Let you fish, you fished a nuclear submarine?

Chapter 95 Accidentally involved in another big case!

Chapter 95 Accidentally got involved in another big case! (seeking first order)

Fang Hao held a gun in his hand, a black pistol to be precise.

When he opened the black wrapped bag, he finally revealed what was inside, which was a pistol.

That's why his pupils constrict when he sees something.

With a gun shining brightly in front of him, no one would be frightened.

After Fang Hao saw the gun, he was stunned. He gasped and his back felt cold.

Even a person who is usually so calm like him can hardly be calm.

How could it be a gun?
How can a fish catch this thing?

This is the first time he has been in such close contact with this thing.

At this moment, it's not just him, but the water friends around him.

And a group of people in the live broadcast room were stunned.


"How could it be a gun?"

Before opening the black plastic bag, no one guessed it would be this thing.

So after seeing this thing, everyone was shocked.

The moment they saw the gun, everyone realized the problem.

Guns, axes, stones...

This is someone deliberately sinking things at the bottom of the water, just not wanting to be discovered.

But unexpectedly, when someone was fishing, he would catch his sinking things at the bottom of the water.

Obviously, there must be a problem here.

After a short period of shock, everyone was suddenly excited.

A gun was found, what does that mean?
It means that there must be a major case involved.

Huaxia is the place where guns are strictly prohibited. If a gun is found here, do you think it is serious?

This problem is quite serious.

It is definitely a big case.

This is also the reason why a group of water friends are so excited. What they love most is the excitement.

The movement this time will definitely not be small.

"The anchor is really nothing but a blockbuster!"

"It turns out that the previous motorcycles were just appetizers, but now it's a big meal!"

"This movement is really big enough."

"The anchor is really awesome, this thing can be caught."

"I knew that the noise caused by the anchor's fishing would definitely not be small."

A group of people are really convinced.

"But is this a real gun? Could it be a toy gun?"

There are also water friends who are afraid that this gun is a fake toy gun or something.


Sun Zhaopeng, who was guarding the live broadcast room, almost jumped up excitedly when he saw the gun!
He didn't miss the moment.

I really witnessed all the process of catching this gun in the live broadcast room, and saw this thing for the first time.

It goes without saying that everyone knows this when they see a gun. This time it must be big news.

It is correct to guard here.

Sure enough, he squatted to the big news.

The time spent is worth it!

The moment he saw the gun, he knew right away that he had to go to the scene right away.

Must leave now.

Not a moment should be lost.

He immediately drove to Longhu in a hurry.


"It looks like a mock-64 pistol."

Some water friends in the live broadcast room recognized the model of the pistol.

"Brother upstairs, Niu, I know everyone."

"I was a soldier before, of course I know."

"This is a real guy."

After Fang Hao caught the pistol, his popularity in the live broadcast room exploded instantly.

It attracted many people again.

His popularity in the live broadcast room finally broke through 500 million.

Such a big movement will definitely attract many spectators.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for breaking through 500 million popularity in the live broadcast room, reaching a new stage, and rewarding a diamond treasure box. 】

This time the popularity exceeded 500 million, and even the rewards have changed, from a platinum treasure chest to a diamond treasure chest.

But Fang Hao's mind at the moment is not on rewards at all.

All his attention was on the gun.

This is the first time he has caught such a special thing.

"What happen to you guys?"

The milky red powder who just came back from the toilet saw so many people surrounding her.

It's also a little strange.

I just went to the toilet by myself, why are there so many people?

Could it be that it was time for me to go to the bathroom, what did I miss?
"Could it be that you caught a fish?"

The milk-red powder immediately thought of this thing, and only when it was caught, so many people gathered around.

He immediately became excited, wanting to see what fish he caught.

But when he pushed through the crowd and squeezed in, he saw the gun in Fang Hao's hand, and was immediately frightened.

"I go!"

"Anchor, you are..."

Then he saw the black backpack lying on the side, the ax and other things.

All of a sudden.

What is this all about?
It's just the time to go to the toilet, why do I feel like I missed a lot of things.

He doesn't know anything now.

It's not clear what's going on.

He could only push the chubby Chen Sheng aside.

The chubby Chen Sheng also shook his head with a dull expression, and hadn't recovered yet.

This made him even more confused.

Can anyone explain to him what's going on?

After waiting for a long time, Fang Hao regained his composure.

That's when I remembered to call the police.

Call Lin Wendong again.

Lin Wendong was also a little strange when he saw Fang Hao's phone call.

I thought it was a motorcycle thing.

Maybe the other party found something in the car again.

He picked up the phone and didn't take it seriously.

"Hey, brother Xiaofang, what's the matter with the call this time? Did you find something wrong with the car again?"

Lin Wendong's tone was very relaxed.

"It's not about the car, Officer Lin."

"I just caught a gun here."

Fang Hao took a deep breath and told the other party the situation on his side.

"Oh, a... what! A gun?" Lin Wendong didn't react at first, until a second later, he suddenly woke up.

a gun?

This thing is different.

Things are very serious.

Definitely not a small problem.

"Is this what you caught by fishing?"

"Yes, this is what I just fished for."

After getting the confirmation, Lin Wendong knew the seriousness of the matter and immediately planned to go there.

"Where are you now? I'll be right over."

"I'm here at Longhu, and the address is..."

Fang Hao located his location and sent it to Lin Wendong.

"Okay, put the gun away before I come over, lest it accidentally go off."

As soon as Lin Wendong received the news, he immediately took the two of them out in a hurry.

Finding a gun is no small matter.

When he rushed to the location of the incident, he also reported the situation.

Involving guns is a big problem, and it is very likely that a major case will be involved behind it.

He has to go to the scene to understand the situation first.

Then make further arrangements.


After reporting to the police, Fang Hao still hadn't fully recovered.

Even if he was such a calm person, he couldn't help panicking at this moment.

This is a real gun.

Not a toy gun.

After taking a breath, Fang Hao rewrapped the gun in the plastic bag that Lin Wendong said.

Put things away first.

After Fang Hao put the gun away, the people around him came to their senses.

"I'm going, I actually saw a real gun."

"It's the first time I've seen a real gun at such a close distance."

"Anchor, why don't you touch this gun for me?"

"Damn it, I didn't see the anchor put it away, can this thing be touched?"

Liang so-and-so rolled his eyes at the person beside him.

Fishing and catching guns here really shocked everyone.

Although some of them really want to touch this gun, they also know that this can only be thought about.

Not to mention whether the gun will go off suddenly, and this gun is an important evidence, and the police will definitely take it for inspection when they arrive later.

See if there are any traces left behind.

The gun was wrapped so well in a plastic bag, and after being underwater for such a long time, it was basically not touched by water, and it was relatively well preserved.

When everyone saw the gun, they really had the urge to touch it.

But this idea just flashed through my mind and was dismissed.

This is not a toy gun, this is a real gun.

Fang Hao put away the gun, still feeling a little dreamy.

This time fishing, what I really caught was even more peculiar than before.

First with a scrap motorcycle, now with a gun.


Fang Hao exhaled lightly, and finally recovered.

Now no one cares about whether they caught fish or not, all their attention is on the gun.

"Do you think this gun is related to some major case?"

"Absolutely, otherwise who would sink the gun to the bottom of the lake."

The gun that sank under the water also made everyone realize that it might be related to some major cases.

The live broadcast room has already been extremely lively, with various activities.

Everyone speculated one after another, like the incarnation of Sherlock Holmes, transforming into Conan one by one, all kinds of analysis and discussion.

It seems that at this moment, they are detectives.

But this matter is really a big deal.

Not to mention other things, just finding a gun is not a trivial matter.

Now that they had caught the gun, everyone was in no mood to continue fishing for the time being, and none of them cared about their fishing rods.

Everyone's thoughts are on the gun and on the case.

One is more excited than the other.

One is more excited than the other.

I don't know how long it took.

Finally, Lin Wendong brought people to the scene, and policewoman Chen Lin was among them.

after their arrival.

Fang Hao also handed things over to the other party.

"This is the backpack we caught and the gun was in it."

"In addition to this gun, there is also an ax and a stone inside."

Fang Hao told Lin Wendong about the situation of catching the gun at that time.

Lin Wendong nodded, judging from his experience, it was indeed someone who threw things into the lake on purpose, for fear of being discovered.

But it was a coincidence that Fang Hao caught him by fishing.

This luck is really a bit special.

In other words, Fang Hao is very special.

This fish can catch these things.

I have fished dead bodies before.

Now catching the gun again...

I really don't know what else this guy can't catch.

Chen Lin, who was standing behind Lin Wendong, also had curious eyes shining on Fang Hao's body.

After Lin Wendong took the gun, he asked Fang Hao for the specific location where he caught it, and then asked his subordinates to set up vigilance around this area first, so that no one else would be allowed to approach.

Except for Fang Hao, everyone else was stopped outside the isolation zone.

After all, Fang Hao caught this thing, and there are still some questions that need to be asked by Fang Hao.

At the same time, Lin Wendong also caught a glimpse of a scrapped motorcycle at the scene, and he knew in his heart that this motorcycle was the stolen motorcycle that he told him to catch earlier.

There's a stolen motorcycle here, and a gun, so there's a good chance the two things go together.

Based on his keen professional sense, Lin Wendong felt that these two incidents might be inseparable.

He then put on his gloves and checked the condition of the gun.

It is an imitation 64 pistol, the condition of the gun is very average, the rifling is seriously worn, and there is a risk of explosion.

The gun showed signs of use and had three bullets inside.

Fortunately, he gave a warning before coming here, otherwise he was really afraid of fire escape or other risks.

It would be even worse if someone was injured by mistake.

He put away everything and dropped the bullets.

Then, call and arrange for someone else to come over.

In the future, there will definitely be a search for this lake area.

And this gun, the people from the trace identification department will have to deal with it later.

Getting busy again.

"When you are fishing, why do you feel that you can catch strange things every time?"

Lin Wendong said.

He was very curious about Fang Hao, why he could catch different things every time he fished.

Of course, this time it is not suspicious.

He knew what kind of person Fang Hao was.

The two had dealt with each other before, and the door was cleared up long ago.

Moreover, the other party's fishing was broadcast live throughout the whole process, and there was no incentive to place things in advance.

Besides, even if the other party has the possibility of placing it in advance, he can still find traces at the scene.

There is no perfect crime in this world.

As long as there is a crime, there will be traces.

"This... is completely accidental, and I didn't know I would catch these things."

Fang Hao is also very depressed.

He also wants to catch fish, but who knows that every time he catches those strange things, he just can't catch fish.

I thought this meeting would be a lucky one, and I could catch fish, but I didn't expect to catch a gun in the end, causing such a big commotion.

He was also helpless.

It's a good fishing party. If something like this happens, it's probably going to end early.

In Fang Hao's live broadcast room, there was even more jubilation.

There are a lot of bullet screens that tease him that he can't catch them.

"I see that you have made a lot of noise recently. You have discovered some thousand-year-old shipwreck, and some ancient tombs."

"Do you have any strange physique? Only then can you catch these strange things."

Lin Wendong wasn't joking either, he was just curious.

Who can meet a fisherman who can catch everything except fish.

When Fang Hao was questioned these times, he felt a little bit screwed up.

"Stop asking, and ask about suicide."

Fang Hao's face was dark and he was speechless.

Lin Wendong smiled, knowing that Fang Hao didn't want to mention these things, so he didn't continue to talk about these things.

Waited another half hour or so.

The follow-up diving team came.

Prepare to go into the water and search for a while to see if there is anything else under there.

However, after some searching, nothing was found, let alone a body.

They also specially expanded the search area, but they didn't find it either.

Now that nothing was found, Lin Wendong and the others were also preparing to close the team. In addition to taking back the guns, the scrapped motorcycle also had to be transported back.

Now it seems that this scrapped motorcycle may have a little connection with the gun case.

Similarly, Fang Hao had to go back with them to make notes.

Needless to say, Fang Hao also made preparations early.

He caught the thing, and he knew that he had to follow it to make a record.

He packed his things first.

Other water friends are also packing their fishing gear.

The fishing party ended early because they caught guns, and they didn't have the leisure to continue fishing.

Some people even planned to accompany Fang Hao to take notes.

However, Fang Hao declined politely and asked them to go back early and meet again next time.

At the same time, Fang Hao is also ready to download.

After he turned off the live broadcast, the water friends in the live broadcast room reacted.

"Have we forgotten something?"

"The host didn't seem to catch any fish, did he?"

"Damn, I was careless, the anchor played too fast, and didn't let him drink the lake water."

"Oh, what a pity, there is no screenshot of the lake where the host is drinking water."

"Don't forget this, when the next time the anchor starts a live broadcast, you must ask him to make up for it!!!"

After these water friends remembered what happened, they all clamored to let Fang Hao drink the lake water next time.

What a pity.

At that time, because everyone's attention was on the gun, they forgot the flag of drinking the lake water if they could not catch fish.

However, Fang Hao couldn't see these bullet screens for the time being.

After downloading the broadcast, he put his things in the car, and prepared to go back with Lin Wendong and the others to make notes.


Reporter Sun Zhaopeng also rushed to the scene early to record all this.

He also took advantage of Fang Hao's free time to conduct a short interview.

Get first-hand news materials.

Don't be too excited.


After Lin Wendong handed over the gun to his colleagues in the inspection department, he also went to check some shooting cases.

See if the cases can be connected.

After some searching, Lin Wendong finally found a case of robbery and shooting.

According to the description of this case, it seems that the criminal was using an imitation 64 pistol.

The person who was robbed was shot twice at that time, and the other shot was hit elsewhere, but he missed.

Combining this case with the situation of this gun, it seems that they can be linked together.

They also searched for a long time at that time, but they never found the suspect and the gun, and they all seemed to have disappeared.

This case has always been clueless, there are no clues, and it has been put on hold until now.

This gun is likely to be the murder weapon in this robbery!
Everything is waiting for the report from the laboratory colleagues.

Lin Wendong lit a cigarette, took a few puffs, and planned to clarify the case again.

Perhaps this time, the shooting and robbery case that has been shelved for a long time can be solved!


While Fang Hao was taking notes, several hot topics appeared on the scarf.

[The fisherman caught a gun in fishing! 】

[The fisherman caught a motorcycle! 】


And these topics are all related to Fang Hao.

When a group of netizens saw these hot searches, they were also stunned.

What's going on today, why did I see so many hot searches from fishing guys just after I clicked on the scarf.

More than one.

What's the fisherman doing?

Did you destroy the earth?
Who would have thought that a fisherman could occupy so many hot searches in a day.

This is even hotter than a big star.

Other celebrities don't have this enthusiasm.

But Fang Hao did it here, and surpassed it!
They all thought that what they were on was not a scarf, but a phishing website.

(End of this chapter)

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