Chapter 71

After putting it in order, it still looks like that.

On the surface, the radio is still the scrapped radio, but in fact, it is a black technology device that can predict the future.

Fang Hao put this thing on the table, so he didn't have to worry about it being stolen.

Who would steal such a scrapped radio when he was full?

Thieves are not stupid.

Everyone is smart.

If you want to steal, you have to steal something valuable.

For example, the gold jewelry caught before is valuable.

Two catties of gold is an antique thousands of years ago, which cannot be easily measured by money.

Fang Hao would not sell things either.

This time, he accidentally won more than 70 yuan when he bought the ball. Adding his own money, there are already more than 90 yuan.

This is still a deposit, not an asset.

As long as he wants to use it, he can use it at any time.

In terms of assets, you also need to consider the issue of discounts when you realize them.

With so much money at once, Fang Hao didn't know how to use it for a while.

Haven't planned yet.

I don't have anything to buy, so let's talk about it later.

Usually, fishing requires some money, and other expenses are not much.

For example, if you go fishing in the sea, it will cost more.

You have to buy good equipment and rent a boat, all of which cost a lot of money.

Sea fishing equipment is much more expensive than usual fishing equipment.

Fang Hao also needs to keep some money in his own hands.

But in a short time, Fang Hao should not go fishing in the sea.

He has already made an appointment with a local fan to go fishing in the fish pond tomorrow.

In order to catch the fish, Fang Hao also went all out and chose to go fishing in the fish pond.

I don't believe that this time, I still can't catch it.

Fang Hao first confirmed with the other party that this fish pond belonged to the other party's own house, and there were almost [-] fish fry in it at the time.

Aside from the part that died during the breeding process, there are probably thousands of fish in this fish pond.

With so many fish, no matter how big the fish pond is, how big it can be, the density of fish in it is still very high.

Compared with fishing in the river, fishing in the fish pond is the easiest place to catch fish.

Fang Hao didn't believe it anymore, he still couldn't catch fish in the fish pond.

In places like this, he used to be able to fish with his eyes closed.

It’s just that fishing in fish ponds is rather boring, without the excitement of wild fishing.

Generally, novices will fish more in fish ponds.

That night, Fang Hao rested well.

The brain was empty, and it almost fell asleep after lying down for a long time.

I slept until dawn, and the quality of sleep was better than ever.

Get up, wash up, practice innate skills, and then have breakfast.

The mental momentum is getting better and better, and he can also feel that his body is much better than before.

The effect of this innate skill is better than I expected.

After all these things were done, Fang Hao was ready to go to that fan for an appointment.

According to the positioning given by the other party, Fang Hao drove away after bringing all the fishing gear.

The target location is more than 20 kilometers away from his home, which is a bit far away.

But for a fisherman, more than 20 kilometers is not too far away.

Now the roads in the countryside are well repaired and paved with asphalt, and the journey of more than 20 kilometers is more than half an hour at most.

Counting the time of traffic lights in the city and the traffic jam, one hour is enough for him to reach his destination.

The Baisha Reservoir where he went fishing last time was even further away.

It's just that the direction is different.

After driving for about half an hour, Fang Hao arrived at his destination.

That fan was already waiting at the intersection early.

A short and fat boy with a height of more than 1.6 meters, with a fleshy and round face, looks a little festive and cute.

After seeing Fang Hao's car, the other party waved wildly at him.

When beckoning, the flesh on his body also shook with Duangduang.

"Brother Hao, this way."

"The car can be parked here."

According to the other party's guidance, Fang Hao parked the car in an open space on the side of the road, just enough not to block the road or affect the passing of passing vehicles.

"Are you [a handsome guy with six-pack abs]?"

After getting off the car, Fang Hao looked at him with a strange expression.

These six-pack abs... don't seem to be compatible with the other party either.

Looking at the other person's round belly, it's possible that the abdominal muscles have been completely normalized.

The other party scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Brother Hao, you should call me Chen Sheng."

In reality, his ID is a bit embarrassing to call out.

That is, when you are online, no one knows anyone across a network cable anyway, so of course you can chat without caring.

In reality, I am submissive, but online I strike hard.

But the face shape of the other party is indeed not bad, if it is thinner, it seems to be okay.

It is a potential stock.

This fan is Fang Hao's old fan.

Since he first started live streaming, the other party has been watching his live broadcast.

It just so happened that the two were in the same city.

That's why Fang Hao came here.

Interact with fans on face-to-face and fishing.

Fang Hao didn't talk too much on this topic, so he asked where the fish pond was first.

"Chen Sheng, where is your fish pond?"

"There is still a distance of about 200 meters from here, and it will be very fast if you take this path."

Chen Sheng pointed to a path next to him and said.

It will be faster if you go through this path.

Fang Hao took out his fishing gear and fishing equipment from the car.

"Brother Hao, let me help you get some."

"No, there aren't too many things, you just need to lead the way."

Fang Hao declined the other party politely, he can get this little thing by himself.

As a frequent fisherman, he has long been used to it.

At Fang Hao's insistence, Chen Sheng gave up and walked ahead to lead Fang Hao.

The other party has a familiar personality and talks a lot.

Talked non-stop along the way.

"Brother Hao, the fish pond in my house was built in my great-grandfather's generation."

The other party was also telling Fang Hao the history of his fish pond.

It's not just a new one, it's been around for a long time.

"Brother Hao, it seems that you haven't caught fish since your live broadcast, but don't worry, you will definitely catch fish today. My fish is very easy to catch. When I want to eat fish, I often go fishing to eat."

"Brother Hao, I like fishing too, can we go fishing together next time?"

"Brother Ha..."

On Fang Hao's side, he just responded humbly along the way.

He really couldn't get in his mouth.

The other party talked too much, and couldn't stop once he said it.

After the two of them walked for a distance, they finally saw a very large fish pond not far away, which was almost as big as two football fields!
"Is this your fish pond?"

Fang Hao had to make sure first.

Don't wait to make a mistake, and then be chased out by the owner of the fish pond.

that would be embarrassing

Such a large fish pond, this is a proper landlord in the past.

"It's my fish pond." Chen Sheng nodded happily.

"Brother Hao, you can fish whatever you want today, no matter how many fish you catch, you can take them away."

Fang Hao doesn't care if he catches the fish or not, what he wants now is... to catch the fish!

(End of this chapter)

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