LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 137 Never Thought I Have the Qualifications to Be an MT

Chapter 137 Never Thought I Had the Qualifications to Be an MT (Two in One, Ten Thousand Words)

"I said this, not to ask for your help."

At this moment, Lucian put away the two holy guns in his hand, and looked around, "Since you don't know, you can leave."

These words seem to say that he is going to go to the cave of evil spirits alone.

Frey heard the words: "Let's stay together. There are many people and we can take care of each other. That's okay."


Lucian interrupted Frey coldly, looked back at her, and said in a very confident tone, "Professional matters can be left to professional people, no one is better at dealing with these abominations than me. "

His words were full of hatred for evil spirits.

And it seemed to smell something, and the direction was determined during the speech, leaving behind a lonely figure, heading in that direction.

This is true.

Although demon hunters are also enemies of dark creatures, they really don't have the expertise of light sentinels to deal with evil spirits.

The Bright Sentinel briefly showed his face, then left, and his figure quickly disappeared into the forest.

Frey looked at Lu Qi, waiting for him to make a decision.

"Even if he said so, after all, we have all chased after this, and we can't give up halfway."

Seeing the gaze cast on him, Lu Qi said aloud.

Naturally, he was not prepared to retreat.

Although he is lazy, he is not so timid.

Right now, he still has an investigation task on his shoulders, and the reason for the disappearance of the three people in Ke'er Village has not been investigated clearly.

If we leave like this, I am afraid that we will only lose the last clue completely.

Therefore, the boss of this evil spirit cave must be brushed.

"Then shall we catch up? It feels like the sentinel doesn't want to go with us."

Frey also noticed the meaning of Lucian's words.

Since he didn't want to, they didn't have the audacity to follow, but right now it seemed that he was the only one who could find the cave.

At this time, Wei En, who had been silent for a while, suddenly said: "Maybe I know where the cave is, come with me."

As she spoke, she chose a different direction from Lucian's.

Lu Qi glanced sideways, and also found that Wei En seemed to be a little different from before.

Looking at the cold side face, he couldn't tell the difference, but he felt that it was a bit more similar to the glasses Wei En in his impression.

At this moment, she hasn't put on the glasses that block her appearance.

The three of them followed Wei En, walked for a while, and actually found an entrance connected to the cave under a tree.

Even Lu Qi, who has a weak sense of darkness, can feel the dark breath wafting from this cave at this moment.

Frey looked at Wei En with puzzled eyes, as if asking how she knew.

"I can feel that there is a black thread that draws me here."

Under Frey's inquiring eyes, Wayne told the reason why she came here.

In her eyes, a large amount of black air was rising from the cave in front of her, and she was attracted by a thin thread in the black air.

Frey looked towards the entrance silently, she could feel the changes in Wei En today.

His strength has inexplicably increased, and now he has awakened such a strong sense of darkness.

She didn't know for a moment whether this was good or bad.

It should be a good thing that Wei En has become stronger, she doesn't need to think so much.

Thinking of this, Frey didn't ask again, but said: "Let's go in."

She decided to take the lead, and after making some preparations, she confirmed that the entrance was not dangerous, and then went in.

Soon, there was a sliding sound, and then the sound of falling to the ground.

Not long after, a voice with Frey's echo sounded: "No problem!"

Seeing this, Wei En also got in, followed by Yurna, and then Lu Qi.

The moment he entered the cave, the bright light outside immediately dimmed, and he could only vaguely see some scenes from the darkness through his vision far beyond ordinary people.

This entrance is connected to the giant tree above, and a bunch of coiled roots can be seen, which form a landslide.

He slid down from here, and there was already light below, and Frey, who was the first to come in, lit the torch he carried with him.

After Lu Qi landed smoothly, she was handing the second torch to Yurna.

Wei En is adding bolts to the crossbow, and those bolts are still stained with blood, obviously pulled from the bloodthirsty species.

The arrowheads of these arrows are poured with holy water, which has a restraint effect on dark creatures, and they are expensive, so of course they must be recycled.

The temperature in the cave is a bit low, it feels about ten degrees lower than outside, and there is a frightening air-conditioning.

Except for the place where the light of the torch can illuminate, there is a bottomless darkness in front of it, like the eyes of a giant beast, looking gloomy.

Frey was at the front, Vayne was behind her, Lu Qi was in the third position, and Urna was behind her.

There is only one road in front of them, and the four of them can only move forward, very carefully.

It's just that the road in this cave is very difficult to walk. When passing through a tunnel and continuing to move forward, the four of them found that the distance between the tunnels became narrower and narrower.

They could only bend forward, and in the end, almost as if walking through a square pipe, they could only move forward on all fours.

The fire flickered and dimmed.

Wei En was wearing a pair of leather pants, and the distance between him and Lu Qi was less than one meter at the moment.

From Lu Qi's perspective, he could just see the well-developed buttocks wrapped in the leather jacket, outlining a rounded curve, twisting and twisting as he crawled forward.

However, at this time, Lu Qi was not in the mood to appreciate the scenery in front of him.

He was constantly praying in his heart that Wei En in front of him must not fart at this time.

After walking about 100 meters, the space in front of them finally became larger, and the four stood up one by one, with a lot of dust falling off their bodies.

At this time, Wei En glanced at Lu Qi, who was thinking about something in her black eyes, and then looked away.

The four of them looked around and found that there were four bottomless roads like a fork in the road.

"Bang!" "Bang!"

"Bang!" "Bang!"

Vaguely, some vague gunshots could be heard coming from one of the roads.

Not surprisingly, Lucian was there.

"The battle seems intense, shall we go over and help?"

Frey looked at Lu Qi and asked aloud.

However, before Lu Qi could reply, as soon as the words fell, it seemed as if some switch had been triggered, and pairs of red eyes instantly lit up in the four holes.



In the next second, from the four roads, many hungry evil spirits rushed forward with piercing howls.

The four of them instantly entered a fighting state, and took out their weapons almost without hesitation.

The battle is imminent.

It was too late to care about the situation of the Sentinel of Light.

Right now, we need to kill this group of low-level evil spirits first.

However, these evil spirits gushed out from the four holes like a steady stream.

At this time, Lu Qi suddenly felt a bad premonition, a layer of goosebumps immediately formed on his back, and his fine hair stood on end.

This feeling is very rare, but whenever this feeling appears, it must mean that danger is approaching.

"Go and meet Lucian first!"

He made a quick decision.

Holding a group is the best way at this moment.

While speaking, he didn't hesitate to face these evil spirits that couldn't be killed. He swung the long sword with all his strength, and a wind blade swept out, forcibly opening a path.

The evil spirits on this road were either dead or wounded.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Qi used his body skills and walked towards the passage where the gunshots came from.

When the three of them heard his words, they followed immediately without any hesitation.

The road in this cave is very difficult, like climbing a mountain, there is no smooth place on the road, and it took a lot of effort to face the evil spirits that kept coming, and the four finally reached the other end.

On this side, the battle was equally fierce, and Lucian was almost surrounded by evil spirits.

The two holy spears in his hand were constantly shining with holy flames, burning every evil spirit they touched.

Even so, he still backed away while shooting, with a gloomy expression.

It seems that the number of evil spirits in this cave has also greatly exceeded his expectations.

"Come to our side!"

Lu Qi yelled, and cut out another sword while speaking. The cave where Lucian was in was very big, and the light was dim. There were only vague lights of fire and some unknown stones on the wall, emitting a faint light.

Barely maintain the brightness.

Because of this, there are more evil spirits gathered in this cave than ever before, more than ten times more than outside the cave before.

In addition to the four people coming, I don't know how many evil spirits they have attracted along the way.

Looking at it at this moment, it was a dark and oppressive scene. The howling like a ghost's cry made people's ears itchy, and the atmosphere was so oppressive that it was almost impossible to breathe.

The black-bodied evil spirits exude a chilling hunger and thirst, and the dark breath is thick and strong, as if they want to devour people.

Lucian heard the movement on this side, and after realizing that it was Lu Qi and the other four, his expression remained unchanged.

But it also changed direction and started to kill all the way here.

After a while, the two sides finally came together. The corpses of evil spirits were everywhere along the way, and the ashes and smoke from the paintings were about to dissipate.

Frey's ice bone knife kept waving, and Urna's short blade was also claiming the life of the evil spirit.

At this moment, Wei En looked at the holy silver crossbow arrows she shot, purifying the evil spirits one by one, immersed in the pleasure of killing, which made her even more excited.

All the filth and abominations of this world should be damned!
Her face was extra flushed due to excitement, and her heartbeat continued to speed up. She felt that she had returned to a state that was more pleasant than drunk.

This feeling brought her unparalleled self-confidence, and even gave her a steady stream of strength.

It made her feel like an addiction.

No one noticed her change. At this moment, several people were in a fighting state that did not dare to be distracted.

The four of Lu Qi and the converging Lucian formed a small circle, blocking the charge of the evil spirits from all directions.

"What's the situation in this cave? Why are there so many ghosts?"

Lu Qi frowned. He had never dealt with so many ghosts in his life. The most important thing was that these ghosts were spirit bodies. His sword had to be slashed several times to be effective.

It's annoying.

Hearing his voice, Lucian also had a sullen face: "From my experience, this shows that this evil spirit cave is not formed naturally."

Low-level evil spirits have no memories of their lifetime, but only their own desires after birth, so generally speaking, a large number of evil spirits will not be consciously gathered in one place.

This is normal.

The abnormal situation is like this evil spirit cave. A large number of evil spirits have been consciously gathered. Obviously there is a deeper reason behind this.


At this moment, a strong sense of oppression hit, and "suddenly", the torches in the hands of Frey and Yurna were directly extinguished.

Inside the cave, the light that wasn't very bright at all suddenly dimmed, and those glowing stones barely provided vision.

The rest of the light sources are Luciana's two holy spears.

As he continued to fire, the holy light bullets ejected from the muzzle of the gun continuously shone with pure white light.

At this time, Lu Qi's sixth sense once again brought him strong anxiety.


With an instinctive shout, he was the first to rush forward.

The people behind him didn't hesitate, and when they heard his shout, they immediately rushed in the direction in front of them.


Not long after the few people left, the ground where they were standing before suddenly shattered, and several broken rocks shot up into the sky.

Appearing at the same time, there was also a jet-black giant hand wrapped with more intense black air.

In the next second, an evil spirit with an apparently higher level crawled out of the ground.

It is more than twice as tall as the low-level evil spirits, and its body is also stronger. A certain amount of intelligence can already be seen in those scarlet eyes.

"This is an intermediate evil spirit, it seems to have completed its transformation, everyone be careful!"

Lucian's face was solemn, and before he was surprised by Lu Qiyuan's super vigilance, he immediately raised his hand, and a few holy light bullets poured out towards the middle-level evil spirit.

The holy light bullets that could vaporize the low-level evil spirits in an instant hit all the middle-level evil spirits, but they seemed to be swallowed by it without causing the slightest damage.

This scene shocked several people.

Even Lucian is the same. It's not that he hasn't dealt with mid-level evil spirits before, but this mid-level evil spirit is obviously different.

The middle-level evil spirits seem to be only one level higher than the low-level evil spirits, but their strength is more than a star and a half higher.

Lu Qi confirmed that the feeling of danger came from this middle-level evil spirit, but he didn't have the slightest understanding of this kind of ghost.

I don't know anything about the mechanism of this boss.

He looked in Lucian's direction and said loudly, "Let me briefly introduce the guy's weakness."

While walking, Lucian cleaned up the mobs, heard Lu Qi's voice, looked at the middle-level evil spirit that was staring at everyone, and spoke in a deep voice.

"Its weakness is... no weakness."

"Haha, you are quite humorous."

Lu Qi really admired himself, he could still laugh at this moment, the long sword in his hand slashed at the mobs, and in a split second, a gust of wind blew out, comfortably clearing away the mobs.

"The more this is the case, the more we must maintain an optimistic attitude."

Lucian had seen big scenes before, so he didn't panic at the moment, and his movements looked a little chic.

Lu Qi looked at the immobile intermediate evil spirit: "It didn't respond for a long time, do you want to sit down and talk to us?"

Lucian also frowned and looked at it, and analyzed: "It seems that its transformation has not been completed, and it should have been interrupted by us in the process."

After the words fell, the middle-level evil spirit suddenly moved.

Several people immediately became vigilant.

In the next second, the middle-level evil spirit roared and began to absorb the surrounding low-level evil spirits.

It is said to be absorption, but it looks more like fusion. Those low-level evil spirits actively ran into its body, and heads emerged from its body.

Following that, the middle-level evil spirit gradually grew in size, looking like a pitch-black, extremely ugly monster.

"Brother Hei, what do you think about it getting bigger and bigger?"

"Stand and watch."

Lucian raised his eyebrows because of the name Brother Hei, but he didn't care about this detail at this time, and said, "It is absorbing the power of low-level evil spirits around it to complete its transformation."

Lu Qi nodded: "I think I can see it."

The size of the middle-level evil spirit in his eyes almost caught up with the three of them.

"Can you shoot faster with those two guns?"

"I've shot fast enough."

"Don't you need to change the bullet?"

"No, it has unlimited bullets."

"Can you use it for me?"

"...No, these two weapons cannot be used by ordinary people."

Wei En shot a few holy silver crossbow arrows at the intermediate evil spirit, but it didn't have any effect. Instead, she was swallowed by it. Seeing its growing size, she frowned: "Can you two say something useful?"

How come we chatted while chatting.

Why don't you just move a small bench for the two of you and go outside to chat.

Frey and Urna focused on clearing out the mobs, while approaching the mid-level evil spirit.

At this moment, the unmoved mid-level evil spirit seemed to have no threat, but the threat was actually increasing every second.

"Aren't you a professional? Find a way quickly."

Lu Qi has nothing to do right now, he only knows that if this continues, everyone will take jujube pills.

The professional Lucian also showed embarrassment at the moment, obviously there is no good way.

Because this mid-level evil spirit was different from the ones he had dealt with before.

Including Frey, in the face of this situation, he also felt a little helpless.

The most difficult thing to deal with this mid-level evil spirit is that there are too many low-level evil spirits around.

It is not immune to sacred attributes, but it can offset the damage it receives by absorbing the surrounding low-level evil spirits.

This steady stream of low-level evil spirits is its supply box.

And its power is also getting stronger little by little. When the transformation is completed, it may really be too late.

"My weapon can do the most damage to it, you guys cover me!"

Lucian shouted loudly at this moment.

The two holy spears in his hand continuously poured towards the low-level evil spirits that were rushing around, and because of this, he couldn't concentrate on attacking the middle-level evil spirits.

"it is good!"

Lu Qi immediately waved the long sword in his hand and began to move closer to Lucian.

Because of the appearance of the middle-level evil spirit just now, the team of several people was forced to disperse.

At this moment, it was intercepted by a large number of low-level evil spirits.

Hearing his words, Frey, Wayne, and Urna also started to approach Lucian from their respective directions.

At this moment, the battle instantly entered a tense atmosphere of racing against time.

On one side is an intermediate evil spirit that constantly absorbs power and transforms.

On one side are Lu Qi and the others who are constantly clearing out low-level evil spirits.

And when they approached Lucian, they also shared his share of the pressure. Lucian, with his hands free, looked serious and looked at the intermediate evil spirit over there.

The double guns in his hands were raised, and the next second.




The bullets shining with white light, like burning flames, poured out towards the swollen body of the intermediate evil spirit.

One shot after another, Lucian's arms trembled from the impact of the shot.

The light in the cave flickered as he shot.

And the large number of holy light bullets kept falling on the middle-level evil spirits, which actually offset the speed of its absorption.

It is equivalent to saying that its transformation at this moment has stopped in a disguised form.

"There is a play!"

Sweat stains appeared on Lucian's forehead, without the slightest distraction, the two guns continuously sprayed out the flames of baptism and purification.

In theory, as long as all the current low-level evil spirits are cleaned up, the transformation of this middle-level evil spirit will fail.

But with such a huge number of low-level evil spirits, I don't know how long it will take to clean them up.

It's better to deal with this intermediate evil spirit directly.

Lu Qi was at the side, waving the sharp knife in his hand constantly, and he was also aware of it, and Lucian's face began to turn pale.

The sweat on the forehead also increased.

The two sides are in a stalemate, finally.


There was a buzzing sound from the middle-level evil spirit. Its inflated body seemed to twitch a few times, and a dark air current directly blew away the surrounding low-level evil spirits, sweeping away towards the surroundings.


In the next second, the middle-level evil spirit let out an angry roar, and a violent and wanton hostility erupted from his whole body, as if he had become extremely furious.

"Its metamorphosis failed!"

Lucian lowered his hands, his forehead was covered with sweat, and his voice was even lower, sounding weak.

His arms were trembling uncontrollably, but he didn't waste his effort.

The metamorphosis of the intermediate evil spirit was constantly disturbed, and it failed directly!

"Keep shooting!"

Lu Qi urged.

Lucian leaned against the wall, gasping for breath: "Let me take it easy."

At this time, the surrounding aura sank, and several people felt a sense of oppression.

Seeing the furious mid-level evil spirit, its scarlet gaze slowly looked over, and the next second, it roared and rushed over directly!


Lu Qi felt that if they got together, they might be wiped out.

So he took the initiative to disperse to the right. He felt that it was Lucian who shot the idiot, and it was Lucian who interrupted its transformation, and it had nothing to do with him.

This first wave of hatred should never have fallen on him.

However, the next second, the middle-level evil spirit suddenly changed its course, telling Lu Qi that his thinking was wrong.

I saw Lu Qi flexibly stretching a certain distance to the right using his magical powers.

The mid-level evil spirit that was charging towards everyone suddenly changed its direction and charged towards him.


Seeing this, Lu Qi slowly typed a question mark, vaguely wanting to swear.

This evil spirit must have been a big ugly before he was alive, otherwise he shouldn't have targeted him so maliciously.

"Be careful, Your Highness!"

Frey and the others scattered around, and suddenly found that the middle-level evil spirit was heading towards Lu Qi, and couldn't go to support him for a while.

I could only cry out in worry.

Lu Qi didn't have the time to think too much. Seeing the approaching middle-level evil spirits, he used all his powers to move around in the flickering and dark caves.

That middle-level evil spirit was like a stupid dog, being teased and played by Lu Qi.

When they saw him, he was just like Fei, floating around in this cave, and couldn't help but stare dumbfounded.

This graceful movement is truly astonishing.

At this time, Yurna killed him all the way, blocking the middle-level evil spirit.

Her body holding the short black blade was almost in stark contrast to the three-meter-tall mid-level evil spirit.

However, there was still no expression on the maid's face, and her purple eyes were full of indifference.

"Do it!"

Lu Qi stopped, and pointed with his long sword with a bit of anger.

The next moment, he and Yurna moved at the same time, and they both attacked the middle-level evil spirit at the same time.

The black short blade in Urna's hand fell, and a powerful force erupted in an instant. When the blow fell, the thick arm swung by the intermediate evil spirit was broken in two.

Lu Qi also slashed out with all his strength at this time, the Yufeng Sword and Wuji sword intent merged, and a strong wind surrounded the sword for a while, making a whistling sound, and he slashed out several times in an instant.

As the sword light flickered, several sword marks appeared on the huge body of the intermediate evil spirit, from which black air continued to emerge.

However, in the next second, the black energy poured back.

At the same time, a few low-level evil spirits howling and rushing towards this side were also sucked into the body by him.

The wound on that body healed almost at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The severed left arm recovered with a blink of an eye, and the undropped palm continued to fall.

Urna immediately raised the short blade to resist, but was still thrown away by a huge force.

Lu Qi didn't have time to worry about her, because the other palm of the monster slapped him.

But he was vigilant in advance, and his body skills were extremely strong, so he stepped back in a dodge and was out of the attack range of the evil spirit.


At this time, the back of the evil spirit was severely injured, and with a roar of pain, an ice bone knife almost cut into its spine, all the way down, as if to split it in half.

It was Frey who arrived.

After the blow, Frey backed away immediately.

The angry evil spirit turned around, trying to catch up with her, but suddenly a few holy silver crossbow arrows shot towards its head, precisely hitting its face, piercing it like a needle.

The power of the holy water continuously burned it, and bursts of black gas rose upwards.

Wei En held a crossbow and stood not far away with indifferent eyes.


"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Several gunshots accompanied by several flashes of white light shot at the forehead of the evil spirit. The power of purification by the holy light almost cut off half of its head, and also interrupted the roar of the evil spirit. .

Lucian regained some energy, and stood over there with two guns in his hands.

"Take advantage of it now!"

Several people realized that this was an opportunity, and with such cooperation, the evil spirit lost time to react.

It can only repair the wound by absorbing the low-level evil spirits around it, but because of this, its actions are greatly affected.

There was no communication, and the five of them took their own positions, and started to output all their strength to this evil spirit.

The huge body of the evil spirit was turning, even though its brain was injured, no one dared to be careless.

With the tacit cooperation, the power of the evil spirit continued to weaken.

The scale of victory seems to be tilted.

However, at this time.


Suddenly, a violent force erupted from the evil spirit, and with a huge impact, it directly knocked away Frey, Urna, and Lu Qi who were nearby.

Even the long-distance Wei En and Lucian were affected, and they did not back down after resisting with all their strength.


And the roaring evil spirit, accompanied by this berserk force, swelled in size again, and the heads of countless low-level evil spirits appeared on its body, which looked extremely terrifying!
"Hold on, this guy is dying!"

Seeing this, Lu Qi said with a firm tone.

Seeing that he was so confident, Wei En asked inexplicably, "Why do you say that?"

"I have experience, this big fool looks like residual blood, a little anxious."

Lu Qi analyzed it.

In the game, this situation is called the second stage of the boss, and it is a mechanism triggered by residual blood.

Often times like this, it means that the boss' blood bar is about to bottom out.

That's what he said, but Lu Qi didn't know how much blood this big fool had left.

It seems that because of his words, the sarcasm is full.

The evil spirit, which swelled in size, turned around and stared at him again.

At this moment, Lu Qi didn't panic at all, calmly raised a middle finger, then turned around and ran away.

"Boom boom boom!"

There were loud footsteps and violent roars from behind.

Lu Qi never thought that he had the aptitude to become an MT. While God gave him a handsome face, it also brought him endless troubles.

LV7's magical actions are ever-changing, and the speed is not so fast. The cave has a large space. With the cleaning of several people, there are not as many monsters as in the beginning.

This gave Lu Qi a good room for movement.

He pulled the monster's hatred all the way, and at the same time, he was also looking for opportunities to deal damage to his teammates.

The cooperation of several people is very tacit.

After pulling like this for 1 minute, the evil spirit felt something was wrong.

It never imagined in its dreams how a human being could be so flexible. With its huge size, it chased for a long time without even touching a single hair.

It decisively changed its target and rushed towards the nearest Urna.

Several people had expected such behavior, but the only thing they didn't expect was that its strength exceeded expectations.

The strongest person present should be Urna.

However, she also felt a lot of pressure when facing this huge mid-level evil spirit.

The short black blade in his hand looked even more insignificant.

"Boom! Boom!"

Facing the violent falling attack of the evil spirit, like boulders falling down one after another, Yurna resisted with some difficulty.

On the side, Frey held the ice bone knife and wanted to come up to support.

Lu Qi also turned around and continued to pull hatred.

However, the initial siege by the few people had little effect at the moment.

As the evil spirit parried Frey's ice bone knife, he held her whole body with his backhand, and then threw it towards Wei En on the other end.

Wei En instinctively dodged in her current state, but she suddenly realized that there was a wall behind her.

In the next second, the master and apprentice collided with each other with a "bang", and in the next second, they both fell on the wall.

With Wei En blocking, Frey was relieved a lot of the impact, but in this way, both the master and the apprentice were severely injured.

At this moment, Urna was also thrown away by the powerful palm of the evil spirit, hit the wall, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

After getting up, he had to face a large number of low-level evil spirits.

Only Lucian, who was recovering his mental strength, and Lu Qi, who was flexible, were fine for the time being.

Wei En got up from the ground, feeling that in this state of excitement, even the pain he suffered was relieved, but he was still affected.

Frey also struggled to get up, with a serious expression on his face.

Wei En frowned and looked at Lu Qi: "Didn't you say it's dying?"

How does it feel, this idiot, the more he fights, the more energetic he is?
Lu Qi said angrily: "I'm just joking."

At this moment, he can also see that reality is reality after all, and it cannot be viewed from the perspective of games.

The current situation is very bad, and basically the combat effectiveness is damaged.

Pause for a second.

The next moment, Lu Qi's aura suddenly soared, and a huge force suddenly surged from all parts of his body, like a boiling kettle, with the feeling that the water in the kettle was about to spurt out.

What followed was a frightening sword intent that was unrestrained and unleashed to the fullest, making the atmosphere in the entire cave sink and become even more depressing.

A gust of wind began to sweep from him towards the surroundings, accompanied by a good sense of power, which also surprised the few people present.

Feeling a hint of threat, the evil spirit turned around and stared at Lu Qi with scarlet eyes.

[The Fearless Strength Experience Card has been successfully used, and the duration is one hour]

A system beep flashed in my mind.

This is a fearless strength experience card obtained by signing in before, and it fell into the system backpack, and it was almost ashes.

If Lu Qi hadn't glanced in, he would have almost forgotten it.

At this time, he was feeling the power continuously emerging from all parts of his body. In just a few seconds, his overall strength had directly increased by a large amount!

In the next second, the evil spirit roared and rushed over suddenly, with black gas overflowing from his body, accompanied by the heads that could be seen everywhere, looking both pervasive and terrifying.

This time, Lu Qi didn't use his magical powers and ran away. It's meaningless to keep pushing like this.

"Then fight!"

With a thought, he also dodged and rushed forward.

In an instant, he fought with the evil spirit, and a series of wind blades cut out from the blade, and he was on par with the evil spirit for a while.

After a few tricks.

Lu Qi dodged and opened a distance.

A lot of wind gathered in his body in an instant, and with his thoughts, all of them gathered on the long blade.


In the next moment, as he merged the wind-controlling intent with the ever-increasing Wuji sword intent, a small tornado several meters long was thrown from the long sword.

There was a strong whistling sound, as if it could tear everything apart, and the low-level evil spirits on the road were directly involved, and were instantly killed by the constantly rotating tornado blade.

The small tornado didn't show any intention of stopping, and went straight towards the middle-level evil spirit.

Seeing this scene, a look of shock appeared in Wei En's eyes.

She didn't expect that this prince who was lazy in her eyes was so powerful?
However, Wei En silently clenched her fists when she thought about her breakthrough and the power she gained today.

As long as she hunts down a few more dark creatures, she will only become stronger and stronger!
And Lu Xian, who cultivated his spirit, was also stunned, a little shocked!
Not only because of the prince's strength, but also because of his swordsmanship, which is very similar to the Yufeng swordsmanship that I have heard in my travels to Runeterra!
As the tornado swept towards the evil spirit, covering its huge body, Lu Qi's figure flickered, and appeared in front of the evil spirit with a step forward.




With the flickering lights of swords one after another, accompanied by a gust of wind blowing towards the surroundings, the evil spirit roared and roared, a large amount of black energy emitted from its body, and its size was constantly shrinking.

But this is not enough.

Only two seconds later, the evil spirit withstood the damage and began to roar and fight back.

Lu Qi's eyes flashed, LV6 Yufeng Swordsmanship is still a bit low!
In addition, his weapon is just an ordinary long sword, which has no sacred attribute. At this moment, he can't kill him with the inferior version of Last Breath Slash.

Here's the problem!

If this wave is not lost, the evil spirits will absorb the surrounding low-level evil spirits, and sooner or later they will recover their strength!
"Brother Hei, use your two guns to think of a way!"

"I'm already thinking about it!"

As soon as the tornado hit the evil spirit, Lucian also raised the holy gun in his hand, and before his mental power recovered, he fired a large number of holy light bullets.

These holy light bullets were shot at the evil spirit, constantly purifying its filthy darkness.

However, the evil spirit stubbornly withstood the pressure!
Turning around abruptly, roaring tirelessly, ignoring Lu Qi, and rushing towards Lucian.

Lucian suddenly felt something was wrong, and while using a flexible movement technique, he was still shooting at the evil spirit.

However, at this moment, he had already used a lot of mental power, and the bullets he fired seemed not strong enough.


The evil spirit slapped Lu Xi'an directly, and the costume of the Sentinel of Light blocked half of the damage for him.

But there were also a few scratches and bloody mouths. At the same time, he was thrown out and rolled on the ground several times before stopping.

One of the holy guns flew out of his hand.

Lucian spat out a mouthful of blood, feeling a sharp pain from the wound, and his vision was blurred a bit.

The evil spirit raised its claws, and just as it was about to hurt the killer, a holy silver crossbow flew towards him with a "swoosh", piercing his forehead again.

Wei En stood in the distance and shot a key arrow.

"Roar!" The evil spirit turned its head, roared, and immediately rushed towards her.

At this moment, Wei En's strength might be instantly killed by him, but that indifferent face did not panic in the slightest under such a depressing environment.

Seeing this, Lu Qi also used his body skills to stop him in the middle.

And the evil spirit's hatred was attracted by him again, the sword and the claw kept colliding, and for a while, no one could do anything to the other.

But only Lu Qi knows that going on like this is not an option.

In the cave here, there are constantly low-level evil spirits, which become the supply for the monster in front of him.

After a while, this guy's strength will return to the original level, and it will only become stronger.

Is it possible that the group will be destroyed here today?
When the thought flashed by, Lu Qi noticed that he stepped on something suddenly.

Lucian's holy gun!

A bold idea appeared in his mind, and Lu Qi burst out with a powerful sword in an instant, and a gust of wind repelled the evil spirit in front of him at the same time.

He stomped and kicked, and the holy spear flew up.

In the next second, Lu Qi took it in his hand, and aimed at the huge evil spirit in front of him.

"You're crazy! You can't use it"


Seeing this, Lucian was eager to stop Lu Qi's death-seeking behavior, but an extremely dazzling white flash appeared in his eyes.

His eager eyes were instantly covered in shock.

WTF? ? ?

Black question mark face.

(End of this chapter)

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