LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 176 Staring at someone is unlucky, I'm not just joking with you

Chapter 176 Staring at someone is unlucky, I'm not just joking with you ([-] words)

The black mist billowed, ghost voices shrieked, and roared.

The sky seemed to gather a cloud of dark clouds, making the already dark weather even darker, as if a storm was about to come.

The black mist that was as lacquered as ink gradually spread, engulfing the five ships and covering all the moonlight.

There is a faint green light flickering around, which is extremely penetrating.

The figure of the Shadow of War appeared completely in the fog. It was an unusually tall dead soul with a height of three meters. It was wearing a demon-like armor on its chest, with green flames flickering.

It was only then that people discovered that he was not just riding a horse, he and his mount became one, turning into a towering giant beast born only for destruction.

Behind him followed a large group of ghost knights, and stepped on the fog to follow.

Their bodies were lit with pale green translucent flames, and they held black spears and swords.

Hecarim raised a hooked broad-bladed halberd, green flames shot out from the murderous blade, and he looked at the ship with emotionless eyes.

Everyone felt as if they were being watched by an extremely cold abyss, and they couldn't help but feel a little suffocated.

When people face the unknown, they naturally feel fear.

And the sense of oppression emanating from Hecarim made everyone feel a lot of pressure.

"Get ready to fight!!"

Lu Qi yelled, and drew out the silver-white long blade, which seemed to have a flash of white light.

His whole demeanor changed, he was imposing, his eyes were cold, and the surrounding black mist dispelled automatically, and he kept away.

Lu Qi really didn't expect to meet Hecarim.

But since you have encountered it, you can only prepare to fight against it.

With his loud shout, everyone came back to their senses. They suppressed the fear in their hearts and looked at the enemy in the black mist.

Hecarim's posture was like a general looking down on the world, hovering in the middle of the fog, his eyes fell on Lu Qi.

From his skeletal eyes, there seemed to be a little more contempt, as if he felt disdain for this desperate army.

Then he lightly raised the halberd, and then pointed it in the direction of the ship.


There was a sound of restlessness, and from behind him, a charge of cavalry rushed out first, roaring like a war horn.

The next moment, the undead in the fog couldn't bear it anymore, and drifted away towards the creatures on the five ships.

"Keep sailing! Don't let the boat be breached! Go to the left, there is a small island there!"

Lu Qi raised his sword and slashed at a soldier undead who was rushing, while shouting loudly.

The black mist gave these undead the ability to float in the mist.

And the five ships are on the sea route, and the current battle is very unfavorable to them.

If it falls into the water, it will immediately lose half of its combat power.

Not to mention, if the boat leaks, everyone on the boat will suffer.

And there are at least three or four hours before the night passes.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to stand still and wait for death. The boat must move.

At the same time, the first task of everyone is to protect the hull from damage.

Lu Qi looked at the map on the sea here, and there is a smaller island above the route, which is about one-tenth of the island he went to just now.

It is the kind of small island that is submerged when the tide rises and reappears when the tide ebbs.

At this moment, Lu Qi had no idea how far the five ships were from that island, or even their specific locations. They were surrounded by black fog, and it was impossible to see the route clearly.

The left side he mentioned is the distance estimated entirely based on the sailing time.

However, at this juncture, one can only gamble on luck.

Otherwise, if this continues, the five ships will not survive tonight.

Listening to Lu Qi's order, the soldiers began to resist the attacking undead around them, and the cavalry who charged first were also stopped.

The direction of the ship also traveled through the black mist, heading to the left.

"There is a boat!"

At this moment someone exclaimed.

Vaguely, they seemed to see something in the fog. It was a large ship passing through. Before the people who thought it was a friendly army had time to be happy, they saw the pale green light on the ship.

Lu Qi focused his eyes and shouted: "It's a ghost ship! Get out of the way!"

The ship coming at high speed was a ghost ship, with a group of skeletons standing on it. The captain controlled the direction of the ghost ship, let out a roar of excitement, and stared straight at a ship hitting it.

Immediately, the ship turned in a hurry, trying to avoid the impact.

However, it was still a step too late, and the direction only had time to turn halfway.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the ghost ship directly smashed the tail of the ship, and then passed through.

The hull of the ship shook, and several soldiers were thrown out on the spot, falling into the water with a "plop", "plop".

The moment they entered the water, countless pairs of dark green hands stretched out from the surface of the sea, wrapped around their bodies, and dragged them into the abyss of the seabed.

The soldiers were covered with mouths, unable to yell, and cast horrified looks at the ship.

However, before the people could do anything, they were dragged into the depths of the water.

Everyone who saw this scene opened their eyes wide, and their hearts were filled with anger.

"Keep sailing! Don't stop!"

After confirming that the ship that was hit could still sail, Lu Qi could only give such an order. He slashed out with a sword coldly, and a gust of wind howled out, cutting off the arms of the undead on the sea.

The fleet continued to rush towards the left at an accelerated speed.


The ghost ship went back and forth again, this time ramming directly into the middle of the ship.

If it was hit like this, the Intrepid might split open on the spot.

Hecarim stood above the black mist, watching playfully with his eyes.

Looking at the galloping ghost ship, Lu Qi took off the bow from behind, and he still aimed at the speed of the other party.

At the same time, arrogance was instilled on the arrows.

Then, after aiming for a moment, he let go of his hand decisively.

"call out!"

A white light flew out at an extremely fast speed, and even a line appeared in the turbulent air around him in the black mist.

Godly Tracking Arrow!
In the next moment, the arrow directly penetrated the head of the laughing ghost captain, and exploded with a bang.

The wild laughter stopped abruptly, the body of the ghost captain dissipated in a puff of smoke, and the surrounding crew wailed like ghosts.

Hecarim looked at the man shooting arrows on one of the ships, as if he narrowed his eyes slightly.

Lu Qi's arrow directly sent the ghost captain to the underworld. The ghost ship, which lost control, still hit straight, but was dodged without any danger.

Then, a ghost like an adjutant stood in the captain's position and took control of the ghost ship again, just as it was about to turn around.

"call out!"


There was another arrow that shot instantly, as if burning with hot flames, a white light was drawn, and its head exploded on the spot.

Wei En raised the bright arrow in his hand, his eyes were cold, locked on the undead on the ghost ship, and moved with his thoughts again.

A few arrows of holy light went down, and the undead on the ghost ship, fearing that they could not control the ghost ship away, disappeared into the black mist without a trace.

After such a wave, the morale of the five ships couldn't help but rise.

While resisting the attack of the undead, the soldiers headed towards the unknown left side.

Lu Qi slashed at a cavalryman wielding a spear with his sword. The moment the blades intersected, the spear broke into two pieces with a "click".

A flash of human horror flashed in the ghost knight's eyes, and the next second his head was chopped off and fell to the ground.

Without any hesitation, Lu Qi turned around and killed another ghost knight.

His long blade was affixed with arrogance, and arrogance was very restrained against dark ghosts, so it passed through Lu Qi's hand at this moment.

The lethality is not weaker than that of Bright Weapon.

He is no longer the cheerful boy in the cave of evil spirits, who cut all his swords but was useless!
Bobby was holding a hammer, and he saw that she was easy to bully, and smashed the undead flying towards her one by one with the hammer.

When the hammer fell, it was too late for those undead to regret.

With a shield in one hand and a sword in the other, Sislia was confronting a ghost knight.

On Lu Qi's side, the heads of three ghost knights were beheaded in succession.

At this moment, with a "boom", the hull of the ship shook violently, and sea water poured in frantically from the bottom.

Lu Qi stabilized his figure, knowing that the ship must have been attacked.

His eyes fell on the sea surface, and he saw a ghostly double-headed shark with a length of several meters, serrated fangs, and a ferocious face swimming past.

And in the rear, there are many such seabed undead!
Lu Qi secretly thought something was wrong, feeling the weightless shaking of the ship, predicting that the five ships would definitely not be able to hold on if this continued.

Once he falls into the sea, even if he has a way to protect himself, what about so many people?
"Island! There is an island ahead!"

At this moment, a person shouted loudly.

Lu Qi looked at it immediately, and saw a small island appearing above the sea in the black mist ahead. Its body was barely in the water, but it was still clearly visible.

There was no need to wait for him this time, the five boats headed towards the island as fast as they could.

During this period, the bottom of the ship was attacked several times, and it was about to fail.

"Go to the island!"

But it was finally close, Lu Qi jumped and jumped on the island, the sea water soaked into his trouser legs, and his calf was icy cold.

More than [-] people abandoned their boats and went to the island. Although the island is not big, it is enough for everyone to carry out their activities.

They watched the ships sink into the bottom of the sea one by one, with solemn expressions.

They all knew that in this battle, they had no way out.

"Hold on until dawn!"

Lu Qi raised his sword and yelled loudly, the arrogance all over his body caused a gust of wind, and the gust of wind went out with arrogance towards the surroundings, blowing away the surrounding black mist.

There seemed to be a dazzling white light blooming from his body, and this awe-inspiring aura immediately condensed the military spirit.

At this moment, no one is afraid of the black mist.

"Hold on until dawn!"


He shouted in response one after another, with a strong momentum, and he did not appear weak in front of these countless undead.

The aura of the Demacia fighters gathered together, soaring into the sky, not afraid of the black mist.

Above the black mist, Hecarim looked at the army that had landed on the island, and his eyes flashed with appreciation.

He led troops to fight for many years during his lifetime, even after his death he turned into an undead, and invaded many places during the Soul Eater Night.

However, he had never encountered an army like this that could give him such a feeling.

Although there are only a few hundred of them, they are united as one, extremely solid.

Especially the young man in the lead, his momentum is really impressive.

This made Hecarim, who had been silent for a long time, feel a trace of fighting spirit in his heart.

Such an army, such an elite soldier, could just join him after death and become a member of the Iron Legion.

However, he always maintained a lofty attitude and was not in a hurry to enter the arena.

In his view, this is a battle of trapped beasts that is sure to win.

Even if this army is tenacious, it is impossible to survive in the face of the black mist.

He raised his halberd and pointed it at the island.

Behind them, another group of nearly a hundred ghost knights came out on horseback and charged towards the island with a mighty momentum.

On the island, standing out was a small figure holding a sledgehammer.

Holding the holy hammer, Bobby watched the imposing undead cavalry rushing straight forward, but there was no trace of fear on his face.

I saw her running a few steps in a row, and then jumped up high with her small body, she was so small in front of the charging cavalry.

However, the holy hammer that she held high above her head seemed to burst out with a golden light at this moment.

"Don't think about the past!"

Bobby shouted softly, and the hammer slammed down heavily on the cavalry that was rushing.


There was a loud buzzing sound, as if it even dispersed the surrounding black mist.

This hammer directly smashed the huge charging team into pieces. Such a large cavalry team was blocked by such a small figure from the charge.

Such a scene boosted the morale of the soldiers on the island!

Hecarim's eyes fell on Poppy, then looked at her hammer again, and narrowed his eyes.

And Bobby fell to the ground, and immediately smashed towards the undead cavalry who fell with her.

The bright crossbow in Wei En's hand shot deadly arrows. Her sharp arrows were extremely sharp and extremely accurate.

Every arrow is more than one shot, never wasting a bit of mental power.

And all the undead pierced by the bright arrows will wail with the death of their souls, and then dissipate, it seems that even the resurrection bestowed by the black mist will not work.

The battle continues, and everyone holds their ground.

Withstood one cavalry charge after another.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

A huge sound of footsteps came from the sea, and every step made a heavy sound.

Lu Qi looked towards the sea, and saw a giant who was at least five or six meters tall stepping forward.

Black mist wrapped around its body, shining a pale green light, and it held a huge hammer in its hand.

The hammer in Bobby's hand is twice as big, and it looks like it has a huge lethality.

Then, he smashed it down with a hammer, and with a "boom", the whole island seemed to vibrate, and the sound was deafening.

"What a big hammer!"

Even Bobby was shocked when he saw such a big hammer.


The ghost giant looked in Bobby's direction and let out a provocative roar.

Bobby's eyes instantly ignited some fighting spirit, and he raised the hammer and rushed towards the giant.

"Then come and touch it! Whose hammer is harder!"

She swung the hammer.

The same goes for ghost giants.


The next moment, their hammers collided, and Bobby drew a dazzling parabola in midair, and his small body flew upside down.

It fell to the ground and rolled several times before stopping.

People can't help but feel worried for her.

"I think I saw my grandma."

Bobby got up, feeling that his eyes were shaking.

A benevolent old yordle lady waved at her.

Then she shook her head, her consciousness suddenly came to her senses, she looked at the ghost giant like a normal person, and showed her little tiger teeth in disbelief.

"It doesn't count just now!"

Seeing her yelling, people raised their hammers and rushed towards the ghost giant.

At this time, no one can help her, everyone is in the battle.

The same goes for Lu Qi.

He is surrounded by six ghost knights.

Following a gust of wind, Lu Qi stepped forward and slashed out with a sword.


A gust of wind howled, and a tornado of wind blades erupted from his body. It seemed to be slashed by a sword, but the range of this sword was extremely wide.

At the same time, on top of the encircling tornado, there is also a majestic spirit.

With just one sword strike, all six ghost knights howled and fell down.

At this moment, the air suddenly sank.

A pressure seemed to come from above, Lu Qi felt a chill in his heart, raised his head, and looked over.

Shadow of War!

Hecarim finally moved, and the four horse hooves under him stepped on the black mist, burning with will-o'-the-wisps, coming from the sky.

Seeing that the humans on this small island have been stubbornly resisting, Hecarim lost his patience. He knew that it was time for him to take action and end all this.

Next, he will go to sweep the villages and towns around the country called Demacia.

So, don't waste your time here all the time.

And his first target was Lu Qi.

This man seemed to have extraordinary status and strength.

"You are very good."

When he came to a dozen meters in front of Lu Qi, Hecarim released a terrifying aura. He looked at Lu Qi with disdain, and raised his halberd.

"I give you the right to join my Iron Legion after death, this will be your supreme glory!"

"Then thank you very much."

Lu Qi stepped on his foot, and his figure flashed instantly, appearing directly in front of Hecarim.

The long blade wrapped in the gust of wind roared and slashed down towards the shadow of war in front of him.

At the same time, what was waved towards him was the halberd burning with the blue will-o'-the-wisp.

With a loud "bang", Lu Qi felt a huge force coming from the sword, and he flew upside down.

This blow did not cause any substantial damage to him. In mid-air, he used all kinds of supernatural powers and let go of his strength.

He landed steadily on the ground, and looked at the other party still standing where he was, with a little more solemn eyes.

The people on the opposite side are the strongest enemies he has encountered so far.

Hecarim looked at the halberd, a small crack rolled out by the long sword, and the impressive force just now.

He felt his heart, which seemed to have been unresponsive for a long time, start beating.

"Come on! Let me have a good fight!"

His voice was as dull as thunder in the black mist, and the next moment, the iron hoof moved, stomping on the ground, and rushed towards Lu Qi.


Lu Qi no longer kept it, and released all the sword intent in his body suddenly, and a gust of wind centered on him, blowing towards the surroundings.

Blowing away the surrounding black mist, the aura of his whole body became extremely sharp.

As he slashed out with a sword, a tornado several meters high roared out!

Hecarim's halberd swung around in the air, smashing the tornado with great force, and the next moment, he slashed towards Lu Qi.

Lu Qi wasn't going to fight him hard, his figure flashed, then he came to the side, and stabbed out again with a sword.

Hecarim's halberd came after him, and the two weapons collided again, sparking and piercing.

In the next second, several sharp white sword lights flashed in the air, and the blade in Lu Qi's hand slashed out very quickly, containing a powerful sword intent.

This powerful sword intent made Hecarim not dare to underestimate it in the slightest.

He swung his halberd in the same way, and the will-o'-the-wisp on it slammed heavily towards Lu Qi with a chilling air.

The two sides attacked each other without showing any weakness.

But with this blow, Lu Qi's sword was one step faster.

The long blade left a long sword mark on Hecarim's horse, and the burning sensation from the mighty aura on it made Hecarim feel the pain he hadn't felt for a long time.

Lu Qi dodged and withdrew.

"I seem to have underestimated you."

Hecarim looked at the man in front of him again, and completely put away the contempt in his heart.

Afterwards, a black mist floated over and entered Hecarim's wounds, and those wounds burned by the arrogance began to heal.

"The black fog gave me immortality, what do you use to fight me?"

Hecarim remained calm and looked at Lu Qi with contempt.

Lu Qi sighed inwardly.

It's annoying.

He just hates this kind of monster that regenerates blood while fighting.

But in the black mist, it was his home field, so he really had nothing to do.

Even if Haoqi has the restraint attribute, it won't work.

If you want to deal with Hecarim, unless you find an opportunity to hit him hard, it will be difficult to kill him completely.

On the other end, there was a constant sound of bang bang bang.

A six-meter-tall giant was frantically battling with a hammer with a short man less than one meter tall.

After being hit by a hammer again, Bobby fell to the ground and looked at the ghost giant who also took more steps backwards, with a hint of complacency in his eyes.

"How about it! Now you know how powerful I am!"

Human disbelief flashed in the ghost giant's eyes. It looked suspiciously at the hammer in its hand, and then gripped it a little tighter.


Then, looking at such a small dwarf on the opposite side, he uttered an intolerable roar, and the huge body rushed straight over, and the giant hammer in his hand fell towards her.

"Full strength."

When Bobby saw this, he didn't show any fear at all. He looked at the charging ghost giant, held the hammer tightly in both hands, and raised it above his head.

A burst of golden light flickered above the holy hammer, as if it was accumulating an earth-shattering energy.

"Hammer swing!"

Then, with a loud shout, Bobby threw the hammer out.

The ghost giant's sledgehammer also hit.


A loud noise like thunder and violent impact directly blew away the surrounding black mist.

A shocking scene happened afterwards, and the ghost giant uttered a painful roar, its body retreated continuously, and it fell to the ground.

Its arm holding the hammer was broken by the forceful blow.

And the hammer, which looked huge, broke into several pieces in an instant, and turned into fragments all over the place.

Looking at Bobby, the ghost giant's eyes were covered with horror, and there was a bit of fear in it.

"Looks like my hammer is harder!"

Bobby snorted, jumped up high, and smashed down again with a hammer.

He directly smashed the ghost giant's head into his neck.

She landed on the ground and turned domineeringly without looking behind her again.

With a bang, the huge body of the ghost giant fell down, and then turned into a puff of thick smoke and dissipated.

The movement here even caught Hecarim's attention.

He took a moment to glance at the fallen ghost giant and the hammer on the dwarf's back.

"That hammer."

Before he had time to think, Lu Qi's sword drew his attention back.

After just a moment of distraction, another sword mark appeared on Hecarim's body.

Hecarim realized that he had indeed underestimated the man in front of him.

This man has comprehended the sword intent to a very high level, and he still has several sword intents at the same time.

The body technique is extremely fast, flexible and changeable, and it is not easy to catch at all.

But he is not easy to mess with, after all, he is a general who once looked down on the battlefield and has extremely high combat experience.

Turned into an undead after death, and experienced a lot of battles.

The swung halberd landed directly on Lu Qi several times, sending him flying.

In this battle, the pressure he brought to Lu Qi was unprecedented for Lu Qi.

Fortunately, Lu Qi has a powerful body protection, which greatly improves his defense power, and he is still immune to the darkness itself.

As time condensed, the arrogance also accumulated to a certain extent.

Enough to withstand dozens of Hecarim's attacks.

Looking in front of him, who obviously had been hit by him several times, but looked at Lu Qi who was fine, Hecarim also felt a little evil.

Moreover, the sword intent on his body is getting stronger and stronger.

It also made Hecarim, who had experienced countless battles, realize that something was wrong.

"You are very good."

He looked at Lu Qi, his whole body changed, and he completely entered a state of complete seriousness.

The black mist condensed on his body, and the dark green flames all over Shadow of War burned a little more vigorously, releasing a terrifying aura.

The horse's iron hooves rubbed against the ground a few times, leaving behind flame marks.

The next moment, Hecarim burst out with a terrifying speed, swung the halberd in his hand, and rushed towards Lu Qi.

Without hesitation, Lu Qi also erupted with a frightening sword intent, and the Wuji sword intent was released without any reservation.

There was a suffocating depression in the air.

Accompanied by the release of spiritual power, a burst of green ultimate sword intent followed Lu Qi to slash out with all his strength.


Two extremely powerful forces collided together, a wave of energy spread towards the surroundings, and the wind blew violently.

Several cracks appeared on Hecarim's will-o'-the-wisp halberd.

And Lu Qi's long blade shattered directly, his sword intent collapsed, and he dodged away without hesitation.

The halberd crossed a layer of sea water on the island, and a cut mark more than ten meters long appeared immediately.

Seeing the crack on the halberd, the fighting spirit in Hecarim's heart also burned to the extreme.

Lu Qi looked at the long sword that had been broken into several pieces, and the stock in the system backpack had also been used up.

He felt that if he could go back this wave, it was time to find a better weapon.

It's not a problem if you hit it and break it for you to see.

"Excellent battle, but it's time to end."

Hecarim looked at the unarmed Lucci, not intending to give him time to find the weapon.

He wants to deal with this man quickly, and then subdue him after the black mist.

"Your Highness! Use this hammer!"

Over there, Bobby, who finished the ghost giant, is preparing to support Lu Qi in the battle.

Seeing his weapon disconnected, he threw the holy hammer in his hand without hesitation.

The holy hammer drew a beautiful line in midair.

Lu Qi looked up, turned around neatly, and let the hammer fly over his head.

When Bobby saw it, he said anxiously: "Why don't you catch it!"

Lu Qi: "Hand shaking."

Bobby froze for a moment, you obviously didn't even raise your hand!

The hammer landed on Hecarim's side impartially at this moment.

Hecarim looked at the hammer stuck in the ground, paused, his eyes were a little surprised, he didn't expect to pick up a holy relic for nothing.

Based on his experience, he can naturally see that this hammer is not a mortal thing.

But an extremely impressive holy object.

He immediately let out a sneer, stretched out his left hand, and held the holy hammer in his hand.

Then, he summoned the black mist, and the black mist began to cling to the hammer, bursting out bursts of green will-o'-the-wisp.

Soon, the holy hammer with a golden appearance changed into another appearance.

It looked ghostly, with green in the black.

Bobby covered his head: "It's over, he took the hammer away!"

Seeing this, Lu Qi suddenly thought, how could this be a good thing?
Hecarim finished switching the hammer, then threw the cracked halberd on the ground, holding the hammer in his right hand.

Then I tried to swing it a few times, and the hammer made a buzzing sound, and the movement was extraordinary, as if there was a faint thunder.

A few flashes of satisfaction flashed in his eyes, Xin Dao is indeed worthy of being a sacred object, and it can be used as his exclusive weapon in the future.

Afterwards, Hecarim looked at Lu Qi and praised: "You made me feel the joy of fighting for a long time. You are very good. I will let you die quickly."

"come on."

Lu Qi nodded, looking expectant.

Seeing this scene, Hecarim instinctively felt a little strange, but he couldn't tell where the strangeness was.

His horse's iron hoof began to rub against to accumulate power, and the will-o'-the-wisp on the hammer burned vigorously.

Without any hesitation, Lu Qi turned around and ran away, his supernatural power burst out with a burst of speed, and he jumped a distance in an instant.

Seeing Lu Qi going away, Hecarim didn't panic at all, he was confident that no one could match him in terms of speed.

When the charge reached its peak, Hecarim's iron hoof suddenly collapsed.

Immediately, traces of blue fireworks appeared on the ground, almost chasing Lu Qi directly.

After this chase, they even left the island.

Lu Qi stepped on the water and moved rapidly.

Hecarim felt strange, but he hadn't run so vigorously for a long time, so the pursuit under his feet was a little faster, and the speed was too fast.

Just when he was about to approach Lu Qi's back and hit it with a hammer in his hand.


A familiar voice came.

I saw Lu Qi's right foot dotted on the surface of the sea, and his figure jumped up high for a moment, then jumped again, and then jumped again.

Hecarim looked forward, and saw a ghost ship under the driving of a crew member, coming back full of momentum, the speed was incomparably fast, and it was about to be hit by the bow of the ship to kill all those humans.

Seeing this scene, there was a brief sluggishness in the eyes of the horses.

And when the crew saw Hecarim in front, they were frightened and dumbfounded, and there was no time to stop the ship.


In the next second, the bow of the ghost ship slammed into Hecarim's body, making a loud noise.

Hecarim roared in pain, his huge body was incomparable in front of the ghost ship.

It was directly hit and shot out, like a shot bullet, it slammed back onto the island.

Seeing this scene, the countless undead were a little dazed.

At this moment, the armor on Hecarim's body had a few cracks directly under the impact, and ghostly flames burst out of it, like fresh blood.

And the exposed bones of his horse's body were also broken, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

The ghost ship stopped aside, and the crew on it were trembling.

"Tsk tsk."

Lu Qi, who ran back, shook his head upon seeing this.

"The sailing is irregular, and the relatives are crying."

When the voice fell, he also shot a few arrows without hesitation, not letting go of a chance to make up the knife.

Hecarim, who was knocked to the ground, felt the danger, and immediately raised his hammer and swung it, sweeping away those arrows.

But unexpectedly, he still missed an arrow and was shot straight on the horse's ass.


Hecarim let out a scream immediately, this piercing pain was a feeling he had never experienced before.

He looked at the hammer in his hand, and there was some anger and doubt in his eyes.

I don't understand why I made such a low-level mistake.

If it was his long halberd, not a single arrow would be missed.

Even so, Hecarim still didn't intend to give up the sacred object in his hand, but he realized that he was seriously injured at the moment.

Even if the black mist bestowed him with immortality, it would still take some time to heal the wound.

He stepped out of the iron hoof decisively, and headed towards the air, intending to enter the high altitude, heal the wound and then return.

Soon, he came to the sky above the black mist, resumed his disdainful posture, and looked down condescendingly.

"Boom" sound.

A bolt of purple thunder flashed past, and the thunder pillar slammed down, hitting Hecarim's body in an instant.


The violent thunder and lightning made Hecarim howl a few times, and he felt severe pain from every corner of his body.

Even he couldn't bear the terrifying power of thunder and lightning.

Then, his body fell from the black mist, emitting bursts of black smoke, and he looked even more embarrassed.

The undead rushed towards him, protecting their leader.

The arrow shot by Lu Qi was blocked by the undead, he sighed in his heart, knowing that it was too late to make up the knife.

Hecarim stood up shaking his body, threw the hammer out unluckily, and picked up his halberd again.

This hammer is poisonous.

Lu Qi was secretly amazed at the moment.

It's a good thing I didn't pick it up just now. If I did, wouldn't it be him who was unlucky?
The hammer of the curse, staring at anyone is unlucky.

I'm really not joking with you.

The shadow of war was so domineering and undead just now, how embarrassing and embarrassing it is now.

Seeing this situation with his own eyes, Lu Qi made up his mind that he would never touch the hammer.

Bobby ran over quickly, picked up the holy hammer again, and then kept blowing on the will-o'-the-wisp with his small mouth.

After blowing a few puffs, the will-o'-the-wisp actually went out, and then the holy hammer returned to its original state at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Looking at the restored hammer, Poppy grinned.

It feels good to have the hammer back.

Poppy obviously didn't think it was his hammer that got him into trouble.

She is now thankful for her lost hammer.

"Iron Group! Assemble!!"

At this moment, a monstrous roar resounded through the black mist.

Hecarim released a terrifying aura all over his body, the flames in his eyes were burning with great anger, and he entered a state of out-of-control rage.

Get ready to end this pointless battle!
As the roar resounded, the figures of ghost knights began to appear behind Hecarim, forming a cavalry team like shadows.

One, ten, one hundred, one thousand!
Thousands of tall ghostly auras gathered behind Hecarim with monstrous aura, and the ghostly aura overflowed!
The undead and ghosts on the island ran away howling.

Everyone broke away from the battle and looked over there, their hearts sank.

Seeing this, Lu Qi also looked solemn.

At this moment, an even greater aura was gathering behind Hecarim, and his eyes were burning with great anger.

Holding the halberd tightly in his hand, he was about to crush this small island and this man to pieces!
"Buzz! Buzz!"

Suddenly, an extremely discordant music sounded, accompanied by a spreading golden ripple, directly penetrating all the undead cavalry, including Hecarim.

Immediately afterwards, music like the tumbling tsunami, the thunder in the sky, and the humming in the mountains came out, like the final chapter of the music, surpassing everything.

The aura of the Iron Group immediately stagnated!
The momentum collapsed, and the weak undead screamed piercingly, and were annihilated directly.

And those ghost knights of the Iron Regiment also showed pain on their faces.

Hecarim's complexion changed wildly, if he had any face!

What rang in his ears at this moment was an extremely familiar final movement!

He felt that his body was controlled by the music, unable to move.

He forcibly turned his head and looked in the direction of the music.

I saw a fearless ship appearing in everyone's field of vision.

And at the bow of the boat, a beautiful woman with a holy body and aqua-blue hair is playing the strings with both hands.

Her posture is so beautiful at this moment, as moving as a goddess.

"That piano!"

Hecarim stared at the piano, roaring in his heart, fear appeared in his eyes.

He has seen this piano, when he was alive!
On that island, on that island that is still called Fuguang Island!
In the next moment, Hecarim felt a great danger, the long-lost feeling of heart beating wildly, it was a kind of fear of death.

A frightening sword intent came from behind.

Hecarim turned his head and saw Lu Qi holding a long sword.

His black hair swayed with the wind, and the sword intent all over his body penetrated the sky and pierced the black mist!

A powerful wind condensed on his body, and the surrounding wind howled, and the awe-inspiring white light shining on his body all gathered on the blade of the sword.

"no no!!"

Hecarim let out a roar that shook the sky, turned around forcibly, and ordered: "Iron regiment, charge!"

However, under the control of the music in the final chapter, the Iron Group couldn't move at all, and every cavalry wailed in pain.

Only Hecarim could barely move.

He didn't care anymore, raised the halberd full of cracks, the will-o'-the-wisp burning all over his body, and rushed towards Lu Qi like crazy.

Potential to hit the strongest blow.

Lu Qi's eyes were piercing, and he slashed out with a sword.


Amidst the howling wind, a tornado with a length of ten meters blows out suddenly, in which the awe-inspiring aura flashes like thunder and lightning, and contains a very strong sword intent!
Along the way, all the undead touched by this tornado were annihilated in an instant, and they didn't even have time to scream.

"I will never lose!!!"

Hecarim raised his head to the sky and roared furiously, and smashed his halberd heavily towards the approaching tornado.


The spooky halberd shattered instantly when it touched the tornado, and the tornado didn't stop at all, engulfing Hecarim's body in it.


Hecarim's body and even his soul let out a tearing roar, his armor was shattered in the tornado, and turned into thick smoke and dissipated.

The will-o'-the-wisp was dim, and he was covered in scars.

Then, his eyes stared at Lu Qi with hatred.

He never thought that the never-defeated Iron Legion would end up in such a place today.

He who has never been defeated will lose to this man today.

"Sooner or later!"

"Sooner or later, my army will crush your land!"

The unwilling roar echoed under the night and in the black mist as Hecarim's huge body dissipated.

(End of this chapter)

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