LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 153 No wonder this detailed chapter didn't say it at the time

Chapter 153 No wonder this detail was not mentioned at the time ([-] words, please ask for a monthly ticket)

Seeing Lu Qi agree to come down.

Tiana showed a smile on her face, and then said: "Since you intend to build a bodyguard team, then find a time and go to the camp to select [-] bodyguards first."

Lu Qi nodded and said, "Then tomorrow."

He really had to do this by himself, after all, if there were no accidents in the future, the soldiers would follow him for a long time.

Now Jarvan IV has a personal army of 500 soldiers, which he personally selected after he moved out of the palace.

It stands to reason that Lu Qi should have formed a personal army long ago.

This trip to Edessa City, if there are personal soldiers following, there may not be so many things.

However, he is lazy by nature, and the establishment of a personal soldier means that he cannot ignore it.

After all, responsibilities are mutual, and these personal soldiers accompany him to protect him.

He is also accountable to them.

But now that the decision has been made, there is no need to procrastinate.

After finishing what he had to say to Tiana, Lu Qi was about to run away.

Just then, a soldier's voice came from outside the door.

"Master Marshal, Your Majesty has called a meeting, please come over."

"And His Royal Highness, please go too."

"okay, I get it."

Tiana replied after hearing this, then glanced at Lu Qi, "Let's go."

Jarvan III convened a meeting at this juncture, so he knew what was going on without even thinking about it.

After a few minutes.

The two arrived at the conference hall.

There are already some ministers who work in the palace here, and the rest are also on their way at this time.

There was no sign of Jarvan III.

Tiana sat on the seat, while Lu Qi stood and waited.

About four or ten minutes later, the important figures were basically all present.

All the seats on the octagonal table were filled, but the main seat was still vacant.

Lu Qi and Jarvan IV stood behind the main seat. The two brothers hadn't seen each other for a long time, and they were also chatting quietly.

At this time, the door of the conference hall was pushed open, and Jarvan III walked in with an indifferent expression.

The meeting hall suddenly fell silent.They all looked around.

The ordinary Sanshi's face is mostly gentle, giving people a very kind feeling.

Now this is just an indifferent expression, and everyone present has already felt the anger in the king's heart.

He slowly sat on the main seat, and looked around all the people present without anger and prestige.

Then, he said in a deep voice: "The king's capital is near the city, the evil party is in chaos, and the beast swarms attack the city. You should all know this. If there is a slight mistake in this, tens of thousands of people may suffer. .”

Hearing his words, the ministers present fell silent.

Now everyone here basically knows what happened in the city of Edessa, and no one thought that such a thing would happen in a city near the capital.

No one even thought that a cult group would be so blatantly eyeing the prince of a country, and would not hesitate to launch a wave of beasts.

Among them, as long as there is a problem in one link, it will be a major event that shocked the whole country.

Now even if the prince is safe and sound, this matter is still quite troublesome.

At this time, looking at the silent crowd, Jiawen III spoke again: "Now, the person involved is back, you can listen to the details of this matter."

No one knows this matter better than Lu Qi.

Even though there were soldiers in Edessa City who rushed to report the matter back to the capital.

But they didn't know as many details as Lu Qi.

After Jarvan III's voice fell, the eyes of the audience all fell on Lu Qi.

Lu Qi knew before that that the meeting held by the third king must be to talk about this matter.

At this time, he was also ready. Facing everyone's eyes, he also cleared his throat, and then started from the beginning.

What he said was from his own perspective, starting from the strange things he encountered after arriving in Edessa City.

When he mentioned leading troops to attack the headquarters of Yinshen Cult.

Eldred, who was sitting at the end of the octagonal table, raised his hand after thinking for a while, causing Lu Qi to stop temporarily.

Then, Eldred looked at Lu Qi, and asked the question in his heart: "I have a question, how did Your Highness discover the Yinshen Cult base?"

Many people present were puzzled by this question.

Why did Lu Qi suddenly discover where the headquarters of Yinshen Cult is?
Faced with this question, Lu Qi showed a strange expression, and looked over: "Don't ask your subordinates this question, ask me what to do?"

Eldred was slightly taken aback when he heard this.

And soon, he also understood what Lu Qi meant.

There were not many stupid people present, and all of them heard the implication of Lu Qi's words.

Thinking about it carefully, it also makes sense.


Why didn't you think about it, the leader of the Demon Guards, why didn't you discover this Yinshen Cult?

It was his business that His Highness found out.

Your Demon Taboo Squad specialized in this, but they couldn't find it. Isn't that a big problem?
After reacting, Eldred also stood up immediately, put his hands on his chest, bowed and said in a low voice: "I am very sorry, Your Highness, we have seriously neglected our duties in this matter."

He really didn't expect that there was a cult with hundreds of people hidden in the city of Edessa.

However, the local Arcane Envoys failed to find out.

This problem is indeed not small.

The reputation of the Templar is not good in itself, and now that this happened, I am afraid it will drop a little bit more.

Lu Qi glanced at him, and continued, "How I found out about this Yinshen religion base, I have to start with the local missing persons in Edessa City."

When everyone saw him talking again, they looked over again.

And Eldred maintained this posture, motionless, and his expression did not change.

"At that time, the sergeant major in Edessa City told me that the number of missing people in the city in previous years was around [-].

However, under my careful investigation, I found that in the last month alone, the number of missing persons reports reached 38.

I suspected that this matter might have something to do with the evil spirit mage, so I strengthened the security in the city and temporarily detained the relevant personnel.

Sure enough, shortly thereafter, I intercepted a secret letter sent to the Yinshen Cult, and following the clues of the secret letter, I found the headquarters of the Yinshen Cult naturally. "

Lu Qi naturally had to change some details in this link.

After all, the tracking order must be unclear.

At that time, almost no one knew about the letter sent from Edessa City to Keer Village.

It's time to take it out and use it.

When everyone present heard this, their eyes were also somewhat surprised.

Lu Qi's astonishing sense of danger is indeed shocking.

After the evil spirit cave happened, he immediately wrote two letters and sent them to the capital, one of which asked for the fearless vanguard to send troops.

Without this letter, the tragedy of Edessa would have happened.

At that time, the beast tide invaded the city, but the fearless vanguard did not rush to support.
Now that there are more missing persons data, they have a keen sense that something is wrong, and follow the clues to find out the base of Yinshen Cult.

Even Jarvan IV admired his younger brother after hearing about this matter.

If it were him, it might not be possible to achieve this level.

The people present looked at Lu Qi, and suddenly found that this prince, who had been insignificant since his public appearance, seemed not as ordinary as they imagined.

Then, Lu Qi continued to talk, and at the end of the talk, everyone present couldn't help being silent again.

They won't be able to get rid of this pig's blood all at once.

Why did such absurd things suddenly appear at such a serious time?

After hearing this, Tiana also revealed a somewhat helpless look.

A slight smile appeared on Jarvan IV's face, feeling in his heart that he deserved to be his younger brother.

A smile also flashed across Jarvan III's eyes.

People only know that in the end, Lu Qi led a group of fearless pioneers to crusade against the remaining cult remnants.

But I don't know some details in this link.

At this time, they all felt a little ashamed when they heard that Lu Qi used pig blood to destroy the ceremony of the elders of Yinshen Sect.

No wonder this detail was not mentioned at the time
The sense of discord between this matter and Demacia is too heavy!
However, after they learned about the whole process from Lu Qi's mouth, they still had a lot of ups and downs in their hearts.

Just as Sanshi said, if there is a slight mistake in one step, the consequences will be unimaginable.

At this moment, Jarvan III suppressed the smile in his eyes, scanned the audience, and finally landed on Eldred: "Shouldn't you explain this to me?"

"In front of the capital, there is a cult group of hundreds of people, and it has been hidden for so many years. Aren't all of you arcanes a bunch of blind waste, can't you find it? When will this cult attack in the capital? Only in front of the palace can you see it?"

"Over the years, this cult has killed countless people in Germany. What do you do for food?"

There was a bit of anger in his dissatisfied tone, and the majesty exuded made the audience silent, and he dared not breathe.

Eldred knelt down on one knee and lowered his head: "Your Majesty, calm down. This matter is due to the incompetence of the Arcatraz, and I am incompetent. I am willing to accept all punishments."

Seeing this scene, the expressions of the people present were different.

"From now on, the tour fee of the Demon Taboo Squad will be halved."

Jiawen III snorted coldly, and then said, "Also, I hope this kind of thing won't happen again."

This directly reduced half of the activity funds of the Templar.

Eldred said: "Your Majesty, please order to start a thorough investigation across the country."

Jarvan III thought for a moment, then said in a deep voice: "I agree, the Templar Mission will start a thorough investigation of the whole country immediately, and must not let any black magician go."

Eldred immediately took orders: "Yes, Your Majesty!"

When the people present heard it, they also had a premonition that the figure of the Arcatraz will be seen everywhere again in the whole country.

The Forbidden City has been established for many years, and by the generation of the third generation, its sense of existence has actually decreased a lot.

Because his attitude towards mages is not as strict as that of the first and second generations, but he is more lenient.

Therefore, the activity of the Arcatraz is not frequent.

But now with the order of the third generation, the Templar must take action.

In this matter, Lu Qi has nothing to dissuade. From the moment Yinshen Cult became known to the public, this matter has been unavoidable.

"During the incident in Edessa City at this time, Lu Qi Lightshield made outstanding contributions and performed outstandingly. He is hereby conferred the title of Major General."

At this time, Jarvan III spoke again in a calm tone.

However, after listening to it, the people present couldn't help being surprised.

Although, with Lu Qi's status, it will be a matter of time before he gets the title, but the starting point is not too high.

Then there are lieutenant generals, generals, and marshals.

One must know that even Jarvan IV had been trained in the army since he was a child, and now he is only a lieutenant general.

Lu Qi came up and started as a major general
At this time, Tiana said: "Based on his performance this time, he is indeed worthy of the title of major general, and I second my proposal."

When she said this, people suddenly realized that this incident was extraordinary.

There are hundreds of heretics in Lincheng, the capital of the kingdom, and a beast horde that can be called a disaster.

It can be said that this incident, even in Demacia for nearly ten years, is an unusual event.

In this whole incident, Lu Qi played a vital role.

Being able to solve this matter with the smallest cost, Lu Qi alone accounted for at least [-]% of the success.

If you think about it this way, such a major meritorious performance is indeed worthy of the title of major general.

"My minister agrees."

"My minister agrees."

Not long after, the voices of seconding proposals sounded one after another.

From now on, Lu Qi is no longer an ordinary prince, and has another identity.

National Major General.

But this title is actually useless to him.

It is impossible for him to go to Nagada in the army to practice, even if he is given a marshal, he will still lie down.

"Okay, the meeting is over here, the meeting is adjourned."

As Jiawen III said, he also stood up and walked outside, thinking about something in his flickering eyes.

Originally, he didn't want to delegate power, even if it was a little power, to the Templar Mission.

But now, this matter has touched the scales in his heart.

He didn't expect that Lu Qi would be in danger at such a close distance from the capital.

The appearance of this cult group made him furious.

Not only because of the incompetence of the Arcatraz, but also because, it seems that he has been too lenient towards mages these years.

On the contrary, some of them became overly arrogant.

In his view, this is absolutely intolerable.

If something happens to Lu Qi this time, he will definitely make the mages in Demacia feel his anger.

At that time, those black magicians will not be the only ones he will be angry with.

Soon after Jarvan III left, the tense atmosphere in the conference hall finally dissipated.

The ministers breathed a sigh of relief.

Tiana stood up, patted Lu Qi on the shoulder, and smiled: "You should be the youngest major general in Demacia."

Jarvan IV was made a major general at the age of 20.

And Lu Qi became a major general, which is the first case in the history of Demacia, although there are also some blessings from his identity.

But this cannot conceal his great performance in Edessa City this time.

Whether it should be said or not, Tiana is still a little proud of her unique vision.

She really didn't misunderstand this kid at the beginning.

"Congratulations to Your Highness for being a major general."

At this time, a bunch of ministers gathered around, congratulating Lu Qi constantly.

Lu Qi dealt with them one by one, and at the same time moved towards the outside of the conference hall.

After finally leaving the conference hall, another figure stepped forward and hugged his shoulders enthusiastically.With a big smile on his face: "As expected of my brother, what you did in Bo Edessa City is so beautiful, I can't even compare myself to it!"

He was really happy for Lu Qi, not only because he was able to win this conspiracy against him, but also proud of his performance in this incident.

Lu Qi smiled and said, "Brother, you're too proud."

"Hey, you don't need to be humble about this matter, you deserve your name as a major general."

Jarvan IV was all smiles.

The rank of major general is small, but the key is that the tens of thousands of people in the city of Edessa that Lu Qi saved are big.

While the two were talking, a figure stepped forward, wearing a gray-black cloak and wearing a gray stone symbol on his chest, representing the Arcatraz, with deep eyes, an unsmiling face, and a low-key demeanor.

It was Eldred.

He bowed in front of Lu Qi, and then asked, "Your Highness, I have something to ask."

Lu Qi looked at him and said, "What's the matter?"

Eldred said: "Do you have the intercepted secret letter His Highness mentioned?"

Lu Qi shook his head when he heard the words: "It's been cleared up long ago, the cult has been wiped out, what do I still have that letter for?"

"Really." Eldred heard this, and bowed again: "I'm bothering Your Highness."

"It's okay."

Looking away from him, Lu Qi and Jarvan IV continued to walk forward.

Behind him, Eldred stood up, his eyes fell on Lu Qi's back, showing a bit thoughtful.

In his opinion, there are still a few strange places in this matter.

Either way, it feels vaguely wrong.

There is indeed no problem with the prince's performance, but he handles these things too neatly.

Moreover, the astonishing sense of danger is too keen.

Sensitive to a little beyond common sense.

Is it possible that this so-called secret letter does not exist at all?
Hearing the details of the whole incident, he felt that there was someone assisting the prince behind his back.

As for who that person is.
Eldred also had an answer in his heart.

It is said that the person who sent the prince to the city of Edessa was Tiana.

What is her intention in doing this?

Want to cultivate a second Jarvan IV, or better than Jarvan IV?

The major general, with such a high start, where will he be in the future?
Thinking of this, Eldred looked deeper.

No matter how you look at it, things seem to be getting interesting.

And at the same time, there were also multiple gazes, from all directions, looking at the backs of the two brothers who left shoulder to shoulder.

"Second brother, the eldest brother will leave first, and come to my place some other day when you have time."

At the entrance of the palace, Jarvan IV also waved goodbye to Lu Qi.

Lu Qi nodded: "OK."

After finishing speaking, he watched Jarvan IV get on his horse and leave straight away.

He also turned around, got into his own carriage, and said with a loose body: "Go home!"

 These days, I am busy with my sister's marriage, so I don't have enough time to code words. Please forgive me.
(End of this chapter)

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