Let you fish, you fished a nuclear submarine?

Chapter 51 Practicing Innate Skills

Chapter 51 Practicing Innate Skills

What is innate is the state of a person before he was born.

When a person is just born, he has not been exposed to the acquired world, so he has an innate qi in his body.

It's just that after coming into contact with the outside world, it begins to slowly turbid itself, contacting the acquired environment, being polluted by the acquired environment, and the innate qi slowly dissipates and becomes turbid.

Innate skills are to allow people to gradually return to their original innate state during the process of cultivation.

Why does this technique have higher requirements for the boy body.

Because Yuan Yang has not been released in the body, the purest energy is still preserved in the human body.

It can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

So it is the boy who practices this technique, the more powerful it is.

It just so happened that Fang Hao didn't have a girlfriend, and the childish body on his body was still there...

After watching Xiantian Gong, an idea popped into his mind.

Do you want to give it a try?
Anyway, I am idle now.

After making a decision, he also had the idea of ​​giving it a try.

I didn't even think that I could actually practice anything.

That's how much human curiosity is.

When a person is curious about something, he will do it.

Driven by the radio, Fang Hao also became interested in this cheat book.

He began to try to do what he said in the innate skills, starting from breathing out, just one breath... the way is very different from his usual, it is not just a simple exhalation and inhalation.

There are three kinds of breathing methods, the first one is called tooth knocking exercise, the second one is called tongue exercise, and the third one is Dantou exercise.

Tapping the teeth is to produce Jinjinyuye, which is the saliva in our mouths in layman's terms.

Gold is the lungs, gold produces beautiful water, water is the kidney, the kidney governs the bones and produces marrow; the teeth are the rest of the bones, so tapping the teeth can produce gold and fluid.Jade is also the beauty of earth, earth is the son of heart, heart is mother of earth, heart is fire, tongue is the seedling of heart, so practicing tongue can get jade liquid.

Yuye is produced in the heart fire, so its nature is warm; Jinjin is produced in kidney water, so it is cool in nature.What is warm is yang, what is cool is yin, and yin and yang meet each other, so it is called Dantou.

Fang Hao started to practice by tapping his teeth first.

What is tooth knocking?

That is to knock the upper teeth down, not to gnash the teeth, but to let the upper teeth not move, and let the lower teeth hit the upper teeth. The purpose of knocking the teeth is to make the mouth produce golden fluid.

After giving birth to Jinjinyuye, continue to practice tongue skills, that is, use the tongue to flick, sweep, hook, and turn.

It is to use the tip of the tongue to flick our teeth; to sweep is to use the tip of the tongue to sweep the middle of our teeth left and right; Go clockwise and counterclockwise, in this way, the jade liquid in the mouth will increase.

After the Jinjinyuye is produced, the method of swallowing the pill head is to use the nose to exhale and retract the abdomen. This is the most important way of breathing.

Tundantou must be called Dantou after breathing, before inhaling, and between breaths.

Swallowing Dantou allows us to transport the Jin Jin Yu Ye down, and at the same time transport the acquired qi in our body to the dantian.

It may seem like a simple breathing method, but it is actually not that easy to complete.

Fang Hao only practiced twice before he gradually mastered the way of breathing.

Then gradually immersed in it.

Time passed unknowingly.

An hour passed like this.

Fang Hao just finished this practice.

The first time he practiced, he didn't practice for too long.

After finishing the practice, he found that his mental state was much better than before, and he was very energetic.

It feels like there is a heat flow in the body, warming the whole body.

Even the soreness in the body before has disappeared a lot.

There is really a difference.

Originally, he just practiced with an attitude of trying, but after the practice, he found that it was really different.

This attempt made Fang Hao a little interested in this innate skill.

He plans to practice more when he has nothing to do later.

Do not seek to become a martial arts master.

It's also good to practice occasionally to strengthen your body.

Kind of interesting.

His interest grew a little more.

It seems that not catching fish is not such a bad thing.

Fang Hao's mood improved a lot.

At least not all the things he fished out of the water are useless.

Look at this innate skill, it seems to be pretty good.

After practicing, my mental state is much better.

But for a fisherman, what he wants most is to catch fish.

His biggest wish now is to catch fish from the water.

With his mental state restored and his body not tired, Fang Hao wanted to go fishing at night again.

I'm not sleepy anymore, so why not go fishing.

Are you wasting time at home?

Besides, he doesn't know what to do when he's alone at home.

I don't like watching TV and playing games.

It just so happened that he could go to verify at night whether it was a problem with the fishing rod.

See if you can catch fish with this newly bought fishing rod.

Just do it.

Fang Hao is not someone who likes to procrastinate.

After he decides to do something, he will do it immediately, and he can't wait for a moment.

In this way, Fang Hao began to pack his things.

Fishing gloves, clothes, and other fishing gear supplies, as well as the newly bought fishing rod must be brought.

At the same time, Fang Hao also changed the title in the live broadcast room, which is to inform the group of water friends that he will go fishing tonight and start the live broadcast.

After tidying up his things, Fang Hao was not in a hurry to go out immediately.

He also had to figure out where to go fishing.

Baisha Reservoir, this place is PASS, Fang Hao doesn't want to catch any more ghosts there.

He always felt that there was something wrong with his horoscope.

As for Binjiang, he just went there during the day, and he didn't catch any good things.

Although he was not sure whether it was the problem of the location or his own fishing rod, he decided to change the place.

Anyway, the water system on the Binjiang side is well developed, and there are many places for fishing, and fishing is not limited to one place.

He decided to go to another relatively large tributary, the Tongyang River.

This place is also one of the better ones for fishing.

Fang Hao has been there several times before the live broadcast, and he has gained a lot and caught fish.

He felt that this might be one of his lucky places.

Let him catch fish.

After making the decision, he took all kinds of equipment and props needed for night fishing, and put them in the car.

The live broadcast equipment should be charged, and the battery will not run out halfway through the live broadcast.

All the equipment for night fishing is brought together.

Fang Hao just set off.

This time, he didn't call others to join him.

He planned to go fishing at night by himself.

set off!


"Huh? What's going on? The anchor is going fishing again tonight?"

"I am not wrong, right?"

"Hahaha, surprise, I was wondering when I would be able to see the anchor's live broadcast, but I didn't expect to see it again at night."

"Wow, this fishing is too frequent. I only go fishing during the day... I go again at night. Is the anchor crazy? Don't sleep, can this body take it?"

"Are all fishermen so scary?"

Some netizens were also very surprised after seeing the revised title on Fang Hao's live broadcast room.

(End of this chapter)

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