LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 125 It's a pity that such a good man can't get out of his back

Chapter 125 It's a pity that such a good man can't get out of his back
"Your Highness, you are home."

As the carriage stopped slowly, Yurna's voice came from outside the carriage.

Lu Qi slowly opened his eyes, and his consciousness quickly came to him.

The occasional bumps in the carriage prevented him from falling into a deep sleep, but just took a light nap.

At this moment, he yawned and glanced into the carriage.

It happened to meet Fiona's eyes for a second. Her eyes were as cold as ever, and there was a hint of a smile on that beautiful and cold face.

Then she got up and got out of the carriage.

Sona followed suit.

"Lax, wake up, you're home."

Kashina gently pushed Lux ​​who was sleeping on her shoulder.

At this moment, Miss Mianwei was sleeping very soundly, with a silly smile on the corner of her mouth, as if she was having a sweet dream, and her delicate sleeping face was very cute.

After being pushed twice by Kashina, she also mumbled unconsciously: "Sleep for another 10 minutes"

Kashina showed helplessness, and pushed twice again: "Wake up first, and sleep later."

This time Lux just hummed twice, without any sign of waking up, and tightly hugged Kashina's arm.

Kashina looked at Lu Qi for help.

Seeing this, Lu Qi thought for a while, leaned forward, and said in Lacus's dainty ear, "Dinner is ready."

As soon as the words fell, Lacus slowly opened her eyes, sleepy and dazed, and hurriedly said, "Leave me a bowl!"

While speaking, she sat up, rubbed her sleepy eyes, and looked around.

First saw Lu Qi, and then Kashina at the side.

Then I found that it seemed to be still in the carriage.

Can't help but asked blankly: "Where's the food?"

"In your dream."

Lu Qi laughed and got out of the carriage.

Kashina followed.

Lux's big eyes were full of bewilderment, because she just woke up, she couldn't turn her head.

They also got out of the carriage together, and the three of them walked into the yard.

Lu Qi looked up at the sky, and there was a cool wind blowing in the yard, blowing towards his face, and he stretched comfortably.

It was almost noon at this time, and it was almost time to prepare lunch.

Then he walked towards the main house and got into the kitchen.

At lunch, Lu Qi found that the girls no longer looked worried as they were in the carriage, but returned to the same as before.

After lunch, Lu Qi was going to take a nap. He especially liked the feeling of going to sleep when he was full.

After arriving in the front yard, not long after lying on the rocking chair, there was a sound of brisk footsteps, and someone seemed to be sitting down on the rocking chair next to him.

Lu Qi opened his eyes and took a look. Lacus was untying the shoelaces, and a pair of small shoes were neatly arranged in a short time.

The two slender and white jade feet were exposed, and the blue hamstrings and tiny blood vessels under the skin could be clearly seen. The shape of the feet was exquisite and lovely, and the two little feet did not seem to have any blemishes.

She seems to like bare feet very much. She used to wear socks, but now she seldom wears them.

After taking off her shoes, she lay down on the rocking chair, apparently having the same idea as Lu Qi, wanting to take a nice nap.

She likes to curl up when she sleeps, like a kitten.

Lu Qi retracted his gaze, closed his eyes, and felt sleepy after a while.

Until the afternoon, the sun's rays became much softer, and the white clouds in the blue sky moved forward by a large grid.

Lu Qi woke up slowly, and after waking up, the surroundings were quiet, only the sound of the wind blowing the leaves, feeling empty, as if he was the only one left in the world.

He also liked this kind of feeling, and looked sideways, and Lacus had long since disappeared.

The voice of Doudizhu from the main house and the sound of sword practice in the backyard can be vaguely heard.

Feeling that the time at this moment is so peaceful, Lu Qi was stunned for a while, but suddenly remembered something.

Immediately got up, called Yuerna, and after talking to the girls, she got in the carriage and went out.

After half an hour.

The carriage slowly stopped at the gate of the prison.

Lu Qi got off the carriage and looked at the unchanging dungeon. He hadn't been here for a while.

Almost forgot there was Silas here.

All the way unimpeded to the mage dungeon.

Like a mouse smelling sesame oil, Deird came up to greet him with a flattering smile.

"Your Highness, I haven't seen you for a few days, you seem to be much more handsome."

He was right. Lu Qibi had changed a lot from a month ago.

Under this month's maintenance, he has a more graceful and luxurious temperament on his whole body, looking fresh and handsome.

If it was said that he was just handsome and eye-catching at that time, now he is so impressive that he can hardly take his eyes off.

With a "ding", a gold coin popped out and landed in Deirdre's hand.

Lu Qi squinted at him, walked towards the second floor of the dungeon without saying anything.

Deirdre looked at a gold coin in his hand and kept a smile on his face, but thought in his heart that the horse didn't hit the mark today.

Think about it carefully, is Lu Qi's appearance still need to be boasted?
What is there to say about a fact.

Looks like I'll have to use a new wording next time.

With that in mind, he also stepped forward to follow.

Arriving at the second floor of the dungeon, Lu Qi quickly walked to the door of the cell where Silas was being held.

After coming several times in a row, the guards at the door got used to it. This time, they opened the cell door on their own initiative without giving orders.

Unlike before, the inside is not dark and dark, but the shadows of burning candles can be seen on the wall, lighting up an area.

Deirdre, who was following behind, took off the torch on the wall and walked in, and a large area was lit up inside.

Lu Qi walked into it, and saw Silas sitting there, and he was still alive.

At this time, he is using his legs as a frame, with a piece of paper on it, and a pen in his hand, he is constantly writing. Next to him is an open and closed book, and on the other side is a burning candle on the shelf.

As his hands kept moving, the iron chains on his hands kept making slight noises.

His eyes still couldn't see the slightest emotion, as if they were numb, only his eyes wandered occasionally on the books and paper.

In front of the wall on the other side, Lu Qi saw a large stack of neatly arranged papers.

As if realizing that the person who came in was different this time, Silas raised his head and his eyes fell on Lu Qi.

It seems that it has been many days since the prince came here last time.

But after so many days, Silas's impression of Lu Qi has not diminished, but has deepened a bit.

Because whenever he was copying books and his wrists and arms felt sore, he would think of Lu Qi.

I thought of his condescending eyes standing in front of the cage.

When copying books at the beginning, because the speed could not keep up, he was hungry for three days in a row, and the hungrier he was, the less energy he had.

But he managed to survive with one breath.

The more this prince likes to torture him, the more he can't die, the more he wants to fight for the hope of living.

Thinking about it from another angle, this matter is not necessarily a bad thing for me.

Taking this opportunity, Silas learned something about the outside world.

Although, there are only a few books.

"Your Highness, according to your instructions, we strictly require prisoners to copy books every day. These are the contents he copied these days. We have verified that there is no problem."

Deirdre walked to the pile of papers and reported to Lu Qi.

Lu Qi also approached a little closer, picked up a few sheets at random, and glanced at them. The writing on them was neat and clear, but most of the content was repeated, as if he had copied a book several times.

Deirdre asked again at this time: "What should I do next?"

Lu Qi put the paper in his hand on Deirdre's torch, and the paper burned from the bottom in an instant, and then he threw it directly into the pile of paper, with a sound of "wow", the small fire immediately turned into a big fire, exuberant burning.

Deirdre was taken aback when he saw this scene.

Silas also looked over, and the flames seemed to burn in his eyes. His achievements of so many days and nights were burned up with Lu Qi's understatement.

Deirdre felt the heat wave around him, moved a few steps, then looked at Lu Qi's expressionless face, and sighed in his heart.

This Highness really enjoys torturing prisoners.

The prisoner didn't know how he would feel when he saw with his own eyes that his painstaking efforts for so many days were turned into a pile of ashes in such a senseless way.

Anyway, if it was him, his mentality would definitely collapse.

Silas didn't show any expression, just glanced at the burning flame again, then retracted his gaze, and continued to move his hands.

"He has already copied out his proficiency in those books that he has turned over and over again. Don't you know how many books to change?"

Glancing at the movements in Silas' hands, Lu Qi looked at Deirdre with dissatisfaction.

"This is indeed a lack of consideration of the subordinates, and the subordinates know their mistakes."

Deird immediately bowed his head and admitted his mistake. He did only take a few books for Silas to copy over and over again.

Afterwards, Silas almost didn't need to read the book, and he could write on paper after turning a page and glancing at the content.

It really wasn't difficult for him.

"Okay, then you can play freely."

Lu Qi watched the flames burn the paper, leaving only a mass of ashes, then turned around and prepared to leave.


Deirdre responded and followed.

I have to say that His Majesty's bad taste is also quite strange, and he spent so much effort to torment the prisoner, but in the end it was just to watch the fire.

Specializes in people's mentality.

However, it's normal for a big shot.

He has seen all the male nobles who come to this dungeon to find male prisoners to dance.

In contrast, His Highness's bad taste is not so outrageous.

When the prison door was closed, Lu Qi's back disappeared from Silas' sight. There was no expression on his face, but he showed a thoughtful expression.

Different standpoints, so he thinks about problems from different angles.

In his opinion, those papers are meaningless things in themselves, and they appeared in exchange for food.

Even if a fire burned, he didn't feel the slightest.

After all, those contents and useful knowledge have been left in his mind forever.

So he is still not sure whether this prince really enjoys torturing him, or has other purposes.

From entering the prison to leaving, it took less than 10 minutes in total.

Less time than spent on the road.

However, Lu Qi himself wanted to confirm Silas's life and death, after all, the task he left behind was actually quite difficult.

An ordinary prisoner might really be unable to resist.

But it could also be because someone doesn't want Sylas dead yet.

These are just minor problems.

At least a living Silas must be more valuable than a dead one.

Lu Qi himself did not torture this hobby, the reason for doing so, of course, is also for other purposes.

It's just not the right time yet.

He still has a lot to prepare for.

In the evening, when the sun was setting, the carriage slowly stopped.

In the courtyard, Lacus was half lying on the rocking chair, her legs were crossed, her little feet were swaying, and she was holding a glass of iced Coke in her hand, drinking it "sizzling" through a straw.

She seemed to be in a very good mood, obviously she had won the money in the fight against the landlord.

Seeing Lu Qi getting off the carriage, he immediately looked at him and asked curiously, "What did you do?"

"Go out and play around."

"Then why didn't you call me?"

"If I call you, you won't get any money to win."

Lu Qi glanced at her with a smile, this girl almost wrote the word "win money" on her face.

Lacus' small face was filled with a triumphant smile: "How do you know that I won ten gold medals from Kashina and Sona in one afternoon?"

She sat down, put on her shoes, and then bragged to Lu Qi about her unique card with three bombs in spring.

In one hit, the two sisters were blown away.

Lu Qi entered the main house while listening, and then came to the living room, and immediately heard Kashina's angry voice.

"Lax! You bastard, how dare you come back!"

She looked over with a pretty face.

Lux snorted, "Why not?"

Kashina said angrily: "Run away after winning the money, it's disgusting!"

Playing well, this guy has three bombs in one spring, and he just slipped away after winning a big sum.

Don't give them a chance to fight again.

Looking at it now, Lacus's little expression of embarrassment and Lu Qi's humble appearance seem to be carved out of the same mold.

I was completely spoiled by His Highness!

Lu Qi didn't have the slightest sense of self-consciousness, and turned his head to look at the little golden retriever contemptuously when he heard the words.

Lux looked at him with the same look of disdain, but there was also a bit of arrogance in the eyes.

Lu Qi immediately knew that this guy hadn't been beaten for three days, and it was probably floating again.Then he hooked the corner of his mouth and said, "Mahjong, two rounds?"

Lux, who felt that she was lucky, immediately said to herself: "Okay! Today I will take all three!"

Kashina and Sona looked at each other and agreed.

So the four of them sat down at the mahjong table, and the sound of washing mahjong was heard from the living room from time to time.

Wait until dark, with the last touch.

Lu Qi also stood up, smiling all over his face: "It's getting late, it's time to prepare dinner."

This sentence announced the end of today's mahjong.

He turned and headed towards the kitchen.

Lacus fell on the mahjong table with a face full of tears.

Similarly, Kashina and Sona didn't look very good-looking, touching their empty pockets, feeling very sad.

Today is another day when Lu Qi wins hemp.

At the beginning, Ms. Crown Guard, who was extremely confident, fell into a slump after she clicked Lu Qi's two-cannon 32-fan card.

In the end, all the money won from fighting the landlord went to Lu Qi's pocket.

Only Fiona, who had no chance to serve at the table, escaped, and she showed a happy expression at this moment.

But the delicious dinner made up for the sad hearts of the girls.

The following hot spring sessions also healed their hearts.

In the misty hot spring pool, today is a medicinal wine bath, and the color of the entire hot spring pool is the pink of medicinal wine.

In the pool, a few white figures flicked the spring water at a suitable temperature, and there was the sound of splashing water and crisp and pleasant chatter.

Lu Qi was soaking in the hot spring pool on the left by himself, while sipping a decent sake, feeling his body was wrapped in a warm current.

After drinking a pot of wine, he lay on his back and closed his eyes to rest.

On the right is the chatter of girls, and he doesn't find it noisy.

When the time was about the same, he opened his eyes and stood up from the pool. A large amount of water rose and fell from his body, and there was a sound.

The chatter on the right stopped abruptly. Whenever this happens, the girls know that today's hot spring bath should end here.

Lu Qi walked towards the hanger, and said, "You guys should get up after about 5 minutes of soaking, or don't blame me if you get dizzy by then."

This medicated wine bath has a certain stamina. After all, the pores of the hot springs are opened, and the absorbed medicine contains wine.

It would really make me dizzy after soaking for a long time, he wasn't kidding at all.

Lax, who had the lowest alcohol consumption, passed out once. At the beginning, she felt a little light when she smelled the smell, and she got better after drinking more.

Hearing Lu Qi's words, the sound of getting up water came from the hot spring pool on the right.

Obviously they are not going to soak anymore, after all, there is no difference between soaking for 5 minutes less and soaking for 5 minutes longer.

At this time a cool wind blows.

"It's so cold."

Lux's voice came out, and then she started running with her bare feet on the ground.

At the same time, Kashina's worried voice came out: "Lax, run slowly."

Now that the weather is getting farther and farther away from summer, I can already feel a little bit of coolness.

Lu Qi got dressed and waited for a while, and several girls came out one after another.

When they stood together, they all had ruddy complexions, their eyes exuded a laziness that they didn't know about, and their hair looked a little wet.

After soaking in the medicinal wine bath, I still feel a little bit drunk.

However, their consciousness remained clear, and several people returned to the main house.

Sitting on the sofa, Lu Qi counted the days and looked at Fiona: "Do you still need acupuncture today?"

These days, I also gave Fiona acupuncture twice, and the effect is naturally there.

Just not as obvious as Sona's.

After two rounds of acupuncture, Sona felt that her shoulders were not so heavy, and it is still the same now.

Fiona's training volume has increased a lot these days, so her shoulders and waist have not been completely relieved.

Hearing Lu Qi's question, Fiona thought for a while, then nodded slightly.

"After today, the effect should be obvious."

Lu Qi stood up and went to get ready.

He came to a spare bedroom on the first floor, where there was an extra massage bed, which was prepared in advance.

After a while, Fiona also opened the door and walked in, then closed the door.

For some reason, at such times, she always felt that the atmosphere had become a little ambiguous, and when she looked at Lu Qi's back, she felt a feeling of electricity in her heart.

This feeling was something she had never had before.

Even after going through it twice, Fiona still couldn't adapt.

"It's almost there, let's get on the ground."

Lu Qi turned around and said.

Looking at his clear eyes with a smile, Fiona nodded again, then walked to the massage table, took off her shoes, and sat on it.

Then, he looked at Lu Qi without saying a word, as if he was talking silently.

Seeing this, Lu Qi turned around.

Soon there was a rustling sound behind him, obviously Miss Jian Ji was taking off her clothes.

After a while, there was a thin, high-pitched voice with trembling voice: "Okay."

Lu Qi turned around, and he could see Fiona lying on the massage table with his eyes. There was no trace of her white and flawless back, her slender waist was tight and supple, exuding a sense of bodybuilding beauty. The reason is that at this moment, it is rosy in white, plump and smooth, exuding a charming luster like suet jade.

No matter how many times Lu Qi watched this scene, he wanted to sigh with emotion.

It's a pity that such a good person can't pull the can.

He took two steps forward and lit a stick of incense that was prepared at the side, and soon a fresh scent wafted across the room.

Then, he opened a box, took out one of the silver needles inside, and heated it on the incense.

Then his eyes fell on Fiona's white back, and he dropped the needle without thinking too much.

"Yeah..." The moment Fiona pierced the acupuncture point, Fiona's body trembled slightly, and an uncontrollable moan came out of her throat.

The warm feeling coming from the needle made her feel more and more tense.

She naturally knew that her back was completely seen by this guy, and now the initial sense of shame in her heart was not so strong, but there was still some.

Because of the hot springs, this guy has seen the scene of himself and those girls wearing swimsuits several times.

Now I just look at one back, so I don't feel so awkward.

However, thinking of the scene at this moment, Fiona still couldn't adapt to it, Gao Leng's face turned rosy like drunkenness, and she buried her head in the pillow, hoping that all this would pass quickly in her heart.

After a while, many places on her back felt warmth.

At this time, Fiona's white back was stuck with silver needles one after another.

Lu Qi's expression was still relaxed. Acupuncture and moxibustion was just a casual thing for him with top medical skills, so naturally there was no pressure.

Acupuncture ended when the last needle fell.

Looking at Miss Jian Ji's tense body, he also smiled and said, "You'd better relax a bit, otherwise don't blame me for the ineffective effect."

Fiona replied, "Yeah."

But the body did not relax at all, it was still tense.

Lu Qi didn't say anything when he saw this, and came to the bed, his eyes fell on Fiona's jade feet.

After these days of orthopedic correction, her little feet are almost perfect, the insteps are white and delicate, almost transparent, the heels are round, the arches are curved, and the five toes are arranged in an orderly manner, looking exquisite and beautiful.

Even if Lu Qi is not a foot controler, he can't help but want to praise him at this moment, and at the same time admire his awesome craftsmanship.

"The next step is bone setting, almost the last time, get ready."

After that, he put his hand on it and held his right foot in his hand, feeling soft and tender, and at the same time felt Fiona's delicate body tremble again.

Then, without saying a word, he made two "clicks" and switched to the other foot.

After a few efforts, the bone setting is over.

"Two or ten minutes later, I will come in and pull out the needle, you should lie on your stomach first."

Appreciating it generously, Lu Qi turned and exited the room after speaking.

In the room, Fiona's tense body suddenly relaxed, she bit her lips tightly and almost cried out just now, her cold eyes melted like water, and the dense feeling of electricity in her heart at this moment has not dissipated for a long time.

Thinking that today would be the last time, she felt relieved, but also inexplicably reluctant.

 I got stuck today, and only now have I coded Chapter 1, which is very painful.

(End of this chapter)

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