LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 156 The Correct Usage of Sona's Voice

Chapter 156 The Correct Usage of Sona's Voice ([-] words)
at dusk.

Compared with the previous days, these days, the sky is getting dark earlier.

It was only about six o'clock in the afternoon, and the clear sky became dark.

At this time, in the house, the sound of rubbing mahjong "crawl clatter" rang out from time to time.

Lu Qi, Lacus, Kashina, and Quinn, who just learned mahjong, sat at the mahjong table and played mahjong.

Sona and Fiona are on the other side, playing backgammon.


Lu Qi reached out, touched a card, and then played it out.

Then it was Lux's turn to draw cards.

She stretched out her slender fingers, grasped the mahjong in her hands, and confidently played the tiles on her back, with the corners of her mouth curling up.

"Touch yourself!"

With the voice falling.

She turned the cards over at once, patted them lightly on the table, and then pushed down the cards erected in front of her one by one, "One color, four straights, all one color, flat Hu, a total of 52 fan!"

Lu Qi glanced at her self-drawn [-], and then looked at his own cards, he didn't even draw a straight.

Kashina glanced at it, and said helplessly, "You're too fast."

"Hmph, this is strength!"

Lacus raised her chin, her small face was full of complacency.

Quinn was still memorizing the cards, and when he heard that it was a 52-fan card, he also sighed: "It's amazing."

When she said that, Lux immediately became more proud.

Lu Qi snorted disdainfully, took out the money and handed it over.

After playing mahjong this afternoon, he could see it.

Where is the strength of this guy? It's obviously all luck.

Judging from the appearance, Lacus has been lucky recently, and it can be said that everything is going well.

This kind of luck is very rare, obviously something good for her is coming.

It is not yet clear.

In terms of luck, playing mahjong is the same.

Mahjong itself is an entertainment that is biased towards luck. Some people come up with a set of Tianhu cards, while some people start with thirteen cards.

Lacus belongs to the former.

With the blessing of strong luck, she can form a lot of cards in the end by playing randomly, and this afternoon is also her self-drawing the most times.

Even Lu Qi lost money to her a lot today.

She happily took the money from Lu Qi, and Lacus looked down at him, then smiled mockingly, her expression can be said to be quite embarrassing.

As if to say, "That's it?"

This made Lu Qi very unhappy.

At this moment, he suddenly understood how the girls were feeling when they played mahjong with him before.

It turns out that the feeling of being slapped in the face by someone is so unpleasant!

After giving this wave of money, Quinn touched his dry pocket and made a bitter face: "There is no money."

This mahjong is fun.

But it is also too expensive.

As a result, all of her salary this month has been paid for tuition.

And Kashina didn't mess around much this afternoon, and sighed: "My pocket money is gone, so I won't call anymore."

Lacus happily took out her delicate wallet, put all the money she won in this round into it, patted it, and said, "Don't worry, your money will follow me, you won't be wronged."

At this moment, her small treasury was a little bulging, and it was full of gold coins.

Obviously, during the time Lu Qi went out, she won a lot.

Looking at Miss Guanwei's obviously much richer coffers, Lu Qi showed a thoughtful expression.

Lacus keenly sensed his gaze, and immediately stared over vigilantly: "I advise you not to have any unreasonable thoughts about it."

"What did you say."

Lu Qi stood up, and said in a dignified manner, "Am I that kind of person?"

"You'd better not." Lux snorted, carefully put away the wallet, glared at him again, and then turned around arrogantly and left.

Lu Qi was thinking about how to get Miss Guanwei's small coffers.

One side went to the basement.

After going out for so many days, the Coke and ice cream he left in the basement have long since been wiped out.

A lot of wine was also drunk, and it was obvious that some old woman had been there.

But it's not a big problem. Before he left, he brewed a new batch. After so many days, he can dig it out and drink it.

Coke and ice cream can also be made at any time.

In one afternoon, both should be almost the same.

After a while, a large serving of colorful ice cream was brought to the living room.

As this large serving of ice cream was served, the temperature in the living room suddenly dropped a few degrees and became a bit cooler.

Lu Qi made many kinds of flavors this time. He thought that the summer is over, and the weather is not so cold at this time, so he can finally enjoy the coolness brought by a wave of ice cream.

It's not that you can't eat it in winter, it's just that ice cream, eating it in winter and eating it in summer, are completely different feelings.

Quinn looked at the large portion of ice cream that was steaming with frost in front of him, and there seemed to be a layer of crystal clear ice beads shining on the surface, and he felt a little dazzling.

As for the other girls, there was no need for Lu Qi to shout, and they surrounded them early in the morning.

Lacus dug it horizontally with a male spoon, then lifted it up and placed it on a delicate plate. The ice cream was like a ball, containing all kinds of flavors.

Her eyes were shining, and she immediately used her own spoon to dig a large spoonful, and then put it into her mouth.

Feel the cold taste, and the rich sweetness that begins to spread, and swallow it with one bite.

She also suddenly covered her head and took a breath: "Hiss, it hurts."

Lu Qi glanced at her, and said with some amusement, "Who told you to eat so much in one bite."

Fortunately, Lux's head just hurt a little.

She soon regained her strength, and this time she did not dare to dig such a big spoonful at once, but took a small spoonful, put it in her mouth and sipped it slowly.

Her little face turned rosy, then she narrowed her eyes comfortably, and sighed: "It's so delicious."

So did Fiona, Kashina, and Sona.

They all ate slowly, and as the ice cream melted in their mouths, they couldn't get tired of its taste.

Ice cream is now sold in many places in Wangdu.

However, there is no place better than what Lu Qi cooks.

Two mouthfuls of ice cream and another sip of Coca-Cola reminded the girls of the past summer.

Quinn is also enjoying the ice cream quietly at the moment, taking small bites, and seems to like it very much.

At this time, footsteps came from outside, followed by Frey's voice.

"Your Highness, we are back."


Wei En and Frey walked into the living room one after another.

Looking at them, Lu Qi asked, "Is the matter over?"

Frey nodded: "If there are no accidents, it can be done within three days."

Anything to do this afternoon, mentioning Lu Qi's name, is much simpler, and many procedures have been omitted.

Otherwise, it is estimated that it will take a long time to toss.

After all, Wei En's hometown is in another city, which is quite a distance away from the capital, so it is not easy to transfer the family property there to the capital.

Fortunately, Wei En's parents were well-known before, and with Lu Qi's status, this matter was much easier.

"That's good, just come and taste the ice cream and Coke I made."

Lu Qi smiled.

Afterwards, Wei En and Frey sat on the sofa, looking at the ice cream in a large wooden box on the table, and the dark brown liquid, with curiosity in their eyes.

Urna brought over two dinner plates and cups.

Half a minute later, the two of them who tasted the ice cream and coke were all full of praise.

Sure enough, no woman can resist the charm of sweets.

Wei En seems to have a special fondness for this kind of cold food. Don't look at her eating it in small bites, but she has already dug out a second portion.

There was also an unconscious smile on the corner of his mouth, he seldom even participated in chatting, and only cared about eating.

While chatting casually, everyone ate ice cream and drank coke, enjoying the leisure in the evening.

Ice cream, no matter how delicious Lu Qi makes it.

It still can't change the situation that it eats too much and will have a stomachache.

Therefore, you have to learn to eat ice cream in moderation. If you feel that you have eaten enough, you will stop.

Feeling the coolness in his stomach, Lu Qi also leaned on the sofa, and suddenly remembered something.

"Speaking of which, I will go to the Crown Guard's house for dinner later."


Lux heard it and looked over, "Why?"

Lu Qi shook his head: "I don't know, that old woman told me to go."

Lux paused, looked at his face, and suddenly remembered something, then looked away, and said in an erratic tone: "Welcome."

It feels like this guy is a little inexplicably guilty.

Lu Qi gave her a strange look, feeling something was wrong, but he didn't think too much about it, then stood up and walked to the basement.

Prepare to drink a small beer the whole time.

In the basement, put the cup under the tap and watch the golden beer flow from the tap and fall into the cup.

Wait until the glass is full and turn off the tap.

Lu Qi also started to toast directly, and the beer with a bit of carbonated feeling slid down his throat.

He suddenly had an idea.

1 minute later.

Lu Qi came out of the basement, and at this time several girls were in the living room.

Miss Guanwei was lying on the sofa in a comfortable posture. She just ate a full meal of ice cream and didn't want to move. There was a satisfied smile on her small face.

Lu Qi also sat back down again, and he glanced at Sona first.

After Sona felt the sight, she also looked over, tilted her head and thought he was about to say something.

However, Lu Qi just blinked, then looked at Lacus, and then coughed: "Miss Crownguard."


Lacus opened his eyes and looked over with pure eyes.

A smile appeared on Lu Qi's face: "Believe it or not, I can read minds."

"Do not believe."

Lux curled her lips when she heard the words, and closed her eyes again.

"My mind reading ability is not very good, I can only read a little."

Lu Qi continued, "Since you don't believe me, how about we play a game? I close my eyes, and you compare a number at random. If I guess right, I win. I guessed right, you just need to give me two Ten gold, but if you guess wrong, I will give you back ten times."

Saying so, Lux opened her eyes again, and sat up directly, looking at Lu Qi repeatedly.

I thought to myself, where does this guy have the courage to play like this?

No matter how you think about it, this is pure money!
The other women also cast their gazes one after another, looking at Lu Qi strangely.

Lacus agreed now: "Okay!"

Lu Qi glanced at Sona again.

And Sona also understood what he meant at this moment, and a look of helplessness suddenly appeared on her face.

"That's it, I'm going to start."

Lu Qi closed his eyes, and put his hands on Sona's piano casually.

"Your Highness, is it really okay to bully Lacus like this?"

Sona's voice sounded at this moment.

Of course Lu Qi couldn't return, he asked, "Are you ready?"

Lacus snorted: "Can't you read minds, guess if it works."

The next second, Sona's helpless voice sounded again.



When Lu Qi heard it, he opened his mouth and said it directly.

Suddenly, the surroundings were quiet.

Quinn, Kashina, Wayne, and Fiona all stared at the number seven in Lux's hand, and were stunned.

Urna looked over.

And Lacus was the most confused one.

Only Frey glanced at Sona and Lu Qi, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Did you peek?"

Lux stared at Lu Qi suspiciously, but found that his eyes were closed tightly.

Lu Qi said: "So many of you are looking at me, did you peek at me, didn't anyone notice?"

"It must be good luck, come again!"

Lux did not see him open his eyes, thinking so, and immediately compared a number again.

As for Sona, she glanced at her with some sympathy.

Miss Crownguard, how poor.
However, there was a smile in her eyes.

But it feels fun.

And the feeling that only she can help His Highness cheat is also great.


When Lu Qi heard the voice, he immediately opened his mouth and said, "Nine."

This time, the surrounding was quiet again for a moment.

Fiona frowned slightly, with a look of interest in her eyes. She stared at Lu Qi the whole time, and she was sure that he hadn't opened his eyes.

If it is good luck to guess right once, what happens twice in a row?
Are you particularly lucky?

Lux stared blankly at the number nine she compared, completely unable to understand that this guy guessed it now.

Could this guy really read minds?

She didn't believe in evil, and looked at Kashina: "Block his ears too!"

Lu Qi said speechlessly: "Is it possible that I can still hear the numbers you compared."

Kashina had already got up at this time, covered his ears with her two small hands, and blocked the loudest voice.

Because of the ice cream she had just eaten, her little hands felt a little cold, but it wasn't particularly cold, and it was quite comfortable.

But what Lu Qi heard was the voice of his heart, and it would definitely be useless to plug his ears.



After Lu Qi heard it, he spoke.

Lux used both hands at this time, one hand clenched equals ten, and the other hand opened equals five.

At this moment, a little blankness appeared in her big eyes.

If you hit it three times in a row, it is absolutely impossible to be lucky.

what is the problem?

Fiona, Quinn, Wayne, and Kashina couldn't understand this question either.

"Are you still coming?"

Lu Qi asked casually at this time.


Lacus gritted her teeth and put her hands behind her back this time.

Then it changed several times in a row, and finally confirmed a number.

However, these changes in her were clearly seen by Sona behind her.

"Three, and then five."

Lu Qi also said: "Three then becomes five."

Lux suddenly widened her eyes, full of disbelief.

This guy can even know how she changes numbers?

For some reason, she began to panic a little at this moment.

Can this guy really read minds?
"Are you still coming?"

"not coming"

Lacus shook her head, but now she has been giving away money for nothing.

Seeing Lu Qi opened his eyes, she couldn't help but ask, "Are you really good at reading minds?"

Lu Qi replied with a smile: "No, I just said that on purpose."

Lacus was stunned: "Then how do you know the number I compared?"

Lu Qi smiled mysteriously: "This is a secret."

Seeing that he was not going to say anything, the very curious girls at the scene also looked at him resentfully, as if they could eat him up.

But no matter how you look at it, Lu Qi doesn't intend to say anything.

When the time comes, they will naturally know.

After all, it was a secret between him and Sona.

"Give money, give money."

Lu Qi also raised his hand at this moment, and looked at Lux opposite him with a smile on his face.

Lacus took out her wallet very upset, then counted eighty gold coins, and reluctantly handed it over.

She had won all this money with great difficulty, but within a few minutes, it was all gone.

It hurts, it hurts too much.

She looked at Lu Qi, and spat in her heart: "Lu Qi is a stupid pig!"

Then she immediately looked at Lu Qi's expression, and found that his expression didn't change at all.

Then it was confirmed, it seems that this guy really can't read minds.

Otherwise, it's not normal for her to be so humiliated without any reaction at all.

Of course, mind reading itself is impractical.

Even if Lu Qi said he would, the girls didn't believe it.

What they suspected was that this guy used some means to learn the number given by Laxby.

It's just that they couldn't think of this method.

After all, they never imagined that Lu Qi could hear Sona's inner voice.

At this moment, Lu Qi was in a happy mood and counted Miss Guanwei's small coffers.

Eighty gold, eighty gold.

Conceptually, this amount of money is a drop in the bucket for him, not worth mentioning.

But in a sense, it is very important.

He especially liked the feeling of cheating Miss Crown Guard's small coffers into his hands.

Seeing her displeased little expression, he felt happy.

This is the true usage of Sona's voice!
"Next time I won't cooperate with you!"

At this moment, Sona snorted lightly, and the voice came over.

Lu Qi raised his head and looked at her with a smile.

Sona had a gentle smile on her face as always.

After getting along for a long time, you will find that her character is really gentle.

But only Lu Qi, who enjoys her voice exclusively, can see her more playful side.

Looking at Lu Qi who was deliberately counting money at her, Lacus stared at her with resentful eyes.

The money was all hers a minute ago.

(End of this chapter)

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