LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 104 Do you feel a little heavy on your shoulders recently?

Chapter 104 Do you feel a little heavy on your shoulders recently?

Pain?Or short pain?
This question seemed to appear in front of Miss Crownguard.

After a few seconds, she suddenly made a decision. After taking a deep breath, she gritted her teeth, raised her head and drained the green liquid in the small bowl in one gulp.

In an instant, Lux's whole body became ill, her pupils shrank slightly, her face turned pale, and her small body was on the verge of falling, as if she was about to fall down at any moment.

Seeing this, Fiona and Sona swallowed, and looked away sympathetically.

There is a kind of suffering, which is called suffering even when you look at it.

Then Lux took the liquid medicine in the right side of her mouth, and as she moved, her small face on the right side gradually swelled up.

It looks cute in a different way.

On the other hand, her small mouth was tightly closed, her eyes were also tightly closed, and her whole body was trying very hard to endure the bitterness.

After less than a few tens of seconds, she opened her eyes and looked at Lu Qi pitifully, full of expectation.

It seems to ask again: "Has it been 5 minutes?"

However, Lu Qi shook his head: "It's only been 30 seconds."

Lux closed her eyes again.

After a while, she opened it again and looked at Lu Qi.

Lu Qi said, "It's only been a minute and a half."

Lux's face turned paler and she was about to cry, but she closed her eyes again firmly.

I just feel that time flies so slowly at this moment.

Almost every 30 seconds, she would open her eyes and ask Lu Qi.

Lu Qi waited patiently.

It wasn't until the time was almost up that he took the initiative to say, "It's all right, spit it out to the flowers."

When Lacus heard this, she almost ran towards the flowers with her calves, and spit out all the liquid medicine with a wow.

Even so, the bitter taste in the mouth still did not dissipate.

Urna stepped forward and handed her the mouthwash she had prepared.

Gratefully glanced at Yurna, Lux didn't care about talking, took the mouthwash and poured it into her mouth, after a few gurgles, it all moistened the flowers.

In this way, she was much better, gasping for breath after a while.

At this time, Lu Qi looked at the small bowl, tsk tsk and said in surprise: "I didn't expect you to drink it all."

Lux, who hadn't slowed down by herself, was stunned when she heard the words: "Don't you need to drink all of it?"

"No need."

"Then why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"You didn't even ask."


Lacus made a question mark, stood up, and stared at the innocent Lu Qi with gritted teeth.

However, this time, she felt something was different.

Not caring about being angry with this bitch, she reached out and touched the right side of her cheek, and the next second her eyes lit up: "It doesn't seem to hurt anymore."

Before I knew it, the toothache on the right side really disappeared.

She also tried to grit her teeth, but she didn't feel any pain, which meant that the medicinal liquid just now was really effective.

Lu Qi smiled faintly at this moment, a mere toothache could not be called a disease in his eyes.

Fiona on the side asked, "Do you still have medical skills?"

Sona also cast a curious look.

Toothache is something that everyone has been exposed to. Sometimes getting angry can also cause toothache. When the pain is particularly severe, you don’t even dare to eat hard things. A little stimulation is a tremor for the soul.

Even when drinking water, you have to bypass the toothache.

Even if you take medicine, the pain will last at least two days for mild symptoms, and a week for severe symptoms.

However, Lu Qi made some liquid medicine, and it only took 5 minutes to solve the problem. I have to say that there is still something.

Lu Qi was still relatively modest, nodded and said, "It's a little bit more than a million."

"Really, do you see if there is anything wrong with me?"

Fiona looked at her with interest.

Lacus and Sona are also interested.

"There is a fee for this thing."

As soon as the words fell, Lu Qi received unfriendly looks from several girls.

Their pocket money has basically been lost to him in the fight against landlords these days.

This guy is making a lot of money, how dare he ask for money now?

"Cough." With a dry cough to cover up his embarrassment, Lu Qi continued, "For the reason that it just opened today, I will help you take a look for free."

After speaking, he sat on the chair, looked at Fiona and said, "Stretch out your hand."


Fiona looked puzzled.

Last time this guy said he knew how to read a picture, let him stretch out his hand.

Now he knows medical skills and let him reach out.

This time, it was Sona who seemed to understand it, and made a few hand gestures.

Lu Qi nodded: "That's right, I'm using the pulse, which is one of the four medical skills of 'look, smell, listen, and feel'. By observing the pulse, we can understand the situation in the human body."

Demacia's medical skills are actually quite developed.

The pharmacy here has been developing very rapidly.

Whenever I get sick, I ask the doctor to prescribe a medicine and make it into medicine.

The concept is very similar to traditional Chinese medicine.

The rest are also supported by some basic medicines, but they lack the research and development and application of electricity, and they are still helpless in the face of some diseases.

Just like Lu Qi's mother's illness, maybe if the medical technology is more developed, it can be cured.

Of course, things like medical care grow with the times, and it is normal for anyone at that stage to experience birth, old age, illness and death.

On Ionia's side, the medical skills are more Chinese-style, mainly targeting the human body, including meridians, acupuncture points, and internal organs.

Sona came from Ionia, so naturally she had seen the pulse.

Hearing Lu Qi's explanation at this time, Fiona no longer had any doubts. She put her hands on the table, then turned her hands upwards, and pulled up the loose sleeves, revealing her white and smooth forearms.

Lu Qi put his hand up indifferently, and pressed the cunkou of Fiona's radial artery with his index, middle and ring fingers.

The pressure wasn't too heavy, Fiona just felt his hand come up.

Then he didn't make a sound, just waited quietly.

Lu Qi took the pulse very quickly. In fact, he knew if there was any problem at a glance. The pulse was just to confirm.

"Basically, you are quite healthy, but your waist and shoulders are strained, do you feel sore when you do activities occasionally?"

Lu Qi made a sound slowly.

Fiona's eyes flashed, and she nodded: "Yes."

Now she really believed in her heart that Lu Qi knew how to be a doctor, and he looked very good.

She never told anyone about the pain in her waist and shoulders, only she knew about it.

Lu Qi just touched it with his hands and noticed it.

"We still need to pay attention to this situation. Excessive strain can sometimes leave irreversible damage. Although young people are in good health, they can't fight like this."

Lu Qi had an old god-like tone, and his voice was calm and long.

This almost made Fiona think that the person sitting opposite her was a gray-haired, hundred-year-old doctor.

After thinking about it, Fiona asked, "Is there any way?"

"Massage or acupuncture can effectively relieve the pain, and there is also a medicinal bath."

After Lu Qi finished speaking, seeing Fiona's waiting eyes, he continued to say, "The massage treatment will take longer, about twice a week, or about two weeks."

"Acupuncture once every two days, three times in a row is enough. It is to use acupuncture to pierce your acupoints. It can warm the meridians, reconcile qi and blood, and have other beneficial effects."

"The medicated bath is the most expensive. You need to buy a lot of medicines, and soak once a day. But this effect is also the best. It can not only eliminate fatigue, but also nourish the skin, whiten the body, and take care of the body. There are many benefits."

After speaking, Lu Qi fell silent.

Waiting for Fiona to make a choice.

As for Fiona, recalling the three choices, she couldn't help but look up at Lu Qi in front of her.

Undoubtedly, apart from the final medicinal bath, the other two probably had to be done by Lu Qi himself.

But considering the recent economic strain, he lost a lot of money playing cards with this guy, and it seemed that he couldn't afford the medicinal bath.

So there are only two options left.

Massage or Acupuncture?

It seemed that she hadn't experienced what it was like to have a massage.

Looking at Lu Qi in front of her, Fiona hesitated for a moment, but she was still discouraged, and said coldly: "Acupuncture."

Lu Qi said: "That will have to wait until evening, and I will pick out a good pair of silver needles in the afternoon."

He had just obtained back-to-basics medical skills, so he naturally wanted to show off his skills. Otherwise, it would be a waste to hide such awesome skills on his body.

Fiona's waist and shoulder strain is not at its worst yet, but if she keeps ignoring it, it will explode one day sooner or later.


At this moment, Lu Qi behaved quite like an old Chinese doctor with profound knowledge.

Sona, who was sitting next to Fiona, immediately put her hands on the table curiously, and looked at Lu Qi expectantly with watery eyes.

Her arms are slender, but not particularly thin. Sure enough, the hands that play the piano all the year round are in good condition.

Lu Qi still rested his three fingers on Sona's veins, and within a moment, he knew it in his mind.

"There are not many problems."

Lu Qi looked at Sona and said, "Recently, do you feel unusually heavy on your shoulders?"

As soon as the words fell, the lovely Sona was startled, and looked at Lu Qi with wide eyes, as if saying how do you know.

Lu Qi smiled faintly, and said to himself that he would know it even without looking at it.

The cause of this is simply obvious at a glance.

As soon as Fiona heard this, she couldn't help but look down from Sona's face.

Then fell silent, and looked away again.

Lax, who recovered from her strength, looked at Sona's chest at the same time.

A trace of envy flashed in his eyes, then he looked down and saw his feet all at once.

Miss Crownguard suddenly wanted to cry.

Lu Qi naturally doesn't know what these two guys think.

Looking into Sona's eyes, he was saying at this moment: "The method is basically the same as before, let's say that the problem is bigger than Fiona's."

After all, because of Sona's cause, it has been accompanied by it for a long time.

As for Fiona, it was only because she practiced sword too hard at ordinary times and didn't care about her body, so it was natural for her to suffer from strain.

Sona became a little nervous when she heard the words, and asked Lu Qi what to do.

Lu Qi smiled and said, "I suggest acupuncture combined with medicinal baths. These two have the greatest effect and can effectively relieve the pain."

So Sona nodded obediently, her eyes seemed to say: "Then these two!"

The problem of heavy shoulders has troubled her for a long time. Sometimes she can't straighten up. It may be because she spends too much time practicing piano.

After all, Yuhua is indeed a little heavy.

She also asked her sister to massage her shoulders, but it didn't help in the end.

But now, I feel that Lu Qi's words are very credible.

"It's me, it's me!"

Lacus moved a small stool and sat beside her, stretching out her hand with an eager expression.

Lu Qi glanced at her, and stretched out his hand to put her on it.

Time quickly passed by second by second.

As for Lux, she looked at Lu Qi's face, and suddenly saw his relaxed expression sink, and her heart skipped a beat.

Seeing him show a completely different expression when he felt the pulse of Fiona and Sona.

Lacus also became nervous, and asked cautiously, "What's wrong?"

Lu Qi withdrew his hand, sighed, suddenly looked at Lacus softly and said, "You can eat whatever you want in the future."

Lux: "???"

The two things I fear most when seeing a doctor, one is that the face of the doctor who was still smiling and chatting suddenly darkens.

The second is that the doctor pats you on the shoulder and says you can eat whatever you want.

As a result, she now has both things.

Lacus panicked in an instant.

But soon, she came to her senses, staring at Lu Qi, her face was also downcast, and she said with an unkind expression, "Are you fooling me again?"

Lu Qi chuckled and admitted directly: "That's right, I'm just fooling you."

Lux: (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

Seeing this guy admit it so decisively, Lacus immediately became angry.

But there was nothing he could do with this guy, so he sat aside angrily.

The expression is staring at Lu Qi with a sullen look, as if some assassination plan is brewing in his heart.

Seeing this look, Lu Qi was still a little flustered.

The probability of being bitten by a little golden retriever is very low, but definitely not zero.

After thinking about it, he coughed and said, "Speaking of which, I recently researched a dessert called creme brulee."

As expected, Lux's attention was drawn back, and she glanced at Lu Qi, but didn't speak, just snorted coldly.

And Fiona and Sona also knew who Lu Qi was speaking to.

So the two played backgammon as usual without talking to each other.

"Forget it, since you don't want to eat it, let's make a normal breakfast."

No one responded, Lu Qi sighed, stood up, and walked slowly towards the kitchen.

Lux looked at his back, the curiosity in her heart was finally aroused, she hesitated for a moment, then stood up and trotted to follow.

He was not angry anymore, blinked his eyes and asked, "Is it delicious?"

Lu Qi snorted in his heart, and glanced at her face: "Would I say it's not delicious?"

"Can I eat this this morning?"

"Okay, let me show you a hand to avoid trouble."


Miss Crown Guard immediately looked forward to it happily.

Lu Qi was busy in the kitchen.

It still takes some time to prepare the pudding, but I got up early this morning, and it's only almost eight o'clock now.

By nine o'clock, it was almost done.

The sky is still cloudy, and it stands to reason that this kind of weather is basically the rhythm of rain.

But there was no rain falling.

In fact, Lu Qi still likes rainy days, the kind of rain that is neither heavy nor heavy, and listening to the sound of the rain, the mood will be unconsciously relaxed.


Bring several breakfasts to the table.

Several girls smelled the smell early, and sat and waited for a while before the meal.

At this time, when they saw the breakfast, they all showed curiosity.

There are five copies in total, one pudding is placed in front of each person, and of course there are others, but they are all overshadowed by the pudding.

They first looked at the appearance.

The appearance looks like a piece of smooth fudge, with a light yellow appearance, with edges and edges around it, and a layer of caramel on the surface, which even shines, which is very eye-catching.

Out of curiosity, Lux picked up the fork and poked lightly.

The pudding started to shake immediately, the incomparable Q-bomb, it was also a bit interesting to watch.

Her beautiful eyes were shining brightly at the moment, and she dug out a small piece with a spoon and put it into her mouth with some anticipation.

The moment the pudding entered, Miss Guanwei suddenly felt that her life was complete, and her eyes narrowed happily.

Seeing her like this, Fiona and Sona couldn't wait to start tasting.

Sona looked at Lu Qi, nodded again and again, her eyes were also extremely cute, obviously she also had a very high opinion of Pudding.

Even Fiona, who wasn't particularly interested in desserts, didn't dare to say that anymore.

Ever since I came to Lu Qi for dinner every day, desserts after meals are indispensable every day.

At the same time she also found out.

It's not that I'm not interested in desserts, but that Demacia's desserts made her uninterested before meeting Lu Qi.

I saw a few people with extremely satisfied expressions.

Lu Qi suddenly remembered something, stood up, and came to the cubicle.

There is a dining table exclusive to Urna, initially because the master and servant cannot sit at the same dining table.

Later Yuerna asked to be alone, and Lu Qi granted her wish.

When he came to the cubicle, he saw Yurna was eating pudding, with a faint smile on her lips, looking satisfied.

After noticing Lu Qi, she froze for a moment.

It seems that because he was too focused on eating, he didn't expect Lu Qi to come at this time.

At this moment, the expression looked a little cute.

It was also the first time for Lu Qi to see his maid showing such an expression. Although he restrained himself soon after seeing him, he was still captured by him.

Looking at Urna's dodging eyes.

Lu Qi smiled and nodded: "It's okay, I just want to see if it suits your taste."

After speaking, he backed out.

But I didn't see Yurna's face gradually turning red.

She looked at Lu Qi's back, lowered her head to look at the creme brulee, and thought that His Highness really had a bad taste.

The more he thought about it, the redder his face became.

At this moment, Lu Qi returned to the dining table contentedly.

The three girls who concentrated on enjoying the pudding ignored him.

Lu Qi didn't care either, he was in a pretty good mood.

His maid was expressionless most of the time, which made him very interested in what kind of scene it would be if she showed her expression.

I saw it just now, and it's really good.

To make Urna show such an expression, doesn't it just prove her cooking skills.

This still made Lu Qi a little proud.

 There is one more chapter, and it is being coded

(End of this chapter)

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