LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 103 Miss Jian Ji is out of balance!

Chapter 103 Miss Jian Ji is out of balance! ([-] word chapter)

In the blink of an eye, two days passed.

On June 25th, the weather is cloudy, so it is suitable for sacrifices and haircuts, and there are no taboos.

Today's weather is rare and cool, the sun is covered by dark clouds all over the sky, and the light can't shine at all.

The humidity in the air was also quite high, it was rare for Lu Qi to get up early that day.

Usually at this time, if there is nothing wrong, he will sign in first before talking.

But today is different from the past. After waking up, Lu Qi seriously washes up, takes a bath, and changes clothes, which is quite grand.

When all the sense of ritual was done properly, Lu Qi made another calculation.

"Well, everything is going well today, except that the weather is not very good."

Standing in the courtyard and looking up, it was morning, but it was cloudy, but Lu Qi didn't care, and said silently: "System, sign in."

With a thought, the system responded in the next second.

[It is detected that the accumulative sign-in of the host has been full for one month, and this sign-in is a monthly sign-in. 】

[It is detected that this check-in is the host's first monthly check-in, and it will be automatically promoted to a special check-in. 】

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining spiritual guidance: part two]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Realm Improvement Card*2]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the intermediate skill upgrade card]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a random LV5 advanced skill]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a random LV9 deputy card]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a random sword intent card (success)]

[The reward has been automatically stored in the system backpack, please check it yourself]

As system prompts popped up one after another, Lu Qi knew that it was not in vain for him to get up so early in the morning to prepare.

The heart will be formed, and the system will be effective.

Quickly, he looked at the system's backpack.

First of all, this chapter on spiritual power, I mentioned the importance of spiritual power before, just like casting spells requires blue bars, and knights need internal strength to perform martial arts.

With the blessing of spiritual power, the power that can be exerted by each move will become stronger.

With the use of Lu Qi, it will automatically advance to the middle chapter at this moment.

He only felt that the feeling in his heart was a little deeper.

Spiritual power is not a breath of energy that moves through the body like internal energy, but a burst of energy from the spiritual will.

To give a simpler example, it is the skills of heroes in the game, just like Galen.

His ultimate move was to shout, and a golden sword fell from the sky, shattering the enemy like absolute justice.

This is not magic, but a manifestation of his spiritual willpower.

This is spiritual power.

Then, Lu Qi looked at the second reward, the realm promotion card.

It can directly raise Lu Qi to a small realm.

Because he has never practiced before, his current strength is still in the middle stage of heroism, but now he can go up two more levels.

Without further ado, use the two realm cards directly.

[Congratulations to the host for breaking through to the heroic late stage]

[Congratulations to the host for breaking through to the initial stage of unyielding]

After the two realms were stuck, Lu Qi's strength directly increased by a large margin.

Following a burst of energy from the heart, it poured into every corner of the body like a river, and every cell in the body trembled, as if making a jumping sound.

"Is this the feeling of becoming stronger without working hard?"

Lu Qi couldn't help sighing, feeling extremely comfortable.

It wasn't until 2 minutes later that this feeling dissipated, and Lu Qi intuitively felt that his strength had not improved slightly.

But ushered in a qualitative change.

Clenching his fist, he felt a force gathering on it. This punch might be able to kill a cow.

Lu Qi showed a satisfied expression, and then looked at the third reward, the intermediate skill upgrade card.

This card can improve skills above LV5, so it is naturally used on the Yufeng swordsmanship, which is currently the most powerful in Jia Luqi's combat power.

Without hesitation, Lu Qi directly chose to use it.

[The mid-level skill upgrade card is used successfully, congratulations to the host for breaking through to LV6 (excellent)]

Suddenly, there was no wind in the courtyard, and with Lu Qi as the center, a small tornado slowly turned. Seen from a distance, this tornado gave people a sense of fierceness.

But this fierce feeling came from Lu Qi.

But he was in the center of the wind, but he felt extremely happy. During this time, his comprehension of Yufeng swordsmanship also improved at an extremely fast speed.

Among them, there is also a brand new perception, which is very special.

It wasn't until the tornado gradually dissipated that Lu Qi opened his eyes. At this moment, his connection with the natural wind between heaven and earth was a little deeper.

It's as if he has practiced this Yufeng swordsmanship for several years.

However, in fact, since Lu Qi obtained the Yufeng swordsmanship, he has never practiced it for a day, and only has a few actual combat records.

Immediately afterwards, a system prompt sounded.

[Congratulations to the host for automatically comprehending the Yufeng Sword Intent--Getting Started]

Seeing this prompt, Lu Qi was not surprised. Just when Yufeng Swordsmanship was upgraded to LV6, he learned about the sword intent from the information in his brain.

This sword intent is a kind of artistic conception in the weapon, which is divided into four stages, entry, small success, great success, and perfection.

Basically, it is something that a swordsman must master if he wants to achieve success in swordsmanship.

A swordsman without sword intent will eventually be a low-ranking man.

And if you want to cultivate the level of Yufeng Swordsmanship to a higher level, mastering Yufeng Sword Intent is one of the necessary conditions.

In the neighboring continent of Ionia, there are quite a few people who come to learn Yufeng swordsmanship, and the sect will select some talented people from among these people.

These people can learn Yufeng swordsmanship.

Among these people, there are only a very small number of people who can realize the sword intent of Yufeng, and these people are the true heirs of the sect.

Those who have not comprehended the Yufeng swordsmanship can only practice the Yufeng swordsmanship to the level of LV5 in their whole life.

And among these very few people, there will not even be a person who can comprehend the sword intent to perfection.

At some point, there will be a real genius who can realize the sword intent to perfection.

For example, Yasuo, it is said that he only went to the sect to find his brother to play with, but the elder Yufeng recognized his extremely high talent in swordsmanship at a glance, and took him under his sect as the only personal heir.

And Yasuo did show his astonishing talent. While his fellow disciples were training hard every day, he was fishing for three days and drying the net for two days. It's true that he is a brother.

However, even so, as long as he learns casually, his progress can catch up with his peers.

So we can come to the conclusion that it is the truth to become stronger if you are bad!
With Lu Qi's aptitude, I am afraid that he is just like those ordinary disciples, and he may not be able to comprehend Yufeng Sword Intent in his whole life.

But the problem is not big, the system will take action.

After raising the level of Yufeng swordsmanship to LV6, an entry-level sword intent will be given away for free.

It's very comfortable.

Then, Lu Qi looked at the fourth reward, which was directly a LV5 advanced skill.

As expected of a monthly sign plus a special sign, the rewards for signing in here are much better than his first sign-in, not to mention, there are two finale rewards behind it.

"System, use a random skill card."

Lu Qi had a thought.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the L5 high-level agility skill: Mysterious Movement]

[It has been detected that the host possesses a normal LV5 movement skill - Gecko Swimming the Wall, which has been automatically fused, and the level of magic has been promoted to LV7 (reaching the pinnacle)]

The sound of the two systems sounded in succession, but it really made Lu Qi experience what a surprise is.

I thought it was just a LV5 high-level skill, but I didn't expect to get a LV7 high-level skill directly.

After the skill reaches level LV5, every level up is a big improvement.

But this time it was directly upgraded by two levels, and the level even surpassed Yufeng Swordsmanship.

Immediately after that, a series of messages emerged in Lu Qi's mind, which was just obtained the ever-changing supernatural powers.

Accompanied by streams of warm current, gradually flowing to his limbs, scenes of hard training appeared in his mind.

Gradually, these scenes of hard training merged with Lu Qi, and his body skills were improving at a rapid speed.

As he absorbed all the information in his mind, he also understood why the gecko roaming the wall would automatically merge with the supernatural.

One of the two is an ordinary skill, and the other is an advanced skill. Naturally, there is a huge gap between them.

And this gecko roaming the wall is a branch of the myriad changes of the gods. The two belong to the same movement method, so they will automatically merge after they are obtained.

Combining two LV5s into one LV7 is still profitable.

Now after this fusion, it has been promoted from a rock-climbing agility skill to a lightness skill level skill.

It can be said that the improvement is huge.

I didn't have a chance to try it last time, but here Lu Qi became very interested.

He looked around the courtyard.

The next moment, my mind moved.

Lu Qi, who was originally standing in the middle of the courtyard, jumped up lightly on his toes, and landed on the back of the rocking chair.

And the rocking chair didn't move at all, as if it didn't feel anyone.

With Lu Qi's second effort, the rocking chair started to shake, and his whole body had already appeared on the other side of the yard.

At this moment, his body is as light as a feather.

This sense of wonder made Lu Qi feel as if he had discovered some new toy, and his eyes, which usually had no energy in the early morning, lit up.

In the next second, he appeared on the top of the wall with another light jump. This jump was several meters high, and then he swayed and reached the roof again. It was effortless and extremely easy to go back and forth.

Standing on the roof seven or eight meters high, Lu Qi looked down condescendingly with his hands behind his back.

This can't help but give him a sense of sight in martial arts novels where lightness skills come and go.

After thinking for a while, he jumped to the tree beside him, and then landed on the ground again. He used this acrobatic movement in the courtyard to come and go.

It's here for a while, and it's there for a while.

Urna stood at the door, looking at Lu Qi who was having a great time playing, she also tilted her head, with a hint of doubt in her eyes.

What's the matter, Your Highness?
But apart from other things, His Highness's move is quite interesting.

After a while, Lu Qi lay back on the rocking chair out of breath. Even in this cool morning, he was exhausted and his head was covered with sweat.

But no matter how tired he was at the moment, he still had a smile on his face, just like a child.

It is a teenager who kills a boy.

Isn't this another small dream come true? Other men don't know, but he has ever imagined that he has a strong and light kung fu, and he can go high and low.

How interesting it will be when he saves two advanced skill upgrade cards in the future to bring this ever-changing level to LV9.

Lu Qi couldn't help looking forward to it, but he was soon overwhelmed by physical exhaustion, lying on the rocking chair, feeling parched.

Yurna, who had expected this earlier, came up with a cup of warm tea.

It was like timely rain for her, Lu Qi immediately took it, and drank it clean in a few sips.

This day, when the camellia was in my mouth, the dryness in my mouth dissipated immediately, and as it flowed smoothly into my stomach, my physical strength also recovered a lot.

After resting for a while, Lu Qi returned his attention to the system's backpack.

The next reward is not simple, even Lu Qi's mentality fluctuated slightly after seeing it.

A level LV9 deputy skill!
Now the highest skill on him is only LV7.

This time I signed in, I directly gave a LV9 deputy, which can almost be said to be the best reward for this time.

After brewing for a while, Lu Qi thought to himself: "System, use the deputy card."

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the LV9 deputy position: medical skill]

Following the prompt popped up by the system, in the next second, a huge amount of information about medical skills flooded into Lu Qi's mind like a sea wave.

Even if it was him, he felt a little dizzy at the moment, with a slight pain in his head.

These information directly include tens of thousands of medicinal materials in Runeterra, countless prescriptions, and complex content such as human meridians.

And Lu Qi's brain is also crazily absorbing and accepting this information.

As time passed, the swelling pain in Lu Qi's head gradually disappeared, and it took a long time before he digested all the information.

Rubbing his temples, Lu Qi let out a breath slowly, feeling that this wave was really profitable.

Back-to-basics medical skills can be said to be infinitely useful.

If the medicinal materials are in place, with his current medical skills, it is not an exaggeration to say that he can bring the dead back to life.

Of course, for those who are completely dead, only the gods may be able to save them.

After all, there are extraordinary powers in this world, and there are many people who can resurrect the dead.

As for Lu Qi's medical skill, it can be said that it is only under extraordinary strength, and it is the limit of what mortals can do.

As long as the medicinal materials are in place, even if it is a person who has just died, he can try to go back and save him.

It's just that scary, and besides, even if you don't need to save people, it's very good to save yourself.

At the same time, Lu Qi also discovered another great effect of this medical skill.

As the saying goes, there is no distinction between medicine and poison.

Isn't back-to-basics medical skills the same as back-to-basics poison techniques?
Lu Qi can make poison pills and poison potions in minutes.

It's just that there don't seem to be too many places where poison is used.

It was originally a skill of whoring for nothing, so Lu Qi naturally wouldn't ask for more.

Right now, there is only one reward left.

A random completion level sword intent card.

I mentioned the power of sword intent before, but at this moment, I can directly obtain a sword intent of perfection level.

Lu Qi couldn't help being a little curious.

Without hesitation, he said directly in his heart: "System, use the Sword Intent Card."

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Perfect Sword Intent——Wuji Sword Intent]

At the moment when the system's voice fell, several bursts of sharpness suddenly burst out from Lu Qi's body.

His whole body seemed to be surrounded by an upward air current, making it look like steam.

At the gate of the courtyard, Yurna, who was sweeping the floor, seemed to have sensed something, turned her head to look at Lu Qi in the courtyard, frowned, and her eyes showed unprecedented puzzlement and surprise.

Also at the gate of the courtyard, Fiona stepped forward, feeling very good.

When she was approaching the door, she suddenly felt frightened, as if being drawn by something, a sharp feeling came from the courtyard.

She was keenly aware of it.

Seeing this situation, she couldn't help showing a bit of surprise on her face, and quickened her pace. As soon as she reached the gate of the courtyard, she saw the scene in the courtyard.

The whole person also froze for a moment.

She can naturally see what Lu Qi is going through at this moment.

On the left, Lux walked slowly, and when she saw Fiona standing at the door, she also quickened her pace.

Then saw the same scene.

Lax covered her right face, looked at Lu Qi who was standing stupidly in the yard, and asked in confusion, "What is he doing?"

With that said, he was about to head towards the courtyard.

Fiona pulled her back and said, "Don't bother him in the past."

Seeing Lux's puzzled face, Fiona explained aloud: "He is comprehending a kind of sword intent."

"Sword intent? Is it powerful?"

Lacus was at a loss, as if vaguely remembering something.

She remembered that Galen seemed to be fighting with Jarvan IV in the backyard of his house one day, and suddenly stopped moving after hitting him.

It seems to have entered a very critical state of enlightenment.

Jarvan IV, who was very noisy at the time, immediately calmed down without disturbing him.

Knowing the importance at this moment, Lux took two steps back cautiously, staring at Lu Qi who was standing in the courtyard with closed eyes without blinking her big eyes.

Upon closer inspection, one could indeed feel a sense of sharpness in him that was not usually felt.

Fiona replied at this time: "This kind of thing, maybe one person out of tens of thousands or even 10 people can comprehend it."

"Oh." Lux nodded suddenly.

It is also known that comprehending sword intent seems to be a particularly rare thing.

After thinking about it, she looked at Fiona next to her, and asked in a low voice, "Do you know sword intent?"

She remembered that Fiona knew how to use a sword, of course she only found out after seeing her and Lu Qi sparring in the courtyard.

But then she saw that Fiona not only knew how to use a sword, but also seemed to be very powerful.

Fiona nodded lightly when she heard the words, and replied, "My sword intent is only Xiaocheng."

When she spoke, her tone was unconsciously a little sour.

Looking at Lu Qi in the courtyard, Fiona was very envious.

You know, not everyone can comprehend this sword intent.

Although she is suspected of boasting, she also knows that her talent is not low.

She secretly practiced sword since she was a child, and one day she suddenly comprehended the meaning of sword, and entered the beginner stage, and then in the next few years, without stopping for a moment, she comprehended to Xiaocheng.

But Lu Qi, let alone practicing sword every day, he is reluctant to even touch the sword.

He either eats or sleeps all day, but in this way he can comprehend the sword intent.

How does this make her not sour.

Lux nodded again and asked, "How long do we have to wait?"

She looked at the courtyard, Lu Qi's aura was rising step by step, and then stagnated, as if he had stopped.

Fiona also took a serious look, and analyzed: "He looks like he just started now, and he should have stabilized by now, and he can enter."

After all, he was about to step into the courtyard.

However, the next second, Lu Qi's aura in the courtyard suddenly began to increase again, and a wave of wind and waves blew away from him.

This scene is extremely rare, Lacus stared wide-eyed, and asked blankly: "What's wrong with him?"

As for Fiona, her mouth opened a little uncontrollably at this moment, and there was a look of horror in her eyes.

After a while, he replied in a dull manner: "It's a small success."

A second ago, the entry-level sword intent had just been stabilized.

In this second, it's just a matter of time.

Who would believe this?
However, Fiona, who saw this scene with her own eyes, said that she was not surprised, but that was definitely a lie.

Although he knew that Lu Qi's talent was not low, he never expected it to be so ridiculously high.

She has never seen it before, and the sword intent comes from beginner to Xiaocheng.

However, the scene that surprised her even more happened soon.

I saw Lu Qi's aura constantly soaring, and he didn't intend to stop at all. The next moment, his whole body seemed to be boiling, and a huge wave rushed directly towards their faces.

Lux felt that the wind and waves were slashing like a huge sword, she was startled, and subconsciously wanted to dodge.

However, when the storm passed, he didn't feel anything.

Fiona stood where she was from the beginning to the end, but at this moment she couldn't keep calm in her heart. She opened her eyes wide, and her usually cold pupils trembled at this moment.

Lacus glanced sideways, thought for a while, but still didn't ask the question in her heart.

Because, this time, even she could see it.

Lu Qi may have broken through again.

Fiona's world view at this time is being impacted, and she can most intuitively feel that Lu Qi's sword intent at this moment has broken through to Dacheng.

This this this.
It's too outrageous!
Before she regained her composure, she saw a rushing momentum emanating from Lu Qi in the courtyard, and this time there was no storm rushing out.

His entire aura changed, he no longer showed his sharpness, and became extremely calm, but it gave people a feeling of looking up.

Around him, there was also an extremely contrasting scene.

I saw that because of his sword intent, many leaves of the trees in the courtyard were shaken and slowly fell down. Obviously he was standing below, but those leaves couldn't get close to him.

Some accidentally fell around his body, and in the next second, it was broken into several petals as if cut by a sword.

"Is this the sword intent?"

Lux's eyes widened, and she opened her mouth wide in surprise at this scene.

Immediately afterwards, she looked at Lu Qi, but with just one glance, she felt an inexplicable pressure, as if her whole body was submerged in water, and even breathing became difficult.

She quickly looked away.

It wasn't until time passed that Lu Qi's surroundings gradually returned to normal.

At this moment, Fiona's expression was already numb, and she stood there blankly, her face full of bewilderment.

Her world view has been shocked beyond recognition.

If there is no mistake, Lu Qi's sword intent has already been completed.

This moment made Fiona's heart extremely unbalanced. She had never seen someone who could comprehend sword intent so easily from entry to completion.

Most importantly, this guy is Lu Qi who is doing badly all day.

The more she thought about it, the more unbalanced Fiona felt.

It's as if the gods are chasing this guy's ass to feed him, and while feeding him, he said: "Is it enough for the child? Is it enough?"

Thinking of this, Miss Jian Ji's back molars almost shattered.

Destroy the gods, despise the gods!

If this kind of treatment was given to her, she wished she could spend 24 hours out of 25 hours a day on sword practice!
Lux glanced at Fiona again, feeling a little dazed, isn't it difficult to comprehend this thing?

Why did she feel that Lu Qi broke through another level easily?
After thinking about it, she still didn't ask this question, because she felt that bad things would happen if she asked.

So she focused on other places, and looked at Lu Qi in the courtyard.

She found that Lu Qi's demeanor had also become more easy-going at the moment, giving people a sense of personability. Standing indifferently in the courtyard, that chiseled face seemed to become a bit more handsome.

Seeing this scene, her eyes gradually lit up.

The scenery in this scene is naturally good. Of course, the premise of everything is that if Lu Qi does not speak.

At this time, Lu Qi, who had fully comprehended the Wuji Sword Intent, also condensed the Sword Intent in his body. After that, he opened his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief.

The feeling of epiphany just now is simply too wonderful, as if the soul has been sublimated and released to the fullest.

This Wuji sword intent is also a very special sword intent. After comprehending it, Lu Qi also understood its origin.

It is from the Promise Sword Master of Ionia - Master Yi.

Lu Qi didn't expect that he hadn't learned the Wuji swordsmanship, but he had fully reached the level of Wuji swordsmanship first.

This Wuji Sword Intent is naturally extremely powerful, as can be seen from his master Wuji Sword Master.

One man, one sword, can repel a Noxian army.

This terrifying strength established his position as a great master of swordsmanship in the First World War.

It's just that Lu Qi lacks Wuji swordsmanship right now, so he can't fully display its power.

But as a sword intent of the perfection level, even without the cooperation of swordsmanship, it is quite impressive.

Lu Qi, who felt quite good, also gradually inflated his mentality, and wanted to find someone to practice with.

As soon as he had this thought, he turned his head and saw Fiona standing blankly at the gate of the courtyard.

The corner of the mouth directly evoked a dragon king smile, and hooked his fingers arrogantly: "It's just in time, little girl Jian Ji, practice sword with me."

Seeing him like this, the light in Lacus' eyes disappeared suddenly, and she pursed her lips and looked away.

This guy is fine, but it's a pity that he has a mouth.

At this time, Fiona also frowned, and the corners of her mouth twitched.


In my mind, these two words sounded over and over again, as if they had been echoed.

And her cold eyes are also cooling down a little bit at this moment, just like a cold cave in winter, without the slightest emotion, and a sneer is evoked at the corner of her mouth.

"Okay, you can practice as long as you want!"

There was nowhere to vent the imbalance in my heart.

In the end, this guy owed Baden himself to deliver it to his door.

Then this opportunity, I naturally can't miss it.

And Lu Qi looked at Miss Jian Ji's expression at this moment, and already felt that something was wrong, with cold sweat dripping from his forehead, he waved his hands and said with a flustered smile: "Forget it, forget it, I still won't practice."

However, Fiona approached step by step as if she didn't hear it.

Lu Qi stepped back step by step and became nervous: "Have you eaten yet? Shall I make breakfast for you?"

The temptation of breakfast didn't work.

Fiona showed a smile, but she couldn't feel that she was smiling at all: "Today, you can practice as much as you want, and you have to practice if you don't want to!"

after an hour.

Lu Qi lay there with ashes on his face, his whole body seemed to be burnt out, and he couldn't get up again.

Fiona, on the other hand, wiped the sharp blade in a happy mood, with a heartfelt smile hanging from the corner of her mouth.

In the past, I always imagined the training dummy as Lu Qi to practice sword.

But today is different, she practiced real people.

After some discussion, it can only be said that there is a gap between real people and fake people.

After switching to the real Lu Qi, the feeling of exhilaration has increased by five times, no, ten times!
However, the joyful mood only lasted for a while, and then dissipated.

Fiona also discovered today that if Lu Qi can be bullied now, it is best to bully him a few more times.

Otherwise, according to his growth rate, it won't take long for him to be equaled or even surpassed.

I still remember when I met him for the first time, he was wearing a silly frog mask.

At that time, she had to suppress most of her strength and fight him.

However, when I saw him for the second time, I only used half of my strength to suppress him.

In today's sparring, she no longer needs to be suppressed, and she can completely let go of the fight, which is enough to show how monstrous Lu Qi's strength growth rate is during this period.

And Fiona can also say that she hasn't fought against a swordsman so happily for a long time.

Today's Lu Qi, if he goes to the training camp for swordsmanship enthusiasts again, he may become the strongest there without any effort.

And now, isn't it consistent with her original idea of ​​coming to Lu Qi?

She wants to improve Lu Qi's sword skills and turn him into a qualified opponent.

At first, she took a fancy to Lu Qi's talent, and what she thought was to seek new insights and make new breakthroughs in the midst of evenly matched battles.

It's just that I thought so, but this guy played badly all day long, which reduced her time to practice swords a lot, and almost followed suit.

However, even so, the original idea was still completed.

During this period, Fiona also made a new discovery.

After following Lu Qi, she had unexpected gains. She had been stuck in the bottleneck before, and she had a breakthrough without knowing it.

Although he didn't make a breakthrough in the sparring with Lu Qi, it's not a big problem.

This also made her realize slowly that she didn't necessarily have to devote herself to training day and night in order to become stronger.

It is also a good choice to find some time to relax and cultivate your body and mind.

It's just that I don't know how long I can walk ahead of Lu Qi.

Thinking of this, Fiona sighed in her heart, and looked at Lu Qi at the side, feeling a little complicated.

At this time, Lu Qi noticed the gaze and turned over wearily: "Wait a little longer, and prepare breakfast later."

Seeing him so tired, he thought about making breakfast later.

Fiona also had a smile on her lips.

Obviously, it was extremely difficult for this guy to be willing to practice with her for an hour today.

In fact, the imbalance in her heart has dissipated long ago, and no matter how much she thinks about it, it is useless.

Instead of complaining that other people's talents are stronger than your own, it is better to blame your own efforts for not being thorough enough.

Blaming others is what the weak do.

And she will only go forward step by step.

At this time, Lu Qi was really a little tired. He had exhausted a lot of physical strength with his supernatural powers.

It can be said that he used half of his physical strength to practice sword with Miss Jian Ji just now, and he felt that it was extremely difficult for him to persist for an hour.

However, he also estimated Fiona's strength from the practice.

Although he is only unyielding now, he can be said to be an invincible existence under fearlessness, and he will basically never encounter opponents.

And Fiona is stronger than him now, which shows that her strength is probably at least at the fearless stage.

She is only one year older than Lu Qi.

It is no exaggeration to say that such a young and fearless person is a real genius.

However, it's useless to be a genius, as long as you give him a little more time, you can call him Jian Ji Chick whatever you want in the future.

Thinking of this, he also glanced at Jian Ji beside him with some pride.

However, Fiona was keenly caught in an instant, she showed an emotionless smile, and there was a hint of coldness in her eyes.

Although I don't know what this kid is thinking, he must not hold back his thoughts.

Lu Qi looked away guiltily.

At least not yet.
It is estimated that in the next period of time, I will temporarily swallow my anger for a while.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help sighing faintly.


Unexpectedly, someone sighed in sync with him at this moment.

Lu Qi followed the voice and found that it was Miss Crown Guard sitting there.

Lacus put her right hand on her face, looking a little troubled, and kept looking forward, looking not in a good mood.

At this time, he sighed again: "Oh."

Lu Qi couldn't help asking curiously: "What's the matter that makes you unhappy? Telling it makes me happy."

Lacus immediately turned her head and glared at him: "Don't worry, I'm not in the mood right now."

Lu Qi continued: "Tell me, let me see if I can help."

Lux thought for a while, and said it with some difficulty: "Toothache."


Upon hearing these two words, Lu Qi laughed directly, imitating Lux's tone that day, "Didn't you say that a mere toothache is nothing to worry about?"

Lux knew that she would be ridiculed by this guy if she said it, and she glared at him angrily: "It's all your fault for cursing me! What disaster did you say that day!"

"I told you in advance that I expected that something bad would happen to you in the short term."

Lu Qi chuckled, "I asked you to pay for disaster relief at the time, but you didn't take it seriously, who is to blame now?"

Looking at his face, he felt that Miss Guanwei might be in a little bad luck in the next few days.

Just don't know what it is.

Today I found out, it turned out to be a toothache.

Obviously, they eat candied haws.

Lu Qi makes new candied haws every day, and this is the happiest and most delicious food every time.

When I reminded her last time not to eat bad teeth, this girl still arrogantly said that her toothache was nothing but nothing to worry about.

Now the tooth really hurts, but I can't be arrogant anymore.


Lacus sighed again, not even in the mood to hate Lu Qi.

In the past, when I ate cakes every day, I had a toothache once. After seeing the dentist, even though the medicine was prescribed, the pain still persisted for several days.

Toothache is not an ordinary pain, it's a heart-wrenching thing
Now when she thinks that she will spend the next few days in this kind of pain, she feels a little bit depressed.

Sona, who was sitting beside her, couldn't comfort her even if she wanted to.

After all, toothache is something that ordinary people cannot cure.

Moreover, she could see that this wave was purely caused by Miss Crown Guard.
As long as she eats less than a bunch of candied haws every day, she may not have a toothache.

"Forget it, let me help you take a look."

Seeing how pitiful this girl was, Lu Qi stood up, patted his body, and walked up to Lacus.

Lacus was a little puzzled: "Are you still going to the dentist?"

"A little bit."

Lu Qi smiled modestly and said, "Open your mouth."

Looking at Lu Qi standing in front of her, Lux hesitated for a moment, then obediently raised her head and opened her mouth.

Lu Qi bent down slightly, and from this angle, he could just see the white and small teeth in Lux's mouth.

On the side, Sona and Fiona also cast curious gazes.

Now, they have gradually become numb to Lu Qi's new skills that appear from time to time.

After looking at it twice, Lu Qi stood up and said, "Okay."

Lacus closed her mouth and looked at Lu Qi anxiously, waiting for his conclusion.

Lu Qi smiled and said, "There's no tooth decay, it's just too much sugar, wait for me."

Having said that, he turned and left.

Ms. Guanwei's teeth are well protected. Every tooth is clean and small. It is certain that this situation is because she has eaten too much candied haws recently.

The three girls watched Lu Qi enter the house and waited quietly.

At this time, Lu Qi entered the mansion and searched around where the ingredients were stored.

I dug out some existing medicinal materials.

These medicinal materials are occasionally used when cooking, so I bought them in advance and prepared them.

"Should be enough."

Lu Qi took a general look, and found that there were still many rare and rare fruits in the backpack, and there were also many precious medicinal materials in it.

It is no problem to cure a small toothache.

After a while, he walked out with a small bowl.

Walked up to Lux, and said to her: "Put this in your mouth, wherever it hurts, put it in that place, about 5 minutes."

Lacus looked into the bowl, only smelling a bitter medicinal smell, and quickly pinched her nose.

Looking at the green sticky liquid in the bowl, she said weakly, "Do you really want to drink it?"

"Drink it, it will only be bitter for 5 minutes, if you don't drink it, your toothache will hurt for at least a week."

Lu Qi naturally didn't care, smiled and gave her the right to choose: "You choose yourself."

Lux raised her little hand hesitantly, took the small bowl in her hand, and looked at the liquid medicine in the bowl, her brows furrowed.

It can be seen that she is doing a lot of inner struggle now.

 After this chapter, the plot will be slowly added in the future, and it will no longer be a single daily routine.

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(End of this chapter)

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