LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 157 Chapter 156: Little Golden Retriever, just wait, don't fall into my hands someday

Chapter 157 Chapter 156: Little Golden Retriever, just wait, don't fall into my hands someday
However, Lux soon thought of something, and her mood changed accordingly.

In the next second, he looked at Lu Qi and said, "It seems that my family is about to have dinner."

"is it?"

When Lu Qi heard this, he also stopped counting the money and put it all away.

"At noon, I marinated the fried sauce and prepared the noodles, and I will let Yuerna cook it for you then."

Originally, Lu Qi wanted to eat fried noodles.

But in the morning, she promised Tiana that she would go to Mianwei's house in the evening, so she cooked it in advance and waited for it to be eaten as a supper when she came back in the evening.

And Fiona and the others can have dinner first.

After explaining, he and Lacus were ready to set off for the Crown Guard's house.

The sky outside was no different from darkness, it was dark.

While trotting into the yard, Lacus sat directly on the back seat of a bicycle, then looked at Lu Qi and blinked, the meaning was obvious.

Lu Qi glanced at her and sat on the front seat.

Behind him, Lux's happy voice suddenly came: "Let's go!"

Lu Qi kicked his foot, the bicycle started immediately, and rode out of the yard slowly.

But his speed is like a tortoise crawling, not exciting at all.

Lux put a small hand on his shoulder and said dissatisfiedly, "Can you ride faster."

Lu Qi yawned: "There's only so much road in total, why ride so fast, it's really impossible to change people, you ride."

"I do not want it."

Lux snorted, became quiet, and did not ask Lu Qi to speed up.

After careful feeling, she felt that this kind of slow riding seemed to be quite good.

However, just as she was relaxing, Lu Qi kicked her feet suddenly.

The bicycle speeded up instantly and rushed out.


Lux was startled immediately, and with a cry of surprise, she quickly hugged Lu Qi in front of her tightly, and pressed her body against it.

Feeling the tension of the girl behind him, Lu Qi laughed loudly: "Miss Guanwei, are you satisfied now?"

Lux came back to her senses, stared at his back, and gritted her teeth in embarrassment.

She forgot that this guy likes to come here suddenly!

Hearing this guy's smug laughter, Lux immediately stretched out her hand unhappily, and poked hard on his waist.


Lu Qi's laughter stopped abruptly, he took a breath, and his whole body was full of excitement.

The bicycle also shook twice, almost unstable, and he hurriedly said: "Don't make trouble, I don't care if it falls later."

"If you want to fall, you will fall together!"

Lux let out a nonchalant sound, and poked her little hand towards the other side again.

Lu Qi is indeed afraid of being poked in the waist, and for the same reason, he is also afraid of being tickled.

However, at this moment, there is no way to dodge, because there is no way to fight back because they have to ride a bicycle.

The guy behind him obviously wasn't going to let him go easily.

In this way, Lu Qi simply went all out, exerted force on his feet again, kicked hard, and then the bicycle rushed out at an even faster speed.

At such a speed, it almost became an afterimage.

The road ahead is still unstable, and it will bump a few times from time to time.

As a result, Lax had to use both hands to stabilize her figure, and she hugged Lu Qi's waist, so she didn't dare to mess around.

After all, even she knows that it still hurts to fall at this speed.

At this time, the sky was dark, there was no electric light on the road, and the light was also dim. However, Lu Qi's eyesight was very good, and even this kind of road did not affect him.

The night of Demacia is still illuminated by fire lamps.

The Crownguard House itself is only 10 minutes away from his home.

At this moment, under Lu Qi's rapid acceleration, it was directly shortened to 3 minutes.

With a brake, the bicycle turned handsomely and gracefully, and stopped steadily at the Guanwei mansion.


Lu Qi exhaled, and then took a light seat.

Lux fell to the ground and glared at him. Because of the excitement just now, her little face was flushed and her heart was still beating faster.

The next second, she snorted coquettishly, ignored him, and walked towards the house.

Lu Qi parked his bicycle first before following in.

The Crownguard House, in the drawing room.

Augesa looked at Lu Qi who came in behind Lacus, with a smile on her face, and said with a smile: "I haven't seen you for a long time, come and sit down."

Lu Qi also greeted with a smile: "Good evening, Auntie."

"good evening."

Augusta's eyes were very gentle.

Lu Qi approached the living room, sat on the sofa, and chatted with Augsa.

Not long after, Tiana finished today's work early and rushed back.

This is basically the time for meals at the Guanwei family.

The kitchen began to prepare dinner.

I knew in advance that Lu Qi would come over today, so the dinner was very well prepared.

Of course, the time is not as time-consuming as Lu Qi wants to fry so many hometown dishes.

In about half an hour, the dishes were served on the table one by one.

The chef hired by the Guanwei family is obviously of a certain standard, but compared with Lu Qi, it is far behind.

At the dinner table, Tiana was always smiling and serving food to Lu Qi.

It can be said that they are taken care of in every possible way.

In a sense, this is also her way of expressing "sorry".

So Lu Qi accepted it with peace of mind, and this meal also had a different flavor.

After dinner.

Lu Qi casually leaned on the sofa after eating and drinking, drinking hot tea slowly, as if he regarded this as his own home.

Augatha went back to her room to read.

Lacus also left on the grounds of "going to the bathroom".

Tiana sat on one side, looked at Lu Qi, with a smile on her face: "Are you full?"

"I'm full."

Lu Qi replied with a comfortable posture.

Tiana was quiet for a second, and then said more seriously: "This meal is just my apology. It is indeed my negligence to send you to investigate Ke'er Village this time."

She is not a person who can't save face in front of the juniors.

In this matter, she did almost put Lu Qi in danger.

Therefore, the apology that should be expressed must be expressed.

And looking at the tall old woman, who also lowered her head to apologize at this moment, Lu Qi suddenly felt a sense of ecstasy.

He Erlang raised his legs, waved his hands casually, raised his head and nose to look at people and said: "Hey, aunt, what you said is alienating, our family even apologized specifically, it is unnecessary and unnecessary. But since you are sincere I'm sorry, and I'll accept it."

Look at the way he starts to pull up.

The smile on Tiana's face grew stronger: "Since you accepted my apology, it's time for us to talk about other things."

At this moment, Lu Qi's mentality is in the expansion stage, he completely forgets how much he is, and asks with a high attitude: "What's the matter?"

Tiana stood up, and while moving her body, making a creaking sound, she asked, "Do you think I'm old?"

Lu Qi paused, looking at Tiana who stood up.Erlang put his raised legs back silently, and subconsciously sat up a little more.

He said from the bottom of his heart: "Of course I'm not old. When I saw you, Auntie, when I was walking on the street, I thought it was a little girl who had run away."

"Really? Is this what you really think?"

Tiana had a smile on her face, but her smile looked a little cold at the moment.

Seeing this smile, Lu Qi felt a bad premonition in his heart, and only felt a chill rise up behind his back.

He is also very familiar with Tiana, so he can naturally see that this smile is a smile with a bad face!
At this moment, Lu Qi went through all the things he committed in his mind.

Then, thinking of Tiana's question, he suddenly shuddered, thinking of something.

He couldn't calm down immediately, showing a guilty smile, looking at Tiana who started to walk towards him, also stood up and kept backing away.

"Auntie, no matter what Lacus tells you, don't believe her. In my heart, you will always be the most beautiful, most beautiful, and most generous woman."

He expressed his strong desire to survive.

"is it?"

Tiana calmly took out a letter from her bosom, "Then how do you explain the word "old woman" on this letter? Also, I heard from someone that you call me quite a lot in private."

"What old women, tigresses, menopause, I'm not even 40 years old, so I'm in menopause, right?"

As she uttered a sentence, a frightening coldness emerged from her whole body.

At this moment, Tiana, how can she still have the expression of apologizing before?

Lu Qi felt that he was in an ice cave at this moment, his whole body and even his hands and feet were cold, he swallowed.

Good guy, courtesy first, soldiers later, right?

He squeezed out a harmless smile, struggling for the last time: "Slander, this is obviously someone with ulterior motives, trying to provoke the relationship between our aunt and nephew."

"Then she succeeded in provoking."

Tiana's voice fell, and people moved accordingly.

Lu Qi immediately wanted to turn around and run away, but before he had time to use his posture, Tiana grabbed the back of his neck like a chicken.

At this time, he saw a blond hair in the corner of the living room.

In my heart, I suddenly felt extremely sad!
be cheated!
I think I, Lu Qi Yingming I, actually fell into this kind of place!
Until this moment, Lu Qi, who was slow to react, finally realized.

This, what kind of apology dinner.

Obviously, it is a long-awaited Hongmen banquet!
Not long after, a certain prince's pitiful screams came from above the Mianwei mansion.

His elder brother had been beaten since he was a child, and he couldn't escape in the end.

At the same time, Lu Qi also understood a truth.

That is a creature like a woman, a creature that absolutely holds a grudge!

Outside the living room, Lacus leaned against the wall, listening to the screams inside, and mourned for Lu Qi for a tenth of a second in her heart.

In my heart, that is a refreshing!
After a few minutes.

Tiana left the living room refreshed, as if she had let all the anger out of her heart.

After waiting for a few seconds, Lacus entered the living room, and immediately saw Lu Qi lying on the sofa with a loveless expression on his face.

She thought about it, walked over, squatted down, and looked closely at Lu Qi's pale face at the moment.

This feeling of paleness added a touch of sickly handsomeness to his handsome face.

She stretched out her hand, poked Lu Qi's face, and said, "Does it hurt that much?"

In Lu Qi's eyes, a little brilliance was restored, and he looked at Lacus.

"Is it a question of whether it hurts or not? Do you know how humiliating it is for me to be spanked at my age? And it does hurt a little bit."

At this moment, Lu Qi felt a pain in body and mind.

That old woman is really ruthless!
Is this how Jarvan IV came here for so many years?
At this moment, he finally understood the difficulty of his elder brother.

Seeing his miserable state, Lux wanted to laugh out loud, but held back.

Looking at Lux who was holding back her laughter, Lu Qi silently clenched his fists.

In the 679th year of the Demacia calendar, on August [-]th, Lacus humiliated me, Lu Qi remembered this hatred!

This sad, Lu Qi didn't want to stay for a second longer.

So, Lu Qi stood up and prepared to go home.


Look at that bike.

Lux thought for a while and said, "I'll take you."

With that said, she sat in the front seat.

Lu Qi didn't refuse, and sat directly on the back seat, then adjusted his posture so as not to touch the wound.

"Have you sat still?"


Get Lu Qi's response.

Lux kicked her feet, and the bicycle started to move forward.

Her riding speed is not fast, maybe because of Lu Qi's injury, it is only a little faster than Lu Qi's previous tortoise crawling.

This way of riding, you can feel a gentle wind blowing across your cheeks.

Looking at the back of Miss Guanwei in front of him, Lu Qi also noticed that she had also learned to ride a bicycle before she knew it.

The ride time was pretty good.

It's just that there is a bumpy road ahead, and when you ride there, you will bump and bump with the bike.


Lu Qi's butt was also hit hard twice, making him gasp.

Hear the sound of gasping for air.

Lux couldn't hold back any longer, and burst into a "puchi" laugh, and the louder and louder the laugh, the more unscrupulous she was.

The corners of Lu Qi's mouth twitched, and he raised his hand without hesitation in the next second, and stretched the flesh around Lax's waist.

He knows medical skills, so he naturally knows which acupuncture point is more sensitive.

Following this, Lux's laughter stopped immediately, and she only felt an itchy electric current rushing through her body, and her whole body was jittery, and there was a groaning sound from her mouth.

The bicycle also shook a few times and almost fell down unsteadily.

In the next second, her face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After stabilizing the bicycle, she turned her head, her eyes glared at Lu Qi, and her position changed: "Don't move around, I don't care if you fall later."

Lu Qi snorted coldly: "I also know where the Laughter Point is, do you want to experience it?"

"In no mood!"

When Lux heard this, she quickly accelerated her riding speed to prevent Lu Qi from messing around.

The electric current feeling just now was quite exciting, but Miss Crown Guard, who just lost her wave, didn't want to experience it again.

Fortunately, Lu Qi did not move after that.

A few minutes later, the bicycle parked safely in the yard.

At this time, the sky was completely dark, and there were no lights in the yard, so the light was dim.

When the two walked into the living room, Fiona and the others were sitting in the living room chatting, apparently having finished their dinner.

Lux, who glanced at her flushed face, walked in first.

Then I saw Lu Qi's steps coming in, which was a little weird.

Fiona couldn't help asking strangely: "What's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, I fell down on the road."

Lu Qi fooled around casually.

With a "poof", Lux wanted to laugh again after hearing what he said.

The corner of Lu Qi's mouth twitched slightly, and he clenched his fist silently again.

Little golden retriever!
You wait!

Don't fall into my hands someday!
"Stop talking, I'll go soak in the hot springs for a while."

At this moment, Lu Qi continued to use the hot spring to soothe his wounded soul.

With that said, he walked towards the backyard.

Urna had already filled the hot spring pool with water in advance.

Looking at the clear hot spring water, steaming, Lu Qi also felt nostalgic in his heart. How could he have a chance to soak in the hot spring after being away for so many days.

After thinking about it, he decided to take a medicinal bath tonight.

So I started some preparations, and when the smell of medicine began to emerge in the pool and the color changed, the timing was almost right.

Immediately, he also began to undress.

As soon as he took off his two clothes, the sound of footsteps sounded.

Looking at it, all the girls are also coming. From the entrance, you can just see Lu Qi who is undressed.

Fortunately, Lu Qi just took off his upper body clothes at this time, his skin looks quite fair, and his figure is surprisingly good.

The tight muscles don't appear to be overly swollen, just right to make his figure look muscular, with a touch of beauty.

Coupled with that chiseled face, it is simply very eye-catching, especially at night.

All of a sudden, many eyes fell on him.

Men like to look at women's bodies.

Why is this not the case for women? At this moment, the eyes of the girls fell on him generously, full of admiration.

Fiona, Lux, Kashina, and Sona, who have seen the hot spring several times before, are used to it.

But Lu Qi's figure, for them, doesn't seem to get tired of seeing it several times.

As for Quinn and Wei En, although they spent a lot of time with Lu Qi, it was the first time they saw this scene.

The two of them hadn't started soaking in the hot spring, but their faces were already turning red.

Lu Qi was watched by so many pairs of eyes, and there was no expression on his face.

Immediately, he put his hands on both sides of his trousers, looked at them and said, "I can continue to take it off."

The voice fell.

The girls on the opposite side also stepped forward one after another, walking towards the other side of the white curtain that was drawn in advance.

After a while, there was also the rustling sound of undressing, and at this time, a few graceful figures could be vaguely seen through the white curtain.

But Lu Qi's attention at the moment is all on the hot spring pool.

The clothes on his body were quickly taken off, and at this moment, a layer of light-colored mist was already lingering in the pool.

He came to the hot spring pool and slowly soaked his body in it, starting from his feet.

As the whole body submerged into the pool, it was gradually replaced by a wave of warmth, and the hairs all over stood on end.

After experiencing the feeling of soaking in hot springs again after a long absence, Lu Qi's whole body softened accordingly.


In the next second, he also sank his head into the water, letting his whole body go through the water.

Emerging from the water again, he let out a long breath and leaned against the pool, feeling extremely comfortable.

The feeling of soaking in hot springs after 21 days is different.

His body was warm at the moment, he had no strength at all, and he didn't want to move again.

The wounded heart was also healed in an extremely fast time.

(End of this chapter)

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