LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 152 I'm Really Not Wronged at All

Chapter 152 I'm Really Not Wronged at All ([-] words)
Five days passed in a flash.

In a blink of an eye, it was already August [-]th.

At this time, the carriage was driving on the road, and it could be seen that the smell of autumn became more intense. When the wind in the forest blew a little, a burst of leaves fell from the trees.

The golden sunlight spreads on the yellowish leaves everywhere, but it has a unique tranquil mood in autumn.

Lu Qi lay on the roof of the carriage, feeling that the air had become cooler, and he was in a happy mood.

"Your Highness, the king's capital is coming soon."

At this time, Urna's voice came.

Lu Qi opened his eyes, glanced, and saw the white statue standing over there from here, as if it was the beacon of the capital.

When you see it, it means that you are not far from the king.

A little further on from the carriage, you can see a towering silver-white city wall, which looks solemn and majestic. The white bricks on it are connected like white armor shining with silver light.

Such a scene reminded Lu Qi of the memory of the last time he came to the capital.

At that time, he carried the luggage he brought from the frontier town and stepped into the city with confusion about the future.

But he didn't expect that after that day, his life would usher in an earth-shaking change.

Now that I am about to step into this city again, my state of mind and other places are different.

Along with them were Quinn, Wayne and Frey.

After five days, although Frey's injury hadn't healed yet, he was already able to ride a horse. It can be said that the recovery speed was very fast.

Now all three of them have joined Lu Qi's personal army.

The two masters and apprentices did not let go of their revenge. After experiencing the devil's sacrifice to the valley, they realized that they were not strong enough.

So I decided to wait until I became stronger in the future before looking for that demon.

On the way, Wei En also talked about what happened to her back then.

Although she showed her hatred for dark creatures, she didn't mention the reason for such hatred, which was what happened that year.

On that night two years ago, a horned demon broke into Wei En's home and brutally killed her parents.

Wei En, who was only 16 years old, watched this scene helplessly.

At that time, Wei En asked everyone she could for help, but everyone thought she was talking nonsense, and some even spoke ill of her.

One can imagine how desperate and helpless she was at that time.

No one was willing to believe her back then, and even now, if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, no one would believe her.

But Lu Qi believed it.

Even if he didn't see it with his own eyes, he would believe it.

Before Wei En took the initiative to talk about it, he already knew that the horned demon did exist, and the other party was a very powerful demon.

The second echelon below the top ten demons is enough to prove its strength.

After returning to the capital, Lu Qi felt that he should pay attention to this matter.

After all, it is not a good thing to let a demon of this strength continue to cause harm to the world.

"That is the royal city of Demacia."

Frey was riding a horse at this time, and it was the first time to see this magnificent and straight steel and silver-white city, and her eyes were also somewhat shocked.

She has been to many places in Runeterra these years, but Demacia is the only country that rarely comes.

Every time I pass by the border of the country, I never go deep.

Just because this is a forbidden country.

And once the black magic on her body is exposed, what awaits her is bound to be bad luck.

If it wasn't for Wei En's revenge, she would not have stepped here.

These things will not happen later.

Think about these things along the way.

She felt that meeting Lu Qi after entering Demacia was definitely a great luck in her and Wei En's life.

Now she seldom uses black magic, and even the magic seeker can't feel it when she sees it.

Coupled with Lu Qi's identity, there is no need to worry about other things when entering the capital this time.

Wei En looked at the capital in front of her, with a complicated look in her eyes.

She still remembers the scene where she came to this city two years ago after all the hardships, but was driven out mercilessly.

She didn't expect that she would come back here again now.

And became an entourage of the royal family she once hated.

She couldn't help raising her eyes, glanced at Lu Qi on the roof of the carriage, and looked at his side face with eyes closed, but she couldn't hate it in her heart.

Although this guy can be annoying and irritating at times.

But Wei En knew that he was different from those people.

In the past few days, she sometimes wondered what she would be like now if she hadn't met him that night when she was hunting in the jungle.

Frey said that if Lu Qi didn't show up that night, she would choose to use black magic to force Wayne to stay until she arrived in the city.

After that?
Vayne didn't know what would happen after that.

However, it may not be what I expected.

After taking a look, Frey, who was riding beside her, felt a surge of warmth in her heart, and she stopped thinking about it.

For Wei En now, it is enough to have Master by her side at this moment.

Along with the warmth, there was a pain, and she couldn't help putting her hands on her chest.

Frey noticed her actions, and there was some worry in her eyes: "Is it still hurting?"

Wei En turned her head and smiled, her face pale and weak: "It's much better."

Lu Qi heard the conversation in the carriage, opened his eyes and glanced down.

That night, Wei En fought against the demon in her body, although she won in the end.

But the demon seed was not expelled because of this. Frey used the heart-engraving spell to investigate again, and found that a part of her heart still remained.

Moreover, she became manic and constantly acted as a demon, which made Wei En feel heartache from time to time, and she herself was always in a weak state.

Before this, the demon seed in her body was about to develop and take shape, and it had a very serious influence on her.

Therefore, it is only a wave of her own struggle, which naturally cannot completely eliminate the demon seeds.

At this point, Lu Qi and Frey have no good solution.

However, Lu Qi had a suitable candidate in his mind, who might be able to solve the rest.

Whether it can be done or not, we have to go back first.

As the carriage drove along the way, it also arrived at the foot of the city gate of the royal capital after half an hour.

"His Royal Highness."

Several guards at the gate of the city saluted in unison after seeing Lu Qi.


Lu Qi waved his hand symbolically.

Afterwards, there was no need to be checked, and he went straight into the city.

Returning to the capital again, looking at the familiar street scenery, even Lu Qi felt a sense of nostalgia in his heart.

It seems like it has been away for a long time.

"Wangcheng quick report! The beast tide crisis in Edessa city!"

"Wangcheng quick report! The reason for the frequent dispatch of magicians in recent days is one of them! Let's look at the prophet first!"

"Newspaper seller, give me one!"

"Selling candied haws~! Beautiful and delicious candied haws~!"

"Let's go, let's go!"

At this time, the street was also full of people coming and going, and it was very lively. There were bicycles running everywhere on the street.

Now it has become a daily means of transportation for the residents of the capital, and even horses are rarely seen on the streets.

This bicycle not only does not occupy the road, but also is convenient, and is very popular among people.

Selling newspapers, buying newspapers and reading newspapers has also become a chore in people's daily life. Newspapers that are issued every few days have enjoyed steady sales.

On the street, occasionally a person will hold a handful of candied haws and walk by while shouting, which is very popular with children.

At this time, Quinn, Wei En, and Frey's master and apprentice were all looking at the scenery of the king's capital with curiosity in their eyes.

"The king's capital has changed a lot in the past two years."

Wei En looked around, she remembered that when she came to the capital two years ago, she didn't have these things.

Now it seems that the streets of the capital are less dull and more lively.

"It should be these few months."

Quinn replied after hearing this.

The last time she came to the king was a few months ago, and she had never seen these things at that time.

Looking at it now, I also feel a little novel.

Lu Qi also looked at this scene, feeling inexplicably moved in his heart.

In his opinion, this change is only just beginning.

The carriage did not stop, and drove all the way to the palace.

When he arrived at the entrance of the palace, Lu Qi got out of the carriage, and Quinn and the others were waiting here.

And he went all the way to where Jarvan III was.

"Father, I'm back!"

Pushing open the door, Lu Qi looked at Jarvan III who was sitting there, showing a bit of miss.

As for Jiawen III, after seeing Lu Qi, he was stunned for a moment.

Immediately after that, he got up from the chair, walked towards him, and put heavy hands on his shoulders.

"This time, you did a great job, and I'm proud of you."

Jarvan III spoke softly, looking at Lu Qi with concern and some relief.

He looked at the child's angular young face, and felt a little emotional in his heart.

Unexpectedly, his and Melly's child is already so outstanding.

He already knew everything about Lu Qi's performance in Edessa City.

It can be said that his decision alone saved the entire city from crisis.

Because of him, the casualties in Edessa City were minimized, and a cult group was directly wiped out.

After learning about this incident, Jarvan III immediately felt relieved and proud, followed by a surge of anger.

Xin Zhao looked at the father and son who were talking.

A few days have passed since that meeting, but he can still recall how His Majesty was furious at that meeting.

That was the anger that even he had never seen in Sanshi.

Almost everyone was vented by His Majesty's anger, not even Marshal Tiana escaped.

However, in this matter, anyone who comes is zero tolerance.

In a country that claims to be extremely safe, it's okay to have a cult with hundreds of people, and this cult has even targeted the prince of a country, causing such a big commotion.

If Lu Qi hadn't reacted too quickly this time, the consequences would have been unimaginable.

From that day on, the Templars in the capital began to be dispatched frequently, and they were extremely busy every day.

This trip did not find any hidden mages in the capital.

However, this atmosphere of strict investigation will not dissipate in a short time.

"Father, I'm going to go to Marshal later."

After Lu Qi chatted with Sanshi for a while, he was ready to leave.

He just returned to the capital today, but he already wanted to go back to lie down in his small courtyard.

Before that, I have to meet Tiana first.

Jiawen III heard the words, nodded, and said with a gentle smile, "Go."

Watching Lu Qi turn and leave, he stepped out of the room.

The smile on Jarvan III's face also disappeared in an instant.

Even Xin Zhao could feel that the anger surged up in Sanshi again, even after so many days, it still hasn't calmed down.

"Xin Zhao."

Jarvan III spoke in a deep voice.

Xin Zhao immediately replied: "Your Majesty, please tell me."

Jiawen III ordered: "Pass me the password, all ministers, hold a meeting in the conference hall."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Xin Zhao heard the words and immediately took orders to leave.

Lu Qi left Sanshi's place and went straight to Tiana's office.

When he arrived, he didn't even knock on the door, so he pushed the door open and walked in naturally.

"Aunt, do you miss me?"

After Tiana saw Lu Qi, she had the same reaction as Jarvan III.

He was taken aback for a moment, then he stood up and walked forward.

It seemed that he put his hand on his head with some miss, rubbed it a few times, and a smile appeared in his eyes.

"You boy let me see where your bones are broken? Who are you scaring yourself by writing yourself so miserable?"

Although it was a mocking tone, she could still feel her concern.

Lu Qi immediately sighed when he heard the words, and said sadly: "Oh, although the wound on the outside is healed, the wound on the heart cannot be healed."

Seeing that this kid was deliberately selling miserably, Tiana was uncharacteristic this time, and said in a gentle tone: "This time, I was indeed careless. I didn't expect to almost hurt you."

After hearing the follow-up news from Edessa City, even she felt huge ups and downs in her heart.

She had heard of the Yinshen Cult before, but it was destroyed 20 years ago.

But I didn't expect that it has been lingering until now, and it has developed again.

This time, he actually targeted Lu Qi directly, which was really daring.

If Tiana knew about this, she would definitely not make a decision to let Lu Qi go to investigate Nakel Village.

After the Evil Spirit Cave incident, she was ready to find someone else to continue the investigation.

However, considering that this kid will stay in Edessa City for a few days, he has nothing to do anyway, so it is better to continue to plug in.

If it's just an evil spirit mage, with a city's troops at his side, there will probably be no danger.

Who knew that what was eyeing him was actually an evil sect, moreover, it was an evil sect with many black magicians.

If Lu Qi hadn't sent the letter to the Fearless Pioneer at that time, or if she hadn't agreed, it might not be possible to see him again today.

Lu Qi also knew that Tiana really couldn't be blamed for this incident.

After all, the Yinshen Cult had been eyeing him from the very beginning, and it was impossible for him not to leave the capital for the rest of his life.

As long as they leave the capital, they will have a chance.

Only this time, just in time.

However, this did not affect Lu Qi's continued misery.

He sighed: "No, I didn't mean to blame you, Auntie. I can see all the good intentions of Auntie. I really don't feel wronged at all."

As he spoke, he wiped away a handful of empty tears.

This kid sold it miserably in person, but it was much more abstract than that in the letter.

Looking at this showman, Tiana sighed helplessly, knowing that he must have something to ask for, she also felt a little emotional in her heart.

This time, this kid's performance has actually greatly exceeded her expectations, and others may not be able to do what he did.

This is indeed worthy of praise.

Seeing that he was still wiping away the tears that didn't exist at all, Tiana said angrily: "Stop acting, just say what you want."

Lu Qi immediately returned to normal when he heard the words, and said directly: "I am planning to form a personal army team recently. Isn't this in Edessa City, and I saw a suitable seedling?"

Tiana nodded, and then asked, "Who is it?"

From this kid's point of view, it must not be easy to fall in love with, so she inevitably asked one more question out of curiosity.

Lu Qi immediately said: "Her name is Quinn."

Tiana paused slightly: "Quinn."

The combination of one man and one eagle immediately came to her mind, and she was very impressed, because even in her opinion, Quinn was an excellent talent.

She has always had a unique vision. After seeing the talent displayed by Quinn at that time, she knew that she would definitely achieve something in the future.

He did not hesitate to open a back door for her, and sent her directly to the ranger team, giving her a higher starting point.

Unexpectedly, the seedling this kid had his eye on turned out to be her.

It must be quite embarrassing to say.

After all, such a good talent is about to be ruined by this kid!
Thinking of this, Tiana felt extremely helpless in her heart, this matter was so messed up.
Seeing that Tiana seemed to be engaged in an ideological struggle, Lu Qi also added: "And she has come here now, so I just asked my aunt to open her mouth and transfer her to my side."

"Has everyone followed?"

Tiana paused again, her eyes flickered, and she finally nodded, "Since she is willing, then I won't say anything, I agree to this matter."

Everyone followed and said fart.

Tiana didn't even need to think about it, this kid must have been fooling around a lot.

"Then thank you, aunt."

Lu Qi now calls the word aunt more and more fluently, and when he is in a good mood, he praises it more, "I haven't seen you for so long, my aunt is really getting younger and younger, this skin is tender, I thought it was little girl."

It's okay if he doesn't say that.

Let's talk about this.

Tiana narrowed her eyes slightly: "You really think so?"

"That's natural." Lu Qi nodded immediately, showing an extremely sincere look in his eyes.

Tiana smiled, and she seemed to be in a good mood. She raised her hand and stroked Lu Qi's hair again: "Come to Guanwei's house for dinner at night, and I will make it up to you."

See her smile is very gentle.

Lu Qi didn't think much about it either.

It seems that the old woman feels a little bit sorry because of this incident.

Alas, since she "apologies" and invites so sincerely.

Then I will be reluctant to do what I can, so let's deal with it.

"Okay, I will definitely go tonight."

Lu Qi readily agreed.

At this moment, he has no idea what will be waiting for him at night.

(End of this chapter)

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