LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 109 Miss Guanwei, you don't want to get drunk last night...

Chapter 109 Miss Guanwei, You Don't Want to Get Drunk Last Night (One more five thousand)
"You kid can still make wine?"

Hearing this, Tiana looked at Lu Qi and narrowed her eyes.

Why does this kid show up a skill from time to time, giving her a little surprise, just like a crypt full of treasures, no matter how hard she digs, she can't finish it.

"A little bit."

Lu Qi still replied modestly.

Tiana didn't ask too many details, but she was indeed somewhat interested in this beer.

He took two steps forward, and picked up Lux who was lying on Lu Qi's lap like a chicken. Even so, Miss Crown Guard, who was sleeping soundly, did not wake up.

He just hummed a few times in discomfort, and didn't settle down until Tiana carried her on his back.

"I drank a lot."

Looking at her niece who was resting on her shoulder, Tiana smiled, a hint of doting flashed in her eyes, and then looked at Lu Qi, "I'll take her back first."

Lu Qi nodded again and again, got up and saw him off: "Okay, auntie, go slowly."

Seeing that the kid was eager to send herself out of the house quickly, Tiana glanced at him angrily, and ignored him.

go outside.

In the yard, Fiona, Sona, and Kashina all cast their gazes, and they saw Lux sleeping behind Tiana at a glance.

She was sleeping very soundly at the moment, with a silly smile on the corner of her mouth, as if she had a sweet dream.

Then Lu Qi came out.

Before leaving, Tiana held a cup, filled a glass of beer, raised her head and drank it clean, and when she let out a refreshing breath, her eyes could not help but light up.

Turning her head and glanced at Lu Qi behind, Tiana said: "This wine is not bad, send me a few barrels later."

As a good wine connoisseur, she knew that this beer was a good wine as soon as she drank it, and it was just to her taste.

Hearing this, Lu Qi was reluctant to say: "There are only a few barrels in total, so what will I drink for you?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't send it."

Tiana showed a nonchalant smile at this time, and said casually, "It's just that I'm a person who tends to talk too much if I don't drink. It would be bad if I accidentally told my sister about you letting this girl drink."

Hearing this, the corner of Lu Qi's mouth twitched, and he said helplessly, "I'll send it to you later."

The aunt's sister is Mrs. Augsa, Lux's mother.

If she was told about Lux's drinking, Lu Qi would shudder just thinking about it.

Although he dared to touch his conscience and say that he really didn't let the little golden retriever drink, she drank it secretly.

However, he looked at Tiana who was smiling.

Lu Qi has no doubt that this woman will definitely distort the facts.

The consequences of distorting the facts will be serious.

"I don't want too much, half of it is enough, and the rest is brewed slowly."

Before leaving, Tiana stroked Lu Qi's hair with a smile on her face.

Lu Qi sighed, half of what he said was acceptable.

The remaining half is enough for him to drink for a while. During this period, he can brew some more. Fortunately, he went out today and bought a few more wine barrels.

This time not only can brew beer, Lu Qi has many kinds of alcohol in his mind.

After acquiring medical skills, he has mastered many methods of making medicinal wine with various functions, which is also quite good.


At this time, Lacus on Tiana's back let out a groan, and Yoyo woke up. She opened her sleepy eyes, which were still full of confusion after being drunk.

It seems that he is not awake.

It's just that after seeing Lu Qi, he dishonestly tossed behind Tiana's back and made a dissatisfied moan.

At first Tiana thought that she was in an uncomfortable posture, but soon realized that this was not the case, so she said, "Stop making trouble, aunt will take you home."

"I don't want an aunt"

While struggling, Lux said, her small eyes looked at Lu Qi pitifully.

Obviously wanting him to carry it on his back.

Tiana was also obviously aware of it, and her expression immediately became serious: "You have to."

Even when she was drunk, Lux's instincts made her aware of the danger, and she immediately calmed down, her head lay on Tiana's shoulder, her lips pouted dissatisfied.

"Let's go." Glancing at Lu Qi, Tiana turned and left.

Lu Qi stood there and watched him leave.

After Tiana got into the carriage and put Lacus down, she found that the girl had fallen asleep again.

So she was asked to lie flat, looked at her sleeping face silently, stretched out his hand to touch it lightly, his eyes were full of doting, and after a while he sighed: "I don't know if this kid can protect you well."

Recalling the intimacy this girl showed to that kid just now.

Tiana had already noticed something, and before that, she had faintly felt it.

Her sister Augatha also noticed early on.

It's just that neither of them pointed it out, nor did they intervene.

Because Lacus has never had friends of the opposite sex like Lu Qi, let alone they were not allowed to have one before.

However, with the passage of time, Lux has gradually grown up. She is just an ordinary girl, but she is not.

When this girl was very young, she showed something different from others.

This is one of her secrets, but this secret is too dangerous for her.

Even myself and the Mianwei family may not be able to fully protect this girl.

At this time, Lu Qi, who fits their eyes very well, appeared.

As the prince of this country, he can act like a protective umbrella to cover the secrets in Lux's body.

Therefore, it would be great if they could be allowed to develop naturally at the moment.

She and Augatha made a tacit decision not to meddle in the children's affairs.

Gently looking at Lux's sweet sleeping face, Tiana showed a smile at the corner of her mouth.

However, with this girl's temperament, when she discovers her inner feelings, she probably won't even know when it happened.

Grow up quickly, Lux.

That kid, my aunt may not be able to help you watch over him.

He left with the carriage of the Crown Guard's family.

Kashina was also curious: "How much did Lux ​​drink?"

Just looking at her can tell that Lux is quite drunk.

Lu Qi shook his head and said, "I don't know how much I drank, but when I found her, she was already drunk."

Thinking of Miss Guanwei sneaking away to drink alone, and getting herself so drunk.

Everyone couldn't help chuckling.

Lying on the rocking chair, Fiona casually picked up the wine glass on the table, with a faint smile on her lips, and turned to sip it.

Her fair face was also tinged with a rare blush at this moment, and the initial feeling of being slightly drunk had already intensified a lot. Although she was not in a trance at this time, there was a wonderful feeling that the world in her eyes was covered with a layer of veil.

It's just that she didn't hate this feeling, she felt unprecedentedly relaxed.

The night has just begun, and naturally it's not time to end.

Lu Qi walked towards the wine table and was a little puzzled: "Is my wine glass placed here?"

Hearing his murmur, Fiona looked over, and the movement of raising the glass couldn't help but froze slightly.

She looked down at the cup in her hand and seemed to remember something.

The glass placed in front of the barrel seemed to be his own.

Whose is this in my hand?

Looking around, everyone has their own cups beside them, except for Lu Qi who left.

She remembered the previous scene.

As Lu Qi got up to leave, she also put down her cup, walked to the food area to pick up some skewers she wanted to eat, and then lay down on the rocking chair that Lu Qi was lying on before he left while waiting.

While looking at the night scene, he casually took the wine glass that was on the table as his own.

Thinking of this, Fiona's eyes fell on the cup unconsciously, and she didn't even remember how many sips she had taken.

And Lu Qi over there didn't even care, he didn't remember where he put his cup, now they all have their own, but he doesn't.

The one in front of him is naturally his.

Fiona watched Lu Qi pick up the cup, put it to his mouth and took a few sips of beer, her heart skipped a few times unconsciously.

Those cold eyes flickered, and she couldn't help thinking.

Did he take advantage of it, or did he take advantage of it?
After thinking about it, Fiona came to a conclusion.

At least I am not at a loss!

Thinking of this, she smiled lightly and shook her head. After all, she was a little drunk, why there were so many strange thoughts in her mind.

Immediately, I didn't care about it, raised the cup in my hand, and continued to drink as if nothing had happened.

This barbecue meal lasted until late at night.

This way of eating, drinking, playing, and chatting at the same time gave several girls a very good experience.

It's a pity that Miss Crown Guard was missing in the second half.

It's time to end.

Fiona was about to get into Sona's carriage and drive home.

In fact, she was not too drunk. After realizing something later, her consciousness gradually became sober, as if she was sober.

Sona looked like she drank a few glasses, but she didn't look drunk at all, it could be seen that she had a good capacity for alcohol.

As for Kashina, she only had one drink, and she, who was not much older than Lux, had a similar drinking capacity.

So she felt a little dizzy after drinking a cup, so she changed the latter to Coke.

Until Kashina, who was sitting in the carriage and was going to sleep at her sister's place tonight, also reacted slowly, and immediately felt extremely regretful.

Sitting there sighed faintly.

Kashina thought, like Lux, she should drink more.

Only when you drink too much can you have the courage to do things that you usually dare not do.

It's only now that I think of it, it's too late.

The next day.

On June 26, the weather was sunny.

Because of the rain yesterday, there was a thin layer of mist between the sky and the earth this morning, and there was a sense of dusty haze.

Lu Qi yawned and walked down from the second floor. The maid who got up early and was already cleaning up warmly poured him a cup of hot tea.

Sitting on the sofa, he quietly drank Tianshan tea, feeling that it was still early.

Everyone else drank too much, but he drank less and only slept for about six hours last night.

Science shows that people need at least eight hours of sleep a day.

But there was nothing Lu Qi could do if he couldn't sleep, it might be good to continue lying down, but he still found something for himself to do.

Like brewing.

His figure was busy in the kitchen early in the morning.

After a while, Miss Crownguard walked into the drawing room with feeble steps.

She looked a little listless, Lu Qi took a glance from the kitchen and knew why.

Lacus sat on the sofa and sighed: "I feel dizzy."

Yuerna came up with a cup of Tianshan tea and put it on the table in front of her.

Lacus picked up the cup, took a sip, and felt the hot tea flow to her stomach, which made her feel better.

She didn't remember anything about what happened last night.

I just remembered that I was not convinced, so I ran to the basement secretly, and then drank a few glasses of beer, and completely forgot about the rest.

This phenomenon is commonly known as fragmentation.

But it doesn't matter, Lu Qi will help her remember.

Coming out of the kitchen and sitting opposite, Lu Qi said with a smile, "Have you forgotten what happened last night?"

Lacus nodded, with a hint of curiosity in her eyes, what did she do after she was drunk?
"It's nothing, it's nothing more than acting like a baby and begging for hugs, and likes to go crazy all over the world with bare feet."

Acting like a baby and begging for a hug.
Just hearing the first half, Lux's expression froze on the spot.

Just thinking about it for a while at this moment, she can vaguely remember some vague memories.

I actually acted coquettishly and cutely at this bitch and begged for a hug.
Goose bumps all over her body, Lacus lowered her head and covered her head, not daring to look at Lu Qi's face at all.

She was even sure that this guy must be full of jokes now.

It's not terrible to drink too much alcohol, what's terrible is that someone helps you remember.

Now, this situation happened to Lacus, even though the memories she recalled were still very vague, but just these vague memories made her feel bad.

How many shameful acts did I do when I was drunk?

Lux didn't dare to think about it at all, and looked up at Lu Qi secretly, and this guy really looked at her with mocking eyes.

Black history!This has become one of the few black history in her life!
And this dark history was seen by the person who least wanted to see it!

Lux was crying in her heart.

At this moment, Lu Qi picked up the teacup and took a sip, and said with a smile, "It's okay, Miss Crown Guard last night was still very cute."

He emphasized on the three words "very cute".


Lax's delicate body trembled, her emotions were already on the verge of collapse, she lowered her head and covered her ears vigorously, "Stop talking!"

Being praised is naturally something to be happy about.

But now, she wasn't happy at all, and she could even hear the irony in Lu Qi's bitch's tone!
At this moment, she can't wait to find a crack in the ground and get in!
It was of course impossible for Lu Qi to shut up, and he obviously would not miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

He can remember this matter forever.

After a while.

When Fiona and the others walked into the living room together, they saw Lux lying on the sofa with empty eyes and ashen face.

Fiona asked with a strange face: "What happened to her?"

Lu Qi smiled happily: "It's okay, I just helped her open the combination lock of memories."

Fiona nodded suddenly, looked at Lux on the sofa again, and smiled softly: "Miss Crownguard who was drunk last night is still very cute."

This is her sincere words, the little golden retriever who drank too much last night, with that look, no matter who sees it, his cold heart can be warmed up.

However, at this time, the words fell into Lacus' ears, like a flying arrow, hitting her heart fiercely.

"Indeed, it's completely different from usual." Kashina nodded approvingly, knelt down and looked at Lux's pale face, and said with a smile, "You look so obedient."

Another arrow shot.

It’s not scary to drink too much, what’s scary is that so many people help you remember.

At this moment, Lacus couldn't get up again.

Only Sona, who could sense her heart at this moment, knelt down and patted her shoulder lightly, expressing comfort.

However, this didn't make Lux feel much better.

After breakfast, she regained some strength, but her eyes were still empty, as if she was cut off from the world.

After breakfast, she returned to the sofa and continued to lean on the sofa alone.

At this moment, Lu Qi came out with two pages of paper, put them on the table in front of her, and said, "Aren't you looking for something to do?"

Hearing this, Lux's eyes that had lost their light finally regained a little brilliance. She sat up and looked at the two pages in front of her, her face full of doubts.

"what is this?"

"It's your job to memorize the speeches for the newspaper."

Lu Qi looked at her and said, "I wrote this for you overnight."

This is true, he wrote this speech for a long time last night.

As soon as Lacus heard it, she shook her head like a rattle, and looked at Lu Qi with a face full of resistance: "I won't recite it, I want to change the task!"

She is a typical student with allergies, and she has been tortured by countless texts and poems over the years.

Now it's hard to have a few days of vacation, and she is asked to carry things on her back. This is not purely killing her!
So Lu Qi said: "Don't forget, your credit vacation has passed long ago, and I asked for the current vacation for you."

Lux's credits are only enough to take three days off, and now it's the fourth day.

Because of the consideration of the newspaper, he specially asked Tiana to ask for a few more days, otherwise Lacus would have been imprisoned in the classroom by this time.

Hearing this, Lacus still shook her head firmly: "I won't recite it!"

Anyway, she made up her mind that no matter what Lu Qi said, she would not recite it.

She lost all face last night, what else does she care about now?
In normal times, Lu Qi might think of some way to fool around.

But he remembered the scene threatened by Tiana last night.

Looking at the delicate and cute little golden retriever in front of him at this time, Lu Qi also showed a smile: "Miss Guanwei, you don't want others to know what happened after you got drunk last night, do you?"

Lux suddenly trembled all over, and looked at Lu Qi with terrified eyes.

He can do it.

This man can definitely do it!
Lacus could even imagine that when she went out tomorrow, everyone in the capital would know what she looked like after she was drunk.

That scene was like the end of the world.

Lux looked at Lu Qi in front of her, silently clenched her fists, gritted her teeth and said, "I'll carry it."

"That's right."

Lu Qi stood up, looked down at her, and said with contempt in his eyes, "I hope you can recite it before we set off in the afternoon."

 Seeing that many people were talking about nieces, the author searched on Baidu. My sister's daughter is called a niece. My brother's daughter is a niece.

  I asked the people nearby and said the same thing, but this is not important, in my opinion, both are the same.

  I hope you don't care about this little detail.

(End of this chapter)

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