LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 149 He Really Eats Melons Again

Chapter 149 He Really Eats Melons Again ([-] words)

The next day.

On July 28, the weather was overcast.

In the early morning, there was not a single bit of sun, and there was a faint white mist in the air, as if in a mountain forest.

The air is quite fresh.

Lu Qi didn't sleep in late today, and got up from the bed early in the morning.

Looking at the ceiling in the room, he also realized that this should be the last time he saw it.

As his consciousness became clearer, he also said silently in his heart: "Sign in."

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a common skill: Return Wind Willow]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the peerless treasure: 300-year monkey wine]

[The system reward has been stored in the backpack, the host can check it by himself]

[Learnable skill detected - Huifeng Willow LV3 (slightly successful), do you want to learn it? 】

Following the two prompts from the system, Lu Qi also said silently: "Learn."

As soon as the words fell, a wave of skill information about Returning Wind Willow flooded into Lu Qi's mind.

[Skill--Returning Wind Willow, learning success. 】

[After testing, this skill is an ordinary skill of agility. It can be upgraded to LV6 and then included in the high-level agility skill. It can increase the skill level of agility by one level]

At this time, two more boosted sounds from the system came out.

Lu Qi also finished digesting the skill information of Huifeng Willow, and opened his eyes.

This skill is a skill of the body type, and it is like a willow blown by the wind.

After looking at the system's prompt, Lu Qi's expression was also somewhat satisfied.

not bad.

Now that he wants to upgrade several advanced skills on his body, he needs advanced skill upgrade cards.

But the probability of getting this thing, daily sign-in, seems a little low.

And there are quite a lot of skills that need to be upgraded, so you have to worry about choosing difficult symptoms.

Now, Lu Qi can upgrade the supernatural power by upgrading the return wind willow, which is still very good.

Immediately afterwards, he glanced again, and the second reward of the system lit up in front of his eyes.

It was immediately taken out of the backpack.

Only this small pot contains priceless monkey wine.

According to the system introduction, after drinking it, you can greatly improve your aptitude.

It was just such a small pot, and seeing that it was still early, Lu Qi didn't think too much about it, and opened the pot directly, and a strong smell of wine came out immediately.

He also couldn't wait to take a sip, and as the monkey wine entered his mouth, his face turned rosy at a speed visible to the naked eye.

An extremely rare strong fragrance spread in the mouth, this quality is much better than his own brew.

In the next second, Lu Qi felt his body start to heat up, and a wonderful feeling began to radiate from every corner of his body. He only felt warm, and his whole body was extremely comfortable.

[Congratulations to host qualification plus 2]

[Congratulations to host qualification plus 2]

The sound of the system is also constantly flashing.

The Tianshan tea and exotic fruits that Lu Qi usually drinks have the effect of increasing aptitude.

However, as he drank and ate more, the effect gradually diminished.

At this moment, the feeling of continuous improvement in aptitude is also a long-lost comeback.

[Congratulations to the upgrade of host qualification to one in a thousand]

As the system prompt popped up again, Lu Qi's qualification also passed the 50 mark, and it was still rising.

Finally stopped at 59, no longer move.

A pot of monkey wine happened to be finished by Lu Qi.

The aftertaste of that wonderful feeling is still there, but the aptitude has not been improved.

Of course, Lu Qi doesn't think too much about aptitude.

It's as if, as his aptitude improves, he will take the initiative to practice.

Cultivation is impossible, and it is impossible to cultivate in this life.

At this time, after drinking the monkey wine, he felt dizzy and wanted to sleep for a while.

He has a good capacity for drinking, but at this moment, he can't bear the strength of monkey wine.

So, Lu Qi lay down for another hour, and he didn't get up until it was a little bright outside.

I started to pack my luggage, then made a breakfast, and then I was ready to embark on the journey back to the capital.

Originally, he wanted to wait for Wei En to wake up before setting off.

However, Lu Qi Yao seemed to be a little bit aggressive, and she didn't see any signs of waking up until after breakfast, and she still slept soundly.

I don't know how long she will sleep.

So Lu Qi simply asked Frey to move her into the carriage and start off first.

city ​​gate.

Sithlia and Galen, who are inseparable from the task in Edessa for the time being, are waiting here.

After saying goodbye to them.

Lu Qi is not nostalgic, after all, it's not like he won't meet again, and there will be many opportunities in the future.

Following that, the carriage also set off straight towards the capital.

Along the way, Lu Qi rode a rare horse, and as his body swayed slightly, he also looked at the passing scenery.

The air is particularly humid in the early morning on a cloudy day, and the temperature is quite cool.

Seeing that the surrounding vegetation had begun to turn slightly yellow, Lu Qi also realized that autumn had arrived.

In the blink of an eye, he has been in this world for more than four months.

Beside, Frey, who was also riding a horse, heard that there was no movement in the carriage, and his expression inevitably showed some worry, so he couldn't help asking.

"Your Highness, how much medicine did you give her?"

"Don't worry, it's definitely not a lethal dose."

When Lu Qi heard the words, he also replied casually.

Frey was silent for a while.

Why does it always feel so unreliable?
But should I say it or not, this medicine is really a bit strong.

Calculating the time, Wei En has almost slept for more than ten hours.

She thought that it would be good if the child could sleep better after traveling all the way for so long.

So Frey said nothing more.

After driving for a while.

In the carriage, there was finally a soft moaning sound, with the drowsiness of just waking up, like a kitten.

The next second, I felt the shaking of the carriage.

Wei En opened her eyes all of a sudden, and her consciousness gradually returned to sobriety. After waking up, her eyes were full of vigilance.

Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar carriage, she also had a little bewilderment in her eyes.

This is me. Where is it?

Immediately afterwards, she also recalled it.

She rubbed her dizzy temples, she remembered lying on the rocking chair last night, and she couldn't remember what happened afterwards.

Opening the curtain of the car, I looked outside, and found that it had been dawn for some time, and I could still see Quinn riding a horse on the side.

Seeing that the car curtain was opened, she also cast her gaze and smiled slightly.

Putting down the car curtain, Wei En felt that her brain was still a little dazed.

How long have you slept by yourself?

And sleep so dead?
I don't even know when I'm leaving.

Her normal sleep time is four to six hours, and they are all very light sleep. After all, even if she wants to sleep longer, she can't do it.

Because most of the time, when she sleeps for a long time, she will have nightmares.

Recalling the sense of solidity and peace of mind last night, as well as the lazy energy that permeates my whole body at this moment.

Wei En couldn't remember how long it had been since he had such a comfortable sleep.

"Vayne, are you awake?"

Outside the carriage, Master's voice came.


Wei En responded, and couldn't help stretching, releasing the lazy energy in her body.

Finally, I feel that my strength has recovered a lot.

"Get out of the carriage as soon as you wake up."

The guy's voice came from outside the carriage again.

An early morning is unpleasant.

"Who cares so much?" Wei En snorted coldly, and went outside.

Then, the team stopped temporarily, and Lu Qi and Wei En changed positions.

It was changed to Wei En riding a horse, and Lu Qi sat back in his carriage, lying comfortably.

Riding on horseback and driving forward for a while, Wei En also returned to her usual appearance.

After such a sleep, she felt very energetic.

At this time, she also looked at Frey with some doubts: "Master, this is us"

Didn't she remember that today was the day she separated from the guy in the carriage?

After parting, they will continue to pursue the clues of the devil.

But why are you still following this guy now?
She always felt that she fell asleep and missed a lot of things.

Frey looked at her, looked more serious, and said, "His Royal Highness has found clues about that demon from the materials seized by Yinshen Cult."

Wei En froze for a moment, and immediately became a little excited: "That's great, what's the clue?"

"She seems to be in the northwest of the Urus Mountains, and she has traces of recruiting her men."

Seeing the vengeance in Wei En's eyes, Frey's expression became a little heavy, "But at the same time, I also discovered another problem."

I found that Master's expression was very seldom serious.

Wei En also knew that what she was about to say was not a small matter, so she prepared herself and waited quietly.

It's just that at this moment, she far underestimated this matter
"Vayne, I think, let's give up revenge for now."

Frey looked at Wei En seriously, and said, "I found a dark curse called the Heart Eater in your body."

Wei En froze for a moment, Frey's words flashed through her mind, and she couldn't believe it: "Master, what are you talking about?"

"The devil from back then planted this curse in your body."

Frey looked at Wei En who was full of astonishment, and continued to speak, "So, compared to the current revenge, I hope more."

"No, nothing is more important than revenge!"

Wei En directly interrupted Frey's words, the momentary astonishment in his eyes dissipated, and he became very determined, and the flame of revenge became more vigorous.

Her voice cooled down.

"Since Master, you said, what kind of curse did she plant in my body. Then we only need to kill her, and the problem will be solved."

Wayne's reaction was within Frey's expectation.

She sighed: "Vayne, that demon is not as easy to deal with as we imagined. What's more, your physical condition is more important right now."

"Devils are creatures, as long as they are killed, they will die."

Wei En insisted on her own opinion, and said in a cold voice as before, "My body is fine, and I don't feel any problems right now. Even if there are problems, it doesn't matter, nothing is more important than killing that demon."

She doesn't understand the mind-eating demon species at all.

But what she can be sure of is that there is nothing wrong with her body.

Even if there was a problem, it didn't affect her desire to kill that demon.

Opening the curtains, Lu Qi, who has been eating melons, found out.

Just mentioning that demon changed Vayne's entire state.

Also at this moment.

The aura all over her body is full of desire for revenge.

Looking at Wei En at this moment, Frey's eyes were full of worry: "Your problem is not in your body, but in your spiritual level. The demon seed has deeply affected you."

Wei En looked at her: "But now, whether it's physical or mental, I feel very good."

Frey sighed: "You can't feel it yourself."

Do not know why.

Wei En's mood became inexplicably irritable at this moment, why did she have to hear about the Heart Eater as soon as she woke up?

Why did she never know before this?
Frey never mentioned it?

Why do you have to say it today?

Why persuade her to give up revenge?

The irritability became more and more serious, Wei En's breathing became heavier, and she suppressed her mood and asked: "Master, how did you know? Mind Eater, why didn't you tell me before?"

Frey looked at her direct gaze, and subconsciously wanted to dodge, but after thinking of something, he became firm again.

Looking at Wei En, she was ready, and then said: "Because... I used black magic on you last night."

She looked at Wei En whose expression was getting stiff, and continued to speak.

"There is something I have kept from you for a long time. I have not told you before. I am really sorry. Before I met you... I was a dark wizard."

"Master, aren't you a shaman priest?"

Wei En asked a little dull. Following Frey's words, she felt as if someone was beating a drum in her head, and it kept ringing.

"It used to be." Frey clenched the horse's rope tightly, showing a guilty smile, "Before I met you, I used to use dark power all the time. I'm sorry... I didn't tell you earlier."

A bang.

Wei En felt as if a thunder had exploded in her mind, looking at Frey who was full of guilt in front of her, her eyes and expression were full of astonishment.

dark wizard
She loves and loves Frey the most, as a mother, who was once a dark wizard.

The kind of people she hates the most.

In an instant, many emotions rushed up.

Sad, Heartbroken, Complicated, Betrayed, Deceived, Painful.

Wei En felt as if a knife had been pierced into her heart. The knife dug a big hole in her heart, blood was dripping, and the pain spread all over her body.

His body was constantly chilling, as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

That feeling came back again.

The sharp pain like digging her heart made her breathing a little bit harder, and it even became a little difficult. She felt that her mind was in a mess.

The sound of drums, thunder, buzzing, and some sounds that seemed to be talking made her feel uneasy.

Wayne felt like she was about to collapse.

In other words, she has already collapsed, as if there is a string in her mind, it collapsed and broke.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of ding, and all the sounds disappeared in an instant, followed by a long-lasting tinnitus.

At this moment, she seemed to be cut off from the outside world.

The continuous tinnitus made her look uncomfortable.

She hated darkness, all darkness.

But she never expected that the question Lu Qi had raised would actually appear in front of her now.

What if someone you love and respect around you also chooses to plunge into darkness?
Can't think of anything, don't want to think about anything.

Just thinking about it makes the pain in my heart intensify several times.

Wei En couldn't accept the words she heard at this moment, she bent down slightly.

It felt like my body was falling continuously, falling into the endless sea, the surrounding was dark, and there was no sound at all.

And she couldn't breathe, no matter how hard she struggled and how she swam upward, it was useless.

She was sinking, sinking.

She'll go down to the bottom of the ocean like that.

Frey looked at the child in front of her. She had personally experienced the pain she endured last night, so she knew what she was enduring at this moment.

In his eyes, he couldn't help but feel distressed.

"Vayne, are you okay?"

She stretched out her hand, trying to calm Wei En's emotions.

Wei En suddenly raised her hand and opened it. When she raised her head again, there was no trace of emotion in her eyes.

"I'm fine, Master, thank you for your willingness to tell me about this."

She looked at Frey, her tone seemed a little colder.

At this glance, Frey suddenly felt that Wei En in front of him became a little strange.

She said worriedly: "Vayne, maybe your current emotions are not dominated by yourself, and the demon seeds are constantly affecting you.

Let's stop revenge for a while, shall we?Find a way to get rid of the demon seeds. The methods I taught you before are all wrong. You shouldn't be lost by revenge. "

"No, the method you taught me is very good."

Wei En's face was expressionless, with a coldness that made people feel uncomfortable, "Revenge has given me strength. I know clearly that I don't have any problems now."

Frey's tone became more urgent: "That's not your power, it's given to you by the demon seed. Its purpose is to make you lost, Wei En, sober up?"

"I'm sober." Wei En took a deep breath and looked at Frey. "I will never get lost. If the so-called demon seed really exists, then I will use its power to kill that demon."

Frey froze for a moment, she looked at Wei En in front of her.

Suddenly realized that perhaps it was too late for him to confess the matter now.

The child seeks revenge for power, just as she did back then.

I thought that they could find a way to solve this problem by telling about the demon seed.

But now, it seems that Wei En doesn't care where her power comes from, nor does she care what she will lose for it.

As long as there is revenge, it is only possible to kill that demon.

That's enough for this kid.

At this moment, Wei En looked at her with strange eyes, which made Frey worried and a little more scared.

But then, she still heard the last thing she wanted to hear.

"Master, along the way, you have taught me very well, and I am very grateful to you."

Wei En's hands holding the hemp rope turned white. Her heart was not as calm as it seemed on the surface, and every word she uttered felt like a knife was piercing her heart.

But she really couldn't face the fact that her most beloved master was a dark wizard.

I can't even imagine how I will accept this.

At this moment, she just wanted to stay away from here.

She continued with a cold face, "The next revenge, I will do it alone."

Frey froze for a moment: "Vayne, what are you talking about?"

She had a bad premonition, so she immediately stretched out her hand, trying to hold Wei En.

For the second time, Vayne slapped Frey's hand away.

The cold eyes made Frey suddenly feel that she was strange and terrifying.

"It's time we parted ways, and you can go back to the Freljord, and I don't want to see you again."

After Wei En finished speaking, his eyes swept over Lu Qi who was lying on the window eating melon. He really took a melon and ate it there.

Then she ignored Frey, flicked the whip, and left quickly.

The sound of horseshoes stomping on the ground rattled away.

Frey watched Wei En go away with a dull and sad face, the hand that was slapped away was still in the air, and two lines of tears could not help but fall from the corners of his eyes.

Lu Qi, who had eaten the melon for a long time, threw the melon rind casually, and said abruptly, "Aren't you going to catch up? It's normal for a child to be rebellious, just give him a good beating."

At this time, joking didn't seem to have much warming effect.

Frey turned her head, showing a wry smile: "Sorry, Your Highness."

As he said that, he also waved his horsewhip, and left quickly from another direction.

She needs to be alone.

Quinn was there, watching for a long time, watching Wei En and Frey, who suddenly had a quarrel and then left one after another.

I didn't know what to say for a while.

After thinking about it, she looked at Lu Qi: "Your Highness, do you want to chase?"

"What are you chasing? Don't join in the fun with the master and apprentice."

As Lu Qi said, he lay back in the carriage and yawned.

He felt that it was better for the master and apprentice to part ways due to the quarrel than to continue on this path.

As a prophet, he knew what their original ending would be like.

Frey galloped down the road.

Upon closer inspection, some crystal clear tears could be vaguely seen flashing in the air.

She felt as if her heart was pinched, heartache, sadness and regret.

If only I could have spoken sooner and told her all this.

The ending may not be like this.

She never regretted taking Wei En as her apprentice in that snowy field back then.

It was the appearance of this child that brought a ray of light to her gloomy life.

She selfishly regarded this child as a good medicine to cure her soul, but she never considered her feelings.

At the beginning, she told Wei En that only by remembering revenge and using it as motivation, the belief in revenge will make her stronger.

Sensing the child's talent, she imposed upon her what she had failed to achieve.

Day after day of hard training, the young girl's mentality and physical strength were constantly worn down.

But never, give her a hug when she feels helpless, sad, and painful at night.

In her opinion at that time, power was more important than anything else.

She ignored Wei En's inner feelings, and it could even be said that she never cared.

Day after day, Wei En's heart became colder and colder. She did, as she said, regard revenge as everything.

However, when Frey looked back and found the scars in the child's heart, it was too late.

She didn't do it when it was time to heal the child.

She instilled false beliefs in her.

Perhaps, it wasn't the so-called demon seed that caused Wei En to become what she is now.

The culprit of everything is actually her.

In the evening, as the sky is getting dark.

Wei En rode her horse towards the northwest direction and galloped on the road. She didn't know how many miles she had driven like this.

She only felt that her mood at the moment was terrifyingly quiet.

Sadness, sadness, pain, after staying away from Frey, these feelings all disappeared.

Perhaps, separation is the right thing to do.

Before that, she had already faintly felt uneasy in her heart.

She didn't know why Frey knew so many cruel dark magics, but now she understood.

Her master is a dark wizard.

Wei En held the horse rope tightly, and it had been like this since she left. There was no emotion in her eyes, and she didn't want to think about anything.


At this moment, with a sudden sound, a black figure jumped out from the grass beside the road, as if lying in ambush for a long time.

Wei En immediately sensed the danger, and immediately abandoned the horse and jumped up. The whole person was thrown by the impact and rolled on the ground, rolling several times in a row.

Amidst a puff of smoke and dust, Wei En who stood up again only felt a pain in his back.

But she was not affected by this. Following the painful neighing of the horse, she looked over.

Under the evening sky, there was a beast-like humanoid figure lying on the horse, gnawing on it as if starving.

It exudes an aura that Wei En hates. Its body looks like some kind of wild beast, like a wolf or a tiger, and some human characteristics can be seen.

It is indeed a shapeshifter.

Along with the smell of blood spread out.

With a sound of "咻", Wei En raised the crossbow and shot a holy silver crossbow directly at the opponent.

The shapeshifter sensed the danger, and immediately dodged to avoid it, crawling on the ground like a wild beast, and gradually focused on Wei En with dangerous eyes.

In the next second, it roared and charged directly.

Its body was as big as the killed horse, and when it opened its mouth, it could see a mouthful of bloody fangs, which was very frightening.

But facing this scene, Wei En's heart was terrifyingly calm, without the slightest fluctuation.

Dodging to avoid the impact of the shapeshifter, Wei En shot two holy silver crossbow arrows again.

The crossbow arrows shot into the shapeshifter's body, causing it to howl twice in pain, but then it became full of anger and became even more violent.

As long as its claws touched Wei En, it would definitely leave a few shocking bloodstains on that body.

However, with its several consecutive attacks, Wei En dodged them lightly.

Followed by more and more wounds on the body.

Compared with the previous battle against the shapeshifter, this time Wei En seemed to be more at ease.

Not only because of her richer experience, but also because she has become stronger.

As the shapeshifter's claws swung in the air, Wei En turned around and kicked it to the ground, and then stepped on its chest with all its strength.

There were two "clicks" and the sound of bones breaking.


The shapeshifter screamed in pain, struggling continuously, but there was no room for resistance.

This scream was so sweet to Wei En's ears.

The next moment, she raised the crossbow and aimed it at the shapeshifter.

At this time, the shapeshifter faded away, revealing a man's face, with a begging look in his eyes: "Please, please spare me, I"

Before he could finish his sentence, a cold crossbow shot directly through his forehead, nailing his entire head to the ground.

Before dying, the man's eyes were full of astonishment.

Looking at the man's body, Wei En's eyes were extremely indifferent, and she didn't have the slightest interest in his last words.

When the crossbow arrow pierced through the shapeshifter's head.

Wei En felt that familiar feeling came back again, a feeling of excitement, constantly colliding in her body, brought a powerful force.

Feeling the feeling brought by this force, Wei En's eyes gradually became firmer.

Yes, separation is the right thing to do.

Frey taught her well, and now she already knows how to hunt those dark creatures.

From now on, she will embark on this path alone, and she will complete her revenge alone.

Even without her around.

Feeling the surging power in her body, Wei En didn't know if it was bestowed by the so-called demon seed in her body.

However, it doesn't matter if it is or not.

If that's what that demon left in her.

Then he used this demon seed to kill that demon.

She will only regret, giving herself the power to revenge.

However, at this moment, Wei En didn't even realize it, when she was immersed in the experience of gaining power.

The feelings and bonds between her and Frey were diluted in this joyful and exciting feeling.

Wei En looked back at the horse's corpse at this moment, and walked forward without saying a word.

Before rushing to the Urus Mountains in the northwest, she needed to find another way to travel.

Evening sky.

The carriage was driving on the road, all the way silent.

Lu Qi lay leisurely on the roof of the carriage, blowing the cool wind brought by the carriage.

It's been cloudy all day today, really bad weather.

Perhaps it was because of the weather that he was not in a good mood.

Quinn glanced at Lu Qi on the roof of the carriage at this moment, and then looked to the front of the road again.

Wayne and Frey have never returned since they left.

See how they quarreled this morning.

Maybe they really parted ways.

Maybe, it won't come back.

Thinking of this, Quinn sighed in his heart.

She knew that Frey was a dark wizard and what it meant in Demacia.

However, after getting along with Frey these days, Quinn didn't think she was a bad person.

But she also knew that Wei En showed her hatred for dark things from the very beginning, that kind of extremely obvious hatred.

All along, the relationship between the master and apprentice has been very good.

However, Wei En suddenly learned that her master turned out to be the dark wizard she hated the most.

This would obviously be a big blow to her.

Maybe this pair of masters and apprentices who fit together really parted ways after today.

Quinn knew about the problems that he could see clearly, and Lu Qi must also know about them.

His Highness said that he didn't care, but in fact, after this day, he didn't know how many times he looked in the direction they left.

He actually cared about it, maybe he also hoped that they would be willing to come back and get back together.


At this time, Lu Qi on the top of the carriage sat up and stretched his waist.

Scratching her messy hair, she ordered, "Yurna, head northwest and speed up."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Urna, who was driving the carriage, immediately responded.

Lu Qi looked to the northwest and sighed helplessly.

Anyway, it's all for the sake of meddling, and this master-student quarreled like this, and he was partly responsible for it.

That being the case, let's deal with it directly.

Time flies, three days later.

On August [-], the weather was cloudy and dark.

Located in the northwest of the Urus Mountains, surrounded by mountains, one after another, in these mountains, it seems that there are many hidden things.

Wei En rode on the mountain road and noticed that the sky was getting dark and the light was getting less.

He got off his horse and switched to walking.

She didn't know where the devil's clue was, but she knew it was in the northwest direction.

So, along the way, she used the method Frey taught her to identify the direction, and set off towards this side along the way, except for occasional rests, and rarely stopped.

Thinking of Frey again, Wei En's mood has not fluctuated.

In the face of revenge, she let go of these trivial matters of love for her children.

She thought she was used to being without Frey by her side.

Feeling a little hungry, Wei En lit a fire on the spot, and then took out the prey that had been hunted these days, intending to roast them.

With the bonfire glowing, Vayne cut up the meat, skewered it, and grilled it over the fire.

Subconsciously glanced at the right side, and unconsciously thought of it in his mind.

The scene when Frey first taught her, which prey meat is delicious, which part of the prey is delicious, how long it takes to roast and so on.

I can recall her voice in my ears.

Wei En's complexion didn't change a bit, she was still expressionless.

She felt that it was normal to think of these things occasionally.

After all, I have been with her day and night for two years after all.

Wei En, who was thinking like this, didn't think about why these days, he recalled more and more times.

The slightly mushy smell of roasted meat wafted out.

Wei En focused on the barbecue, then took it off, and when it cooled down a bit, she didn't care, opened her mouth and bit on it.

There was a smell of mush, meat, bitterness, and hard chewing. Compared with that guy's barbecue, it was nothing like mud.

But it doesn't matter, as long as you can satisfy your hunger.

The purpose of human beings to eat is to give their bodies the strength to act.

Wei En didn't change her expression at all, she swallowed a whole bunch of roasted mushy meat, and then drank a few sips of water.

When he was about to tidy up his equipment, he suddenly noticed that the horse tied to the leash and hung in front of the tree became a little embarrassed.

It breathed heavily from its nose again and again, and its footsteps also swayed back and forth, as if it was very disturbed.

Animals are much more direct than humans.

Especially animals like horses and dogs.

It clearly felt something.

Wei En's eyes flickered for a moment, and she became vigilant. Instead of continuing to check the equipment, she raised her crossbow and guarded her surroundings.

During the past few days, she passed by a small town and made a new batch of holy silver crossbow bolts, spending almost all of her money.

But in exchange for an equipment overhaul, and enough crossbow bolts.

This made her full of confidence in the next revenge.


A bush about 15 meters to the left trembled twice. Wei En immediately raised her hand, aimed the crossbow there, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

"call out!"

The holy silver crossbow arrow flew out, and shot into the grass almost instantly, but the next second, a faster figure jumped out of it, and let out a roar.

The face is ferocious, the eyes are shining red, and the whole body is surrounded by black air.


When Wei En realized this, the first thing that came to his mind was that it seemed that he had found the right place.

Mutant demons evolved from bloodthirsty species. There are few people here, and this mountain forest can be said to be deserted.

If it can support the emergence of a mutant species, it means that there must be something attracting it nearby.

Seeing the mutated species pounced on like a ghost, Wei En didn't panic at all.

Today, she no longer feels afraid when facing these dark creatures.

With a sound of "Hoo!", another holy silver crossbow shot towards the mutant's face, but it dodged it flexibly again.

But he couldn't get close to Wei En for a while.

Wei En pulled the trigger continuously, and holy silver crossbow arrows flew out continuously, followed by the mutants who dodged all the way.

The latter was defeated in the end, and he was hit by several arrows in a row, and the power of the holy silver kept burning it, causing it very painful.

It looked at Wei En, and let out a roar of anger and fear, but it didn't rush over the next second.

Instead, he turned around decisively and left quickly.

Naturally, Wei En would not let go of the dark creature in his hands. After counting the number of arrows on his body at the moment and confirming that there were still many mistakes, he immediately chased after it.

A demon on the run and a demon hunter in pursuit.

In this way, he galloped at high speed in the mountains and forests under the darkness of night.

The speed of the mutant is already very fast, because it is an advanced demon after all. Although it is still low-level, it is already relatively high-level among the low-level.

Its figure was in the forest, leaving shadows with black air left behind.

However, even so.

But still couldn't get rid of Wei En who was following behind.

Like a ruthless killer, Wayne pursued without the slightest sloppiness, staring at the mutant without blinking.

The whole body exudes an aura that even the devil is a little afraid of.

After chasing him for a while, with a "shua", another figure rushed out from the side and attacked Wei En.

Wei En raised the crossbow coldly, and shot a holy silver crossbow directly.

Pierce the head of the bloodthirsty species on the spot, killing him with one blow.

The mutant in front was just about to stop and turn around to deal with Wei En. Seeing this situation, it immediately turned around without hesitation and ran wildly.

The appearance of the second demon made Wei En more convinced of her thoughts.

There is definitely a large number of darkness here, waiting for him to hunt and kill.

Thinking of this, she felt the excitement in her body being activated again.

Her speed has become a bit faster, with a human body, almost maintaining the same speed as the mutants.

As if not tired.

As the mutants ran all the way, Wei En also saw more and more dark creatures.

They are hidden in this valley, almost everywhere.

There are more and more low-level evil spirits, low-level demons, and various types of dark creatures.

(End of this chapter)

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