Let you fish, you fished a nuclear submarine?

Chapter 94 What will be wrapped in the black plastic bag?

Chapter 94 What will be wrapped in the black plastic bag?
The water friends in the live broadcast room are gone.

What was thought to be a big case turned into a theft?

This script is going wrong.

Not in the direction they expected.

The murder case that was agreed, and the corpse that was agreed.

If you don't have any, then it's meaningless.

White was excited.

The live broadcast room was full of people who watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal. After knowing that this was just an ordinary theft case, everyone lost interest all of a sudden.

"Hey, what the anchor caught this time is not good."

"I thought there would be a murder case or something, but it turned out to be a theft case. I was so happy, thanks to the fact that I posted so many barrages before."

"It's gone. It's gone."

After a period of liveliness and activity in the live broadcast room, it gradually became quiet again.

However, the popularity in the live broadcast room has not decreased, but is still growing steadily.

Suspected of integrity.

The mouth says no, but the body is very honest.

All of them are still squatting in Fang Hao's live broadcast room, wanting to see if any unexpected things will happen later.

They are not willing to end things so simply.

I don't want to just see such a little excitement.

They continued to watch Fang Hao fishing to see if he would catch anything else.

Besides, even if Fang Hao didn't catch anything later, they could still watch Fang Hao and the others drink the lake water on the spot.

A group of people lying on the lake drinking water.

How 'beautiful' this picture is.

Thinking about it this way, everyone's mood will not be so uncomfortable.

If there is no major case, there will be no major case. Anyway, there will be fun to watch later.

They are already waiting to see Fang Hao drinking water, and then take a screenshot...


Knowing that this was a theft case and not a murder case, the people who participated in the fishing party felt less nervous and scared.

I feel relaxed again.

Continue to barbecue and eat leisurely, and continue to fish.

But there is no more talk about making grilled fish.

There is still a little shadow, I am afraid that if there is a corpse at the bottom of the lake, and then the fish eat the corpse, then they eat fish, don't they...

But not eating fish does not affect or prevent them from fishing.

That's two different things.

Fishing is fishing. What fishing is about is the process, and what you enjoy is the moment when you catch the fish.

"It depends on when the anchor catches the fish."

People are still a little worried about this.

Fang Hao's luck of not being able to catch fish gave them a headache.

If he really can't catch fish, they have to drink the lake water with each other.

"I feel like we were cheated by the anchor."

"This obviously has nothing to do with us."

This fish was caught by the other party, and the flag was also set by the other party...

No matter how you look at it, it has nothing to do with them.

But the other party abruptly tied them to the same warship in front of a group of water friends.

"The anchor is too mean."

They are also depressed.

But there is no other way.

I can only pray that Fang Hao can catch fish.

Fortunately, there is still a chance later.

Except for the episode of catching a scrap motorcycle just now, nothing else happened.

“The oysters are grilled!”

"Come on, let's eat something first."

Another batch of baked goods was delivered to everyone, this time it was grilled oysters and a clam baked in tin foil.

The addition of barbecue food made everyone in the live broadcast room hungry for a while.

Originally, I was very angry because I didn't see the excitement, but now I am even more angry after seeing this scene.

They can only watch, but can't eat anything.

It's so uncomfortable to just watch each other eat.

"Ahhhhh, it's too hateful."

"They must not be allowed to catch fish, I just want to see them drink the lake water now!!!"

"I really want to eat grilled oysters~"

"Damn it! I'm hungry."

A group of water friends in the live broadcast room were too uncomfortable to watch, and they were all hungry.

They expected Fang Hao not to catch fish even more, so they could see them drinking the lake water.

"Absolutely don't let them catch fish!"

"Brother Yu, don't eat the food that comes from you."

"Brother Yu, it's up to you, as long as you don't bite the hook today, I'll bring you fish food next time."


Knowing that the scrapped motorcycle he caught was just an ordinary theft, Fang Hao immediately relaxed.

He himself was afraid of being involved in some serious case.

If he was really involved in a murder case, and another corpse was caught in the lake by then, he would be paralyzed.

Originally, everyone has gradually forgotten his nickname as the corpse fishing anchor before.

If another corpse is caught, the nickname will never be removed.

Fang Hao's most annoying thing is this nickname.

You said he was the anchor of Feeding Fish, and he admitted it.

But the nickname of corpse-fishing anchor... He resolutely resisted.

Since it wasn't a big case, Fang Hao could go fishing happily again.

If you can't catch fish, it's only temporary.

Impossible to be with myself forever.

There will always be a day when people will turn around sometimes.

It was just an accident that I caught this scrapped motorcycle just now, but luckily it didn't affect my subsequent fishing.

Fang Hao didn't pay attention any more, but continued to focus back on the lake.

My goal is to catch fish today.

He has already uttered harsh words before, and it would be impolite if he couldn't catch a fish.

Anyway, I am also a popular anchor with millions of people. Brother Yu, don't you want to save face?

Fang Hao didn't think about anything else, he just wanted to catch a fish.

Break the curse of not being able to catch fish.

As long as you catch the fish yourself, see who will laugh at yourself for not being able to catch the fish in the future.

Fuck meow, you can't catch a murloc.

Today I will try to catch a fish and end this bad luck.

Fang Hao looked at the temporarily calm lake, focused on catching fish, and didn't care that the group of water friends in the live broadcast room were teasing.

He even didn't hear the water friends at the fishing party calling him to eat.

Until they brought the food over.

"Brother Hao, these are freshly baked oysters, why don't you eat some first?"

They also fished for a while.

But they are basically eating while grilling and fishing, so they are not very hungry.

Only Fang Hao didn't eat much all the time, he ate something at first, and then he didn't eat.

Concentrate on fishing.

"No, you can eat first."

Fang Hao doesn't want to eat it yet, he still wants to eat some after he catches the fish.

very soon.

Will catch fish soon.

Fang Hao firmly believed in this.

It's just that after a long time, the fishing rod still didn't move for a long time.

The others also didn't catch any fish, and they began to lose their temper.

"It's not true that none of us can catch fish today, right?"

After finishing speaking, everyone looked at Fang Hao together.

It doesn't matter if they can't catch fish, but the other side has to catch fish.

This is related to whether they want to drink the lake water later.

Looking at the calm lake, they were a little worried.

The main reason is that Fang Hao's luck of not being able to catch fish all the time really made them wonder if they could catch fish today.

"Could it be that we didn't play well today?"

Everyone began to reflect on themselves.

"Probably not..."

"I feel that our nest making is okay this time, and we use more materials than usual."

"That means we chose the wrong position?"

"That's even more impossible. You also saw it just now, and there are other people who caught fish by the side."


Now, everyone looked at Fang Hao again.

Although no one spoke, the meaning behind it was self-evident.

That means, is it because Fang Hao is here that he can't catch fish?

They are infected with bad luck.

But it's not easy to say this in front of Fang Hao.

It would be too hurtful to say that.

Fang Hao also pretended not to hear their whispers, immersed in his own fishing world.

Be calm, neither arrogant nor impetuous.

This is the self-cultivation of the fisherman.

"Brother Hao, help me look at the fishing rod, I'll go to the bathroom first."

At this moment, the milky red powder sitting next to Fang Hao suddenly had a stomach tumbling and growled.

Maybe I ate too much just now.

He is the one who eats the most among all the people.

Been eating non-stop.

I want to go to the bathroom now.

A wave of shit strikes.

I can't wait to break through the shackles and rush out of the claustrophobic passage.

The milky red powder asked Fang Hao who was next to him to look at the fishing rod, and he immediately went to the toilet to solve his personal needs.

Not long after this person ran away, Fang Hao noticed that the opponent's float moved.

Such a coincidence?
The other party just left not long ago, and now they are fishing?
So if you catch a fish, is it your own?Or does it belong to the other party?

Seeing that the opponent's fish was floating, Fang Hao didn't have time to think about it, and came to the place where the opponent put his fishing rod.

Waiting to catch the fish.

When everyone in the live broadcast room saw Fang Hao leaving his position and coming to the other side, they also became energetic.

They all paid attention.

"Is there any fish?"

"Damn it, isn't it, you're going to catch a fish?"

Everyone became tense all of a sudden.

"Then this fish is someone else's? Or is it the host's?"

Just like what Fang Hao thought just now, many water friends are also thinking about this question at this moment.

"This fishing rod is not the host's, so it's definitely not the host's."

"This fish belongs to Brother Fenzi."


The water friends all agree that even if the fish is caught, it does not belong to Fang Hao, but to someone else.

They were not too worried about catching fish this time.

Anyway, everyone has reason to think that this is not Fang Hao's fishing.

Moreover, as soon as the person walks away, the fish is bitten by the back foot.

If the other party holds back for a while, can they catch the fish by themselves?

But that being said, everyone still wanted to see Fang Hao catch the fish.

Those water friends who participated in the fishing party at the scene were also watching.

However, they have a different idea from the group of water friends in the live broadcast room. They think that the fish belonged to Fang Hao.

This is related to whether they want to drink the lake water.

Of course they thought Fang Hao caught it!

All eyes were on Fang Hao.

The pressure was put on Fang Hao again.


Fang Hao gripped the fishing rod slightly, and he didn't need to make too much noise, for fear of scaring the fish away.

It doesn't matter whether the fish is counted on your head or not.

But as long as he caught it with his own hands, then he would be satisfied.

However, when he held the fishing rod, he suddenly noticed that something was wrong.

It doesn't feel right.

This feeling is too familiar to him.

The last few times I caught other things, I always felt like this.

This is completely different from the feeling of catching fish.

isn't it?
Isn't it your own fishing rod that will catch these?

Fang Hao was a little speechless.

This one just caught a scrapped motorcycle.

It can't stop.

But no matter how much he complained, he had to catch this thing.

He tried to pull it, but it wasn't too heavy.

Make sure it's not some corpse.

Slightly relieved.

What he is most afraid of is catching a corpse, as long as it is not a corpse, it is easy to say.

He could feel that what he caught would not be a corpse.

There's no way the body could be that light.

But what exactly it was, he couldn't figure it out.

The thing is a bit heavy, about 20 kilograms.

What would this be?
Fang Hao slowly pulled things up from the bottom of the lake.

The fishing rod in his hand was not his own, so he didn't dare to be careless, and he didn't dare to use too much force.

If it's not your own fishing rod, you still have to be careful not to let others break it.

Fang Hao moved very slowly and carefully.

In addition to being careful not to break the fishing rod, the fishing line must also be careful not to break it.

Anyway, I have caught something, so I just fish it up first to see what it is.

After seeing Fang Hao's actions, everyone seemed to sense something was wrong.


"This... it seems that what you caught is not a fish?"

Everyone around was dumbfounded.

Isn't this the fishing rod I used, can I catch other things?
I'm going... This luck is really a bit special.

Now everyone became more interested.

Everyone wants to know what they will catch this time.

"Could it be a corpse?"

"It would be interesting to have a corpse."

Everyone just watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal, they just hoped to catch the corpse again.

Under the gaze of everyone.

Fang Hao fished a black backpack from the water.

The fishhook is hooked on the strap of the backpack to catch it.

After seeing that it was a backpack, a group of people were disappointed.

"Hey, why is it a backpack?"

"It's a pity, it's not a corpse."

They are so disappointed.

Just a backpack, what can it hold in it.

It is too common to catch backpacks in rivers and lakes.

Even they, some people have caught backpacks while fishing.

Everyone thinks it is a waste product that others don't want and throw away.

"I thought it would be something good."

"It is estimated that this is someone's garbage thrown in the lake."

"People are really not environmentally friendly nowadays, why are they throwing all kinds of garbage into the lake!"

"Protecting the environment is everyone's responsibility!"

"That's right, the lake is so clean and the environment is so good, don't these people know how to take care of it?"

"Such a beautiful environment is not a dump!"

A group of water friends in the live broadcast room angrily typed and shouted.

Similarly, there is another group of disappointed people who are the water friends on the scene.

After seeing that what they caught was not a fish, they all had disappointment on their faces.

Didn't catch any fish again...

Now they really saw Fang Hao's power.

You can really catch anything.

The backpack was quickly fished out of the lake.

Not to mention, this backpack is a bit heavy, it probably weighs twenty or thirty kilograms.

I don't know what's in it that makes it so heavy.

Now not only Fang Hao was curious, but everyone else was also curious.

One by one stretched their heads to look over.

The water friends in the live broadcast room were also looking forward to the moment of the announcement, and they all looked at Fang Hao, watching him open his backpack.

Disappointed as disappointed, but still wondering what was in there.

See what is no longer needed, and what treasures will there be.

On the surface, this is an ordinary black backpack, nothing special.

But what's inside, I don't know.

Fang Hao didn't open the backpack in a hurry, he put the backpack on the wide open space first, so that everyone could see it more clearly.

Then he slowly opened the zipper of the backpack.

When the zipper was opened, everyone saw what was inside.

A hatchet.

A stone the size of a football.

There is also something wrapped in a black plastic bag, which is tightly packed.

Just these three things.

"I'm going... that's all?"

"Damn, you're crazy, put stones in your backpack."

"But why is there an ax in the backpack?"

After seeing the ax and the stone, everyone couldn't help complaining.

After a while of analysis, someone guessed.

"Isn't this intentional? The stone is in the backpack to sink the contents of the backpack to the bottom of the lake?"

"Could this ax be some kind of murder weapon?"

It can't be blamed that the water friends have big brains, and immediately made up a plot after seeing the axe.

In fact, this can't help but make everyone not think about it.

Otherwise, who would hold on to their full stomach and put stones and axes in their backpacks?

"By the way, what's in that black bag?"

As they talked, everyone remembered something wrapped in a black bag.

The other two things, everyone can see at once.

But what is in the black bag, this thing is wrapped so tightly?
Not only the water friends in the live broadcast room were curious, but Fang Hao himself and the people on the scene were also curious.

"Brother Hao, quickly open it and have a look."

They couldn't wait any longer and wanted to reveal the answer quickly.

Fang Hao also picked up the thing wrapped in the black bag. If he weighed it in his hand, it still had some weight, but it was not light.

It weighs two or three catties.

Driven by curiosity, Fang Hao slowly unwrapped the outer bag.

When the bag was slowly opened, Fang Hao's pupils shrank, and he took a deep breath...

When everyone at the scene saw the items in Fang Hao's hands, they were all stunned, with their mouths slightly opened and their eyes widened.


"It turned out to be this!"

(End of this chapter)

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