LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 160 The Philosophy of Demacia and Noxus

Chapter 160 The Philosophy of Demacia and Noxus ([-] words)

After half an hour.

The carriage slowly stopped at the gate of the mansion.

With a happy mood, Lu Qi got off the carriage and walked into the courtyard.

Sona, who was practicing the piano, looked up at him, and could feel the happiness in his heart at the moment. She smiled, looked away, and continued to focus on Yuhua.

Lu Qi was lying on the rocking chair listening to Sona's soft playing.

Today's weather is still relatively hot, but because of this, the breeze makes people feel extra cool.

Lie down for a while until you can no longer feel the cool breeze.

Lu Qi got up from the chair and went to the backyard.

In the backyard, Fiona, Kashina, Wayne, Quinn, and Frey are all there.

At this time, Fiona was parrying Kashina's attack, with a relaxed expression, occasionally specifying her sword skills aloud.

"Sometimes, when you blindly subject the enemy to heavy blows, your weaknesses will be exposed."

"True sword skills must be more than offensive and defensive."

"Hold your breath."

Wayne, Quinn and Frey were watching.

At this time, as Kashina's sword fell, Fiona had already drawn out her sword ahead of time, and the thin blade lightly pierced Kashina's shoulder, interrupting her attack.

Taking two steps back, Kashina wiped her sweat panting, sighed, and said in frustration, "I always feel like I can't think that much when I fight."

"This is because you have too little actual combat experience."

Fiona looked at her with a smile on her cold face, "Compared to last time, you have made great progress."

During this period of time, she often pointed out Kashina's sword skills.

The opponent's talent is very good, but also very hard.

I don't know how many times harder than a lazy prince.

Hearing her praise, Kashina regained her confidence, and just saw Lu Qi approaching slowly, and asked, "Did your Highness come back so early?"

Lu Qi nodded and said with a smile on his face: "This time, the academy gave me an extra [-] credits. I declare that from now on, I am liberated."

His good mood can be seen with the naked eye, and Kashina smiled and said, "Congratulations."

For Lacus and His Highness, going to the Royal Academy every time is like going to jail.

For Lu Qi, the forty-day holiday is really no different from liberation.

Lu Qi said in a good mood at this moment: "Come on, I'll teach you Thunderbolt swordsmanship."

Upon hearing this, Kashina's eyes lit up.

She was worried that she was weak in swordsmanship, so she specially asked Fiona for special training.

During this period of time, under Fiona's guidance, although I have grown a lot, I still feel a lot worse.

Soon, the sword training class in the backyard began.

Now that Lu Qi's Thunderbolt swordsmanship has reached the level of returning to basics, no one in this world can surpass him in understanding this swordsmanship.

Therefore, in terms of teaching, he also knows where to start.

Thunderbolt swordsmanship does not require as much talent as Yufeng swordsmanship, and there is no need to have the prerequisite of comprehending the wind.

In addition, the talents of the girls are not low, and they all have different experiences in understanding swordsmanship.

Therefore, it only took one morning to basically reach the level of LV2's first peek at the door.

Among them, the fastest progress belongs to Fiona.

Needless to say, her talent in the way of swordsmanship, so many years of understanding of swordsmanship, made it easier for her to learn Thunderbolt swordsmanship.

At this time, it has reached the level of LV3's slight success'.

at the same time.

On the other side, in the barracks of the royal capital.

After a whole morning of screening, Tiana finally selected 300 people.

At this time, looking at the three hundred soldiers in front of her, Tiana said aloud: "From today onwards, I will grant you a new mission."

She paused, and all three hundred soldiers listened quietly.

Tiana then continued: "Your new mission is to become the personal guards of His Royal Highness the Second Prince."

As the words fell, the soldiers below suddenly became less calm.

It can be said that it suddenly became chaotic.

Tiana raised her hand, and the stage returned to silence for a second.

Looking at the quiet soldiers, Tiana showed a slight smile: "Of course, I will give you the right to refuse this mission once. This will be decided after you see him later, so let's disband now."

After speaking, Tiana turned around and left the stage.

The audience, following the word dismiss, immediately dispersed, and the discussion became louder.

The soldiers gathered together in disarray, discussing this incident.

Every soldier present was only surprised by the fact that he was about to become the prince's personal soldier.

"Second prince, isn't that His Royal Highness Lu Qi?"

"Is it because of what happened in Edessa that the royal family chose us?"

"Oh, what do you think?"

"How else can we look at it? Isn't it better to be the prince's personal guard than it is now? We should feel honored."

"I don't mean that, I mean, do you know the prince?"

"I don't know. I only saw him once at the ceremony. He looks very good-looking and gives a very gentle impression."

"My plan is to enter the Fearless Pioneer in the next three years. Why do I suddenly want to become the prince's personal soldier?"

"I also heard that this prince is very lazy."

All the elites present were selected by Tiana herself, so they naturally possessed a lot of potential.

Every soldier has plans and different pursuits for his own future, whether he has made meritorious service on the battlefield, or entered the fearless vanguard.

Only this time, they were very surprised by the sudden mission of becoming His Royal Highness' personal soldiers.

Being able to become the prince's personal soldiers shows that they have been recognized, and they should indeed be honored by this.

But this undoubtedly disrupted their plans.

They respect the prince, but they know very little about the prince.

Since the prince showed his face at the ceremony that day, he has rarely heard from him, and his behavior can be said to be quite low-key.

And some rumors also say that this prince is very lazy, it can be said that he spends all day lousy, usually at home, and never leaves the door.

This made these aspiring soldiers feel a little worried about their future.

No one wants to see that the person they are about to follow is a master who is bad all day long.

After all, if he accepts this mission, it means that they will follow him for a long time to come.

"Didn't the Marshal say that we can refuse this mission?"

"Yes, we can refuse."

"That's good! We'll do it when the time comes!"

"We must have the courage to express our opinions!"

"That's right!"

The soldiers were discussing.

They are not unwilling to become personal soldiers, on the contrary, the royal family's close personal guard is a good title.

However, this means that they will be inseparable from these two words for a long time.

Those present were all thinking about defending their families and the country and making contributions.

The goals they follow, to a certain extent, determine whether they can achieve their ideals.

So, this thing is actually very important.


Had lunch.

Lu Qi returned to the front yard and continued to lie on the chair.

The afternoon sun is brighter and the temperature is higher than in the morning, but it is not as hot as summer and people are weak.

Lying leisurely, suddenly there was the sound of a carriage driving.

Lu Qi opened his eyes, and saw a carriage of the Crown Guard's family slowly stop.

Then, Tiana slowly got off the carriage.

Seeing this old woman, Lu Qi suddenly remembered the shadow of yesterday, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

And Tiana seemed to be in a good mood at the moment, with a smile on her lips, seeing that Lu Qi didn't respond at the moment, she couldn't help saying.

"Did you see that I didn't say hello?"

"Ha ha!"

She was answered with a bold sneer.

But this time Tiana was not angry, she looked at Lu Qi who turned her face away, with a smile on her face.

After spanking this kid yesterday, she felt happier than ever before.

However, she also remembered after that, although this kid always speaks ill of her in private.

But in fact, most of them are filial piety, giving some wine or something delicious every now and then.

So Tiana was finished having fun, and she was still a little bit sorry at this time.

"Okay, don't be so cold."

Going forward, Tiana said with a smile on her face, "I went to the barracks early this morning and specially selected a group of excellent soldiers for you."

When Lu Qi heard the words, he also remembered that he had indeed agreed to come down yesterday, and that he was going to choose a group of soldiers.

For the sake of the old woman's sincerity, I will forgive her this time.

"Let's go then."

Lu Qi got up from the chair.

This time, they also called Wei En, Quinn and Frey.

According to their identities, the three of them are now Lu Qi's personal soldiers, so they must go to this kind of occasion.

The carriage was driving on the road, and about an hour passed.

The group arrived at the concentration camp of soldiers stationed in the capital city, also known as the barracks.

This is also the headquarters of the Fearless Pioneer, with more than 2000 Fearless Pioneer fighters, hundreds of Fearless Pioneer reserves, and [-] elite soldiers on standby.

Among them, two-thirds of the fearless pioneer fighters will go out to perform tasks.

They often wander in the territory of Demacia in the form of small groups, or some places outside the territory.

When I arrived at the barracks, the hot training was going on here, so I walked into it.

"Master Marshal, His Royal Highness!"

After seeing Tiana and Lu Qi, the soldiers stopped their movements and saluted the knights.

While Lu Qi nodded to them, he also looked around.

At this moment, many soldiers shouted slogans on the playground under the heat of the sun, releasing their blood.

Running laps around the playground, or self-fitness, or one-on-one competition.

Among them, there are many female soldiers.

At first glance, it is not just the men who are full of vigor, but the aura of the female soldiers is not weak at all.

Compared with the atmosphere of the military camp in Edessa City, it is not the same.

Several people continued to move forward and came to a smaller playground.

Here, Lu Qi saw Lev, the leader of the Fearless Pioneers.

"Marshal, Your Highness."

Lev stepped forward and bowed slightly.

Lu Qi greeted with a smile: "Good afternoon, Captain."

Although he didn't meet Lev many times, he was always curious about this old woman's rumored lover.

From IV's mouth, Lu Qi also learned that Lev was once a bad boy.

Just flaunting it, she was caught by Tiana.

Thinking of this, Lu Qi felt a bit of empathy with the man in front of him.

Lev is now in his 30s, with the same short hair as Galen, but his face looks quite young, with a kind of handsome middle-aged man.

And his demeanor is very low-key, recalling the previous few meetings, it was the same every time.

If it weren't for the clothes he was wearing, no one would have thought that he was the leader of the Fearless Pioneer outside.

And the person who can serve as the leader of the Fearless Pioneer Group will naturally not be weak.

"Good afternoon, Your Highness."

Lev smiled and greeted Lu Qi.

His impression of His Royal Highness was very deep.

The profound reason was the scandal report in the first issue.

On that day, it can be said that he, who has always been famous in the capital with a low profile, really made a high profile.

Almost everywhere he went, the way people looked at him was subtle.

For a while after that, he didn't dare to go out.

Tiana said at this time: "Go and gather the soldiers."


Lev responded, turned and left.

Tiana then looked at Lu Qi, and said: "I selected a total of [-] soldiers this time. These soldiers were raised in Demacia since they were young. Each of them has a clean background and is loyal to Demacia."

Hearing this, Lu Qi turned his gaze to the playground, and following Lev's call, a group of soldiers began to come.

Demacia is one of the few countries in Runeterra with a large army of soldiers.

In a similar country, there is a well-known old enemy of Demacia, Noxus.

The grievances between the two countries can be traced back to a long time ago.

In terms of the concept of training soldiers, the two countries are also completely different.

Like Noxus, they always uphold the principle of supremacy of strength, and this country also has a very strong absorption capacity.

He has never stopped his outward journey, constantly expanding outward.

On the way of expansion, they will provide two options to those countries that invade.

Number one: death.

Second: Integrate into Noxus.

After seeing the strength of this powerful empire with their own eyes, most countries basically chose the second option.

Noxus will incorporate these enemies who are willing to serve him into his military system, and then make them part of them at an extremely fast speed.

Therefore, under such expansion, the strength of the Noxus empire is also constantly growing.

But Demacia is different in this regard.

Because Demacia has never launched a war of foreign invasion, their philosophy has been to defend their territory since ancient times.

In terms of training soldiers, Demacia will put some soldiers with potential into long-term and patient training, so that they will gradually become stronger.

At the same time, the expectations and responsibilities of defending the country and being loyal to the country will be soaked in the cognition of Demacia children when they are very young, regardless of their ordinary background or not.

Therefore, this is also the reason why Demacia will have a legion whose name has spread throughout Runeterra - the Fearless Vanguard.

Soon, three hundred soldiers stood neatly in the playground, and the ratio of male to female was about four to one.

They were dressed in dazzling silver-white armor, and they stood upright, each face looking extremely determined.

And these people will follow him in the years to come, listen to his orders, and share honor and disgrace with him.

In Demacia, the royal family's personal soldiers are also called close soldiers.

While Lu Qi was looking at them, these soldiers were also looking at him.

At this moment, these soldiers had different expressions.

Tiana also said to Lu Qi at this time: "They are the elites I selected for you, and each of them has the potential to become a fearless pioneer in the future. However, before letting them follow you willingly, you also need to prove that , you have value worthy of their pursuit."


Lu Qi heard the words, and slowly typed a question mark, "What do you mean?"

Tiana showed a smile: "It means, use your strength to speak. Otherwise, your personal soldiers may not be these elites."

Close soldiers are a special type of soldiers in Demacia.

They are the titles of the Royal Guards.

Unlike other arms, they prioritize personal allegiance before their allegiance to the country.

That is, the one who is following.

This following is not just as simple as protecting Lu Qi's safety.

On the battlefield, they will fight with Lu Qi, follow his every decision, and complete his every order.

The responsibilities between the two are mutual.

An excellent follower will lead them to higher glory.

Just like Jarvan III's close entourage, those people are now retired, remain in the army, or go to other places.

Under his leadership, each one has many honors added.

In other words, while Lu Qi was picking his own soldiers, these soldiers were also picking him.

At this moment, what Tiana meant was.

If they think that Lu Qi is not worth following, they have the right to refuse to become his personal soldier.

They will still protect Lu Qi at the first moment of crisis, but it is definitely not as personal soldiers.

For example, Jarvan IV's personal soldiers, some of them were a group he got to know from his experience in the army since he was a child.

And there are still some who admire his outstanding potential and strength, and voluntarily follow him.

Although figured these out at the moment.

But Lu Qi felt that there must not be so many things in the first place.

It must be this old woman who is acting as a demon again.

He looked at her, and saw Tiana smiling, unable to see her true thoughts at all.

But having said that, Lu Qi had to do something.

He walked up to the queue of [-] soldiers, thought for a moment, and said, "Everyone should know me, and I think we will become trusting partners in the future."

"However, you certainly don't know much about me, so I understand your feelings at the moment and worry about whether I will become a qualified follower target."

While talking, Lu Qi walked towards a ring in the playground, and chose a long sword for training from the weapon rack.

"Then look at whether I have this qualification according to the oldest method. No matter who among you, you can challenge me. If anyone can survive ten moves under my hands, I will use my His status directly promotes his promotion."

He said these words with an extremely calm expression.

But the words fell to the ground, causing the scene to fall into silence.

Tiana squinted her eyes when she heard it, and looked at Lu Qi who picked up the blade on the ring.

this brat
Why are you so arrogant all of a sudden, and make such a promise casually.

If you say such a thing, if you can't beat someone later, you will lose face.

Tiana knew that this kid had some strength, after all, she also heard with her own ears yesterday how he dealt with those cultists in Edessa City.

However, he must have underestimated these soldiers under her hands too much.

At any rate, each of them has the potential to join the Fearless Pioneer, and their strength is not weak.

What is the difference between these words in their ears and provocation?
Lev also showed interest at this time, looking at the stage.

When the three hundred soldiers in the audience heard Lu Qi's words, they felt that they were underestimated, and their momentum changed suddenly.

As long as they survive ten tricks, they can be promoted, which is also a pleasant surprise for them.

Now that Lu Qi said something out of his mouth, naturally there is no room for it to be taken back, otherwise it would be a sweep of the royal family's dignity.

So, it can be taken seriously.

These soldiers have been trained since childhood, each of them is very young, and has the potential to become a fearless pioneer in the future. Naturally, their hearts should be more arrogant.

Hearing this, many people looked at Lu Qi on the stage with dissatisfied eyes.

Lu Qi looked at the audience and said, "Whoever comes first can stand up."

After the voice fell, nearly half of the soldiers stood up immediately.

As for the other half, it is estimated that they have no opinion on becoming Lu Qi's personal soldier.

Seeing so many people dissatisfied, Lu Qi also laughed: "You choose someone to come up."

The soldiers in the audience heard the words, looked at each other, and started a short discussion.

Soon, a young male soldier walked onto the ring, and said to Lu Qi with a serious expression: "Your Highness, I am the soldier Willis, and I am here to challenge you!"

"Hello, Willis."

Lu Qi took two steps, stood on the other side of the ring, and said confidently, "You are ready to attack at any time."

I just heard the conversation in the audience. This Willis is now 21 years old, and his strength is close to the level of fearlessness.

Among them, there are a few outstanding ones.

A hint of dissatisfaction flashed in Willis' eyes, and he was about to say: "Then get ready, and be careful that I will hurt you later."

He was the first to be selected by everyone, and he was regarded as having high hopes by many people.

Therefore, he must go all out to directly defeat the prince in these ten moves!
As soon as the words fell, a strong force erupted from his feet, and he rushed up with a vigorous step.

Willis is holding a four-foot-long arrow-shaped blade, which is a standard military long sword. Even if it is used for training, it still shines sharply in the sun.

This sword of his can be said to be a direct blow to the full momentum and a full blow.

Faced with this blow, Lu Qi stayed where he was, unmoved, and there was a trace of seriousness in his lazy eyes.

The next second, he raised his hand.

A sword bounced off the blade that Willis had slashed.

In Willis' eyes, he was a little surprised at the swiftness and power of the counterattack, and immediately felt the strength of His Highness from this sword.

But his astonishment had only just begun.

In the next moment, he clearly noticed that Lu Qi's aura had changed, following his swing of a sword from bottom to top.

I just feel that his whole body has become a bit sharper, as if a sword blade hits his face.

Sword intent?

He was even more surprised in his heart. Faced with this extremely fast sword, Willis quickly blocked it with his long sword.

But this block was a bit hasty. With Lu Qi's sword swing, he felt a strong force from the blade to his wrist, which made his hand holding the sword tremble slightly, and almost dropped the blade.

This slash from bottom to top caused him to raise his arms and take two steps back.

With just two moves, Willis felt a tremendous pressure.

He gritted his teeth, put away his previous thoughts, quickly withdrew and retreated, intending to regain his state.

Ten moves, he has to survive ten moves!
However, as soon as he opened the distance, Willis suddenly felt a blur in front of his eyes, and in the next second, Lu Qi's figure had appeared in front of him.

He swung his sword without hesitation.

The sharp sword light flashed past!

The long sword flew up in the next second, and then fell to the ground.

Accompanied by the jingling sound of the blade falling to the ground, what made the audience extraordinarily silent was Willis, who had already been compared to his neck by the blade in the arena.

"I lost."

Willis looked at the man in front of him with a gentle smile on his face.

The dissatisfaction in his heart dissipated without a trace with this sword.

Willis said these three words with conviction.

Lu Qi withdrew his blade and smiled faintly.

Willis walked back to the ring, and the surprise in his eyes didn't completely dissipate until then.

In the audience, many people had the same look in their eyes.

Four strokes!

Strictly speaking, it was three tricks, because the moment Willis left his weapon, he was equivalent to losing.

You know, Willis is already relatively good among them, otherwise it would be impossible to choose him before this opportunity for promotion.

With this first battle alone, His Highness has already proved his strength to them.

"who is the next."

Lu Qi looked at the audience at this moment.

"I come!"

At this time, a man who was somewhat stronger than Willis stepped out, and he seemed to be older.

Walking to the arena, the man introduced himself: "Your Highness, I am Private Toth, and I have served in the army for 12 years."

"Please, Toth."

Lu Qi raised his sword to signal.


In the next second, Tot shouted and rushed up directly.

His weapon was the same as Willis's, with a four-foot-long blade, but this weapon seemed to be a bit larger in light of his size.

After launching his charge, his tall body gave people an unstoppable feeling.

And Lu Qi still stood there, without any change in expression.

Different from the previous battle, he chose to attack directly this time.

A certain amount of sword intent was condensed all over his body, and his figure flickered.

when! !

In the next second, the attacks of the two collided. However, in this blow, Thoth, who seemed to be bigger, stepped back a few steps one after another.

He was startled, and the next moment he was about to face Lu Qi's second attack.

He gritted his teeth, dissatisfaction flashed in his eyes, and at the same time, a burst of strength burst out from his whole body, and he slashed with his sword again.

Thoth already knew that His Highness the prince was very powerful, but he wanted to prove that he was not that weak!

Ten moves, he also has to survive ten moves!
However, suddenly, he felt a gust of wind head on.

Immediately afterwards, there was an incomparably swift and mighty sword that almost flashed an afterimage.

Chopping steel flash!
The power emanating from this sword made Thoth almost lose his grip on the weapon.

In the next second, he felt that the blade was already on his neck.

So close, he didn't even see clearly.

Surprised in his eyes, Toth let go of his hand, let the weapon fall to the ground, and said convincingly: "I lost."

The audience was silent again.

Faster this time, only three strokes!
Toth's strength is actually a bit stronger than Willis, but he is a few years older than Willis after all.

But even he, in the hands of His Highness, failed to survive ten moves.

"who is the next?"

"I'm coming! I'm Soldier Ganon, please give me your advice, Your Highness!"



"I am Private Granger, Your Highness, please advise!"


"Private Hardy, please advise!"

"Soldier Wade, please advise!"

As the battles passed, more and more soldiers stood up to challenge Lu Qi.

At this moment, they are not dissatisfied.

In this country that also respects the strong, Lu Qi's strength has been recognized by them.

What they want to challenge right now is Lu Qi's ten moves.

Everyone wanted to see if they could survive ten moves in the hands of His Highness.

However, every challenger on the stage, let alone ten moves, actually didn't even survive five moves.

Now that Lu Qi's level is only unyielding, but with his skills combined, it is very easy to fight some fearless.

Not to mention, these are soldiers with potential, but not yet fearlessness.

Over there, as the battles passed, the smile on Tiana's face became more and more obvious. She looked at Lu Qi, as if she was looking at her own nephew, and she was a little proud and proud.

Surprise is in the eyes of others, but surprise is in her eyes.

This brat, the change is a bit big!
She still remembers the sparring in the Royal Academy back then, when this kid was full of immature aura.

That peculiar wind-defying swordsmanship has yet to take shape.

It has only been two months now, but the feeling that this kid gave her has turned into a mature fighter.

Even the swordsmanship seems to have grown to a very good level now.

Through his performance in Edessa City and some news, she knew that Lu Qi was not weak.

This time, I also want to have a clear understanding of his strength, so I came up with such a link.

But I didn't expect that this kid's strength was already so powerful.

Lev next to him watched the battle on the stage, and he also made a high evaluation of Lu Qi's performance in this battle.

In his opinion, this Highness may not be weaker than his elder brother.

(End of this chapter)

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