Let you fish, you fished a nuclear submarine?

Chapter 70 Oops, the scarf exploded!

Chapter 70 Oops, the scarf exploded!
2: 1!

At the last moment, the national football team defeated Idaly.

Everyone's jaw dropped in shock, and they looked at the result in disbelief.

It's like dreaming.


It's even more outrageous than dreaming.

Most people dare not do this in their dreams.

This is Italian.

It's not a weak team.

The former World Cup champion team is also among the top few in the current world ranking.

As for the national football team, they are already ranked in the seventy or eighty.

If you want to say that the national football team beat Saudi Arabia or something, that's normal.

But it would be too dreamy to win against Italy.

Everyone was stunned.

Before that, a group of people predicted that Italy would score six or seven goals in this game.

You must know that the national football team has just experienced labor pains and changed the coach. The original coach Li Tong was imprisoned.

After the new head coach was replaced, drastic reforms were carried out.

But after all, the time is still very short, and many people feel that the results will not be seen so quickly.

Unexpectedly, this game surprised everyone.

The whole place was boiling.

After the game, the scene and the Internet are already boiling.

On the scarf, the pot has already exploded.


[National Football Team won Italy] Go directly to the top of the hot search.

The heat exploded directly.

Who dare to believe it.

Simply magical.

"The national football team won??"

"Fuck, shouldn't it be normal for the national football team to win 6:0?"

"Magic, so magical."

"I... didn't time travel, did I?"

Some netizens even thought that they had crossed over and came to a parallel world. In that world, the national football team can defeat other teams.

That's why the heat exploded like this.

Topics about the national football team on the scarf, one after another.

Almost four of the top ten topics on the hot search list are related to the national football team.

Before Fang Hao found the topic of a thousand-year-old shipwreck by fishing, the hot search ranking dropped by two places, and was preempted by the topic of the national football team.

One can imagine how sensational it was.

I am afraid that the next time the national football topic is going to be such a sensation, it will be entering the World Cup again.

When the game was won, almost the entire network was discussing it.

Regardless of whether they watched the game or not, they are all discussing.

The scarf was blown up, and the backstage was paralyzed for 3 minutes.

Many people couldn't enter, and the webpage was stuck.

"Oops, the bib exploded."

"Fuck, what kind of broken server is this?"

"Fix it quickly and let us go in."

"Spicy chicken bib, can't it hold up with such a little traffic?"

"Fix it quickly."

During the few minutes when the background program was paralyzed, it was a torment for many netizens.

The programmers of the scarf are also stepping up to repair the background, and after a few minutes, this problem is solved.

just returned to normal.

Then they also entered into bibs and discussed under these topics.

It's been discussed almost all over the internet.

Who would have believed that this national football team could win the game.

"Is this a show?"

"Or did Italy play a fake match?"



"The national football team won?"

"This... Brother Hao guessed it right!"

At this moment, there was also a group of Fang Hao's fans who were stunned at this moment.

They vaguely remembered that during the live broadcast before, Fang Hao said that the National Football Association would win Italy 2:1. Now this is not only a win, but the score is just right.

"I go……"

"Brother Hao is too awesome."

"It's all right."

"No, it's not right. Brother Hao said it was the news broadcast on the radio."

"My God, this radio is too bad."

"No wonder it's so accurate."

"The first time, this radio predicted that the big star Yi Jianqiu would be arrested for looking for a lady. Now it predicts that the National Football Team will win 2:1 against Italy. This radio will not really be in the future. black technology."

The men began to speculate on the radio's construction.

Some people think that it may be black technology from the future that will predict the information in advance.

But these are still their guesses. I'm afraid Fang Hao will have to know the specific situation.

"It's a good thing the anchor didn't throw away the discarded radio that was caught at the time."

"It's too arrogant."

"I don't know what news to predict next time."

"If only I could predict the lottery numbers, I'd be rich."

"Uh...Actually, I want to say, if you listen to Brother Hao this time, you can buy the national football team to win, and you can also make a fortune."

"Oh, why didn't I follow along and buy it at that time."

"The odds... are 76 times!"

"At that time, if I bought one for 1000 yuan, it would have been worth [-] yuan."


A group of people finally came to their senses, and they were so regretful that their thighs were almost swollen.

Why didn't I react at that time?

If I realized it at the time and listened to the anchor Fang Hao, I would really make a fortune.

At that time, almost no one believed that the national football team would win the game, and it was all regarded as a joke.

If you don't even believe it, who else would buy it?

Only Fang Hao himself bought 1 yuan.

Now that the game is won, according to the odds, he can win more than 70 yuan.

Fang Hao made a lot of money this time.

I went out to have a meal, saw a lottery shop, and bought football lottery.

Unexpectedly, such a windfall came.

Now he is really not short of money.

When Fang Hao himself learned of this situation, he wanted to laugh.

Wealth is coming, and it can't be stopped.

It was an unexpected surprise.

Of course, what surprised Fang Hao was that the national football team won.

Such outrageous news has actually come true.

I still underestimated this radio before.

The radio, which Fang Hao didn't care about at first, is now paying attention.

became his focus.

This seemingly scrapped radio did not expect to have such a magical predictive function.

Not your usual awesomeness.

Although it was broadcast once before, Fang Hao still felt it was a bit accidental at that time.

But now... this is no accident.

Could such an outrageous thing be predicted by a coincidence?
Obviously, this really has a predictive function.

Perhaps this discarded radio is a black technology from the future.

It's just because I don't have enough knowledge accumulation on my side, so I can't see it, and I regard a black technology product as a scrapped radio.

In other words, this scrapped radio is actually just a disguise of this black technology product!
In fact, this is a mysterious black technology device.

A black technology device that can predict the future... This feels pretty awesome.

Fang Hao felt that he would wake up laughing at night.

A thing that was already regarded as a waste product suddenly turned into a treasure.

Fang Hao took the radio out of the corner and placed it in a conspicuous place next to the desk.

Since it is no longer a waste product, the natural treatment is also different.

From the corner where no one cared about, to the conspicuous table.

(End of this chapter)

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