LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 126 When we meet again, you must be happy and happy

Chapter 126 When we meet again, you must be happy and happy

Two 10 minutes.

Lu Qi pushed the door open again and walked into the room.

The whole room was filled with the fragrance of burning incense, and Fiona lay quietly on the massage table, her body relaxed.

After taking two steps forward, Lu Qi found her asleep.

This sleeping face is like the morning sunlight projecting into the bottom of my heart, pure, soft, exuding a very beautiful.

It was the first time Lu Qi seriously looked at Miss Jian Ji's sleeping face, he couldn't help but take a second look, his eyes were full of appreciation.

The pretty face that usually looks extraordinarily cold, now after falling asleep, it is more tranquil and beautiful, the soft and rosy lips are slightly parted, and the body is slightly undulating under breathing.

It seems to feel the gaze.

Fiona's long eyelashes trembled slightly, and the next second she slowly opened her eyes, and then saw Lu Qi looking at her with a smile.

Her cheeks turned red immediately, and she immediately realized that she had fallen asleep unprepared.

Fortunately, her posture didn't change. She calmed down and asked calmly, "Is it time?"


Lu Qi responded, and looked at Fiona's back.

At this moment, crystal clear beads of sweat were slightly soaked into the white and flawless back, making the skin look more tender and smooth.

Then he stretched out his hand and took off the needles on her back one by one.

Fiona buried her head in the pillow and felt a little bit of relaxation behind her.

Until there was no movement, then Lu Qi's voice came out.

"I'm going out first."

Hear the door open and close.

Fiona just got up from the massage table, and her naked upper body also added a touch of beauty to the room.

Looking in the direction of the door, she calmed down her slightly shortness of breath, and her eyes shone with an inexplicable brilliance.

Then he raised his hand to pick up the towel on the table beside him, and slowly wiped the sweat off his body.

At the same time, she also felt the immediate effect after acupuncture, which was obviously much stronger than the previous two times.

At this time, she felt that her whole body had gained an unprecedented sense of relaxation, full of strength everywhere, and she did not feel the slightest stiffness when she moved.

After these three acupuncture sessions, her strength could almost take a big step forward.

After half a sound.

Fiona came out of the room.

All the girls looked up, and they could all see that she was more refreshed than before.

Sona and Kashina, who have experienced acupuncture, naturally know what it feels like.

Only Lux, who hadn't experienced it yet, had curiosity flashing in her eyes.

Because there is nothing wrong with her body, and the usual training is not as heavy as that of Kashina and Fiona, not to mention that there is no pressure on her shoulders.

So there is absolutely no need for acupuncture.

Fiona sees Lacus, Sona, and Kashina fighting the landlord.

Lu Qi was sitting on the sidelines watching the battle, so he sat opposite him, cleaned up the chessboard, and looked at it provocatively.

Remembering that I still owed nearly 20 days of debt, and the humiliation at the beginning, I also said: "Come on, take the bet!"

After studying chess day and night for so long, she is no longer the same as before.

Facing Lu Qi again, she has the confidence to defeat him!
Seeing Jian Ji's provocative look, Lu Qi coughed, looked away, and landed on Lux's card: "Don't come now, this Miss Crown Guard card is good."

He pretended to be very serious about his cards.

Fiona wasn't suspicious just yet.

But soon, the fight against the Landlords was over.

Fiona continued patiently: "Can you come now?"

Lu Qi said: "Look at it again, look at it again."

So, it was another set.

Fiona, who had lost a lot of patience, asked again: "What about now?"

Hearing this, Lu Qi stretched his waist and yawned: "It seems that it's not too early, why don't you rest today."

Fiona raised her eyebrows, and her eyes turned cold in an instant.

At this moment, she also understood that this guy obviously didn't want to play chess with her!

It was clearly a deliberate evasion!

She has studied chess so hard for so long, just to avenge the humiliation she endured that day.

As a result, now that he finally has the strength, this guy is not down anymore?
The anger suddenly rose in her heart, and Fiona gritted her teeth and said coldly: "Today, you can either go out to compete with me, or play chess here, you choose."

Lu Qi's expression froze: "Aren't you coercing?"

Fiona stared at him: "So what?"

Lu Qi showed helplessness, so he could only say: "Then come on, let's play two sets."

It's really that he still can't beat this little sword girl, otherwise he will give her some flair.

In recent days, Fiona's body has improved, and her strength has also improved by leaps and bounds.

On the other hand, Lu Qi, who was doing badly all day long, was standing still.

And Jian Ji Xiaoniu has not only improved by leaps and bounds in strength, but her backgammon skills have also undergone a qualitative change.

When playing chess with her, Lu Qi could already feel a lot of pressure, and he felt a little bit like he couldn't play chess.

If it goes on like this, sooner or later, the car will overturn.

But looking at the current situation, these few games of chess tonight have to be played.

So the fierce confrontation soon began, and the situation here also attracted the attention of the three women of Lux, who put down the poker in their hands and paid attention to the chess fight.

It was obviously just backgammon, but the battle was extremely fierce, and the players on both sides were evenly matched.

Even the chess spectators like them can feel a pressure.

Fiona's expression was serious, she was not distracted the whole time, her eyes were fixed on the chessboard.

And so is Lu Qi.

Even sometimes, beads of sweat from the hands of the two will fall on the chessboard.

Two 10 minutes later.

"I said don't play it anymore, it's all right now, and I owe another fifteen days, it's really boring."

Lu Qi wiped the sweat from his brow, and finally he dared to smile arrogantly, showing a familiar low-key look.

Whenever I see this kind of smile, it will always make people inexplicably angry!
Fortunately, this time only Fiona is responsible.

The three women looked at them with sympathetic eyes.

At this moment, Miss Jian Ji's silver teeth are about to be crushed, and her beautiful eyes seem to spew out fire.

Only a little bit, obviously only a little bit!
She clenched her fist unwillingly, this time she really felt that she was only one step away from victory.

But this guy still found the opportunity first.

Regardless of Fiona's mood, Lu Qi leaned on the sofa and raised his legs: "I will go out the day after tomorrow, so the days will be counted when I come back. But today is still counted. I order you now to give I'll pour a cup of tea, the kind with the right temperature."

How unwilling Fiona is now, then the pleasure in his heart is as strong.

Although he almost lost, he still relied on his super chess strength to strategize, step by step, and win the victory.

Facing Lu Qi's haughty order at the moment, Fiona stood up without saying a word, glanced at Lu Qi with eyes that were about to spit fire, and the voice of response was almost gritted her teeth: "Yes, Your Highness."

After that, she turned around and went to pour tea.

This is usually done by Yuerna, because she is very good at making tea.

But Lu Qi, who had just been coerced 10 minutes ago, took the opportunity and naturally wanted to vent his anger severely.

Not long after, Fiona came over with a cup of tea, handed it to Lu Qi, lowered her head and humiliated, "Your Highness, your tea."

Lu Qi casually took the tea, put it to his mouth and took a sip: "The temperature is so low, the taste of the tea is gone, forget it, just leave it like this."

He was about to make things difficult for Chick Chick to pour another glass, but when he looked up and saw her eyes that wanted to kill someone, he immediately changed his mind.

It would be nice not to have any life-threatening situation in a while.

He is quite a life-saving man.

As night falls, it announces that the day is drawing to a close.

The girls returned home one after another, and Fiona took the chessboard with her before she left. Obviously, tonight was another sleepless night for her.

Lu Qi, who was not sleepy, lay on the rocking chair in the yard, watching the night scene.

Thinking of going to the academy hunt the day after tomorrow, it's time to start preparing tomorrow.

Two days later.

July sixteenth.

early morning.

At the gate of the Royal Academy, a large number of carriages gathered today, many of them came from various nobles, and many of them were prepared by the academy.

Among them, the Guangdun family, that is, the royal family's carriage, has a total of three.

A lot of things have been prepared on the three carriages, all kinds of things, food, drink, play, even rocking chairs and sun umbrellas are ready.

Compared with the preparations of other nobles, they pale in comparison.

Those who didn't know thought he was on vacation.

In fact, Lu Qi was on vacation.

At this time, he was sitting leisurely in the spacious carriage, the curtains of the carriage were lifted, and outside the carriage was Miss Crown Guard with a reluctant face.

She wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said goodbye: "This time we are separated, we don't know if we will have a chance to see each other again, Your Highness, cherish the journey."

Lu Qi raised his hand through the window, flicked it on her forehead, and said speechlessly, "I'm just going out for a trip."

Lacus clutched her forehead, still said sadly: "Don't worry, I will take care of the ice cream in the basement for you, and Coke, you can go there with peace of mind."

"line line"

Lu Qi didn't want to talk to this showman anymore, he looked at Fiona behind him, and waved: "See you later."

The carriage queue in front has already started moving.

Fiona nodded slightly, and also raised her hand as a gesture of farewell.

Since it was at the gate of the academy, Sona and Kashina did not come, but they also knew that Lu Qi was just going out to participate in an event.

Soon, as Yurna swung her whip, the carriage started to move.

Lu Qi was about to put down the curtain.

Unexpectedly, Lacus, the playwright, chased after her again, and trotted along with the carriage that was still moving forward slowly, with an extremely reluctant expression: "Your Highness, when we meet again, you must be happy and happy."

Lu Qi looked forward, not looking at this guy.

The carriage accelerated little by little, and Lacus was gradually thrown away. She tried her best to catch up, but she felt deeply powerless as she watched the carriage drifting away.

Crystal teardrops flickered again from the corners of his eyes, as if he had experienced parting from life and death.

She couldn't hold back any longer, and cried sadly: "I really want to go too!"

Seeing Lu Qi go on vacation to enjoy, it's even more uncomfortable than her going to school!
She couldn't even imagine how she would live without Lu Qi's food for the next half month.

At this moment, looking at the sad Lacus, Fiona also resonated with her emotions.

It's just that she doesn't act like that.

Touching her belly, Fiona sighed slightly, only hating herself for being one year older than Lu Qi.

Otherwise, she would be able to participate in this year's academy hunt.

Seeing the royal carriage disappearing from sight, she also turned her gaze back.

Inside the carriage.

Lu Qi is naturally in a very good mood. For him, the next half month is no different from a vacation.

Leaning on the back seat, he said silently in his heart: "Sign in."

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining an intermediate deputy skill improvement card]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a high-level skill - divine invisibility]

[Learnable skill detected, Divine Hidden Technique LV3 (slightly successful), do you want to learn it? 】


Lu Qi said with interest.

It's been a long time since he signed up for a high-level skill, so he's still a little curious about this divine invisibility technique.

As soon as his heart fell, a wave of information flooded into his mind, and the proficiency of the divine concealment technique was gradually enriched in Lu Qi.

As the level increased from LV1 to LV3, the aura on his body also became stronger and weaker.

After a while, Lu Qi finished digesting the information in his mind, and when he opened his eyes, a gleam of light flashed by.

This divine invisibility skill is very good.

This is a latent type of skill, suitable for use when you need to hide.

There are many uses of stealth skills, assassination, protection, stealing, concealment, escape
In Runeterra, there are many masters who are good at hiding, and the lurking skill is the key ability of some powerful assassins.

And the white-clothed bodyguards that the royal family had arranged to protect Lu Qi by his side were also experts in this area and would not be easily discovered.

But there are also people who are good at perception, and these people are often the nemesis of latent skills.

For example, Lu Qi, his sixth sense is far superior to ordinary people, and most of the lurking is useless to him.

And this divine invisibility technique is also very powerful, and can even avoid these perceptive existences to a certain extent.

It can directly affect the aura of the whole person by changing and adjusting breathing, and at the same time reduce the sense of existence.

Through the information, Lu Qi also learned that higher levels can even affect the enemy's vision.

This is extremely perverted.

If this skill is upgraded to the full level, it can be infinitely close to stealth.

Of course, it's only LV3 now, so it can only lower its own aura.

For the time being, he no longer considered the matter of divine invisibility, Lu Qi looked at the backpack, and said in his heart: "Use the deputy promotion card to upgrade the craftsman."

[Intermediate deputy promotion card successfully used]

[The level of the host craftsman has been raised to LV7 (reaching the pinnacle)]

After the voices of the two systems fell, Lu Qi's mind also flooded with a lot of knowledge about craftsmen.

It was as if he was sitting at the workbench, studying day after day, night after night.

It took a long time before he digested the information in his mind.

Now Lu Qi has four deputy jobs, cooking, craftsman, physiognomy, and medical skills. Among them, medical skills have reached the full level and cannot be upgraded.

Considering the effect, Lu Qi actually wanted to upgrade his culinary skills to another level.

It's just that the intermediate promotion card can only be promoted to level six to seven, and the advanced promotion card is required for level eight or nine.

The rest of the craftsmen and physicists are all LV6. In terms of practicality, the craftsmen must be upgraded first.

The rewards for signing in today are very good. At this time, as the carriage shook for a while, Urna's voice also came.

"Your Highness, we have already left the capital."


Lu Qi opened the curtain of the car and looked out, only to feel a sense of familiarity emerge, and the outside of the capital seemed to be the same as when he came.

At a glance, the huge white statue is still very eye-catching standing in the jungle.

After a few glances, he retracted his gaze, put down the curtain, and Lu Qi was about to take a nap.

The roads outside were not as neat as those inside the capital, and the carriage was shaking slightly on the road.

But Lu Qi still fell asleep.

When I opened my eyes, it was almost noon.

Feeling that the carriage was still moving, he opened the curtain again, and the scene outside had changed, and the convoy of the Royal Academy continued along the road.

After thinking for a while, he stood up and came outside the carriage.

With a shake of his figure, he floated to the top of the carriage, and then sat down cross-legged. Even though there were some bumps, his figure was still stable.

Lu Qi felt a cool wind blowing towards his face, and looked back, but at this time he could no longer see the city wall of the capital.

In front is the convoy, like a long dragon, and there are many soldiers on both sides, accompanying them on horseback.

He returned to the carriage, took a pillow, turned back to the roof of the carriage, threw the pillow, and lay on it.

Looking at the blue sky and white clouds, feeling the sunshine on the face and the cool breeze blowing by, I feel very light.


Wangdu, the backyard of Lu Qi's house, in the hot spring pool.

The mist was lingering, and the women sprinkled water on their bodies, soaking in the warmth.

In the middle, the white curtain was not drawn any more, so the hot spring pool looked much more spacious today.

Lux can spread her body and swim as much as she wants, from one end to this end, and then from this end to that end, her white and smooth jade legs are splashing with water, making the pool unable to calm down.

After swimming back and forth twice, she turned over bored and lay on her back on the water, letting her body drift with the current.

Looking at the night scene all over the sky, I always feel that something is missing.

She wasn't the only one who had this kind of thought, the hot spring pool at the moment became quiet along with her.

Fiona, Sona, and Kashina looked to the left, and even though there was no one there, they subconsciously gathered on the right.

As for feeling that something is missing, it is obvious that the guy is missing.

Fiona retracted her gaze and looked up at the sky, not knowing how she was feeling right now.

That guy just wasn't there for a day, so he was not used to it.

Such days, there are still many days to come.

The starry sky tonight is even more beautiful than before, the stars dotted the night, it is very beautiful.

She also muttered to herself: "I don't know if that guy is looking at this night scene now."

Hearing her talking to herself, Sona and Kashina also looked up at the sky at the same time.

The hot springs tonight are extraordinarily quiet.

At this moment, the carriage queue has stopped, camped and rested.

Lu Qi found a clean lawn, lay down on it, and looked at the night sky.

For some reason, he always felt that they must be watching at the moment.

 Maybe there is another chapter. I don't know if I can code it out.

(End of this chapter)

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