Chapter 53 What a cold joke

The appearance of this barrage not only stunned Fang Hao, but also a large group of water friends in the live broadcast room.

Where did the rumor come from.

"Didn't someone say that a fisherman died before..." The man weakly posted a comment in the live broadcast room again.



A group of people were speechless.

"That's someone else..."

The brain circuit of emotion is a bit different from other people's.

People said that a fisherman died, not the death of the anchor.

Although Fang Hao is also a fisherman, these are two different things.

It's not the same person.

But talk about it.

Everyone was still a little worried about Fang Hao's health.

"Anchor, if you don't rest, can your body handle it?"

"That's right, anchor, you've been fishing for such a long time during the day, and then come fishing again at night, don't take a break... Can your body handle it?"

"Why don't the anchor just fish for two hours tonight, and then go back to sleep instead of staying up all night."

Everyone still cared about him very much, and they were really afraid that Fang Hao's body would suffer from overwork.

"Don't worry, everyone, I'm in good health, otherwise I wouldn't be out fishing."

"It's strange to say."

"In the afternoon, I took advantage of the time to study this innate skill, and followed the steps mentioned in the secret book to practice the breathing and breathing method in it. I didn't expect that after practicing for a period of time, my spirit became better and better. It's better than sleeping for six or seven hours."

"I feel full of strength now, and I feel like I can kill a cow with one punch."

Fang Hao saw the worries of the water friends in the live broadcast room, so he told them about his situation.

Including the matter of trying to practice congenital skills in the afternoon, I also mentioned it to them.

This is the feeling he can experience himself.

"Huh? Killed a cow with one punch? You bragging...why don't you say that you can fly into the sky and escape from the ground now?"

"Anchor, you are not fooling us, are you? Did you really practice that innate skill?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, anchor, you are really brave, even dare to try."

"Anchor, practice first, keep it up... I'll see if there will really be any changes after practicing for a few months."

"If you really master it as an anchor, then you will have to teach these brothers in our studio."

"Yes, if you are rich, don't forget each other."

Everyone still didn't pay much attention to Fang Hao's practice of innate skills.

Mostly it's just a joke.

It's like doing radio gymnastics.

As for whether he can really practice some tricks, it is almost impossible.

No one would believe that it is possible to become a master.

Fang Hao has no way to verify it now.

He only had contact with it for more than an hour in the afternoon. After practicing for such a short time, it is impossible to become a master all at once.

He also felt that his mental state was better than before, and his physical strength was more abundant.

Nothing else seems to have changed.

How does this manifest itself?

I can only continue to practice and see if there will be any changes in the future.

Fang Hao is not in a hurry, anyway, he has plenty of time.

Just practice when you have time.

Martial arts training cannot be completed overnight, it also takes time and needs to be accumulated over time.

Whether it can be practiced or not is another matter.

He is now practicing as a health-preserving activity, just as exercise.

"Who knows if it can be practiced, just treat it as a health regimen."

Fang Hao is also very open-minded.

He really practiced casually, and he didn't necessarily have to practice any tricks.

"By the way, do you know what matches the national football team has recently?"

Fang Hao remembered the sports news broadcast on the radio before, and then asked in the live broadcast room.

He still doesn't believe that the national football team can beat Italy, and he doesn't know if there will be a game.

He doesn't know much about football, but he knows that the level of the national football team is relatively poor, which belongs to the bottom one.

"Huh? The anchor has fallen in love with football?"

"The anchor should watch football instead of the national football team. Watch the five major leagues. That's good."

Everyone thought that Fang Hao was in love with football now, so they recommended him to watch the matches of the five major leagues, that would be exciting and interesting.

"That's right, anyway, the national football team is just mud that can't support the wall."

"However... It seems that the national football team changed coaches some time ago. The former head coach Li Tong was arrested, and a new coach has been replaced. Maybe there will be some changes."

"The national football team...the day after tomorrow will have a match against Italy."

There are really a lot of talents in the live broadcast room, and they can understand the information of the national football team all at once.

There is indeed a match against Italy the day after tomorrow.

"This kind of game is nothing to watch. If the national football team plays against Italy, isn't that purely looking for abuse?"

"Blind guessing is 7:0, and Italy wins."

"If Idaly knew a little bit about human relations, it would probably be 5:1."

No one is optimistic about the national football team, and everyone thinks that Italy will win the national football team.

The two teams are completely incomparable.

The strength is not at the same level at all.

It's like saying that our table tennis will lose to small countries in Africa?This is basically impossible.

Is it so miserable?
Seeing that everyone thinks that Italy will win the national football team, Fang Hao wonders if this is the radio broadcasting fake news.

But he hesitated for a moment, and told the news on the radio.

Of course, he didn't mention that it was on the radio.

"Is it possible that the national football team will win Italy..."

"Hahaha, anchor, you are too funny."

"How could this happen."

After hearing Fang Hao's words, everyone laughed.

"This is not a science fiction film, nor is it a fantasy film."

"What a cold joke."

"Even if Italy puts water in the Pacific Ocean, it is impossible to lose to the national football team."

"Unless it's a match-fixing match."

"Anchor, are you talking about women's football?"

"Anchor, those of us who don't watch football, stop guessing."

"Instead of guessing whether the national football team can win against Italy, let's guess whether you can catch the fish as the anchor at night."

No one would agree with Fang Hao's words.

Seeing that everyone thought so, Fang Hao also doubted the authenticity of the information broadcast by the radio.

It's better to wait until the day after tomorrow's competition to see how the result is, and then we will really know.

Forget it, let's not think about it.

Let's go fishing.

This is his home field.

Let everyone see how he caught the fish tonight.

Back to the place where he once caught fish, Fang Hao is confident again.

"Tonight, I will show you what it means to be a master fisherman."

"It was all about practicing hands before, and I didn't fully demonstrate my strength."

Fang Hao became more confident.

After changing a new fishing rod and making sufficient preparations, will he still fail to catch fish?

This is impossible.

"Oh? The anchor is very confident tonight."

"Then let's see what the anchor will catch tonight, anyway, I don't believe it will be caught!"

(End of this chapter)

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