LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 155 Isn't the sword broken, stick it and continue!

Chapter 155 Isn't the sword broken, stick it and continue! ([-] words, ask for a monthly ticket)

in the living room.

Finished playing along with Sona's song.

Not long after, Lacus, Fiona, and Quinn also walked in one after another, apparently all attracted by the sound of music.

Lu Qi raised his eyes and looked over, just in time to meet the eyes of Fiona who walked into the living room, so he smiled.

However, seeing this smile, Miss Jian Ji showed no expression at all, she glanced at him with her cold eyes, and then looked away.

Then she sat on the sofa, her delicate face looked even colder than before.

A question mark could not help appearing on Lu Qi's head, and he was a little puzzled.

I always feel that since he came back, the attitude of this little sword girl has been a little cold.

At this time, Lux sat beside Lu Qi, looked at him and asked, "I heard that there was a beast tide in Edessa city, what happened at that time?"

As soon as her question came out, Sona immediately looked over, and even Fiona pricked up her ears.

Now the news of the beast horde in Edessa City has spread in the capital with the promotion of the Wangcheng Express.

But people only know that it was a wave of beasts attacking the city. It is said that there are at least a few thousand beasts, but they don't know much more details.

Therefore, when they saw the news, Lacus, Fiona, Sona, and Kashina immediately thought of Lu Qi who happened to be going to Edessa City to participate in the hunt.

If you say you are worried, you must be worried.

When they received the news, the beast horde had already been dealt with, it seemed that it was due to the timely support of the Fearless Pioneer.

Although Lux immediately went to ask Tiana and confirmed that this guy was fine, but she also learned that this matter seemed to be not that simple.

But so many days have passed, and I haven't seen this guy write a letter back.

They are here thinking about it every day, but this guy is just enjoying it.

Just so annoying!
When Lu Qi heard this, he also said: "To put it simply, a cult coveted my beauty, wanted to arrest me as a sacrifice, and ended up being killed by me."

The three girls were slightly taken aback after hearing this.

Why do you feel that in simple terms, there is so much information in it?
Lux immediately asked curiously: "Expand and talk about it."

Lu Qi picked up the teacup on the table, took a sip of tea to moisten his mouth, and then slapped his hands on the table.

With a "snap", the girls in the living room were startled immediately, and many pairs of angry eyes looked over for a while.

"Cough cough."

Lu Qi cleared his throat, as if he didn't see it, and then started to talk slowly: "The thing started when I left the capital that day."

Lacus urged: "Skip this episode."

"...Five days later, I arrived in Edessa City."

Although Lu Qi had already talked about it in the morning.

But the audience was different at the moment, which didn't affect Lu Qi's interest in telling it again.

He spoke slowly in the form of a novel, which inevitably added many details.

Lacus, Fiona, and Sona's attention became very focused following Lu Qi's story.

In his novel-like mode, even Quinn, Wayne, and Frey, who had personally experienced it, listened very carefully.

Their mood also fluctuates with the rhythm of the story.

However, without exception.

At the end of the story, when Lu Qi uttered pig's blood, they played a role one after another.

"That bad old man wanted to tease me, but in fact I even saw through his underwear, so I deliberately showed a little flaw, and that old Deng was really fooled."

A few pairs of eyes looked at Lu Qi who was talking about his "magic skill", and they also typed a series of ellipsis.

It was almost finished at this time, Lu Qi stopped and looked at them: "What is your expression? Isn't my wave of predictions not good?"

Hearing this, Lacus said with emotion on her small face, "You deserve it."

A smile flashed across Fiona's eyes.

Sona nodded her head, her smiling eyes seemed to say "great".

If you think about it carefully, this guy really seems like someone who can do such a thing.

It seems that any strange thing, hooking up with this guy, doesn't seem so strange anymore.

"I wasted so much of my tongue."

Not seeing the reaction he was expecting, Lu Qi sighed, drank the tea in the cup in one gulp, and then stood up.

"I won't talk to you anymore, I'll go cook."

With that said, he went straight to the kitchen.

Lacus, Fiona, and Sona looked at his back, and after knowing the details, they also knew what kind of danger Lu Qi encountered this time.

Although when he said it, this guy had a relaxed expression on his face.

But when he faced these things in person, it must have been very difficult.

While Lu Qi was cooking, the girls in the living room were also chatting.

Until a smell of food wafted out of the kitchen.

This fragrance also directly hooked the gluttons in the stomachs of Lacus, Fiona and Sona.

It makes them lose their concentration.

The smell filled the room, and Lacus stopped chatting immediately, and ran to the kitchen in a hurry. During the process, she lowered her footsteps.

Then, at the door of the kitchen, he poked his head out and looked inside.

Immediately, I saw Lu Qi frying one dish after another on the chopping board, which was still smelling hot.

Her eyes lit up, it was fine if she didn't look at it, but when she saw it, her stomach started to growl.

So, after glancing at Lu Qi whose back was turned to her, Lacus sneaked into the kitchen cautiously, not daring to take a breath or make a sound.

However, when the goods arrived at the door of the kitchen, Lu Qi had already spotted her.

While frying the vegetables, he also took the time to glance at this guy, and then coughed forcefully.

Lux's sneaky body immediately froze in place, turned her head and smiled without embarrassment at all.

"I'll just take a look."

Lu Qi smiled at her: "Do you think I believe it?"

It is a great pain for Lux to be hopeful but not edible.

Even though she was found stealing food, her small eyes still looked at those dishes with reluctance.

Soon, she heard a "cracking" sound, followed by a strong fragrance.

She was immediately attracted to the idea, and looked over.

I saw Lu Qi skillfully throwing small balls into the golden oil pan. The balls, which seemed to be covered with a layer of flour, flipped twice in the oil pan, and the appearance became golden and crispy. .

Then there was a smell of meat.

"what is this?"

She inhaled the fragrance and asked curiously.

Lu Qi replied casually: "Meatballs."

When Lux heard this, she was not afraid of being splashed with oil, and moved to Lu Qi's side, watching him throw the balls into it one by one.

Those longing, longing little eyes looked extraordinarily dumbfounded.

Lu Qi glanced at this guy, picked up a meatball that had been taken out of the pot with a tong, and handed it to her mouth.

Lux's eyes lit up all of a sudden, she first blew carefully, then immediately opened her mouth and bit into it.

As she ate the warm and somewhat hot balls into her mouth, she also whimpered several times.

Then when you bite, the shell of the freshly baked meatballs is crispy, but it crumbles as soon as you bite, followed by a pure smell of fried meat, which is almost numb.

Lux kept breathing the heat of the meatballs, her eyes narrowed, showing a happy and satisfied expression.


It tastes exactly the same as in her phantom!
Lu Qi glanced at her and said, "Okay, let's go out, don't get in my way by the side."


Lacus smiled happily, and ran out of the kitchen satisfied.

Not long after, another figure entered the kitchen.

Lu Qi turned his head and found that it was Kashina, with a smile on her face, looking pure and bright.

Kashina, who entered the kitchen, did not look at those dishes, but looked at Lu Qi with a bright light, and said happily: "Your Highness, long time no see!"

Lu Qi replied with a smile: "Long time no see."

Seeing him cooking, Kashina didn't continue to disturb him any more.

Looking at his handsome side face without blinking, the corner of his mouth couldn't stop smiling.

The Royal Academy is on vacation today, but the Physical Education Academy still needs to go to school.

But when she heard the news of Lu Qi's return, she immediately chose to ask for leave and rushed over without stopping.

After more than 20 days, she really missed Lu Qi so much.

Seeing her gaze, Lu Qi thought she wanted to eat a meatball too, so he picked one up with a clip and handed it over.

Seeing his feeding action, Kashina was overjoyed, and immediately opened her mouth, and ate the meatball into her mouth.

Then he exited the kitchen very sensiblely.

In about 10 minutes, a sumptuous lunch was finally ready.

The girls in the living room couldn't wait any longer. As the dishes came to the table, they also sat on the chairs in front of the dining table, obediently waiting.

After a while, the table was filled with all kinds of dishes, including meat and vegetables, and each dish was full of color, fragrance and taste, and looked extremely delicious.

And the fried meatballs were piled up like a hill, and Lu Qi's special sauce was sprinkled on them.

It looked extremely alluring.

As Sona was the first to move her chopsticks, the pleasant lunch time began.

Lux couldn't wait to grab another meatball and put it in her mouth.

Maybe it was because she hadn't eaten for a long time. After so many days, she felt that Lu Qi's dishes were even more delicious than before.

At the same time, Fiona, Kashina and Sona also had this thought.

They all clearly felt that the dishes made by Lu Qi were a bit more delicious.

Half an hour later, lunch is over.

All the girls leaned on the chairs with satisfied expressions, and they didn't want to move because they were too full.

Even though Lu Qi prepared a lot of dishes this time, they were still emptied very cleanly.

A large pot of meatballs was fried out of the pan, and there was not a single one left.

Lux clutched her obviously enlarged belly, she was so moved that she wanted to wipe her tears.

Is this what it feels like to be full?
She hasn't experienced it for a long time.

After more than 20 days, she finally survived.

For this meal, Lu Qi concluded that Miss Guanwei's appetite is still astonishing.

With this product, if he prepares less this time, some people may not be full.

However, if you take a look at Lacus at this moment, you can still see some changes in her.

He is obviously taller, and although his figure has not yet reached the level of "protruding forward and backward", it does not seem to be as ordinary as before.

In comparison, Sona hasn't changed much, it's as big as ever.

Kashina seemed to have grown a little taller, and her whole body was a bit more sassy, ​​which made Lu Qi think of Sislia.

Miss Jian Ji's temperament was as cold as ever, like a rose with thorns, and she didn't seem to have changed.

Sensing Lu Qi's gaze, Fiona's cold eyes also fell on him.

Lu Qi gave her a friendly smile.

But it seems that she was misunderstood.

In the next second, Fiona's face turned even colder, then she stood up without saying a word, and began to clear the tableware on the dinner table.

Seeing this scene, Lu Qi couldn't help but laugh.

It suddenly occurred to him that before he left, Fiona still owed many days of betting.

Seeing this, Frey also stood up, packed up together, and said, "Let me do it, Miss Fiona."

When looking at others, the coldness on Fiona's face eased, she smiled and said: "It's okay, I'll just come, this is my bet with him."

Frey was puzzled and looked at Lu Qi.

Lu Qi nodded.

Knowing that this was the case, Frey had no choice but to sit back.

When Lu Qi looked at Fiona, she had already turned around and walked towards the kitchen.

Looking at her back, Lu Qi thought about it strangely.

In the kitchen, the sound of washing dishes and chopsticks was soon heard.

The rest of the people also started to do their own thing.

Lu Qi was lying on the rocking chair outside the courtyard. It was already afternoon, and the temperature of the sun was a little higher. It was warm on his body, and he was full of food and drink, so he didn't even want to move.

Lux and the others were still sitting and chatting in the living room.

Not long after, Wei En and Frey came out.

Frey and Lu Qi said: "Your Highness, we are going out for a while."

Lu Qi opened his eyes, glanced at the two of them and said, "What are you going out for?"

Wei En replied briefly: "Buy some things, and then find a place to live."

"Looking for a place to live?" Lu Qi was puzzled when he heard the words, "Do you have any money?"

Wei En heard that, looked at him and said, "My parents have property left in Cossard City, so they should not be short of money, but it may take some time to replace it."

Lu Qi almost forgot that Wei En is actually a rich woman.

Her parents had traveled around Runeterra and made a lot of money, and finally felt that Demacia was safe and chose to settle here.

Naturally, they started their business in Demacia over the years, and the business of the two is also very large.

After being killed, their property was left to Wei En, which can be said to be a huge sum of money.

In the past two years, for this huge sum of money, many nobles came to propose to Wei En.

But all of them were rejected by Wei En, who only wanted revenge.

Now she only needs to transfer those properties to the capital.

At that time, it will be more than enough to buy a manor bigger than Lu Qi.

Thinking of this, Lu Qi said: "When the time comes, you will say that you are my people, and it should be smoother."

Thinking about it carefully, how can he be regarded as a "backer"?

With his connections, it will be easier for the master and apprentice to exchange properties.

In this regard, Wei En and Frey did not refuse.

Although, on the way, Lu Qi once said that his house is quite big, and he can just live in it when the time comes.

However, the master and apprentice thought about it for a while, and finally decided to find a place nearby.

Because the small manor of Lu Qi is different from the style of the other courtyard in Edessa City.

The rooms in this house are connected, not to mention whether they would mind sharing the same place with Lu Qi.

Even if they live together, they will definitely affect Lu Qi.

The two would get up very early every morning for morning exercises, and there would always be times when they would quarrel with him.

In order to avoid this, simply find a place to live nearby.

And Quinn can live directly with Sona.

Sona bought a manor very close to Lu Qi's house, and she was usually the only one in such a big family.

Quinn can still keep her company when she comes.

Soon, Wayne and Frey set off on horseback.

Lu Qi continued to lie down with his eyes closed. The feeling of lying at home is different from lying outside. At this moment, he obviously feels more comfortable.

Basking in the cool autumn wind, basking in the warm sun.

Not long after, he felt a burst of drowsiness, and then he adjusted a comfortable posture to let his mind go.

After a half hour nap.

Lu Qi woke up naturally, and when he opened his eyes, he saw a blue sky with thick white clouds hanging in the sky. The quiet front yard made him feel as if he was the only one left in the world.

When it comes to sleep, he just touches the bed when he wants to sleep.

When I don't want to sleep, I can't fall asleep even if I hold back.

At this moment, it was as if he was full of sleep. Although his whole body was still lazy, he was no longer sleepy.

When she turned her head, Sona was sitting not far away, her slender fingers as thin as pale green were slowly tuning the piano.

Her demeanor is elegant and refined, with an air of lightness and a leisurely demeanor. Her azure blue eyes are bright and clear, and she is extremely beautiful.

Water-like blue hair is flowing, and her figure is also very perfect. Even a blue skirt can't cover the high chest. Under the slender waist are two slender legs, and two jade feet are hidden in the skirt. Invisible.

Looking at it this way, it looks like the young lady of the ancient rich family.

Opening his eyes is an eye-catching scene, and Lu Qi also feels a little bit relaxed and happy.

Sona felt Lu Qi's gaze, raised her eyes slightly to look over, smiled sweetly on her face, and continued to tune the strings.

At this time, Lu Qi faintly heard the sound of practicing swords from the backyard.

This movement must have come from Miss Jian Ji.

He also thought of something, sat up and looked at Sona: "Ask you something."

Sona raised her head again, looked at Lu Qi's gaze, then nodded, and brought Yu Hua closer to Lu Qi.

Lu Qi put his hand on it, and also asked the doubts in his heart: "Why does it feel like Fiona doesn't want to talk to me this morning?"

Hearing this question and looking at the puzzled Lu Qi, the corners of Sona's lips curled up, and her heart came out in a second.

"Your Highness has been away for 21 days. During such a long time, have you ever thought about writing us a letter?"

Lu Qi heard this, paused for a moment, looked at Sona, and said with some embarrassment: "I don't think so."

He himself is not very used to writing letters, after all, the era of writing letters in his impression has passed for a long, long time.

So after going out, I didn't think about it.


Sona put away her smile and snorted coquettishly, "But you wrote it to Lacus."

She rarely showed such a coquettish look, and she looked especially cute at the moment.

When Lu Qi heard this, he also thought of this, and said, "I didn't intend to annoy her, I just wrote it by the way."

Immediately, Sona said with some resentment: "But that was also written, but we didn't receive anything. Let us worry for so many days, I didn't want to talk to you at first."

Lu Qi was at a loss for words.

He only wrote a provocative letter to Lacus, although he wrote it by the way, but that was also a letter.

Hearing Sona's words, he also looked towards the backyard.

Didn't expect Miss Jian Ji to be someone who cares about such things?
Looking at Sona's little resentful eyes, Lu Qi also promised: "I see, if there is a next time, I will definitely remember to write to you."

The resentment on Sona's face disappeared immediately, she smiled instead, and then made a request: "Then write me the first letter first."

Lu Qi smiled and said, "Okay."

Sona smiled happily.

In fact, she wanted to see Lu Qi more than the letter.

Lu Qi agreed to the willful request made at this time, which already made her very happy.

Chatted with Sona for a while.

Lu Qi came to the backyard.

When he came to the backyard, he immediately saw Fiona swinging a sword at a dummy.

Her back has a cool temperament, her hair seems to be cut short, and her posture of swinging a sword is like dancing, looking elegant and calm.

Hearing the footsteps behind her, it was obvious that she also noticed Lu Qi approaching.

But Fiona didn't stop her movements, her slender long legs moved, her slender arms swung, and the rapier landed on the dummy that had been changed to a more durable version.

The delicate face carried a touch of coldness, which made her cold temperament even more outstanding.

At this moment, Lu Qi understood that this chick was deliberately ignoring him.

After thinking about it, he also walked to the weapon rack beside him, chose a long blade for training, and said directly.

"Chicken Sword Fairy, come to our long-lost sparring, and let me see if you've made any progress."

As soon as the voice fell, the effect was immediate.

Fiona raised her brows, and immediately exuded a sense of coldness all over her body, and then stopped her movements.

Turning around, looking over with his eyes, he saw Lu Qi's arrogant expression, which revealed the unhappiness visible to the naked eye.

"Then come."

As soon as the words fell, the cold light of a sharp sword had pierced over very fast.

She seemed to have endured this sword for a long time, and prepared for a long time, it was extremely sharp.

Lu Qi stepped back immediately, and at the same time raised his sword to block the blow, and a good force was transmitted from the sword to his arm.

To Lu Qi's surprise, he looked at the sword girl who was stabbing in front of him. It was obvious that she hadn't stood still during the past 20 days.

Compared with before, her strength at this moment has obviously gone a step further.

In the next second, the sharp sword came a little faster, and there seemed to be a few shadows of the sword indistinctly.

Constantly parrying, Rao even Lu Qi felt a pressure.

Following that, he also took a deep breath, and his lazy eyes became serious.

In the next second, the aura on his body suddenly changed, and the wind gathered all over his body, and he immediately counterattacked with a sword.


The blade actually made a buzzing sound.

Fiona's eyes narrowed, and she stepped back, dodging the sword.

Looking at Lu Qi, she clearly felt that his swordsmanship was stronger.

The corner of his mouth also evoked a faint smile.

At this moment, Lu Qi looked over provocatively: "Come on, I just got serious."


Fiona took a deep breath, and the aura of her whole body became sharper, her eyes sparkling with sharpness.

"Then get ready."

In the next moment, a more swift sharp blade thrust forward, and the power contained in this strike was even stronger, making the sound of piercing through the air.

Under careful perception, there is a layer of sword intent wrapped in it, making this sword seem inevitable.

Peerless Sword Intent?

Lu Qi saw this, but did not defend and counterattack.

In the same posture, he raised his sword, wrapped the blade with Yufeng Sword Intent, and slashed out with the sword.

This sword drove a gust of wind, whistling, and collided with Fiona's sword, the two blades collided, and they were separated at the touch.

In the next second, they slashed at each other at an extremely fast speed.

Whether it is Wushuang swordsmanship or Yufeng swordsmanship, they are both more aggressive swordsmanship. When the two meet, they must compete.

Whoever takes the first step, it means that the next step will enter the other party's rhythm.

Fiona's swordsmanship should also have a breakthrough, judging from the feeling of showing her sharpness at this moment.

At least reached the level of LV7.

The sound of the two fighting attracted the attention of several people in the room.

Not long after, the three of Lacus, Quinn, and Kashina ran out to find a good audience seat, and watched with interest.

From the current point of view, neither of the two in the battle has gained an advantage.

Fiona parried Lu Qi's blow, counterattacked and stabbed back quickly, and on this blow, she poured more sword intent.

If it was just an entry-level Wushuang sword intent, then at this moment, this sword intent has reached a small achievement.

Immediately, Lu Qi felt a sense of oppression from Sword Fairy, this sword was extremely sharp in his eyes.

Without hesitation, he raised the Yufeng Sword Intent to the Xiaocheng level, and immediately, the Wind Intent condensed on him became a bit tighter.

In the next second, following his slash, a wind blade roared out first.

However, the aura on Fiona's body suddenly increased a bit, giving people an unstoppable feeling, directly breaking through the wind blade, and stabbing straight.

And the sword intent attached to her sharp blade also gave off a more oppressive feeling.

"Great sword intent?"

Lu Qi's eyes flashed, and he felt the oppression of the Dacheng-level unparalleled sword intent. He also didn't expect that the sword girl had hidden a hand.

Even the sword intent has also made a breakthrough.

Immediately afterwards, he also immediately released the Xiaocheng-level Wuji Sword Intent, and together with the Yufeng Sword Intent, they all merged on the blade.

Before the two swords could cut, the sword intent emanating from the two of them had already collided.

For a moment, these multiple sword intents collided, causing the surrounding air to suddenly sink.

Even Lacus, Quinn, and Kashina, who were watching the battle, felt their breathing became heavy.

The next moment, the sharp blades collided with the long blades, they were in a stalemate for a second, and then separated immediately, cutting each other at an extremely fast speed.

"Eyes are blurred"

Lux rubbed her eyes.

The swordsmanship that the two of them had learned was the fast sword style, and they could not even see the blade of the sword during the slashing, only the blurred shadow of the sword could be seen.

"Crack" sound.

Suddenly a sound came out, and the long blade that Lu Qi slashed suddenly broke in half in two.

This sudden scene made his expression a little astonished.

And Fiona had a little more smile in her eyes, and her expression was a little bit proud of a little girl, as if she was slightly better than her.

However, in the next second, there was another "click".

I saw that the sword she cut was also broken.

At this moment, the smile in Fiona's eyes disappeared, and she stopped in place.

The two raised their heads and looked at each other, both looking at each other's broken sword blade.

Lu Qi said first, "This time it's a draw."

"it is good."

Fiona nodded and then looked at him, "Next time, I will win."

"That's for next time."

Lu Qi moved his waist, with an overworked expression on his face, "I'm exhausted, I'm going to lie down."

After speaking, he also turned around and walked towards the front yard.

Fiona looked at his back with a smile on her lips.

Seeing that this guy made her have a hearty battle after a long time, I forgive him for not writing her a letter.

However, in this battle, although she did not do her best.

However, it is still obvious that Lu Qi has more hands on his side, and he is obviously stronger than 20 days ago.

Sighing inwardly, Fiona smiled a little more helplessly.

After all, he was caught up and surpassed.

After thinking about it, she also headed towards the front yard.

The two stopped fighting halfway through the fight.

This made the faces of the three Lacus who were watching the battle full of bewilderment.

This gave them a feeling that when they read the novel and saw the key plot, they ended up right here.

Isn't the sword broken? Stick on and continue fighting!

It looks like it's working hard!

I saw that both of them had already left.

The three girls looked at each other in dismay, and had no choice but to go to the front yard.

in the front yard.

Lu Qi just lay down again, and he already felt that he had exceeded the standard of exercise today. From now on, he will remain motionless and enter the energy-saving mode.

After lying down for a while, Fiona walked over beside her.

As soon as Lu Qi turned his head, he could see her long and slender legs, and then looked up.

You can see Fiona looking down at him, and then said: "Go backgammon."

Lu Qi refused without even thinking about it, and turned over: "No, I'm tired."

"Really, are you so tired? Then I'll give you a massage."

Fiona sneered, her hands had already landed on Lu Qi's shoulders, and then began to exert strength.

"All right, let's go backgammon."

Lu Qi was forced to fight.

After setting up the chessboard in front of him, he looked at Fiona, whose face was full of confidence, with helplessness.

Obviously, there was no winner in the sword fight just now.

In this backgammon, it is necessary to distinguish between good and evil.

More than 20 days ago, he played backgammon with Fiona, and it was basically infinitely close to [-]-[-].

Over the past 20 days, the ghost knows how far this little sword girl has grown in chess.

Maybe even the meaning of chess has been comprehended.

This time when the chick sent out the invitation, the look in her eyes obviously wanted to win him over.

And to put it bluntly, Lu Qi doesn't even have the confidence to beat this chick anymore.

It's not an option to go on like this.

Looking around, Lacus, Kashina, Quinn, and Sona all sat around with lively expressions on their faces.

This is going to lose, where will his face go?

No, I have to think of a way.

After pondering for a second, Lu Qi looked up at Fiona and said, "It seems that you are very confident."

Fiona responded with a sneer on her face.

More than self-confidence!
At this moment, she already has a feeling of being invincible in the backgammon!

During the whole 20 days, besides practicing sword, she studied chess.

Until today, she finally saw through the mysteries of this little chessboard!

Now she can play chess with Sona, Lacus, and Kashina at the same time, and maintain a winning streak.

As early as a few days ago, she had already begun to look forward to today's battle of revenge.

This time, she must take back what she lost before!

Lu Qi also spoke again at this moment: "How about we play a big one?"

Fiona looked at him who was about to raise, and for a moment couldn't decide what this guy was going to do.

Seeing her speculative expression, Lu Qi smiled: "You're not afraid, are you?"

Fiona frowned, and sneered: "Afraid? How to play, tell me."

"A game is determined to win or lose."

Lu Qi looked at her, and continued to speak, "In this game, the bet is directly set at [-] days, and during this [-] days, no more challenges can be initiated."

As soon as the bet was raised, the three onlookers became even more expectant, and they all looked like they were watching the excitement.

Only Quinn, who had just learned about playing backgammon before, did not know what was going on.

"You're asking for trouble."

Looking at Lu Qi, he simply increased the bet.

Fiona glanced at him, nodded confidently and said, "Okay, this round will determine the winner."

"Then it's decided."

As Lu Qi said, he also picked up a sunspot with two fingers and landed in the middle of the chessboard.

Seeing him take the initiative very naturally, Fiona frowned slightly, glanced at him coldly, snorted coldly, picked up a white piece indifferently, and dropped it right behind.

Her character is naturally extremely arrogant. In her opinion, it doesn't matter who goes first, the chess strength is the most important thing!
Obviously, Fiona, who has only studied backgammon for two months, doesn't know.

In backgammon, there is a trick called - the first move must win method.

This is a trick that Lu Qi has never used before, and the purpose is to stay on this day, as a trump card.

In the face of backgammon rules without three-three forbidden moves, Lu Qi who got the upper hand is an invincible existence!
With the chess pieces of both sides, progress to the time of the ninth step.

Fiona had clearly sensed that something was wrong, she frowned, staring at the chessboard with cold eyes without blinking.

Why did she have a premonition that she was going to lose after only the ninth step?

And this premonition is getting stronger and stronger.

As Lu Qi walked out in two more steps, Fiona picked up Bai Zi's hand, and immediately froze in mid-air, her confident expression turned a little astonished.

Although, Lu Qi had to take at least two more steps at this time.

But after studying backgammon for so long, Fiona has calculated that within these two moves, no matter how she plays, it will not be able to change the situation where Lu Qi is three.

"Why don't you move?"

Lux looked at Fiona who was stunned, and said strangely.

Sona also vaguely saw something, judging from the current situation, Fiona was already at a great disadvantage.

"click" sound.

The white chess piece fell on the chessboard.

Fiona looked at Lu Qi with beautiful eyes, her face was cold, and she said a little aggrieved, "I lost."

Lux was a little dazed, and didn't understand why Fiona gave up so well.

The corner of Lu Qi's mouth twitched into a dragon king's smile, and he raised Erlang's legs and said, "Fight with me, you are still far behind."

Fiona showed obvious dissatisfaction on her face, and she was about to speak.

Lu Qi raised his hand and stopped him: "From now on, within [-] days, you are prohibited from initiating challenges. Plus what you owed me before, please pay it back slowly."

This sentence was immediately blocked by Fiona who wanted to play another game.

Then it made her even more depressed.

She lowered her head without saying a word, looked at the chessboard, and began to recall Lu Qi's first step clearly in her mind.

In this way, after recalling it several times, she finally understood.

After seeing it clearly, she suddenly felt a ball of anger rising in her heart.

He raised his head, stared at Lu Qi coldly, and spat, "Despicable!"

"In battle, there is no despicableness."

Lu Qi hehe.

Fiona immediately clenched her silver teeth and clenched her fists, wishing she could beat this guy up.

She finally understood why this guy fished in troubled waters and took the initiative.

With that kind of play, no matter how she blocks her, he will always end up in a three-three situation.

Seeing the eyes of Jian Ji chick wishing to swallow him alive, Lu Qi smiled happily, and lay back on the rocking chair leisurely.

Comfortable, so comfortable.

He didn't expect that Fiona would see it so quickly.

But so what if you see it?

For the next hundred days, she couldn't initiate any more challenges.


Meanness is a word for the weak!
For the strong, all means of victory are noble!

Looking at Lu Qi lying on the rocking chair, Fiona took a few deep breaths, her chest rising and falling, then stood up and walked directly to the backyard.

Obviously, he was going to take the dummy in the backyard and vent his anger severely.

After a while, there was a loud noise in the backyard.

In such a situation, the girls felt sympathy for that poor dummy, and the previous dummy had fallen apart.

From the looks of it, the newly replaced one won't last long.

Lux, who was still a little confused, looked at the chessboard and wondered what the hell Ludge had done.

But it can make Fiona angry like this.

Obviously, it was a big deal.

She turned to look at Quinn, and she saw confusion in her eyes.

Now, Lux, who is already the weakest backgammon, suddenly found a new chess player.

She immediately showed a nice smile to Quinn: "Quinne, you don't know how to play backgammon, do you? I'll teach you."

Quinn was also somewhat interested, and nodded upon hearing the words: "Okay."

Kashina watched from the side with a smile.

And Sona continued to adjust the strings.

Lu Qi lay on the rocking chair, very leisurely.

(End of this chapter)

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