LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 150 Pain, Too Much Pain

Chapter 150 Pain, Too Much Pain (Part [-])
Wei En was like a lamb that broke into a pack of wolves. In this situation, her face remained unchanged, and her calm eyes looked around.

They came from all directions, roaring like ghosts everywhere in the valley, and the dark breath filled every corner.

Afterwards, the dark creatures surrounded Wei En, staring at them with fierce eyes.

The next moment, they directly attacked the human who broke into their territory.

The battle was about to break out, and Wei En fought back without showing any weakness.

Every dark creature that wanted to take her life was buried.

Under the night, Wei En felt that she had become stronger. She felt that she was like a dark hunter walking in the dark night.

The figure shuttled nimbly across the valley, and every shot of the holy silver crossbow could take the life of a dark creature.

She was a little unsure whether the mutant she had chased at the beginning was dead.

But this is not important.

Feeling the constant heat in the body, the more joyful and ecstatic, Wei En is grateful for bringing him here.

Tonight, between these dark creatures and her, only one side can live.

An arrow shot through the head of a long-range demon 20 meters away. Wei En held the dagger imbued with the power of Holy Silver in her left hand, and then turned around without hesitation.

The dagger directly pierced into the head of a bloodthirsty species that rushed behind him, and the blood of the devil immediately sprayed Wei En all over.

Under this kind of bloody stimulation, Wei En felt satisfied.

Her black eyes radiated a cold light in the night.

Looking at the more and more dark creatures that surrounded her, not only was she not afraid, but a sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Feeling the excitement of all the cells in her body, she knew she was enjoying the hunt.

The movements became more and more smooth, and the killing became more and more decisive.

As time passed, looking around, I saw that the corpses of dark creatures were already everywhere in this valley.

On top of their corpses, Wei En held a crossbow and looked down at the others indifferently.

The next moment, Wei En took the initiative to rush forward with a cold expression.

She will hunt down all the dark creatures in this world.

Yes, even if you fight alone, it doesn't matter.

Even without that person, it doesn't matter.

Wei En immersed her heart in this killing and didn't think about anything else.

She felt that she had exhausted a lot of physical strength, but at the same time, the other party also suffered a lot of casualties.

At the beginning, there was only such a small amount left that made the scalp tingle.

At this moment, hum——!
A dark magic ball galloping from a distance hit Wei En's back unexpectedly, and the dark energy immediately exploded.

Wei En felt as if she was hit by a ferocious beast, her body flew backwards and hit a tree.

With a sound of 'wow', a mouthful of blood spewed out directly.

Falling to the ground, Wei En looked at the bloodstains on the ground, only to feel that her vision was a little dizzy, and when she regained consciousness, she raised her head and looked in the direction of the magic ball.

I saw a 50-year-old mage wearing a linen cloak, holding a staff, gray-black hair, pale complexion, and black eyes, walking out slowly.

On the finger holding the staff, she wore a bone-like ring. She was tall and tall, and her limbs looked strong and strong.

Look at the devilish aura that surrounds her.

Wei En was sure that she was the one recruited by the demon, a demon priest.

In an instant, Wei En's eyes were immediately covered with revenge and anger.

She can't wait to rush forward immediately, and ask the devil's whereabouts from the mouth of the devil priest.

Driven by hatred, strength surged out of her body again.

"Brave intruder, you will pay a heavy price for offending that lord's territory."

The demon priest stared at Wei En coldly, and raised his staff again as he spoke, dark energy began to gather on it.

Wei En gritted her teeth and raised her hand, and immediately shot out a holy silver crossbow.

Interrupted Demon Priest's spellcasting.

The next moment, Wei En endured the severe pain all over her body, and quickly got up.

Compared with the deep hatred in my heart, this little pain in my body is nothing at all.

This time, she forgot Frey's warning.

She can use the belief in revenge to become stronger, but in battle, she must not be dominated by revenge.

There were raging flames in her eyes, and her behavior was no longer as calm as before. This was the closest she had been to that demon in the past two years!
The closest she could get to the demon who had killed her beloved!
As long as she thinks like this, Wei En doesn't care about anything.

The holy silver crossbow bolts crazily vented towards the demon priest, and each crossbow bolt was infused with the hatred and anger in Wei En's heart.

The flying arrows kept whistling in the valley.

The demon priest kept chanting incantations, and a series of dark magic protected her body, giving her strength and speed far beyond ordinary people.

She circled the valley with Vayne, and at the same time ordered her minions to attack the intruders.

Wei En was attacked by the dark creatures from multiple sides. She clenched her teeth, turned the direction of the crossbow, and shot arrows one after another.

In just a few seconds, these dark creatures died under her arrows. .

The minions died one after another, but the demon priest did not show any signs of expression. Instead, he looked at Wei En, who seemed to be quite strong, with a gleam of desire in his eyes.

"You seem to be a good sacrifice."

As she spoke, she licked her black lips and looked at Wei En greedily.

This intruder seems to have a high quality, if caught, it can be dedicated to that adult.

She must be very happy.

In this way, she also held up her staff and started chanting the spell again.

A series of powerful dark magic shot out from the staff, sweeping towards Wei En frantically.

Wei En responded with continuous shooting of holy silver crossbow arrows, and her figure shuttled through the valley, dodging the attacks of those spells.

The crossbow quickly ran out of bolts under her almost cathartic attack.

But the surrounding dark creatures were also killed, and their corpses were scattered all over the place, with holy silver crossbow arrows stuck on their bodies.

Only the demon priest remained.

Wei En switched to holding the dagger in her right hand, staring at the opponent coldly, and immediately rushed up.

There was a sneer on the corner of the demon priest's mouth, and he waved his staff without dodging or dodging, making a whistling sound.

In close combat, after only a few moves, Wei En was thrown ten meters away by a staff.

She fell to the ground and rolled several times, very embarrassed.

The reason why she was attacked by dark magic before was that she had been fighting forcefully with her injured body, and she had already experienced a physically exhausting battle before that.

At this moment, it is no longer the opponent of the demon priest in its heyday.

Falling to the ground, Wei En couldn't get up due to the severe pain all over her body, her vision became blurred, and the smell of blood was in her mouth.

"You killed so many of my minions, so it's not too much to exchange your life?"

The demon priest walked towards Wei En calmly.

Wei En raised her head, eyes full of hatred were a little bit more unwilling.

Having fallen to this point, she only blames herself for being too weak.

If you are not so careless at the beginning, you will not be attacked successfully.

If he saves some crossbow arrows in the future, he won't be like now, watching the enemy walking towards him, but helpless.

In the face of hatred, she finally left behind what her master told her.

Will she die?

By now, Wei En was not afraid of death anymore.

As early as that night two years ago, her heart died together with her parents.

In the past two years, she felt like a walking dead for revenge.

Now, it has just become a ridiculous joke.

Those who can't even do revenge, those who are overwhelmed, idiots.

The hatred in his chest spread to his whole body, but Wei En didn't even have the strength to clenched his fists.

She doesn't understand.

Why did her life become like this.

She obviously did nothing wrong, so why would the heavens be so willing to destroy her life.

so tired
In the past two years, she has lived very tiredly.

The demon priest was about to approach. Seeing Wei En in front of him weakly let go of his hand, he showed a pleasant smile: "Have you given up? But don't worry, I won't kill you so easily."

Dead people are worthless to that lord.

Such a high-quality sacrifice, she naturally wanted to keep it well until the adult came to taste it.

"Stay away from her!"

At this moment, a voice fell.

Accompanying it was a flying arrow.

The demon priest sensed the danger the moment the arrow was fired, and immediately dodged back without the slightest hesitation.

The line of sight is also looking in the direction of the sound.

And mates?

Frey stepped out of the shadows, holding a crossbow and aiming at the demon priest.


Seeing her, the demon priest showed a look of interest, "I smell the same kind of smell on you."

"Huh! Huh!"

What responded to her were two crossbow arrows flying from the sky.

The demon priest waved his staff and swept away the two crossbow arrows.

During this time, Frey had already arrived in front of Wei En, looking at Wei En who was seriously injured, her eyes showed a touch of distress.

And Wei En, as if hearing a familiar voice, raised her head, and saw a face in her blurred vision.

Her lips moved, but no sound came out.

"It seems that you are here to save her."

The demon priest looked at Frey, raised his hand and fired a dark ball.

Frey immediately picked up Wei En to dodge, and then put her in a position a little far away.

When she turned around, her complexion and eyes had become very cold, and burning anger continuously emerged from her body, telling her current mood.

Afterwards, she took out the ice bone knife from behind, and rushed towards the opponent without saying a word.

The demon priest calmly chanted the spell, and shot out streams of dark magic from her staff, submerging Frey's figure in it.

In the next second, the ice bone knife slashed down amidst the dark energy.

The demon priest immediately raised his staff to block, and the arms of both were trembling slightly, indicating that their strength was stalemate in an evenly matched situation.

Frey exerted force all over his body, pressed forward again, then raised his hand, and slashed down with the ice bone machete.

The demon priest dodged and swung his staff towards Frey like a melee weapon.

Her body was strengthened by dark magic, and in terms of physique, she was on par with Frey, a demon hunter, and even slightly inferior.

After dozens of moves, Frey was hit hard by the staff, and then he was constantly suppressed, and he was about to lose.

The demon priest's eyes gradually became a little more arrogant: "What? Are you not ready to use your real power?"

Frey kept a cold face and said nothing, even though he was constantly suppressed, he didn't have the idea of ​​using dark energy.

She didn't want to use this power in front of Wei En.

She didn't want to show her real, ugly appearance in front of this child.

"Following the darkness is our instinct. How can there be a fool like you in the world who has abandoned the darkness?"

The demon priest saw that Frey hadn't used dark magic for a long time, so she swung her staff vigorously and knocked Frey's ice knife aside, mocking constantly.

"Your appearance can't change her fate of becoming a sacrifice. It's just a pity that adults are not interested in polluted souls like yours."

Then, the demon priest raised his staff, and was about to deal a fatal blow to the same kind in front of him.

However, at this moment, she suddenly saw the more vigorous anger in Frey's eyes, and in the next second, a manic power emanated from her body.

"I will not allow anyone to control her fate!"

Frey let out a roar, her figure swelled up suddenly, and her face changed into another form at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It was a ferocious, violent beast with fierce eyes and a mouth full of fangs.

A rare giant wolf in the Freljord, her appearance is covered with a layer of beautiful blue fur, but even this cannot conceal her violent hostility.

In just a moment of transformation, the giant wolf opened its mouth wide and directly bit off the left arm of the demon priest.

The demon priest's eyes widened in horror, and as the pain came, she exclaimed: "You are deformed."

Before she could finish her sentence, Frey threw herself on the ground in the next second, and under the berserk force, directly tore the demon priest in half.

Because of the stimulation of the bloody smell, the giant wolf's eyes looked extremely scarlet.

Wei En, who had regained some physical strength, could see clearly. When she saw Frey in the form of a giant wolf, her face was a little dull.

The violent aura on Frey made her feel extremely strange.

The giant wolf turned its head, blood was still dripping from its mouth, and its scarlet eyes looked at her.

Under such terrifying gazes, Wei En felt a chill rise from the bottom of her heart.

In the next second, there was a hint of apology and guilt in the eyes of the giant wolf, and then her form began to shrink, and she returned to the appearance of a normal person.

The look in his eyes was completely different from the beast-like hostility before.

"This is my true posture."

Frey looked at Wei En, hesitated for a moment, and said, "I know, you can't accept me like this."

When Wei En heard this, her expression paused.

"So, I have come to say goodbye to you one last time. After daybreak, I will return to the Freljord."

Frey looked at Wei En, and when he said these words, there was hope in his eyes.

She hoped that Wayne would be able to speak.

Open your mouth to keep her, even for a while.

However, no.

Wei En fell silent, and she kept thinking about Frey's mentality of a huge wave just now, and her heart was extremely complicated.

She just felt that there was a mess in her mind.

I don't know what to say at this moment.

Seeing that Wei En didn't speak, Frey seemed to know her choice, a wry smile appeared on his face, and he was relieved immediately.

Perhaps, in the days to come, it would be good if he didn't show up again.

"After helping you deal with the injury, I will leave."

Frey said, walked towards Vayne, and then went to get the medicine and bandages.

Just when he was about to reach Wei En, there was a "boom", and thorns burst out from the ground, piercing through Frey's body on the spot.

Along with the spray of blood, some spattered on Vayne's face, Frey's eyes were astonished.

Wei En froze on the spot for an instant, her expression dull.

At this moment, she felt like her heart was split.

All the voices in her world seemed to disappear at this moment.

She watched helplessly as Frey's body was pierced by the ground, and blood continuously flowed out from the bloody mouth in his abdomen.

The vitality in her eyes was rapidly dissipating, but she kept looking at herself with her head down, her eyes were full of guilt.

It hurts, it hurts too much.

Wei En felt that her heart was pierced by that thorn together, and her heart ached so badly that she couldn't breathe.

Her world collapsed at this moment.

At this moment, from the bottom of my heart, an inexplicable emotion suddenly surged, as if it was pulling her nerves, constantly suppressing her mood.

There seemed to be a series of voices in her ears, telling her that there was no need to feel sad about it.

Noisy, very noisy.

Wei En felt like her brain was about to explode, she closed her eyes and covered her ears in pain.

But those voices did not disappear at all, but intensified.

Even in the distance, a figure holding a staff walked out, but he didn't notice it.

In the shadows, another demon priest came out, a strange dark light shone on her staff, and a cruel sneer hung on the corner of her mouth.

Looking at her companion's body torn in half, she even spoke out directly to ridicule.

"What a waste, a weak person like you, even if you live, will only disappoint adults."

Then, she looked over there with a sneer on her face.

Fortunately, she has been hiding in the dark from the very beginning, the power displayed by the transformed form of the same kind.

Even if it is her, it may not be the enemy.

But now, the situation is different.

Being pierced by the ground, even if she wanted to transform, she couldn't do it.

"Now, the credit is all mine."

A smug expression gradually appeared in her eyes, and she was excitedly thinking about how the lord would reward her when she presented this sacrifice next.

(End of this chapter)

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