LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 108 Aunt, listen to my explanation!

Chapter 108 Aunt, listen to my explanation! ([-]-character chapter)

Turning around inside the workshop, everything is operating normally.

Navis said that the improved version of the printing machine will be produced in at most three days.

This also means that the date of the official release of the newspaper is very close, and it will only be a few days at most.

Lu Qi also started to make preparations.

He didn't stay in the workshop for long, he just checked the situation, said goodbye to Navis and left.

On the way to the commercial street.

Lux suddenly remembered something, looked at Lu Qi: "Didn't you say that you have a very important task to arrange for me, what exactly is it?"

There were four of them back then, Lu Qi assigned tasks to everyone, but she didn't.

As a result, the newspapers were about to go on sale now, but she still had nothing to do.

This made Lux feel very uninvolved.

So far, she seems to have done nothing other than represent the Crown Guard family and buy a wave of shares.

Lu Qi heard this and looked at her with a smile: "Don't worry, it's only been two days."

He was still thinking about how to fool around, but he didn't expect Miss Mianwei to propose it on her own initiative.

That's good, it saves a lot of things.

Lux nodded, her expression full of interest.

Not long after, the carriage arrived at the commercial street.

The purchase started, because there were too many things to buy, so Lu Qi allocated a little to each of the three people.

The four people split up and dispersed, each buying their own.

Then go back to the carriage to gather after shopping.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, when the sunlight in the sky turned slightly yellow, the things were considered to be finished.

Because there are too many items, one carriage is definitely not enough, so I rented four more carriages.

Only then could they pretend, and everyone started heading home.

It was still light when we got home.

It's just that the sunset at dusk can already be seen, casting soft light after the rain.

When I came back to my senses, before I knew it, more than half of the summer had passed.

After getting off the carriage, in the courtyard, Sona and Fiona were sitting opposite each other, playing backgammon.

Both of them looked focused and serious.

As far as backgammon is concerned, Sona's chess skills are the closest to Fiona's, and the two are about the same.

So Fiona also likes to play chess with Sona the most, and the relationship has changed from just an acquaintance at the beginning to now a good friend.

Seeing Lu Qi and the others coming back, the two women raised their heads and took a look.

Seeing the four big cars in the back, he temporarily stopped the game and stood up to help.

It took a lot of work for everyone to tidy up.

Fiona asked puzzled, "Why did you buy so many things?"

She saw a lot of bottles and cans here, as well as the wine barrels she bought last time, and bought a bunch of them this time.

Also bought some coal.

The rest are some medicinal materials, and these medicinal materials alone take up a cart.

There are also ingredients that occupy a cart, which is understandable.

Hearing her question, Lu Qi smiled: "Of course it works."

These things can be said to be used, but they have to be dealt with slowly.

Seeing this, Fiona didn't ask any more questions. At this moment, she thought of something and said, "By the way, when I was practicing sword in the backyard, I found that there seemed to be water spraying."


Lu Qi was puzzled when he heard this.

Immediately, out of curiosity, several people all went to the backyard.

The backyard is actually much larger than the front yard. Not only is it connected to a back garden, but there is a stone path in the garden, and there is a large fish pond at the back end.

It's just that Lu Qi has no interest in fish farming, so he has been idle.

The water spray place that Fiona mentioned is at the fish pond.

Lu Qi's current home used to be Tiana's main house. She lived here with her husband more than ten years ago. However, in a war, Tiana's husband was killed by the enemy and died on the battlefield.

After returning to the capital, Tiana did not return to this residence, but moved into the Crown Guard mansion.

So the house has been vacant for many years.

Originally, the fish pond here was connected to the water source and had a water exchange system, but after it was left idle, the water exchange system was abandoned.

Looking at it, there is no water in the fish pond at this time, even though it has rained.

Apparently it had drained through the spout.

Outside the fish pond, there were several cracks on the ground, and water was still overflowing at this time.

Seeing this, Lux said strangely: "No, it's right that the water source connected to this fish pond is gone."

The fish pond is to introduce water from the upper stream, and achieve the purpose of changing water through the downstream outlet.

However, the upper water source has now been diverted to other places, and it has become the water source of Lu Qi's main courtyard.

Lu Qi stepped forward, squatted down and took a look, and said, "This water doesn't seem to flow from above."

He reached out and touched the overflowing water, and immediately felt a warm feeling.

This made Lu Qi feel a little surprised, and at the same time was pleasantly surprised.

"Isn't this luck!"

He stood up with a joyful expression, sighing in his heart that today is indeed his auspicious day.

Seeing his expression, Fiona frowned slightly, looked at the place where the water overflowed, and guessed: "It can't be hot spring water, right?"

"If there are no accidents, it's probably true!"

Lu Qi nodded almost confidently.

Hot spring water is not very unfamiliar to people in Demacia.

Because many cities in Demacia, including the capital, are built against mountains, natural hot springs can be easily found in many places.

Even some cities in Demacia are famous for their hot springs.

Now that the water is overflowing here, it obviously shows that there are conditions for the formation of hot springs in the underground of Lu Qi's house.

Generally, if you want groundwater to form a hot spring, there are three conditions.

1. There must be a heat source underground.

2. There must be a hydrostatic pressure difference to cause the hot water to surge up (there are cracks in the rock formation to allow the hot spring to gush out).

3. There must be deep and long fissures in the rock to supply hot water to the ground (there is a space for storing hot water in the formation).

The surface has a natural water circulation system, and because of the heavy rain in the morning, the rainwater will seep below the surface.

At this time, rainwater will penetrate deep into the cracks in the rock formation.

Through geothermal heat, the temperature of the water will gradually increase, and when it rises to a certain level, it will generate pressure and overflow the surface.

Perhaps there has been a hot spring underground here for a long time, but no one has discovered it because it has been idle.

It was raining heavily today, and it happened that Fiona was practicing sword in the backyard, so she noticed it.

Otherwise, with Lu Qi's lazy temper, I'm afraid he will never find out that there is a hot spring in the backyard in his life.

There is no doubt that Lu Qi definitely picked up a bargain this time.

Thinking of this, even he became a little excited.

He has had enough of spending time in that tiny bathtub every day!
"Hot spring"

Lacus showed envious eyes, she actually likes hot springs very much.

It's just that I can only go once in a while, and I can only soak in the bathtub at home in normal times.

It feels so much worse than the hot spring.

Therefore, it can be said that Lu Qi is very envious of being able to pick up a hot spring for nothing.

Sona and Kashina didn't feel much about it, probably because they had a natural hot spring in their home.

Anyway, this is great news for Lu Qi.

He wished he could have a drink tonight.

However, Lu Qi calmed down quickly, and there was no rush for this matter. After all, there was a hot spring, but the pool for soaking in the hot spring was not ready yet.

More haste less speed.

Back in the front yard, Lu Qi always had a smile on his face, and he was in a very good mood.

"I wanted to wait two more days, but now I don't want to wait!"

Lu Qi made a decision talking to himself, which made the girls a little strange.

Lacus cast a curious look: "What are you waiting for two days?"

Lu Qi glanced at her: "It should have nothing to do with you."

This attitude immediately made Miss Guanwei a little upset, and stared at Lu Qi with her small eyes.

But it didn't take long for her to realize that it had nothing to do with her.

After the purchase was over, the purchased items were also sorted out, and everyone soon got idle.

So what to do.

Sona and Fiona continued to play the backgammon they had just played.

Lu Qi unexpectedly refused the invitation of Lacus and Kashina to play mahjong.

Because he has something to do next.

The two had no choice but to drag Yuerna and start fighting the landlord.

By the way, pay attention to Lu Qi's strange behavior in the yard.

At this moment, he moved out the many iron frames he bought last time, and then he knocked this and that one by himself, and from time to time he grinded them back and forth with a hacksaw, making noise.

The noisy girls couldn't concentrate and ran into the house one after another.

Seeing that he was rarely so focused on one thing, and several people didn't come to bother him, he became more and more curious.

When they found that the yard was quiet, they noticed that Lu Qi went to wash up, and then got into the kitchen.

Seeing that he seemed to be preparing for dinner, they also began to look forward to today's dinner.

Until it got dark, about eight o'clock in the evening.


Master Lu, who had been busy all afternoon, stood in the yard and breathed a sigh of relief, and shouted into the house, "Ready for dinner!"

Not long after the words fell, several girls arrived one by one.

They gathered in the yard suspiciously. Although it was getting dark, the yard was very bright because of the fire.

In front of Lu Qi, there was an iron shelf about 1.3 meters four, with coal inside, and it was shining with a flaming red shimmer at the moment.

On the side, there were many tables with various ingredients, many of which were strung together by Lu Qi with iron skewers.

For example, fresh and tender beef, red and white pork, mutton with distinct grains, and countless vegetarian dishes, such as corn, mushrooms, and beans.
In addition, there are a lot of seafood bought today, such as scallops, lobsters, and crabs.

It can be said that their eyes will be dazzled by the amount of ingredients.

But the problem is, these are all raw.

Lacus asked suspiciously: "Are you going to bake it?"

Lu Qi nodded and said with a smile: "That's right, I'll let you try barbecue today."

He has been thinking about barbecue for a long time, and he specially brewed beer for it.

With a small barbecue and a small beer, this life is what he dreams of.

Because of the consideration of the brewing time, he had planned to wait a few days until the newspaper was released before opening the wine to celebrate.

But now, because of the discovery of hot springs, so go straight ahead!
"Isn't it just roasting and eating?"

Lux moved a little closer, feeling the heat wave of the coal blowing towards her face, and then moved a little further away.

Barbecue and so on, everyone present has eaten it, roasted it with fire, sprinkled with some seasoning, and it's over.

"You don't understand, high-end ingredients often use the simplest cooking method."

Lu Qi smiled mysteriously, and said, "Eating mine is different from yours."

Regarding this, the girls did not express any doubts at all.

Because, usually, they can choose not to believe whatever Lu Qi says.

But only in terms of food, they believed whatever Lu Qi said.

At this time, they also noticed that on the table on the other side, there was a wine barrel, which seemed to be the wine that Lu Qi had been brewing in the basement.

Fiona, who had been interested in this for a long time, stepped forward and took a closer look: "Is it the beer you mentioned?"


Lu Qi nodded, put his hand on the grill to feel the temperature of the fire, and said, "It's almost there, go and get what you want to eat."

After the words fell, several girls went to the food area to choose what they wanted to eat.

When he brought it over, he looked at their hands, and Lu Qi was also speechless for a while.

"Can you be a little vegetarian?"

He looked around, good guy, all meat skewers.

This is to plan not to touch a single dish tonight.

"Stop talking nonsense, bake!"

Lacus raised her head proudly, and handed the meat skewers to Lu Qi.

She brought the most meat, all kinds.

Master Lu sighed and started the high-end barbecue.

First, brush a layer of golden oil on the fresh and tender meat skewers, put them on the grill, and soon there will be a "crackling" sound.

Over time, the color of the meat began to change, and it didn't take long to emit a fragrance of the meat itself.

Then, comes the important time.

Lu Qi took out the sauce that he made himself, dipped it with a brush, and spread it on the meat skewers one by one.


Immediately, the meat skewers made a sizzling sound, and as some of the sauce evaporated, more of the sauce was absorbed by the shrinking meat.

The smell of meat floating in the air, accompanied by the smell of the sauce, spread to the entire yard, making the girls unable to look away instantly.

Lux moved a small stool and watched eagerly. At this moment, she didn't want to think about anything, she just wanted to eat quickly.

"All right!"

Lu Qi skillfully grabbed a handful of meat skewers, and the delicious meat juice dripped on the charcoal, making a beautiful sound.

Then he grabbed a handful of seasoning and sprinkled it casually.

Lacus was already waiting beside her with a small plate.

Lu Qi put the handful of meat skewers on it and started to process the next batch.

After a while, a few plates were piled up with all kinds of kebabs, constantly emitting hot aroma, like a plump dancer, waiting for the guests to come forward.

Then Lu Qi picked up the wooden barrel cup he bought, came to the beer barrel, turned on the tap, and bright yellow beer sprayed out immediately.

He caught it with a cup, and several girls looked at it curiously, and found that the beer was very similar to wheat wine.

At this time, as the beer came out, they could already smell a trace of the unique aroma spreading in the air, like a wheat field in nature, it seemed to have some fruity fragrance, and smelled a little sweet.

As the beer in the glass rises, white foam like snowflakes comes out, and when the white foam is about to overflow, Lu Qi turns off the switch.

The first cup was given to Fiona who had been waiting for a long time.

Then one cup after another was sent down.

On the way, I also caught Lacus who was trying to get away with it. She came over with a wooden cup, and passed the cup to Lu Qi pretending not to know.

Lu Qi glanced at her, pointed to the back of the beer barrel, and grinned: "You drink this."

Lacus looked around, and immediately saw a small iced Coke barrel behind the beer barrel, as if it was specially prepared for her.

Seeing this, Miss Mianwei immediately showed a dissatisfied expression, and protested: "I'm going to be an adult soon!"

Although Demacia's wine is not a luxury, it is not cheap, and there are laws that prohibit minors from drinking alcohol.

And the poor Miss Crown Guard is still a minor.

"That's also underage."

Lu Qi smiled, looking at her like looking at a child, full of adults' arrogance.

Seeing this look, Lacus became even more upset, but there was nothing she could do.So he walked to the back and took a glass of Coke sullenly.

Although she also likes to drink Coke, but now everyone is obviously drinking beer, so what does it mean for her to hold a glass of Coke?
"To celebrate the discovery of hot springs, cheers!"

At this moment, Lu Qi raised the wine glass in his hand, smiling all over his face.

After speaking loudly, he raised his head and began to coo.


Several girls responded with a smile.

Like Lu Qi, Fiona raised her head and toasted boldly.

As soon as the beer was in her mouth, she felt a freshness that belongs to fermented wine, followed by a subtle fruity sweetness, with a texture as smooth as velvet. The next second, the strong aroma of beer burst out, enveloping the hops, With that unique carbonation feeling.

Almost instantly, Fiona decided that the beer brewed by Lu Qi was absolutely the best of all wines.

Her family owns a winery, so she knows a little bit about wine.

Although I don't drink it very often, I can still drink it. This beer is by no means ordinary.

Seeing the boldness of the two, Kashina raised her glass, wanting to do the same.

But halfway through it was a little timid.

She looked like she had just grown up, and because of her strict family education, this was her first time drinking alcohol.

After thinking about it, I still gave up and took a small sip first.

Then I tasted it, and it felt like Coke, with a breath of air. As for the taste, it was fresh, because it was the first time I drank it, and I didn't know if it tasted good or not.

But the first feeling is that I don't hate drinking.

Sona, with a gentle smile on her face, drank in small sips, nodding thoughtfully while drinking.

It seems to be saying that this beer is not simple.

This beer is indeed not simple. After all, it was carefully brewed by Lu Qi, with several exotic fruits added in it, which tastes much better than ordinary beer.

Urna sipped the beer in small sips, she seemed to have no expression on her face, but her eyes were fixed on the beer in the glass, looking very satisfied.


After finishing a glass of beer in a few sips, I felt a sense of refreshment spread to my whole body, and my spirit instantly became full.

Lu Qi breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately refilled the second cup.

The first glass of beer, as expected, still has to be drunk dry, with hops, it is simply a must.

Fiona toasted at a speed not slower than him, and felt the same refreshment after drinking a cup, and reached out her hand to wipe the foam from her mouth indifferently.

Then he handed the cup to Lu Qi, signaling for a refill with his eyes.

Lu Qi smiled knowingly, took the cup and refilled her a second cup.

Then there is no need to toast, ready to eat and drink.

At this time, the temperature of the roasted meat became just right, so one of them took a skewer and couldn't wait to bite into his mouth and taste it.

Lux is the fastest, and what she drinks is Coke, so it doesn't matter whether she drinks or not.

So while Lu Qi and the others were drinking, she stood beside the kebab boredly, waiting for it to cool down.

When it was no longer hot, she picked up a bunch and couldn't wait to bite a piece.

Chewing lightly, the gravy splashes in the mouth instantly, and you can feel a little salty taste first, followed by the aroma of barbecue, and finally the aroma of sauce.

The combination of the three flavors immediately made Lacus feel a deep sense of happiness.

The barbecue that I have eaten before is not worthy of being compared with barbecue.

As a foodie, she also discovered right away that the sauce that Lu Qi smeared the second time was the soul.

This sauce directly doubles the taste of the skewers!
The most powerful thing is that Lu Qi not only achieves the main flavor of the sauce, but also retains the natural aroma of the barbecue.

This is the worst place.

While eating mouthful after mouthful, when Lux lamented how wonderful life is, she noticed Lu Qi and the others who were drinking beer and chatting.

Look at the beers in their hands.

She suddenly felt that the meat skewers in her hand were not so fragrant.

Lu Qi said that barbecue with beer is a must, so now she only tasted barbecue and didn't drink beer, wouldn't she only experience half of happiness?

Looking at the cola in the glass, Lux sighed, lifted it up and took a sip, feeling that the cola that usually tastes great is no longer fragrant.

Although they were not far away and could see Lu Qi and the others when they looked up, Lux felt as if two worlds were separated.

So he sighed again, took another sip from the cup, and could only use Coke to relieve his worries.

Lu Qi didn't notice Miss Crown Guard's sadness over there.

He drank cups with Miss Jian Ji, as if he had forgotten the time.

Both of them haven't had a drink for a long time, so after a few drinks, both Lu Qi and Fiona feel a little tipsy.

Urna took over Lu Qi's place and grilled the food on his behalf. After all, with the sauce, the barbecue itself is not a troublesome task.

Up to now, Lu Qi didn't remember how many glasses he had drunk, he just felt that the feeling of being slightly drunk was very good, and he looked up at the sky with a faint smile, admiring the night scene at the moment.

On the side, Miss Jian Ji's complexion became much more rosy, and her azure blue eyes were not as cold as usual at the moment, as if they had melted, and there was a trace of tenderness that could not be seen normally.

The glamorous temperament all over her body is also much brighter, and it also adds a touch of charm. Coupled with that beautiful face, it looks extremely moving in this night scene.

She drank the same number of cups as Lu Qi. Basically, she drank as many cups as Lu Qi drank.

It's not a comparison, it's just that the drinking progress happens to be the same, and Fiona rarely drinks so freely.

She basically doesn't drink alcohol, because after drinking alcohol, the feeling of drunkenness will affect her judgment, so she basically doesn't hate or like alcohol.

But at this moment, she only thought about having another drink.

Looking up at the sky, the night sky has already been dotted with stars unconsciously, and a brilliant Milky Way is particularly bright, giving people a sense of dream.

She squinted sideways and looked to the side. Lu Qi, who was leaning on the edge of the table and also looking up at the sky, looked at his delicate and handsome face. There was a bit of laziness in those clear eyes, and a somewhat leisurely expression. .

Looking at it, the corners of Fiona's mouth curled up unconsciously. She never thought that one day she would drink with a man like this.

Leaning against the table together, looking at the distant night scene in the same posture, she smiled and said, "In this Demacia, you are the most enjoyable person I have ever met."

Hearing this, Lu Qi also smiled and said: "I don't have any particularly lofty ideals. What I always want is to drink as a song and enjoy myself in time, so I do my best to study some things that make me live comfortably."

In life, the first thing to learn is to learn to enjoy.

After all, life is too long, and there are too many things to experience in life, joys and sorrows, ups and downs, birth, old age, sickness and death.

It's so complicated, if you still can't learn to enjoy it, then you are an ascetic monk who came to this world for nothing.

Lu Qi doesn't want to be an ascetic.

So whether it is cloudy or sunny in the future.

The most important thing is the present moment.

A second of happiness at the moment is a second of happiness.

What's the point of adding troubles to myself all day long.

Beside, Fiona smiled softly, she raised her eyes to look at the sky: "It would be great if I could be like you."

Sing to wine and enjoy yourself in time.

What a good eight words.

Hearing this, Lu Qi gave her a strange look: "Aren't you right now?"

Fiona was slightly taken aback when she heard this, and after a while she couldn't help laughing, forgetting that she was also at this very moment.

Yes, she is really happy now.

It's just that it's good to keep going like this.

Lu Qi looked at Miss Jian Ji beside her, she didn't speak, but there was an imperceptible sadness in those eyes.

Turn around and continue to look at the sky.

He knew that even if he wanted to maintain this kind of life, he had to do something.

Fiona got up and wanted to get another drink. During the time of chatting, maybe she was drunk, which made her a little wobbly in the first two steps.

Inadvertently, she bumped into Lu Qi lightly, and this physical contact made Fiona regain her sanity a little.

Standing still, she subconsciously glanced at Lu Qi.

He found that he was looking at himself with a slight smile.

With an inexplicable heartbeat, Fiona turned the switch pretending not to care, and took another glass of beer.



Lu Qi raised his glass and had a final toast with Jian Ji.

Afterwards, I felt a little hungry, so I went to the barbecue grill, selected a few skewers of my favorite, and handed them to Yuerna.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that his ears were very clean, and he couldn't help feeling a little strange, feeling that something was missing.

This feeling is getting stronger and stronger.

Turning around to look for it, she found that Kasina and her sisters were sitting together back to back, and Kasina, who was a little drunk, was speaking unilaterally.

Sona listened quietly.

Everything is fine, but where did a certain golden retriever go?
"Where's Lux?"

He looked at Urna.

It stands to reason that they refilled their cups, and Lux ​​should continue frantically at this time.

She is usually the most noisy and eats the most, why is there no one around at this time?
"Miss Crown Guard, she just entered the house."

Urna heard Lu Qi's question and answered.

Lu Qi was taken aback for a moment, what was Lacus doing in the house?
Something is wrong, very much something is wrong!

Thinking of this, he stood up and walked towards the house.

I entered the living room, searched around but found no one, went into the kitchen again, still saw no one.

At this moment, he suddenly felt something and looked towards the basement.

After thinking about it, he still walked over and down the stairs. There was a torch in the basement to illuminate the inside.

Sure enough, he saw Lux here.

At this time, Miss Crown Guard was sitting in front of a pile of wine barrels, with her back to him, sneaking around, with skewers beside her.

Seeing this, Lu Qi couldn't help but frowned.

Lux was not allowed to drink, but this guy took advantage of his inattention and ran to the basement to drink secretly.

Looking at the side, she brought some meat skewers for a small barbecue with beer.

It's just that it doesn't look like it's ready to eat yet.

So Lu Qi stepped forward, ready to catch her on the spot, but as soon as she got close, before she could speak, Lacus raised her head and looked at Lu Qi.

Her little face was red at the moment, and she looked really cute.

The big eyes looked at Lu Qi without blinking, and the beautiful pupils flickered, like a bright starry sky, and there was a bit of confusion inside.


Seeing that it was Lu Qi, she immediately smirked.

Seeing her like this, Lu Qi looked down at the glass in front of her, there was still about half a glass of beer left in it.

He knew in his heart that this guy was probably drunk.

At this moment, Lux lowered her head and raised the cup in her hand, ready to continue drinking.

Lu Qi reached out and snatched it from her.

Lux raised her head again, and looked at Lu Qi with a puffed up face: "Give it to me!"


"give me!"



After two back and forth.

Lu Qi originally thought that she would rush to grab it, but unexpectedly, Lux just showed an unhappy expression, lowered her head and sat there quietly.

Just like a sulking little girl.

Lu Qi tried to pass the beer glass to her, and Lux ​​immediately raised her hand happily to take it.

Then Lu Qi withdrew his hand again.

Lux glanced at him unhappy again, continued to lower her head, and then suddenly jumped with a "hiccup", her face turned even redder.

Not blush, more like drunk red.

Drunk even more than before.

Lu Qi looked at the cup in his hand, not knowing how much she drank for a moment.

Just half a cup?Or did she drink too much and only had half a glass left?

But no matter how much she drank, there was no doubt that Lux was drunk.

After thinking about it, Lu Qi asked, "Can you stand up?"

Lux looked up at him, nodded, then shook her head.

Lu Qi was stunned for a moment: "Is it possible?"

He was answered with a silly smile.

"Forget it, I'll carry you up."

Sighing, Lu Qi turned his back, and just squatted down, he felt a weight on his body, and two slender arms were already pressing on his shoulders.

Dragging the girl behind her to stand up.

Lux at the back twisted a few times uncomfortably, adjusted a satisfactory posture, and then shouted: "Drive!"

Lu Qi walked upstairs with his dark face behind her back.

Lux behind her was happily shaking her calf, but she was quite well-behaved.

After she was drunk, her personality was completely different from her usual personality.

Before she was drunk, she was innocent, lively and eccentric.

After getting drunk, he became quieter and more obedient, like the type who likes to be alone in a daze after drinking.

No fuss, Lu Qi can do whatever he asks.

He carried her back to the living room without any difficulty, and then put her on the sofa.

Lux sat on it.

There was hot water at home, so Lu Qi poured her a cup of Tianshan tea to see if it would relieve her intoxication.

After pouring it, I felt that the temperature was not particularly hot, so I handed it to her, and said at the same time: "Be careful, drink slowly."

Lacus took it obediently, and drank it obediently.


After the cup was empty, she showed it to Lu Qi as if asking for credit.

Lu Qi smiled: "Do you still drink?"


So Lu Qi poured her another glass.

After another cup, Lu Qi asked, "Do you still drink?"

"Don't drink anymore."

This time Lux shook her head.

After two cups, she didn't feel any less drunk.

Seeing this, Lu Qi sighed: "Oh, wait for me."

After speaking, he went to the kitchen, ready to make a bowl of hangover soup.


Lacus nodded obediently.

Sitting on the sofa, she shook her body lightly in a good mood, and her calves also swayed. After a while, she seemed to feel uncomfortable, so she reached out to take off her shoes.

After a few efforts, a pair of shoes danced in the living room of Lu Qi's house, and they were thrown somewhere.

Then soon another pair of thin socks.

After a while, Lux's two white jade feet were exposed outside. Her feet were long and thin, slightly smaller, and looked snow-white, and her toes were like tender lotus root buds, small and delicate.

This seemed to make her feel much better, and she continued to resume the previous movements, shaking her body slightly.

Waiting and waiting, I didn't see Lu Qi for a long time.

Lax stood up, ready to take the initiative to find him, and ran around the house barefoot without wearing shoes, her feet stepping on the floor, making a "thump, thud, thud" sound.

Lu Qi was cooking soup in the kitchen, when he heard movement, turned his head and saw Lacus standing at the door, looked down, saw the pair of bare feet, frowned: "Your shoes Woolen cloth?"

Lacus said with a charming smile, "Throw it away."

Her face was still red, and her eyes were very blurred, and she didn't seem to be getting any less drunk.

Presumably, he felt more comfortable taking off his shoes. Lu Qi sometimes felt more comfortable taking off his clothes after drinking.

Fortunately, Miss Crown Guard didn't do that, she just took off her shoes.

Looking at her, Lu Qi said, "Go to the living room and wait for me."


Lacus refused this time, stepped into the kitchen with small steps, then walked to Lu Qi's side, and opened her hands.

Seeing her strange behavior, Lu Qi seemed to know what she was going to do.

So he sighed, turned around again, squatted down slightly, and felt another weight on his body.


A girl's cheerful and clear voice came from behind.

Being carried by Lu Qi from the basement seemed to be particularly interesting to her, so she ran to the kitchen and asked him to carry it again.

So with her on his back, Lu Qi walked to the living room, put her on the sofa again, put on a serious face and said, "Don't be willful!"


Lux nodded as if satisfied.

Women who drink too much are troublesome.

Lu Qi silently decided not to let this guy touch alcohol again.

With that in mind, he turned and walked towards the kitchen.

After a while, he came out with a bowl of hangover soup. This bowl is definitely effective, and he will definitely hangover after drinking it.

This is his well-prepared hangover soup, even if a drunk person drinks it, he will be sobered up.

Sitting on the sofa, Lu Qi handed it to Lux, who was looking at him eagerly, and said, "Just finish drinking."

Lacus took it over without any doubt, and put it into her mouth trustingly.

However, after only taking a sip, she spit it back into the bowl, frowned slightly, stuck out her tongue, and looked at Lu Qi pitifully: "It's so bitter."

Lu Qi chuckled and said: "It's right to be bitter. After drinking it, you can definitely see how you are now. When you wake up, I will laugh at you to death."

Lux didn't seem to understand, with a puffed face, this time she didn't drink anything.

Lu Qi thought for a while and said, "I'll give you a bunch of candied haws after drinking."

Now Lax hesitated again, looked at the hangover soup and thought for a while, then picked it up and tried to put it to her mouth.

But halfway through, she put it back again.

In the face of candied haws and no hangover soup, she chose the latter.

Lu Qi thought about it again, and said, "Actually, the first taste is bitter, but the aftertaste is always sweet."

Hearing this, Lacus picked it up and handed it to Lu Qi: "Then take a sip first."

This guy is so smart when he's drunk.

Lu Qi naturally doesn't know how to drink it, how bitter this stuff is, can he, the maker, not understand.

When making it, he directly gave up the taste and only wanted the effect.

Just for a bowl of hangover.

Seeing that Huyou couldn't stop, he had nothing to do for a while.

Putting the bowl back, Lax fell down and lay directly on Lu Qi's lap. After adjusting a comfortable position, she closed her eyes happily, as if she was going to sleep.

It is also a way to make her fall asleep.

So Lu Qi didn't move, just quietly looked at her sleeping face, watched her breathing gradually become even, and soon began to snore a little cutely.

Then when he looked up, he saw the door of the living room, and Tiana looked at him with a darkened face.

Lu Qi was silent for a second: "Auntie, listen to my explanation, it's definitely not what you think."

Tiana showed an emotionless smile: "What do I think?"

As she spoke, she walked over.

Soon smelling the smell of alcohol in Lacus, he frowned: "Did you give this girl a drink?"

Lu Qi said helplessly: "She drank it herself."

Looking at his expression, Tiana also deduced that what this kid said was probably true.

Looking at Lux, who was already asleep, stealing a drink was indeed something this girl did.

Tiana stared at Lu Qi: "What wine?"

When she came back and passed by, she smelled the fragrance, so she wanted to come down and take a look. As soon as she entered the yard, she saw a few little girls drinking slightly drunk.

Then as soon as he entered the room, he saw his baby lump lying on the kid's lap.

At that time, she wanted to kill a wave of silence.

Then he considered that it was Lu Qi who resisted the impulse.

Lu Qi felt that his aunt was looking at him a bit wrongly, so he sneered: "Home-brewed beer."

He silently decided again in his heart, what he said next time, he would never force Lacus to touch alcohol.

(End of this chapter)

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