hao caught the corpse...

In an instant, all of them disappeared, scared away.

Anyone who saw a dead body caught here would probably be terrified.

It's because they didn't see the tragic state of the corpse. If they saw the rotting corpse, I'm afraid... They will not dare to go fishing at night for a long time.

Not everyone is like Fang Hao, who came back excitedly to continue fishing after recording the confession.

This courage...is no one else.

After putting Fang Hao off the car.

Chen Lin didn't leave in a hurry, but looked at the back of the other party going away, her eyes seemed to have a little more strange color.

On the way to send each other back, the two chatted for a while in boredom.

From the words and conversation of the other party, she found that this man didn't seem to be as bad as she thought.

I also have some ideas of my own.

There are expectations for the future, as well as some unique insights into life.

Gives people a mentality that is not what he should have at his age.

Uh uh uh.

Chen Lin immediately woke up and turned around, shaking her head a few times, shaking her head like a rattle.

What was I thinking just now.

How this person is has nothing to do with me.

It is estimated that there will be no chance to meet again in the future, and there will be no intersection in the lives of the two.

Did not continue to think too much.

Let's report to Team Lin first. Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.


In the place surrounded by the isolation zone before, the police are still searching for possible clues.

Even expanded some search fields.

There is no way to continue the previous fishing position.

Fortunately, there are no people around the reservoir now.

There are many good positions for him to choose.

After Fang Hao confirmed the new fishing position, he continued to broadcast live.

Because of catching a dead body before, after calling the police, because the picture was not suitable, after being warned by the super management, he downloaded the live broadcast.

And when Fang Hao started the live broadcast again.

After a while, hundreds of people poured in immediately.

Obviously, these people have been waiting.

Just waiting for Fang Hao to start the live broadcast.

In fact, they don't know if Fang Hao will broadcast live today. Anyway, a group of night owls can't sleep, so they just wait.

Today's melon is really hot.

Night fishing on the edge of the reservoir caught dead bodies, which is also the No. 1 fishing.

"Wow, the anchor is finally back!"

When Fang Hao's live broadcast room opened, barrage comments flew up in an instant.

"I finally waited until the anchor started the live broadcast. I thought the anchor would not start the live broadcast again today. It seems that the wait was not in vain."

"I have a hunch that the host will continue to broadcast live!"

"The anchor is so awesome, he actually caught a corpse!"

"Anchor, what happened to the corpse you caught? Was it accidental drowning, or was it murdered and thrown away?"
"Watch the corpse fishing anchor in the front row!"

"No, I have to call a few brothers to come over and watch together."


Fang Hao just glanced at the barrage, and was immediately dazzled by the full barrage.

These water friends can really talk.

If you open the barrage, I'm afraid the entire screen will be occupied by these comments.

It seemed that Fang Hao didn't know whose question it was better to answer for a while.

"I don't have anything to do. I will come back after recording the confession."

"As for what happened to the corpse, I don't know for the time being. I'm not worried about this. The police will investigate it later."

Fang Hao also answered the questions of the water friends in the live broadcast room one by one.

"But the anchor, you are so awesome. You are so calm after catching a corpse. If it were me, I would probably faint from fright."

"Where's the anchor fish?"

"When will you catch the big stuff you owe us?"

A group of people ridiculed Fang Hao for not being happy about catching fish.

"I want to eat a twenty catty fish!"

"Isn't the big stuff here! Just to see if you dare to eat it."

"Haha, it hurts you too much."

"Today the anchor will definitely not be able to catch fish. He just caught a corpse, so he must go home and rest."

"The anchor is going home to sleep now or... wait! Where are you now, anchor?"


"Anchor, are you back fishing again?"

"Fuck, fuck!!!"


It was at this time that a group of water friends discovered that the background in Fang Hao's live broadcast was a bit different.

When they saw the water, they were stunned.

This... went fishing again?
This is too violent.

Don't you need to rest?

This is just a dead body!

This is too courageous, dare to go back in the middle of the night.

And he went back to the reservoir where he fished before and continued to fish there.


"From today onwards, I won't accept anyone, but you, the host!"

"My mother asked me why I watched the live broadcast on my knees..."

After knowing that Fang Hao had returned to Baisha Reservoir to continue fishing, a group of water friends completely convinced Fang Hao.

Some people began to brush up gifts.

The one in the list is called 'Big Cousin Who Loves to Catch Fish', and he got on ten rockets directly.

After that, everyone else more or less swiped the gift.

This wave of gifts is also the most received since Fang Hao opened the live broadcast.

These water friends feel that if a fishing anchor like Fang Hao doesn't support it, then why should he support it?

This is really fishing with life.

"6666, I also ask people to watch the anchor fishing together."

"I also asked my friends to come and watch."

For water lovers, it really doesn’t matter if they don’t catch fish.

But Fang Hao's fishing spirit is really interesting to watch.

Even if he was so unlucky today and caught a dead body, he would continue to fish at night after recording his confession.

Fang Hao didn't know it, and it was precisely because he came back to fish this time.

The attention in his live broadcast room is rising rapidly.

The number of people in the live broadcast room suddenly became 200, then two hundred and three, two hundred and five...

took off.

Fang Hao was a little surprised when he saw the soaring popularity.

It was also the first time he encountered such a situation.

Meanwhile, a post...appears on UC.

"A fishing blogger catches a dead body at night, and after recording his confession..."


Many people clicked into the post curiously, and then were attracted by what was written in it.

Many people are curious about what kind of strange person it is that calmly went back to fish after catching a corpse.

(End of this chapter)

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