LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 136 Damn, I Have Nowhere To Put This Handsome Man

Chapter 136 Damn, My Handsome Man Who Has Nowhere to Put It

After leaving Lape's house.

Lu Qi and others went to the home of the third missing person, Bede.

Bede is a hunter in the village. He occasionally goes out to hunt. He has no wife and no children. After he went out ten days ago, he never came back.

His disappearance is quite reasonable. Orion itself is a dangerous profession.

There is nothing to do if there are some accidents.

After entering Bede's house, you can see a lot of animal furs and joints hanging on the wall, like his masterpiece.

"Bed is an old hunter with rich experience in the field. We didn't expect that even he had an accident."

An De sighed with an uneasy expression, "Maybe it's a coincidence, but three people disappeared in a row for 20 days, which made the people in the village very scared."

Lu Qi took a look around the room, and noticed a curved bow hanging on the hook on the wall, with traces of use on it, obviously it was a weapon that Bede often used.

Therefore, he will submit the bent bow to the God's Tracking Order.

The result is that it is still not in the service area.

This shows that Bede, the hunter, is probably dead as well.

He put the bow back to its original position and headed out of the house.

People followed him in a daze, and they still don't understand what he is doing.

"Your Highness, have you found anything?"

Andy followed behind and asked carefully.

Lu Qi shook his head: "No."

The case of disappearance is the most difficult to investigate, because there are many uncertain factors, and now all clues are cut off.

The only thing he can confirm is that the three missing people are all dead.

As for whether the disappearance of these three people was an accidental event or related, there is no conclusion.

This kind of case may not be solved even if Di Renjie Conan comes.

An De sighed again, showing such an expression, but he was not disappointed: "Your Highness, the people in the city have come three times, and they are basically the same as you. After all, there are too few clues, and no one is good. judge."

Several people walked on the streets of the village.

At this time, Frey showed a weird expression, as if he smelled something, his brows frowned: "No. It smells like a dark creature."

Wei En immediately became vigilant, and had no doubts about Master's words.

Lu Qi looked at her and was about to ask.


A piercing scream broke the tranquility of Ke'er Village with strong fear and pain, and it was transmitted very loudly.

The unexpected event surprised everyone.

Lu Qi and the others immediately went to the place where the sound came from.

When they arrived, they only saw a woman lying on the ground, her neck was stained red with a large amount of blood, her eyes were lost in focus, the brilliance was fading little by little, and her body was twitching one after another.

Apparently death was not far away.

"There are monsters!"

"Carly was attacked by a monster!"

"She is dying, can someone save her!"

The surrounding villagers who heard the voice all showed terrified expressions, and at the same time were frightened by the woman's tragic situation.

Looking at Carly who fell to the ground, people were helpless.

And there was a black shadow that looked like a human being but not a human, a beast but not a beast, overturned the wall of the village, disappeared into the forest, and escaped very quickly.

In this short period of time, he has already covered a distance of [-] meters.

Seeing this, Lu Qi set up the bow without hesitation, exerted force with his arms, and pulled the bowstring to its fullest. He calculated the distance, aimed for a moment, and then let go.

The bowstring stretched straight, making an echoing sound of "clang".

"call out!"

An arrow flew out quickly, and appeared behind the black shadow in the blink of an eye. Just as it was about to hit, it turned around and slapped it away.

Lu Qi frowned, and didn't shoot again, but looked at Frey: "Go after him first, don't let it get away!"

Frey nodded seriously, and quickly chased after her. She is a demon hunter, and she is very good at chasing.

Seeing this, Wei En glanced at Lu Qi and followed Frey's pace.

Two figures climbed over the wall of the village, followed the bloodstains left by the monster along the way, and chased them out.

And Lu Qi didn't delay, he had already squatted down, took out a small box from the package, and took out the silver needles inside one by one.

The technique was extremely skillful and quickly landed on the neck of the twitching woman on the ground, a few silver needles went down, and the blood spurting out suddenly stopped.

Immediately afterwards, he took out another medicine bottle, uncorked the bottle, and sprinkled the medicine powder inside on the wound that seemed to be bitten by teeth.


The woman finally moved, she screamed as if she felt pain, and the wound made a sound like it was being burned.

Her convulsions stopped, she closed her eyes as she screamed, and passed out directly.

The medicine powder mixed with the blood, and a scar formed within a short time. Lu Qi reached out and took off the silver needle.

Then she stood up and told Ander: "Ischemic coma, put her in place, wrap a bandage on the wound, rest for a month, and use other means of replenishing blood."

Surprised, An De quickly said, "Yes, Your Highness."

Seeing that the woman's life had been saved, the villagers behind her widened their eyes and let out exclamations of amazement.

Originally, when they saw the wound on Carly's neck, they thought she was bound to die.

Unexpectedly, in this short period of time under Lu Qi's hands, he saved his life.

This is a bit too miraculous.

After saving the woman's life, Lu Qi got up and prepared to catch up with Wei En and his apprentice.

After climbing over the wall with ease, he could see footprints and blood on the ground.

Urna followed Lu Qi silently, and the two quickly chased forward.

Frey is good at tracking, and has already chased the monster for a long distance.

And on the road, Lu Qi also saw the signal signs left by them, and knew that he was not chasing in the wrong direction.

Going forward is another mountain forest, the forest is extremely quiet, only the chasing footsteps step on the fallen leaves, making a rustling sound.

Even without the wind blowing, as time passed, Lu Qi chased him all the way to the depths of the forest.

Not long after, he and Urna joined Frey and Wayne.

At this moment, the two of them also stopped their pursuit.

Frey was squatting down, frowning, as if checking for signs of the monster.

Seeing that Lu Qi was also chasing him, she stood up and said to him: "The smell is a bit messy, I can't tell the difference."

Lu Qi glanced around, feeling that the surrounding atmosphere was inexplicably gloomy, the silence was unbelievable, and there was a sense of weirdness everywhere.

It was still in the morning at this time, and the sun shone into the forest, which barely made people feel a sense of security.

But this sense of security is dispensable.

After thinking about it, he first asked, "What was that monster just now?"

Frey replied after hearing the words: "It should be a demon, a bloodthirsty species."

Lu Qi asked, "Is it great?"

Frey replied uncertainly: "It's a product that was polluted by black magic. It likes to suck human blood. It shouldn't be that bad."

"This should be added to be very spiritual."

Lu Qi tasted Pinfrey's words.

Whenever "should", "probably" and "maybe" are added to a sentence, it is best to only listen to half of these vague words.

Hearing Lu Qi's complaints, Frey also said helplessly: "The strength of creatures like demons is not easy to define. It depends on how much dark power they have absorbed, or what type they belong to."

"Bloodthirsty is a low-level demon. The more blood it sucks, the stronger it becomes, but I don't think it's too powerful."

Hearing her explanation, Lu Qi nodded suddenly, and then asked, "What if there are many of them?"

At this time, his sixth sense gave him a sense of danger.

Upon hearing his words, Frey was stunned for a moment, and then his face changed: "Vayne, get ready to fight!"

While she was speaking, she had already raised the weapon in her hand. It was a Freljord ice bone knife, which was filled with a sense of strength and was obviously extremely sharp. On her wrist was a crossbow.

At this time, she also smelled the smell of dark creatures in the air, which suddenly increased.

This feeling made her a little uncomfortable.

Wei En didn't hesitate, and entered a state of vigilance. Looking around, she was slightly taken aback, and the flames of hatred were burning in her eyes.

I saw three bloodthirsty species crawling around and staring at them.

It was also the first time for Lu Qi to see this bloodthirsty demon head-on. The monster-like face could only be described as ugly, with a mouthful of fangs that looked like a human being but not a human, and a beast that was not a beast. Qi, eyes without pupils are generally white.

And around them, there are four huge beasts, their appearances are like wolves, tigers, and leopards. Their humanized eyes are shining with violent hostility, and some human characteristics can be vaguely seen from them.

The appearance also did not match the beast in the impression.

A word flashed in Wei En's mind, her expression was as cold as ice, and her eyes were full of hatred and disgust for dark creatures.

These demon-stained shapeshifters, under the stimulation of dark magic, gained power far beyond ordinary people through overdrawing their bodies.

They were human before, but not from the moment they sacrificed their bodies to dark magic in order to gain power.

Whether it's demons, black magic, black mages, evil spirits or shapeshifters.

Vayne has a deep hatred for these dark creatures.

But right now, even she, after learning about the dark side of this world, has never seen such a big battle.

At one time, at least seven dark creatures!

The atmosphere at the scene seemed to have become depressed because of their appearance.

Master Frey's tense and dignified face also spoke of her inner worries at the moment, and this dangerous situation was obviously beyond her expectation.

At this moment, Wei En's black eyes overflowed with hatred, without a trace of fear, and even a desire to fight emerged in her heart.

Lu Qi looked around and sighed in his heart, knowing that he was still reckless.

But the incident happened suddenly, if you don't pursue it, the only clue may be broken.

It's annoying.

At this time, seeing the aura emanating from those dark creatures, he also slowly pulled out his weapon.

The slender sharp blade slashed across the scabbard, making a grinding sound, like a signal, and seven dark creatures rushed up with their mouths open and screaming.

The battle is imminent!
Some of them came straight towards Lu Qi, staring at him with wild eyes, as if they wanted to eat him, and their fangs shone coldly in the air.

Frey and Wayne immediately shot arrows at the monsters. They didn't have time to protect Lu Qi, because two of them rushed towards them with a clear division of labor.

The two couldn't tell the difference.

The remaining five were all aimed at Lu Qi.

Seeing this scene, he couldn't understand. Could it be that he is handsome and is liked by monsters?

Damn, I'm so handsome that I have nowhere to put it.

The two fastest among them had almost entered the five-meter range of him and launched an attack.

At this moment, a figure beside Lu Qi moved.

I saw Urna standing in front of Lu Qi faintly, with a flash of cold light in her hand, she instantly slashed at the swinging arm of one of the bloodthirsty species. As the blood sprayed, the bloodthirsty species was also blown away by the powerful force. flew out.

At this moment, Lu Qi realized that at some point, there was a short black blade in her hand, which looked extremely sharp.

He had never seen Urna take out a weapon, and this was the first time he saw it. He couldn't help but wonder, where did she hide the short blade on the way?

He subconsciously looked at Urna's skirt, and saw that the skirt was lifted up because of Urna's leg raising at the moment, revealing a slender and straight black silk long leg, exuding a sense of sensuality.

And the other leg lifted up, and kicked violently in the chest of a shapeshifter on the left in the next second.

With a sound of "Bang!", accompanied by the sound of bones, the body of the shapeshifter flew backwards and hit a tree, almost breaking the tree.

Such a scene formed a great contrast with the dazzling maid on her body.

In the blink of an eye, two creatures that threatened Lu Qi were dealt with, which also surprised Frey and Wayne over there.

They didn't expect that this beautiful and glamorous maid, who was always expressionless, would have such a strong combat power.

Urna lowered her legs at this time and stood beside Lu Qi, which made those dark creatures afraid and dared not go forward for a while.

And those jewel-like purple eyes didn't even have the slightest fluctuation, and the delicate and glamorous face was always expressionless.

To be honest, this is also the first time that Lu Qi saw Urna show her skills, and he was a little surprised.

He naturally knew that Urna was also a fighting maid after all.

At the beginning, the recruitment condition of the palace was that the strength should be at least above unyielding.

But Lu Qi only knew that Urna's strength was above Unyielding, but he didn't know exactly how powerful it was.

At this moment, based on these two observations, Lu Qi can judge that Urna's strength is at least above that of fearlessness.

This greatly enhanced Lu Qi's sense of security!
"It's not in vain that I have raised you for so long, Yuerna, come on!"

Lu Qi became brave all of a sudden, pointed the long blade in his hand, and gave orders.

Urna has a lot of food, and she has never missed three meals a day with Lu Qi, and she still gets a salary of [-] gold every week.

At this moment, there is finally a place to use it!

When Urna heard Lu Qi's words, she didn't hesitate at all, exerted strength on her feet, and rushed directly towards the dark creatures on the opposite side.

The black short blade, stained with blood, shone coldly, and seemed to be sharper.

And the three dark creatures, seeing Yurna rushing forward, did not back down, roaring and charging.

The two sides fought together in an instant.

Although Yuerna's combat power is very high, facing the three dark creatures for a while, she looked a little stressed, but even so, she did not show a trace of expression.

At this moment, Lu Qi couldn't go up to help, because the first two dark creatures slowed down and rushed towards him.

The shapeshifter's sternum was shattered. If humans encountered this situation, they would probably be close to death, but the shapeshifter still had the ability to move, and it became even more violent.

As for the bloodthirsty species, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it. The wound on his arm was already healing.

The latter is a demon that is polluted by darkness. The damage caused by ordinary weapons is weakened, and only weapons with sacred attributes can cause more damage to it.

At this time, they were one behind the other, ready to flank Lu Qi.

It was just two dark creatures. Lu Qi didn't pay attention to them. With a wave of the long blade in his hand, a gust of wind suddenly blew up in the forest, and the leaves that were blown everywhere rose all over the sky.

The next moment, Lu Qi also moved, his figure flashed, and he went straight to the shapeshifter.

At this time, the long blade in his hand was not only surrounded by a strong wind, but also attached to the Wuji sword on the outer layer.

Following Lu Qi's thoughts, that sword intent became restrained and unpretentious.

However, as he slashed out with a sword, a long sword mark suddenly appeared on the chest of the shapeshifter, and blood sprayed out of it instantly.

At the same time, a painful cry came from his mouth.

Shapeshifters are transformed by humans, and will still retain human consciousness after transformation, but most of them will be invaded by the desire to kill.

Lu Qi would not show mercy to his subordinates. After one strike, the second strike was seamlessly slashed out. With a flash of cold light, this strike sealed his throat instantly.

The shapeshifter's screams stopped abruptly, and a deep sword mark appeared on his throat, which was a neat red straight line.

In the next second, the whole head shook and fell to the ground.

There was movement from behind, and Lu Qi dodged to distance himself. The bloodthirsty species' attack missed and let out an irritable roar.

In the next second, he pounced directly on the severed neck of the shapeshifter, opened his mouth wide, and continuously inhaled the blood spurting out there.

The body surrounded by black air swelled up almost instantly, and the wound began to heal quickly with the inhalation of blood.

"You really don't waste a bit."

Lu Qi frowned.

Without hesitation, he rushed forward with one step, swung the long blade in his hand, and stepped forward, not planning to give this bloodthirsty a chance to continue to grow stronger.

Bloodthirsty species, as you can tell by name, thirst for blood.

At the same time, the more blood they absorb, the stronger they become.

It's just that Lu Qi didn't expect that this guy even smokes his own people, so he is really not picky.

The bloodthirsty species felt the sword blade coming in front of it, jumped up violently and dodged it, and landed behind Lu Qi, prostrated on the ground with four claws, looking at him with a mouth full of blood, violent emotions could be seen in the cloudy white eyes .

At the same time, the situation of Frey and Wayne is not optimistic.

Frey could see that he still had enough strength to deal with a bloodthirsty species. The ice bone knife slashed, causing continuous damage to the monster.

But the monster was rough and thick, and even she couldn't solve it for a while, and because she was worried about Wei En, she was almost distracted and hurt by the bloodthirsty species.

On their way from the Freljord to Demacia, they also encountered two dark creatures.

But it was Frey as the main attacker, Wei En was the assistant, and the two joined forces to fight against one.

But today's battle is completely different, there is so much darkness gathered in this forest.

Under such circumstances, Wei En, who lacked actual combat experience, could only fight against one alone.

At this moment, Wei En was not afraid, but extremely calm.

What she was fighting against was a shape-shifter with a werewolf-like form. It could be vaguely recognized from its appearance and body shape that it was a woman before its transformation.

The shapeshifters are tainted by dark forces, and their hearts are no longer human.

This is a passage that Frey once said to her.

Since she is not a human being, Wei En will not show any kindness.

Using her flexible body, she kept pulling the werewolf shapeshifter, narrowly dodging its attacks again and again.

At the same time, the crossbow shot arrows doused with holy water and shot at the shapeshifter, causing it to cry out in pain.


Seeing this, Wei En's black eyes flashed, and she became more confident.

It appears that Holy Silver Arrows will also do more damage to shapeshifters.

Seeing more and more crossbow bolts on the shapeshifter, the wound was covered with blood, and its painful face began to distort.

Wayne felt herself getting excited.

She raised the crossbow, aiming at the shapeshifter's head this time, and was about to pull the trigger, but there was only a hollow sound.

Out of crossbow bolts?
Wayne looked down.

The next second, the shapeshifter who also noticed this situation let out a furious roar, speeded up instantly, and fell in front of Wei En.

At this time, Wei En didn't stay in a daze. Seeing that the enemy's sharp claws had swung towards her, she stepped back without hesitation, dodging the attack.

Looking at the shapeshifter who was biting towards her, he grabbed his trouser leg with his right hand, and a short dagger dangerously blocked the huge mouth full of fangs.

After blocking the blow, Wei En immediately retreated, her face involuntarily becoming more serious.

She realized that she had made a mistake, she didn't control the number of holy silver crossbow bolts, and shot them all at once.

Although many of these arrows hit, none of them seriously injured the enemy.

The power of a shapeshifter far surpasses that of a human being, and it is extremely disadvantageous for her to fall into close combat.

At this moment, no one can help her in the battle with this shapeshifter.

She could only choose to distance herself, and the shapeshifter followed closely behind.

Every time he avoided the almost fatal attack of the shapeshifter, Wei En felt more and more excited.

Every cell in the body seemed to be immersed in this battle, trembling with excitement.

And with the excitement, she felt a force begin to emerge from every corner of her body.

While dodging, she was able to find an opportunity to counterattack with the dagger in her hand.

However, there is still a certain gap in strength between her and the shapeshifter. One mistake, the whole person was thrown to the ground.

The female werewolf face snarled in front of her, her claws on Vayne's shoulders, immobilizing her.

The bloody mouth was right in front of her eyes, and the fear of imminent death instantly reminded Wei En of the night she saw that demon two years ago.

That night, she fell to the ground, trembling all over, unable to move.

At this moment, this feeling seemed to come back again.


In the ear, Frey's shout suddenly sounded.

Wei En's eyes flashed, as if she had returned to reality, those black eyes were burning with flames.

In the next second, with strength from nowhere, the right arm broke free from the shapeshifter's claws, almost instantly pulled out a holy silver arrow hidden in the right leg, and thrust it into the shapeshifter's bite. Come on top of the head.

The shapeshifter's expression froze, the brilliance in his eyes faded, his claws loosened, and his huge body fell limply. The open bloody mouth lay on Wei En's shoulder, but he couldn't close it anymore.

A stream of blood sprayed out from where the holy silver arrow was inserted, and some of it even spattered onto Wei En's face.

Wei En remained motionless, her eyes were looking at the dome, warm blood slid down her face like rain.

At this moment, she felt that some kind of emotion was awakened.

Pleasure, vengeance, and violence raced through her veins, and she felt ecstasy.

Her heart was beating crazily, and at this moment she could even hear her heart beating clearly.



Every time she hit it, the pleasure in her heart surged, she became more and more excited, and a steady stream of strength surged up.

She pushed the shapeshifter away from her body, then sat up, took a breath of air, and suddenly felt that the whole world had changed.

She felt that the world in her eyes became extremely clear. This feeling was like being drunk, but it was far stronger than the feeling of being drunk.

"Vayne, are you alright?!"

Frey swung the ice bone knife in his hand, forcing the bloodthirsty back in front of him, glanced at Wei En who was in a daze, and cried out in worry.

"I'm fine." Hearing the voice, Vayne looked towards Frey, then stood up, holding the dagger in her hand, and rushed to join the battle.

Soon, Frey showed a somewhat surprised expression, she found that Wayne had become stronger.

That face was extremely calm, and with her cooperation, he beheaded the bloodthirsty species in a short while.

"Teacher, did you see it? I have become stronger!"

Wei En looked at the fallen bloodthirsty species, and the pleasure surged again, and she looked at Frey excitedly.

This fight is no longer what it used to be, she is no longer a support role.

Looking at Wei En's face, Frey suddenly froze for a moment.

The excitement and joy she had never seen flashed in this child's eyes, and that face that seemed to be asking for credit seemed a little strange to her at this moment.

After hesitating for a while, Frey still asked, "Why did you become so much stronger all of a sudden?"

Wei En said excitedly: "I don't know, this seems to belong to my power, it can help me kill the enemy!"

Seeing this face, Frey took a step back subconsciously, for some reason, she had a bad premonition.

But can't tell.

"Let's help His Highness first."

Frey didn't want to think about it anymore. She heard the sound of fighting from Lu Qi's side, so she wanted to go to help first.

At this moment, the battle on Lu Qi's side also came to an end.

As he continued to slash, the bloodthirsty species that had absorbed the blood of its companions had too many wounds to heal.

As he stabbed the bloodthirsty species' chest with a sword, the demon wailed and fell down weakly.

And over there, Urna, who fought three dark creatures alone, also resolved the battle.

The maid's uniform was stained with blood, and the short black blade in her hand also looked extremely bright red.

That white and beautiful side face, stained with a trace of blood, coupled with that expressionless face, has a different sense of beauty.

"Your Highness, Miss Yurna."

Frey came with Wei En and found that the battle here was also over.

Lu Qi flicked the blood on the long blade, looked back, and when his eyes were on Wei En's face, he found that her face, which was always cold, looked extremely excited at the moment.

His cheeks looked flushed, the blood on them was not dry, and his body was also covered in blood. It seemed that he had gone through a hard battle.

I don't know if she thinks it dirty, but Lu Qi does.

He took out a handkerchief from the package, threw it over and said, "Wipe."

Wei En took it without saying much, and wiped away the blood on her face.

Frey said strangely at this time: "This place"

Before she finished speaking, her face changed again.

Lu Qi also felt something was wrong, and looked around.

I saw some dark creatures with human-shaped bodies that were covered in black air, similar to bloodthirsty species, but much thinner, appearing around.

"Evil spirit?!"

Frey looked surprised, took out the ice bone knife, and was a little puzzled, "Why are there so many dark creatures gathered in this place?"

Generally, this kind of situation often means that there must be something nearby that attracts these dark creatures.

And Wei En, halfway through wiping the blood, saw a bunch of evil spirits appearing around, put down her hand again, and pulled out the dagger again.

In her eyes, the look of excitement has not disappeared, and she has already begun to look forward to killing these evil spirits.

Lu Qi frowned and looked around, feeling something was wrong.

Before saying anything, these evil spirits had already started to attack in groups, roaring strangely, and rushed towards everyone.

These evil spirits are fast, but not as powerful as bloodthirsty species, but they also have the advantage of being more resistant to ordinary weapons.

After wielding a few knives and solving the two evil spirits, Lu Qi analyzed these.

His long sword is quite expensive, but it does not contain sacred attributes, so it is a bit troublesome to cut it.

As for the evil spirits, Lu Qi also has a certain understanding. They are the resentment incarnations of the dead, and some powerful evil spirits even retain the memories of their previous lives.

Almost like a ghost.

"These are low-level evil spirits, but why are there so many?"

Frey's Ice Bone Knife has sacred attributes, and it is almost an evil spirit to slash with two knives.

Urna has a strong personal strength, so she doesn't pick a weapon, she only takes one a few times.

Wei En's dagger also has divine blessings, and it seems that she has become a lot stronger, and she has maintained the same fighting rhythm as everyone else.

Every time an evil spirit dies under her knife, one can feel the excitement overflowing from her body.

There are quite a few of these low-level evil spirits.

It really let Lu Qi experience the fun of brushing the book, but he was a little annoyed after not cutting a few swords.

It's not a problem that it's endless.


At this moment, Lu Qi actually heard a gunshot, which made him startled slightly.

Immediately afterwards, in sight, a bullet shining with white light appeared, and it hit an evil spirit in an instant.

Accompanied by a piercing scream, the evil spirit was directly submerged by the light bullets, and disappeared into ashes.


Then there was another gunshot, and another evil spirit died under the gun.

This efficiency is fast.

Lu Qi's eyes lit up, and the next second, he looked towards the place where the gunshot was fired, showing an unsurprised expression.

Several people were also attracted by this unexpected situation, and they followed the gunshots to look over.

At the other end, a man in a gray robe appeared. The distinctive gray robe was draped over his body like a windbreaker. He had black skin and a grim complexion.

In his hands, he was holding two silver-white pistols with strange shapes. The front ends of the pistols were shining with light.

Paladin - Lucian!
Gunshots could be heard in Demacia, except for Lucian, Lu Qi couldn't think of other possibilities.

With Lucian joining the battle, the speed of the reduction of evil spirits was almost faster.

The two holy spears in his hand are simply killer weapons against these low-level evil spirits with dark attributes, one shot at a time.

The well-informed Frey looked at the two guns thoughtfully, and suddenly remembered something: "Sentry of Light?"

When Wei En heard her words, she cast a curious look, as if she wanted to ask what the Sentinel of Light was.

She was also a little curious about the two guns in Lucian's hand.

"I only know that it is an ancient sect, and it seems that it has been maintaining peace in Runeterra since ancient times."

Frey briefly described it, but in fact she didn't know much.

Once, after her child was killed by the Frost Witch, in order to gain the power to fight against these darkness, she went to many places and read many books.

So from a book, I accidentally saw the news of the Bright Sentinel.

This is a religious organization that has been committed to maintaining peace and fighting against darkness a long time ago, and they are almost everywhere in Runeterra.

Very mysterious.

Every Sentinel of Light has a holy object that can fight against darkness, and the two in Lucian's hand are obviously.

Frey had tried and failed to find the Sentinels of Light, and instead discovered another way to gain power.

It's just that I didn't expect to meet a Sentinel of Light in Demacia now.

At this moment, the battle has come to an end.

As Lucian shot and killed the last evil spirit that wanted to escape, it also declared the end of the battle.

He took the initiative to walk towards several people, and said: "When I was passing by, I found a lot of dark aura gathered here. What happened here?"

Sentinels of Light have as keen a nose for dark breaths as Demon Hunters.

His voice was a little low, and it sounded like he wasn't very energetic.

Looking at the two pistols in his hands, Lu Qi also knew that Lucian's wife might have been taken away by now.

Facing his question, Lu Qi shook his head: "We are also passing by."

Who would have thought that such an extra thing would suddenly appear in a perfectly good investigation mission.

Lu Qi was ready to go back and write the report.

Seeing that no one knew about it, Lucian glanced at the corpses of the shapeshifters and bloodthirsty species on the ground, and introduced himself: "My name is Lucian, and I am a demon hunter passing by."

"My name is Frey, and I'm also a demon hunter. The few of us are together."

Frey did not reveal Lucian's identity.

The Sentinel of Light roams the world, not because he cannot show his true identity, but it is usually unnecessary to do so.

This is also to maintain a sense of mystery.

After a brief self-introduction, Lucian also knew the names of the people he met by chance.

He looked at Lu Qi, thought over and over again in his heart, and his eyes flashed: "Are you that prince?"

Hearing this, Lu Qi sighed, and folded his hands behind his back: "I didn't expect that I would be recognized by showing such a low profile."

Sure enough, excellent people will shine wherever they go.

Wei En glanced at the guy who suddenly became narcissistic, and didn't want to complain.

"I've heard something about His Highness."

As Lucian said, he bowed and performed a standard meeting ceremony, and said, "See Your Royal Highness."

When Lu Qi introduced, he didn't say his last name.

But Lucian stayed in the capital for a while a month ago, although he had never met the prince.

But have heard a lot about him.

His name is Lu Qi, and the only one who has such an outstanding appearance is the prince, and it is not difficult to recognize him at a glance.

Although I didn't expect to meet him here.

But as a Demacian, it is still necessary to salute Lu Qi when he sees him.


Lu Qi waved his hand and said, "Let's settle the matter at hand before we talk."

At this moment, the corpses of dark creatures in this place make one's scalp tingle, and the smell of blood is everywhere, which is very unpleasant.

"Generally speaking, if a large number of dark creatures appear in a place, it means that there must be something attracting them in this place."

Lucian walked around step by step, looked around and said, "In the current situation, if I guess correctly, there must be a lair of evil spirits nearby."

He traveled to Runeterra these years, and fought against countless dark creatures.

In terms of experience, it was much more than Frey, who was the most experienced present.

Frey could only tell that there must be something attracting evil spirits nearby.

But he can be sure directly that there must be an evil spirit's lair nearby.

"The strong dark atmosphere here comes from this. There must be a more powerful evil spirit in the lair. As I expected, it is now in a critical period of transformation."

Lucian felt the darkness overflowing in the void, almost to a serious point, he frowned, and analyzed, "We must stop it as soon as possible, otherwise many people will suffer because of it."

Frey supported his decision, but she still asked Lu Qi for his opinion: "What do you think, Your Highness?"

Lu Qi was also thoughtful when he heard the words, and asked, "Is it too late for us to go back and call someone?"

If you look at it this way, the three missing people in Keer Village may have something to do with this evil spirit cave.

His current thinking is to go back and call someone to level the cave.

Why do you just use such a small number of people to brush a dungeon that doesn't know how difficult it is?

However, he still knows little about dark creatures.

Lucian shook his head: "The evil spirit won't stay in one place forever. After it transforms, it will inevitably go to other places to look for food. When the time comes, I'm afraid it will be too late."

(End of this chapter)

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