Let you fish, you fished a nuclear submarine?

Chapter 52 I said I went fishing, you said I died?

Chapter 52 I said I went fishing, you said I died?

[Mr. Fang, a serious fisherman (live night fishing at [-] o'clock in the evening)]

After the name of the live broadcast room was changed, many people knew in advance that Fang Hao was going fishing again at night.

I thought that after being stimulated during the day, the other party would not broadcast live for these two days, but I didn't expect it to come again at night.

For water friends who like to watch Fang Hao's live broadcast, it is a surprise.

"I am convinced of the anchor's fishing spirit. Even if I don't catch any fish, I am not discouraged, and I am still fighting on the front line of fishing."

"Fightings and defeats, defeats and battles, don't stop until you catch a fish."

"This is the spirit that we fishermen should have!"

"But I'm worried, what if the anchor can't catch fish all the time?"

There are also some water friends who are worried about Fang Hao's health, fearing that his body will not be able to bear it.

"I only went fishing during the day, and then at night... Does Brother Hao not need to sleep?"

"Anchor, take it easy, if the body breaks down, we won't have to watch it in the future. I still want to see you catch fish in my lifetime."

"Young man, be temperate."

"Last year, one person died fishing in our village."

"So the anchor must not die, otherwise we will lose one of the fun."

"What! The anchor is dead?"



"I'm looking forward to it... I'll be able to see the anchor's live broadcast in another hour."

Everyone stayed in Fang Hao's live broadcast room early, waiting for him to start the live broadcast.

There is still an hour before the live broadcast, and there are already many people squatting in the live broadcast room.

One can imagine how popular Fang Hao is now.

Before the live broadcast started, there was already a group of people waiting.

At Huya Company, Su Baige originally planned to go back to rest at night, but when he saw that Fang Hao was going to continue the live broadcast at night, he immediately decided to go back to the company to continue working overtime.

Until the popularity of Fang Hao's live broadcast stabilizes, she will always pay attention to the fishing anchor she poached.

In case of any problems, escort at any time.

This is the anchor with the greatest potential under her control now, and she will also arrange the best resources for Fang Hao to promote and publicize.

For the live broadcast tonight, she has already figured out how to arrange promotional activities for Fang Hao.


Fang Hao went fishing this time and was fully prepared.

I brought all kinds of new equipment, including fishing clothes, which have the function of self-cleaning, so they are clean without washing, and there is no dirt on them.

For a person who doesn't like washing clothes, this is simply not an ordinary convenience.

No smell of sweat, still clean.

It's like the clothes have been dry cleaned, saving a lot of things.

I have changed my clothes at home, and I won’t feel the coolness when the temperature cools down in the middle of the night. I don’t need to bring a thin coat.

This set of fishing clothes is really convenient, saving Fang Hao a lot of trouble.

In addition, he also wore gloves to get rewards for opening the treasure chest.

Use it when preparing to fish.

As one of the largest tributaries in Binjiang, Tongyang River is a good place for fishing with large and gentle water flow and open water surface.

Usually, there are many fishermen fishing here in this river.

Fang Hao has come here to fish several times before the live broadcast, and he has gained a lot.

Although the fish caught are not very big, at least they have caught fish.

Unlike these few times, let alone a big fish weighing more than ten catties, he has never caught even a small white strip that weighs a few taels.

Not a single hair.

So after Fang Hao bought a new fishing rod, he chose a new location and planned to come to Tongyang River to fish.

After all, this is where he had caught fish before.

A feeling of revisiting an old place.

This is a place he is familiar with.

Plus the new fishing rod I bought.

Fang Hao believes that he will be able to catch fish tonight.

He has absolute confidence.

It's like you once did a test, scored [-] points, and then did it again, would you fail?

The breeze from the riverside blows slowly, refreshing the tail of a summer.

Fang Hao parked the car on an open ground by the river, and then moved his things out of the car.

Not too many things.

Just some fishing gear, and a chair.

Since it was night, there was no need for a parasol, and he couldn't use it.

He didn't use a parasol during the day and just sat in the sun.

The clothes have an automatic adjustment function, so there is no need to worry about heatstroke in the sun.

Just put on a hat, and the body temperature will automatically adjust.

Doesn't feel hot at all.

Things were put away, and the location where I used to fish was found.

The location is still very good.

Good view and good location.

The current is also very gentle.

Moreover, there are a lot of fish in his position, so it is really not difficult to catch them.

That's why Fang Hao came fishing tonight with full confidence.

Don't worry about not being able to catch fish.

Full of confidence.

Everything was ready, Fang Hao glanced at the time, it was now 45:[-].

Ten minutes earlier than expected.

With nothing to do, he simply turned on the live broadcast and chatted with the water friends in the live broadcast room.

Otherwise, it would be boring to be alone.

When Fang Hao opened the live broadcast room.

In an instant, a group of people rushed in, and the popularity immediately exceeded [-].


Seeing so many people pouring in in an instant, Fang Hao was stunned.

What's the situation, so many people?
You know it's not nine o'clock yet.

He was more than ten minutes earlier than the expected live broadcast.

There are so many people waiting for the live broadcast so early.

I am not a big anchor myself.

Fang Hao thought it would be nice to have thousands of popularity since he started the live broadcast in advance at this moment.

But the result was far beyond his expectations.

"Wow, the anchor is doing a surprise attack."

"Didn't you say it would start at nine o'clock? It's only around eight forty."

"Hey, I like anchors who are not on time."

"Finally seeing the anchor again, I'm really surprised."

"It's so cool, the host actually came to night fishing again."

"It's a pity that I'm not in Binjiang, otherwise I will definitely come to squat as an anchor at night." Some water friends even wanted to squat Fang Hao halfway.

"Haha, why don't we go to be an anchor next time? Has anyone signed up?"

Under the call of a water friend named [Milk Red Powder], a group of people immediately responded.

"This can be."

"I support one, I'll sign up!"

"Then someone will help me bring a fish to the anchor, otherwise it will be too sad to see that the anchor didn't catch any fish."

"I want to squat the anchor in the grass!"

"Justice from heaven, Demacia?"


"Anchor? Are you still alive? I saw that someone said you were dead..."

At this moment, such a barrage suddenly popped up, instantly making the audience quiet for a few seconds.


Damn, who spread the rumor.

"Who said the host is dead?"

"when did it happen?"

(End of this chapter)

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