LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 154 She is really, so gentle, I cried to death

Chapter 154 She is really, so gentle, I cried to death ([-] words)
At this time, it was approaching noon, and the temperature of the sun was a little higher, which dissipated a lot of the coolness in the air.

Lifting the curtain in the carriage, watching the carriage drive through familiar streets, Lu Qi's mood naturally improved.

Putting down the curtain, he also thought of Lacus and the others, wondering what he was doing right now.

I have been out for more than 20 days on this trip, and if I think about it, I must still have some thoughts.

About ten minutes passed.

The carriage stopped slowly, and without Yurna's telling, Lu Qi knew that he was home.

He got out of the carriage, looked at the familiar gate of the courtyard, and felt relieved.

At this time, the gate of the courtyard was open, and as soon as he got off the carriage, he could see several figures in the courtyard.

At this time, Fiona and Sona were sitting opposite each other, their slender fingers landed on the chessboard from time to time, playing a game.

And on a rocking chair, Lacus was lying on it in a comfortable posture, basking in the sun with a comfortable expression.

Looking at the girls in the courtyard, Lu Qi also said angrily.

"I am back!"

Even if he didn't speak, the three of them heard the movement, and at this moment they all raised their eyes and looked over.

However, after casually looking at Lu Qi at the gate of the courtyard, he withdrew his gaze.

Continue to play chess and bask in the sun.

Miss Crownguard even yawned and rolled over.


Lu Qi slowly made a question mark.

Looking at the three girls in the courtyard, it was like the reaction of a small stone falling into a big lake without even splashing a little water.

He also couldn't help but said, "You guys should react a little bit."

Hearing this, Fiona raised her head and looked over with cold eyes, a little strange in it: "What kind of reaction do you want?"

Lax also opened her eyes, snorted, and glanced at him: "I'll be right back, you still want us to wipe away tears?"

Miss Crown Guard's sneer told her mood at the moment.

It was as if he was still sulking because Lu Qi went out to play this time, didn't take her with him, and even wrote a letter to anger her.

Only Sona, after thinking about it at this moment, temporarily stopped the backgammon game.

Turning his head towards Lu Qi, a nice smile appeared on his face, his water-blue eyes were full of smiles, and there was a bit of joy in them.

It's like saying "Welcome back".


Seeing this, Lu Qi was almost moved to tears.

She is really, so gentle, I cried to death.

He immediately decided that he would do whatever Sona wanted for lunch today!
As for a certain sword girl and a certain little golden retriever, at the dinner table today, Sona will not be at the table, so no one can move their chopsticks!
Looking at Lu Qi, Sona had a heartfelt smile on her face.

She really missed His Highness very much, after all, it had been more than 20 days and she hadn't said a word to him.

And it made her feel a little unpleasant.

These days, he didn't even write her a letter.

I thought no one had received his letter.

But she later learned that Lu Qi had written a letter to Miss Crown Guard.

Although, that letter was written to annoy her on purpose.

But after all, I wrote it, didn't I?

And she, Kashina and Fiona, have not received any news from him during these 20 days.

Under such circumstances, what reaction does Lu Qi want?
It's not bad if he didn't kick him out!
At least that's what Miss Jian Ji thinks at the moment.

But Sona relented in the end.

At this moment, Lu Qi didn't know that the letter he wrote to Tiana, and by the way, a little angry with Ms. Mianwei, would trigger these chain reactions.

At this time, Yurna followed behind first.

Then came Quinn, Wei En and Frey who got off their horses and walked in together.

Naturally, it also attracted the attention of the three people in the courtyard.

Seeing the three people behind Lu Qi, Lux stopped lying down, got up from the chair, looked at Quinn, blinked, and smiled, "Quinne, why are you here?"

"Miss Crownguard, hello."

Seeing Lacus, Quinn also greeted with a smile, and continued, "I am now His Royal Highness's close entourage."

"Oh!" Lux nodded.

Lu Qi asked at this time: "Do you know each other?"

Lux looked at him, and snorted with a charming expression: "Of course, I knew Quinn earlier than I knew you."

Quinn also explained: "At that time, I came to the king's capital to take refuge in the marshal, and I have been staying at the crown guard's house temporarily."

Lu Qi nodded suddenly.

Sona also came up at this time, looked at Quinn with a smile on her face, and made a few gestures, as if to say hello.

Quinn immediately said: "Miss Sona, long time no see."

She and Sona have also known each other for a long time.

After all, Quinn was able to seek refuge with Tiana because of Sona's mother, Lestara, who left.

Therefore, she, Lacus, Kashina and Sona all know each other.

This saves a little introduction process.

Lacus also said with a strange face at this time: "How did you become this guy's personal soldier?"

Quinn heard the words and said: "Because His Highness is kind to me, and in my opinion, His Highness is also a person worth following."

"Tch, that's him?"

Lux curled her lips immediately, then glanced at Lu Qi, shaking her head and sighing.

It's completely an expression of "a good cabbage was arched by a pig".

Seeing this, Lu Qi's mouth twitched, and he raised his hand to her forehead in a gesture of brainbreak.

But Lux, who was alerted in advance, dodged directly and flexibly.

After hiding, she still looked at Lu Qi and snorted.

At this time, Fiona also came closer.

"This is Vayne, this is Frey, Vayne's master."

Lu Qi introduced the two masters and apprentices aloud.

Afterwards, the two sides exchanged briefly and got to know each other.

After getting to know each other, the atmosphere was a little awkward.

However, when meeting for the first time, it's normal to feel a little awkward.

With Lux around, this embarrassment quickly disappeared.

She belongs to the kind of person who is not afraid of strangers at all, and she is also a bad mouthed person.

After getting acquainted, they quickly pulled Wei En and Quinn into chatting, and they talked about a lot of topics, anyway, they talked about whatever they wanted.

Wei En's personality is not very talkative, and she seemed a little reserved at first. She hasn't had this kind of chat between girls for a long time.

However, after a short contact with her, she also developed a certain liking for this innocent blonde girl with bright eyes and bright teeth.

Her enthusiastic and generous personality is not annoying at all, and her smile is also very beautiful, as bright as the sun when she smiles.

After only getting along with Lux for a while, she became less restrained.

Fiona would occasionally join in the conversation for a word or two.

Lu Qi was completely left out in the cold, and he felt a little strange at the moment.

For some reason, since he entered this courtyard, he felt that Miss Jian Ji was a little cold towards him.

I haven't seen you for more than 20 days, why do you feel that you are more of a stranger than a stranger?
This made him a little confused.

But at this moment, Sona couldn't make a sound, she was just listening.

Her eyes fell on Wei En's body, her eyes seemed to see something, her brows were slightly frowned, and then she looked at Lu Qi.

Lu Qi nodded towards her, gestured with his eyes, and walked into the house.

Frey followed.

Not long after entering the living room, Sona also walked in, holding Yuhua in her arms.

Afterwards, she handed Kui Hua to Lu Qi.

When Lu Qi took it, a soft voice seemed to ring in his ears.

"Your Highness? Can you hear me?"

Sona's voice is still as beautiful as ever.

A smile appeared on Lu Qi's face, and he said, "I can hear it."

"It feels like I haven't spoken to His Highness for a long, long time."

Sona's voice was a little excited, and she looked at Lu Qi with a smile in her twinkling eyes, and the touching brilliance in those eyes made people reluctant to look away.

She is the kind of girl who writes emotions such as joy in her heart on her face, she is very cute.

Lu Qi smiled gently: "Me too, it feels like I haven't heard your voice for a long time."

Frey looked at Lu Qi who was suddenly talking alone, and was slightly taken aback.

On the way, she once heard from Lu Qi that there might be someone in the capital who could solve the problem of Wei En's inner demon.

I think it's Miss Sona.

After observation, she found that Miss Sona seemed to be a voiceless person.

But looking at the current situation, it seems that she and His Highness are communicating.

I had some guesses about this Miss Sona in my heart, and Frey listened quietly.

Lu Qi was also talking about business at this time, and he asked, "Do you feel Wei En's situation?"

In previous chats, Sona had mentioned to him that she could sense a person's heart.

This is a secret of hers, and after Lu Qi could hear her voice, she took the initiative to confide it to Lu Qi.

For Lu Qi, Sona is willing to show him her true self.

And Lu Qi actually knew very early on that Sona was a mage, but he only knew about her special ability when he heard Sona mention it on her own initiative.

So after the mind-devouring demon was not expelled, the first solution he thought of was Sona.


Sona nodded lightly when she heard the words, and her watery eyes showed a little worry, "I feel a very strange dark aura deep in Miss Wayne's heart, extremely active."

She doesn't need any dark magic like heart spells.

Just seeing Vayne for the first time, Sona felt her heart.

Full of scars, pain and some suppressed negative emotions, her heart can be said to be gloomy.

Those few lights appeared not long ago.

Sona could empathize with Vayne's inner pain, and even she had rarely seen someone with such a rift in her heart.

Therefore, she explored a bit deeper into Wei En's heart.

Soon, she sensed an evil breath deep in her heart, but that evil did not originate from her.

And like an outsider, he broke into her heart arbitrarily and took root.

And without knowing what happened, this darkness was also injured, and it was because of this that it began to actively become active.

Seeing this scene, she was very worried about Miss Wayne's condition.

"Do you have a solution?"

"I don't know, but I want to try."

Sona shook her head, wondering if her music would work in the dark.

But no matter what, seeing that Wei En was constantly being tortured deep in her heart, she wanted to try it.

So, Lu Qi asked Frey to call Wei En over.

Wei En sat on the sofa, looking at Sona who was smiling on the opposite side with some restraint.

In fact, she is not good at dealing with people like Sona who are very gentle at first glance. At this moment, she feels a little uncomfortable when she is watching her soft eyes.

Wayne naturally knew about Sona, but she had never seen her before.

Sona was already famous in Demacia years ago.

I heard that she is hailed as the most outstanding talented musician, tickets for her concerts are hard to come by.

While Wei En was still thinking about this, Lu Qi said, "Next, you have to lie on the sofa and let your mind go."

Hearing this, Wei En nodded, then followed suit and lay down on the sofa.

There was a throbbing pain in her chest, which hadn't disappeared since the morning.

As the mind was emptied, the pain became more presumptuous, as if taking advantage of the void.

Frey looked at the pale Vayne lying on the sofa with distressed eyes.

I prayed silently in my heart, this method must be useful.

And Sona also felt Wei En's heart, her eyes firmly placed Yuhua on her slender legs, and then she closed her eyes and concentrated.

Compilation started.

Every piece of music she plays is different.

Because these musics have always been composed with the inner emotions of the audience, and it is precisely because of this that her music goes straight to people's hearts.

At this time, she wanted to compose a unique piece of music specially for Wei En.

In the living room, it was quiet for about 20 seconds.

As Sona's breathing became heavier, she also opened her eyes, and there was a magical brilliance in them.

In the next second, that slender hand lightly played on the strings.

A beautiful music sounded.

Luke and Frey couldn't see anything.

But in Sona's eyes, the notes she played created a cyan light, which slowly flew towards Wei En's chest, and then sank into it.

If the music can enter her heart, it means it works.

Sona immediately played on the strings one after another without resting her hands. Her white hands moved gently, and her fingertips were like dancing fireflies.

The music begins to flow, condense, dissipate, and condense again.

Wei En, who was lying on the sofa, only felt that he heard the most beautiful music, and gradually became intoxicated by it.

This made her mind more emptied, and her heart calmed down like never before.

And that pain was slowly subsiding, as if a beam of light shone in, warming her heart.

Afterwards, memories flashed through Wei En's mind.

Those are the best memories between her and her beloved family.

In the past, whenever Wei En thought of these things, she would only feel tearing pain.

But at this moment, she seemed to have entered into these memories, and she saw a smile on her face in the memories.

I saw myself laughing, and saw the gentle eyes of my parents.

At this moment, what Wei En felt was not heartache, but beauty.

Even she didn't notice it. At this moment, she was lying on the sofa with a smile on her lips.

It was a smile that Lu Qi and Frey had never seen before.

Sona felt that Vayne's heart began to change, the darkness began to dissipate, only she could hear it, and the darkness seemed to let out a mournful cry, which turned into a puff of gray smoke and continued to dissipate.

There was also a smile on his face.

When a person's heart is healed, it is also when she is happy.

As a result, the rhythm of the song changed suddenly.

It became lighter and more joyful.

She wants to give that darkness a fatal blow!
This piece is only 6 minutes long.

But Wei En felt that a long, long time had passed, and she relived those beautiful memories.

As the song stopped, Wei En also opened his eyes at the same time.

She felt that the place where her head was lying was wet, sat up and wiped the corners of her eyes, and found that there were tears.

Frey didn't know the situation, seeing her crying, looked at her worriedly: "Vayne, are you alright?"

Wei En realized that she was smiling, but she didn't hate the smile now, and said while wiping away tears: "I feel much better, and my heart is lighter than ever before."

As she spoke, she looked at Sona, and sincerely thanked: "Thank you, Miss Sona."

She never knew that music could have such a charm.

Now she gradually understands.

Those memories were not the past she couldn't face, nor the thorns in her heart.

That was the best moment in her life, what she had to do was not to escape, but to cherish it.

A gentle smile appeared on Sona's face, and she made an encouraging gesture.

Feeling Wei En's heart, she naturally felt it too. She had encountered a cruel experience.

She understood why Wayne's heart ached.

Now, feel her heart again, although those scars still exist, but the darkness has dissipated without a shadow.

As for those scars, Sona believes that in the next time, they will heal slowly.

Looking at her expression, Lu Qi knew that the monster should be dealt with, so he looked at Frey.

Frey understood what he meant, stood up now, and solemnly bowed to Sona: "Miss Sona, thank you!"

Wei En is her last relative in this world.

Seeing this child being tortured by the devil, her heart will also ache.

At this moment, the demon seed was eliminated.

She really appreciates Sona.

Seeing this, Wei En followed suit and bowed.

Faced with such a solemn thank you, Sona quickly waved her hands, but she was really unable to speak.

at the same time.

Another corner of Runeterra.

A stunning woman has just captured a 'cheap bread'.

She was in a good mood, and was about to take a little tummy tuck.

However, at this moment, there was a strange throbbing in my heart.

Her brows were slightly frowned, and her expression changed from charming to a little colder.

This changed her demeanor, and the 'cheap bread' on the opposite side showed incomparably obsessed eyes, looking greedily at the woman in front of her, and opened her hands, wanting to embrace the woman in her arms.

However, in the next second, there was a "poof".

'Cheap Bread' felt the world spinning for a while, and then felt that he was falling continuously. During the fall, he could still see a body without a head and constantly spurting blood.

And then, nothing.

The woman watched coldly the blood gushing out like a fountain, and then wiped away the blood on the tail whip.

The mood never gets better.

Then, she raised her eyes and looked in the direction of Demacia.

 Normal update tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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