LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 159 If you want to say this, we won't be sleepy!

Chapter 159 If you want to say this, we won't be sleepy! ([-] words, ask for a monthly ticket)

The next day.

As the sky outside gradually brightened, Lu Qi also woke up in time.

Because of the good sleep last night, he woke up with a smile on his lips.

He looked at the sky outside and then at the clock.

It was only 06:30 in the morning.

Calculating the time, he only slept for six and a half hours. Generally speaking, his sleep time is basically around eight hours.

Lying on the bed on his back, looking at the ceiling of the room, he was in a trance for a few seconds.

Not feeling a trace of sleepiness, Lu Qi sat up slowly, stretched his waist, and didn't plan to go back to sleep.

Although autumn has just entered at this time, the weather and summer are somewhat entangled.

The temperature suddenly rises one day and cools down the next day.

Today is hot weather, even though it is still early in the morning, Lu Qi feels a little stuffy.

So I thought about going outside to enjoy the cool breeze.

Looking at the calendar, Lu Qi remembered that there are still a lot of things to do today.

For example, he's going to college.

This trip to Edessa City was originally to participate in a hunting competition, but the competition was canceled midway due to the cult's troubles.

But this doesn't cancel Lu Qi's achievement, so his No.1 still counts.

The credits for No.1 are 20 points. According to the pen force that every five points can be exchanged for one day of vacation, it can be exchanged for [-] days of vacation.

So this process still has to go to the academy.

Lu Qi almost laughed out loud at the thought that he would not have to go to school for the next 20 days.

After changing his clothes, he also came downstairs.

At this time, Wei En and Frey had already woken up, and they were doing morning exercises a little far away in the backyard.

It was a little farther away, but it didn't disturb Lu Qi.

The rest of the girls haven't come yet, but they should be coming soon.

After washing up, Lu Qi got into the kitchen. Because he had supper last night, he wasn't particularly hungry in the morning.

So prepare a light breakfast this morning.

Basically, porridge and soup are the main ones. It takes some time to cook these, but it is still early, and there is no time.

After working for a while, I put several different kinds of porridge on the stove and started cooking, and then told Yuerna to come over and watch.

Lu Qi walked out of the courtyard with slow steps.

During this time Sona, Kashina and Quinn also arrived.

"Good morning, Your Highness!"

After saying hello, Kashina and Quinn joined the morning exercise team in the backyard.

And Sona cultivated her piano skills as always, she sat there quietly with an incomparably dignified and peaceful demeanor.

Breakfast here is also a good scenery.

After admiring it for a few moments, Lu Qi lay comfortably on the rocking chair and began to stare at the sky in a daze.

As a person, as long as he does nothing, even if he is in a daze, he is happy.

And, given enough time, he can stay for hours.

Not long after, Fiona also arrived. Today's Miss Jian Ji was wearing a cold white shirt, which gave her an aura of not getting close to strangers.

"Good morning."

Lu Qi greeted casually after seeing it.

"Good morning."

Fiona's gaze swept across Lu Qi's body, she replied coldly, and walked towards the backyard.

Lu Qi continued to lie motionless.

After a while, the figure of Miss Mianwei walked in from the gate of the courtyard. She looked listless, and there were two conspicuous dark circles on her fair face. She didn't sleep well.

Seeing this, a smile appeared on Lu Qi's face, and he said hello: "Good morning, Miss Guanwei."

"Okay you ghost."

Hearing this, Lux raised her head and looked over with resentful eyes.

As soon as she saw the smug smile on this guy's face, she felt a surge of anger in her heart.

She gritted her teeth and walked towards him: "It's all because of you that I stayed up late to catch up with my homework, and only slept for two or three hours!"

She showed a look of cannibalism in her eyes, which made Lu Qi panic a little.

He immediately got up from his chair, ready to make a decisive escape if the situation was even slightly wrong.

However, halfway through the walk, Lux's whole body was exhausted, and she became weaker and weaker. It is estimated that she was really sleepy and had no strength at all.

Seeing the rocking chair, she lay down directly on it, then closed her eyes, and murmured, "I'll sleep for a while."

Lu Qi looked at her and said, "You're so sleepy, why don't you just sleep at home for a while?"

Upon hearing this, Lacus, who had just closed her eyes, opened them again, and gave him the same look: "I overslept, so I don't have breakfast."

It's not easy for her too!
If it wasn't for breakfast, who would want to forcefully get up before [-] o'clock in the morning!

After speaking, she closed her eyes again.

Lu Qi couldn't help laughing.

Obviously, this wave is because he underestimated the determination of a foodie.

Soon, Lacus snored slightly from the rocking chair next to her.

Lu Qi took a look, her sleeping face was very cute, like a kitten.

Even the dream came very quickly, I don't know what the dream was, and soon, a sweet smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Lu Qi lay on the rocking chair, looking at the misty sky, he also thought of something, and then he muttered silently in his heart.

"Sign in."

【Sign in successfully】

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the primary skill upgrade card*1]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a full-level ordinary random skill card]

[The item has been stored in the system backpack, please check and use it by the host]

Hearing several consecutive system sounds in his head, Lu Qi also shifted his attention to the system backpack.

Another full-level random skill card was obtained.

He couldn't help but look forward to what the skills he acquired this time would be.

Before that, he first said in his heart: "Use the upgrade card to upgrade to Wind Willow."

[Successfully used primary skill upgrade card]

[Skill - Return Wind Willow level increased to LV4 (integration)]

A flash of perception about Returning Wind Willow, and after a while, Lu Qi also gradually dissipated these perceptions.

In his mind, he had a deeper understanding of Huifeng Willow.

At the same time, his agility has also improved a little.

Returning Wind Willow is one of Lu Qi's common skills, which is more useful.

The most important thing is that it is also an accessory for upgrading the ever-changing magic.

Immediately, Lu Qi continued in his mind: "Use a random skill card."

[Full level random skill card used successfully]

[Congratulations to the host for acquiring the common skill - Thunder Swordsmanship LV9 (Back to Basics)]

[A learnable skill has been detected, Thunder Sword Technique LV9, do you want to learn it? 】


Following Lu Qi's response.

In the next moment, a lot of information flooded into Lu Qi's mind, and the amount of information this time was even more than the previous martial arts.

It was as if he had been brought into an independent world, where there was only an endless practice platform.

And he, holding a long sword in his hand, honed his sword skills here day after day, year after year.

As time progressed, his swordsmanship became more and more profound, and the speed of swinging the sword became faster and faster. It was as if there was a faint thunder when he swung the sword.

These feelings, like personal experience, made Lu Qi feel a sense of fulfillment.

As his understanding deepened, an aura began to emerge from his body.

This aura was extremely sharp, and as the aura continued to rise, a gust of wind blew up around him.

It made Lux next to him feel it, opened his eyes in a daze, and then glanced at Lu Qi next to him.

He seemed to realize something strange again.

In the next second, Lacus turned over and continued to sleep peacefully.

And in the backyard, Fiona, who was swinging the sword at the dummy, also keenly sensed the rising of a small level of sword intent.

She stopped what she was doing and couldn't help but look towards the front yard.

The sense of sharpness coming from the front yard is like a new sword intent.

Her cold eyes flickered, and she knew who the sword intent came from without guessing.


As the perception of Ji Lei swordsmanship dissipated, Lu Qi also slowly opened his eyes, feeling very good.

Although this Thunderbolt swordsmanship is only an ordinary skill, it is quite good among ordinary skills.

Moreover, ordinary skills are not necessarily weaker than high-level skills when they reach the back-to-basics level.

Of course, it also depends on how you compare.

However, after learning Thunder Sword, Lu Qi is quite satisfied with this new sword technique.

After all, it also comes with a Xiaocheng level Thunderbolt Sword Intent as a gift.

As an ordinary skill, Xiaocheng-level sword intent is already its limit.

"What sword intent did you realize again?"

Along with the sound of footsteps, Fiona's voice came.

"more than."

Lu Qi looked sideways, with a smile on his face, "I also learned a new sword move."


Even Fiona, after hearing what he said at this moment, couldn't help but cast a question mark.

And those cold eyes are also clearly saying the word "do not believe" at this moment.

"Go, let you experience the lesson."

Seeing her expression, Lu Qi got up from the rocking chair, with his hands behind his back, looking like an old man.

Fiona looked at his back, thought for a while, and followed.

The two came to the backyard.

Lu Qi found a long blade and held it in his hand.

"bring it on."

Fiona noticed that his sword-holding posture seemed to be a little different from usual, she held her rapier in her hand, stood a little further away, looked at him and said.

Over there, Kashina, Wayne, Quinn, and Frey were also the two who immediately noticed the confrontation.

Immediately, they became interested and gathered around to watch the battle.

"get ready."

In the next second, Lu Qi's calm voice fell, and his figure moved accordingly, aiming at Fiona on the opposite side, and attacked with a single move.

This sword is fast and fierce, and accompanied by the sword intent attached to the blade, there is a hint of domineering feeling.

It really is a new sword move.

It is different from his usual wind-like swordsmanship.

The swordsmanship at this moment looks more direct and simple, but the pressure it brings to her does not diminish in the slightest.

There was a hint of surprise in her eyes, Fiona raised the thin blade to block the sword, and took advantage of the opportunity to counterattack and stab it.

Lu Qi had expected it, and also blocked the blow.

In the next moment, he did not hold back his hands and used all the Thunderbolt swordsmanship.

The four watching the battle looked at Lu Qi's new sword move with curious eyes.

The back-to-basics level Thunderbolt swordsmanship can be said to be one move after another, like rolling thunder, fast and fierce.

Although not as chic and cool as Yufeng Swordsmanship looks.

But the combination of each of these simple and unpretentious moves brought pressure on Fiona, but it was not weaker than the Yufeng swordsmanship in the slightest.

Simple and unpretentious does not mean weak.

As the two attacked each other, Fiona also gradually saw that Lu Qi's comprehension of this new sword move had reached a very high level.

At the same time, Fiona was sure that this was indeed a new sword move.

At least, she had never seen it in Demacia, and she had never seen Lu Qi use it before.

So this is what he suddenly realized?

There is no chance?
Looking at Lu Qi on the opposite side, while Fiona felt numb in her heart, she still had a bit of surprise that did not dissipate.

She knew from the beginning that Lu Qi's talent was very high. After all, it only took him three months to overtake her from the slightly immature frog swordsman back then.

And the swordsmanship that can control the wind with one hand also grew to the current level during this period.

The most important thing is that this guy seldom practiced on purpose.

Now, even lying down, he comprehended a new sword move.

This talent can no longer be described with exaggeration.

This means that if this guy wants to, he can choose to establish a school at any time, vigorously develop this kind of swordsmanship, and be admired by others.

Usually after this sparring, Fiona was already convinced that this new sword move was not weak at all.

Although the upper limit is there, the tricks are very solid.

Self-enlightenment sword moves, if you say it's rare, it's not particularly rare.

After all, in this long history, there are not a few people who comprehend sword moves, otherwise, how could there be all kinds of sword skills today.

What surprised Fiona was that even these sword moves would need to be honed from generation to generation in the long river of time to become more perfect.

Just like the swordsmanship of the Laurent family, it was her ancestors who had continuously improved and polished it to become what it is now.

But this guy is using every move at this moment, and he is already at a quite perfect level.


I sighed in my heart.

On this day, Fiona understood what it means to compare people to others, and it can piss people off.

Thinking of this, she also suddenly lost interest in the discussion, and when she found a chance, she withdrew and stopped.

Lu Qi also stopped and looked at the opposite side: "Stop fighting?"

"It's boring to fight with you."

Fiona glanced at him with cold eyes and said so.

She didn't even know why she found this guy in the first place.

Could it be that you are here to stimulate yourself?

The previous Fiona was still thinking about it all day, pulling Lu Qi to discuss.

But now, I suddenly lost this interest
It's just that she has a strong psychological endurance, otherwise if she stays with this guy all day, she might go crazy one day.

Even so, she should try her best to reduce the possibility of being stimulated!

Seeing this look, Lu Qi felt as if he was disgusted, and he asked, "How about this sword technique?"

Hearing this, Fiona thought for a while, and replied: "It's pretty good, the sword moves are closely connected, the moves are solid, fast, fierce, and both offensive and defensive. Although the upper limit seems not high, but from my point of view , is a good sword technique."

Hearing Fiona's comment, Lu Qi smiled.

As expected of a sword princess.

Just from a sparring session, one can already see through the characteristics of this Thunderbolt Sword Art.

As an ordinary level skill, Thunderbolt Swordsmanship is absolutely achievable.

Fiona then asked again: "Have you decided on a name for your swordsmanship?"

Lu Qi replied: "How about Thunderbolt swordsmanship?"

"Thunderbolt Sword Technique."

Fiona repeated it to herself, and said with a smile, "It's quite appropriate."

Cooperating with the surge of sword intent, this sword technique is like rolling thunder, very fast and powerful.

Fiona had seen a lot of swordplay, but not many that caught her eye.

When he met Lu Qi in that training camp back then, Yufeng's swordsmanship counted as one.

The Thunderbolt swordsmanship at this moment is also considered one.

When Lu Qi was teaching the Yufeng swordsmanship to Miss Mianwei, she also learned it from the sidelines.

It's just that, for the so-called wind, I still haven't felt it.

This shows that she does not have a high compatibility with Yufeng Swordsmanship.

So at that time Lu Qi knew that with Fiona's talent in swordsmanship, if she couldn't even feel the most basic wind.

That means she is really not suitable for learning this.

However, at the moment, she has a lot of interest in Thunderbolt swordsmanship.

During these years, she also studied a lot of sword skills in private, and finally these became the experience to improve her Wushuang sword skills.

This Ji Lei sword technique focuses on speed, but power is second.

And Wushuang swordsmanship also pays attention to the word "fast", the faster the stabbing, the more powerful it can reflect the Wushuang swordsmanship.

Therefore, Fiona was a little moved, looked at Lu Qi, and said, "I want to learn this sword technique."

Looking at the frank desire in her eyes, Lu Qi nodded with a smile: "Okay, I will teach you when I have time."

"Your Highness, I want to too!"

Kashina, who was watching the battle over there, also raised her hand with sparkling eyes at this moment.

Even Quinn and Wei En showed emotion when they saw Lu Qi's smooth swordsmanship.

They are good at long-distance combat, so they have always been slightly weak in melee combat skills.

At this moment, you can indeed learn some melee swordsmanship to strengthen your combat power.

That's why the training class for Thunderbolt Swordsmanship was established.

But of course there is no way to start classes now.

At this time Yuerna stepped forward and said, "Your Highness, the soup is ready."

"Okay, then let's eat!"

Lu Qi put the weapon in his hand back on the weapon rack.

in the restaurant.

Lacus sat on the seat in a trance, her little face looked dazed at this moment, as if she had lost her soul.

She woke up in the middle of her sleep, and she could be said to be sleepy at the moment.

However, no matter how sleepy she was, the speed at which she ate breakfast did not slow down at all.

Lu Qi not only cooked all kinds of porridge in the morning, but also steamed buns of several flavors.

At this moment, Lux was holding a steamed bun in her left hand, eating while feeling sleepy.

As the delicious steamed stuffed buns entered the mouth, she immediately regained some energy, her eyes lit up: "It's delicious!"

This bun is like a blood recovery item.

With every bite, Lux felt refreshed.

She is not slow to eat, but she is not in a hurry when eating. She has obvious aristocratic self-cultivation, coupled with her happy expression.

Even the people sitting next to him will become very hungry after watching this scene.

What she ate was really delicious.

Of course, there is also a reason why Lu Qi cooks so deliciously.

After several mouthfuls of buns in a row, Lacus felt a little choked, and immediately used a spoon to scoop up a spoonful of white fungus porridge.

The sweet and moist white fungus porridge slid down the throat and into the lower abdomen, exuding a slight warmth.

Instantly healed Lux's wounded heart after staying up late.

This morning, Miss Crownguard is still fighting.

She ate six buns by herself.

This is not the kind of Xiaolongbao, the steamed buns that Lu Qi steams are the ones as big as a palm.

At times like this, Lu Qi would admire the little golden retriever's amazing appetite from the bottom of his heart.

After breakfast, it was almost time to go to the academy.

on the carriage.

Lu Qi and Lux ​​sat on the right side of the carriage.

When people are full, it is the stage where they are most likely to get sleepy.

After only a few minutes, the 'spiritual buff' brought by the steamed stuffed bun was emptied.

Along with some bumpy road sections, the carriage shook slightly, and under the sound of the wheels turning continuously, it was like a hypnotic sound.

Lux yawned several times in succession, and then her expression became more and more sleepy. She sat there and swayed as the carriage drove.

Immediately afterwards, following the carriage's slight jolt again, she fell directly towards Lu Qi on the left.

Seeing this, Lu Qi thought for a second, but didn't move away.

Lux lay on his lap as a pillow. I don't know if she noticed it. She groaned twice, then adjusted a comfortable posture, and soon let out a long and long breathing sound, sleeping very soundly.

She is in the same state of falling asleep as she says, just like Lu Qi.

He glanced down at the girl's sleepy face, then looked away and looked out the window.

Three 10 minutes later.

The carriage slowly stopped at the gate of the Royal Academy.

In the carriage, Lacus still slept soundly.

Seeing the students outside entering the courtyard, Lu Qi turned his gaze back to Lacus's face.

Looking at this cute sleeping face, he raised his hand and squeezed it without any softness.


Lux, who was sleeping, yelled aggrievedly.

It can be seen that Lu Qi did not show mercy.

And Lux ​​soon woke up from the pain, she opened her eyes in a daze, and there was still a bit of bewilderment in her big eyes.

Then she sat up, feeling the pain on the right side of her cheek, looked at Lu Qi, and suddenly said unhappily, "What are you doing?"

Lu Qi replied: "Wake you up."

Lacus covered her right cheek and stared at him resentfully: "Can't you wake me up normally?"

Lu Qi continued: "You were so sleepy, I yelled several times but there was no response, so I can only yell like this."

"Liar! You must not have shouted."

Lux glared at him very firmly.

So Lu Qi continued: "Actually, I want to make you have a better state to face the next study, you have to understand my hard work."

"Understand what a ghost!"

Lux gritted her teeth and looked at this guy, "You did it on purpose!"

Lu Qi looked at her at this moment: "Miss Crown Guard, does she know that she has the habit of drooling when she sleeps?"

With his fluttering words fell.

Instantly extinguished the anger that had just ignited in Lux's heart.

She froze for a moment, then looked down, and saw a pool of crystal water stains on Lu Qi's leg pants.

Immediately afterwards, that delicate face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"me me me"

Feeling that she had lost her lord, Lacus couldn't speak, turned her head and left the carriage as if fleeing.

Even when she got off the carriage, her face and ears were unbelievably red, with a slightly shy expression, and those sparkling eyes.

This was an unusual scene, which caused many students to stare blankly for a moment.

Today's Miss Crownguard, although not as flaming as usual, looks a little more charming.

And they obviously don't know.

At this moment, Lux, who was extremely ashamed in her heart, really wanted to find a crack in the ground and get in.

She looks like Lacus, she actually drools when she sleeps!
This is definitely the first time in her life, and she was caught by that guy.

After this wave, how will I see people in the future?

Liu Shen Wuzhu entered the classroom.

Sit down for a while, not long.

Lux noticed that Lu Qi stepped in from the back door.

Her gaze subconsciously looked between his legs, and the temperature on her face, which had just eased off, suddenly rose again.

However, she was also relieved to see that there was no trace of water stains on the trousers.

Then, I saw Lu Qi's eyes.

Lux immediately dodged with some guilt, until Lu Qi was sitting next to her, she was praying in her heart, a comet fell from the sky, let this guy lose his memory!
However, when she found that Lu Qi had sat down for a long time without speaking, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Just let it go!

Just when she thought so in her heart.

Lu Qi suddenly came close to her ear and whispered a devil.

"This secret, I will eat you forever."


When Lux heard the whisper, she let out a sob from her throat, her face turned red and then pale, and her eyes showed despair.


It's all over!

Sure enough, being caught by this bitch on the spot, this matter will never pass so easily.

Lux suddenly felt that her life was gloomy.

Watch the funny reaction of the little golden retriever.

There was a little more smile in Lu Qi's eyes, and he felt that today's happy mood also started from this moment.

Sitting in the classroom, it didn't take long for him to feel sleepy.

It's like being cursed.

He yawned, and Lu Qi was also emotional in his heart.

Perhaps, this is the charm of the classroom.

Jingle bell~!

As the bell rang for the first class.

Teacher Morse stepped into the classroom. She looked around the classroom, her gaze fell on Lu Qi, and she smiled and said, "Let me tell you something."

"In this Royal Academy's hunting competition, No. 1 is Lu Qi's classmate. Let us congratulate him for obtaining [-] credits."

There was a burst of applause in the classroom.

Morse continued: "At the same time, many students should have heard of what happened in Edessa City this time. In this incident, His Royal Highness Lu Qi made great achievements and saved tens of thousands of people in Debon. I hope you can learn a lot from him!"

As she spoke, she took the lead in applauding again.

This time, all the eyes in the classroom were looking at Lu Qi, and there were a lot of admiration and admiration.

The applause was louder this time.

The incident in Edessa is destined to be hidden. As time goes by, sooner or later it will spread throughout Demacia.

In the royal capital, things have already begun to ferment, and these noble heirs who can enter the Royal Academy have a better understanding of it.

So naturally I also understand the importance of Lu Qi in this incident.

Seeing the people in the class applauding for him, Lu Qi accepted the applause with a smile on his face.

Afterwards, Morse continued: "Therefore, the Royal Academy has specially rewarded His Royal Highness Lu Qi with one hundred credits."


Lu Qi didn't react much to being applauded by so many people.

At this moment, the eyes suddenly lit up.

Another hundred credits?
Doesn't this mean that you can ask for another 20 days of vacation?
Lux on the side also widened her eyes when she heard the words, and looked at Lu Qi next to her sourly.

20 days plus 20 days?

You still let others live!
What's the difference between that and being on vacation forever!
Thinking of this, Lux's heart suddenly became unbalanced.

This time, if she keeps up with the past, maybe she will also get a wave of credits!

If only her studies could have been better in that assessment.

She can also get a share of today's credits!

Looking enviously at Lu Qi whose corners of his mouth almost reached his ears, Lacus sighed sadly.

However, soon, the supreme fighting spirit was rekindled in her heart!

Missed this opportunity, but there is a next time!

She can't miss all the opportunities!

Miss Mianwei clenched her fist silently, and vowed that from today onwards, she must study hard!

There was an unusual determination in her eyes.

From now on, she must take every class and every homework seriously, and never be lazy!
However, Lux, who made such an oath in her heart, dozed off just a few minutes after the class started.

She really didn't sleep much today, probably only four hours in total.

This was quite torture for Lux who had to sleep nine hours a day.

at this time.

Following Mr. Morse's hypnotic lecture voice, Lux's eyelids also began to fight constantly.

It closed for a while, and opened again for a while, and it was full of sleepiness.

With the trance of consciousness, Lux's head also kept sinking.

At this stage, she can still realize that she is in class, and she will make a certain struggle in her heart.

As soon as she sank, she immediately raised her head again, opened her eyes with all her strength, and stared at the front in a daze.

However, within two seconds of this state, her eyelids could not help but close again.

After so many repetitions, this class became extremely long for her.

And Lu Qi, who was on the side, had noticed this scene a long time ago, and he found it interesting to see Lacus who was obviously sleepy but insisted on not falling down.

So, he didn't interfere in any way, just watched like that.

She predicted in her heart when she would be unable to hold on.

Soon, as she closed her eyes this time, Lux never opened them again.

He lowered his head and breathed evenly.

Sure enough, people will grow up in adversity.

The sleepy Miss Crown Guard has mastered a new skill.

Sitting up and sleeping.

Lu Qi was a little surprised.

On the podium, Morse's eyes moved over.

Many things under the podium can actually be seen at a glance on the podium.

For example, at this moment, when she was talking, when she moved her eyes to the back row, she saw Lux with her head hanging and motionless.

That appearance, clearly fell asleep.

She raised her brows, and her complexion suddenly turned pale.

"Lax! Can you grow some snacks!"

As she raised her hand and dropped it, a piece of chalk flew out.

"Snack? What snack?"

Lacus raised her head reflexively, and opened her eyes, full of bewilderment.

In the next second, there was a "click".

The chalk precisely hit Miss Crown Guard's forehead, making a crisp sound.

She covered her forehead in pain, and didn't understand what was going on for a while.

Then, when her eyes fell on Morse at the front desk, she saw her face that gradually began to emit a cold face.

Her whole body suddenly trembled.

With a "swish", the drowsiness buff is refreshed directly, and the spirit is full.

"Is my class so boring? It makes you want to sleep."

Morse's voice exudes a coldness that makes people feel like falling into an ice cave.

Lux suddenly trembled, shaking her head like a rattle: "No, your class is very interesting!"

Morse sneered: "Really, then tell me what's interesting."

Lacus: "."

Watching her racking her brains to think, but she didn't say a word after thinking for a long time.

Morse was instantly numb.

If this girl wanted to say a word, she might not be so angry.

In the next second, she shouted coldly: "Stand up!"

Lux stood up abruptly, showing a pitiful expression.

"Since you are so sleepy, then stand up all morning. I want to see if you can fall asleep standing up."

Morse didn't show any soft-heartedness. After speaking in a cold voice, he looked away and ignored her.

Lux sighed faintly in her heart, and had no choice but to stand there.

Standing, it is indeed not sleepy.

But after a one-hour class, her legs were sore.

Jingle bell~!

Finally, I look forward to the bell for the end of get out of class.

Watching Mr. Morse tidy up and leave the classroom.

In the early morning, many students were also quite sleepy. At this time, they all lay down on the table, preparing to take a nap.

And Lux ​​finally sat down with relief, but at the moment her face was full of melancholy, and her heart was full of sadness.

It's over. Judging by Morse's angry look, it is obvious that this matter will be passed on to his mother.

She already had a premonition of what was waiting for her when she returned home.

Lu Qi said cheerfully beside him: "You seem to have caused trouble."

Seeing that this guy was still making sarcastic remarks, Lacus was also furious, and she glared over: "It's not because of you that I didn't sleep well all night!"


Following this coquettish spit, all of a sudden, the screen was filled with question marks.

There was a brief silence in the class, and even those students who were taking a nap on their stomachs all sat up one after another.

If you say this, we won't be sleepy!
All of a sudden, many eager eyes looked towards the last row of the classroom.

Landing on Lu Qi and Lux ​​who were sitting on the adjacent seat, their eyes became a little subtle.

last night?

Didn't sleep well?
hiss! ! !
Can you expand on that?

This sentence, it can be said that like a bomb, it exploded in the hearts of everyone.

So cool!

Is this kind of melon really edible for a little Karami like me?

Unfortunately, the conversation they were expecting didn't happen next.

Because their eyes suddenly increased, Lu Qi noticed it.

He frowned slightly and looked around.

As his gaze swept across, the rest of the people quickly avoided, and the classroom suddenly returned to normal.

And looking at Lacus who was still angry at the moment, Lu Qi smiled and said: "Then as compensation, I will stand with you through this morning."

When Lacus heard this, her eyes lit up, and she said expectantly, "Really?"

"Of course it's fake."

Lu Qi sneered, stood up, and looked at her contemptuously, "I, who have [-] credits, now want to leave here and return to my home, lying down happily. As for you, stand still, don't let Miss Morse disappointed."

As he said that, his face could be said to have interpreted the word sarcasm to the extreme.

Listening to his words, Lux trembled with anger when she saw his expression! ! !
what! ! !
She yelled angrily in her heart, clenched her silver teeth, and really wanted to pounce on this bitch to death!

However, Lu Qi, who felt the danger, of course would not give her this chance.

"Have a nice school day."

leave this sentence.

He immediately chose to leave without stopping.

And Lux ​​looked at his back, clenched her fists, and took out the little notebook of revenge in her heart again.

Leave the classroom.

Lu Qi hummed a happy ditty, and also wandered freely in the corridors of the campus.


It's such a wonderful feeling.

Next, for a full forty days, he didn't need to come here again.

Soon, he went to the office.

He took all the [-] credits from the hunting competition and the [-] credits from the academy's extra awards.

Then, all of them were directly converted into holidays.

Then, without looking back, he left the Royal Academy very chicly.

Sitting in the carriage home, his mood can be said to be extremely relaxed and joyful.

Thinking that the little golden retriever was still struggling in the painful hell, his mood suddenly became better.

 The author's code is slow, and the code is not finished until now.

  Big guys, ask for a wave of monthly tickets, I hope I can get enough for [-] monthly tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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