LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 177 One face looks guilty

Chapter 177

The dissipation of the shadow of war caused the surrounding undead to fall into a deadly panic.

The black mist became restless, and the screams became violent and restless.

Galen rushed down from the ship holding his great sword, followed by Quinn, Frey and two hundred soldiers.

Aimed at the remaining undead in the black mist, they began to counterattack.

The battle continues.

But for the undead who lost the leadership of the Shadow of War, as well as the Iron Legion, the ending of defeat is doomed.

As time passed, the dark clouds in the sky dissipated, and it was almost dawn.

The first ray of sunlight sprinkled from it, piercing through the black mist, like the first ray of spring in a bitter winter.

The black mist began to recede steadily, rolling up all the horrifying souls of the dead to form a chaotic storm.

The out-of-control dead ate each other, some attacked each other like crazy, some struggled to escape, and followed the black mist.

People stopped what they were doing, watched the black mist go away, and returned to the depths of the sea.

Above the sea, everything returned to calm.

But the traces of the battle clearly told everyone what happened here.

Everyone felt a sense of relief at this moment, and countless exhaustions surged from the bottom of their hearts.

They raised their heads, breathed the fresh air greedily, looked up at the clear sky, and enjoyed the feeling of the sun shining on their faces.

The weapon in his hand could not help but loosen and fell to the ground.

Lu Qi kept walking on the island without stopping, stopping in front of a wounded person from time to time to treat his injury.



In the Hall of Valor, in front of a stone tablet.

The names of the sacrificed soldiers were engraved on it, and countless people looked at the names on the stone tablet and mourned silently.

Lu Qi stood on one side, staring at the stele.

He knew that Soul Eater Night had passed.

However, those who have passed away will not come back.

This time, due to the preparations made in advance and the timely support from Galen, Sona and others, the casualties were not particularly large.

Until this time, the soldiers can still recall everything they experienced last night.

Just imagine, if Soul Eater Night is ushered in without any preparation, what a disaster it will be, and how many people will die.

After the mourning ceremony, Lu Qi returned to the residence prepared for him in Water City.

Lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling, I only feel extremely tired physically and mentally.

Lying on the bed, he soon felt sleepy, but closed his eyes.

In my mind, I kept thinking about everything I experienced last night.

This is the first Soul Eater Night that Demacia has experienced, but such a disaster happens every year.

Hecarim died by his sword, but was he really dead?
The black mist grants immortality to the undead, and the source of everything is in the Shadow Island. If this root cause cannot be solved, will the shadow of war really die?

The time for real danger has not yet come.

How long until that love brain wakes up?
Questions like these kept replaying in Lu Qi's mind, making him unable to sleep soundly, and his brows knit together unconsciously.


With a "squeak", the door was gently pushed open, and a burst of light footsteps slowly came to the bedside.

Sona sat on the edge of the bed, looked at Lu Qi's sleeping face, tenderness flashed in her eyes, and the corners of her mouth curled up involuntarily.

The way he frowns when he is asleep is also very good-looking, no matter what angle you look at it, you will never get tired of it.

Just watching silently like this, suddenly, Sona lowered her head slightly, and her water-blue hair fell on his body.

Just like that, looking at his sleeping face from top to bottom, face to face.

Sona's long eyelashes trembled, and then her vermilion lips leaned forward gently.

She clicked on his mouth, and then moved away in a panic. Seeing his breathing evenly throughout, she was relieved a little.

Feeling the thumping heart in her heart, as well as the residual warmth on her lips, Sona's eyes flashed with joy and satisfaction.

Seeing his brows stretched, Sona's mouth showed a touching smile, watching him gently.

Then she mustered up some courage again.

She gently lay on her side beside him, looking at his sleeping face from a close distance.

This time Lu Qi slept very comfortably, and slept soundly.

In his sleep, he felt as if he was resting on two soft things, full of elasticity and beauty, they were a perfect pair of pillows.

When I opened my eyes again, it was already the next morning.

If it wasn't for the fact that he was so hungry, Lu Qi felt that he could still sleep for a while.

Open your eyes and see the ceiling.

At this moment, there was a feeling of oversleep, and when he recovered, Lu Qi noticed a fresh scent beside him.

This scent is very familiar, Lu Qi has only smelled it on Sona.

Sitting up and looking at the side, Lu Qi stretched his waist.

He slept so hard yesterday that he didn't know if anyone had come.

At this time, there was a sound of light footsteps, and after a while, the door was pushed open.

Sona walked in slowly with a breakfast, and as soon as she entered, she saw Lu Qi staring at her.

Her face turned red unconsciously, and she looked away a little guilty, not looking at him.

Seeing this, a suspicion flashed in Lu Qi's eyes.

It's easy to see this girl's guilty conscience, she has an expression on her face that she has done something wrong.

However, Lu Qi, who was overly hungry, gave up thinking when he saw the breakfast. After thanking him, he took the breakfast and ate it bite by bite.

Sona sat down next to her, watching Lu Qi eating breakfast without blinking.

When Lu Qi was about to finish eating, she took the initiative to take Kui Hua over.

The moment Lu Qi raised his hand to touch Yu Hua, Sona's heartfelt voice came over.

"Is it tasty?"

Her watery eyes looked at Lu Qi expectantly.

"It's delicious, let's have another one."

Lu Qi nodded with a smile on his face, and handed over the lunch box.

"Okay~!" Sona happily took the lunch box and ran out of the room happily.

Watching Sona leave the room, Lu Qi touched his half-full stomach, leaned on the bed slowly, and waited leisurely.

Apparently this breakfast was made by Sona herself.

The taste is indeed not bad.

This girl would sometimes run over to learn from him while he was cooking, and it seemed that she had learned a bit.

At this time, Lu Qi lowered his head and looked at Yu Hua who was placed beside him.

On this light golden guqin, the breath of time can be clearly seen on it, but it doesn't look old.

Thinking back to last night, Sona's support can be said to be quite timely.

This wave of group control directly interrupted Hecarim's ultimate move.

Otherwise, Lu Qi at the time was not sure if there was a way to deal with it.

It was also her key group control that allowed Lu Qi to find an opportunity to send Hecarim back to the west.

Thinking of Hecarim's shock when he saw Yuhua in Sona's arms, Lu Qi thought about it.

Looking at the appearance of the horse, it seems to know this thousand-year-old guqin.

Seeing that those undead all showed incomparable fear of this guqin, the more it shows that the coming of this guqin may not be easy.

And this guqin is related to Sona's life experience.

Soon after Sona was born, she was abandoned at the gate of the monastery together with the guqin.

Since then, her parents have not been able to find her again, until Noxus invaded and Sona was taken to Demacia.

If Hecarim has seen this Guqin, or has seen the user of this Guqin, it means that this is very likely related to Sona's life experience.

Is it from the Shadow Isles?

Or a country 1000 years ago?

Why did Sona's parents abandon her back then?

Lu Qi thought about it, and thought that when he had a chance in the future, he might have to go to Shadow Island to find out.

Having nothing to do, he said silently, "Sign in."

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a rare and rare fruit - red grapes]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the training card (three days)]

Glancing at the system's rewards, Lu Qi yawned in a not-so-sleepy way, and then continued leaning against the wall in a daze.

Not long after, Sona came back with another breakfast.

She handed it over to Lu Qi, and continued to sit beside him, watching him eat bite by bite, with a sweet smile on his mouth, his expression very satisfied.

After eating and drinking, I chatted with Sona for a while.

Lu Qi came outside.

It seemed that he was the only one who slept late that day.

Sicilia, Quinn, Wayne, and Frey, along with a group of personal soldiers, have already started their daily morning exercises.

Bobby's small figure also mixed in, carrying the hammer everywhere, and doing morning exercises together.

After seeing Lu Qi, Galen walked over and said, "Your Highness, the Royal Capital already knows the situation here."

Lu Qi nodded and asked, "Is the black fog still coming last night?"

Galen shook his head: "No."

Lu Qi felt relieved and confirmed that Soul Eater Night had passed.

If the black mist came again last night, he might not be able to sleep now.

But just to be on the safe side, he planned to stay here for two more days.

After all, he is not sure about this thing, whether it will go and come back.

Even with some understanding, it feels different to experience it personally.

Even for Demacia, the impact of Soul Eater Night is a very big event.

So in a blink of an eye, two days passed.

On September [-], the weather was fine.

Outside the port of Dornhold, the sea was calm again, and the sun was shining gently.

Lu Qi stood at the coastal port, looking at the blue sea and the fishing boats going out to sea, and was also preparing to embark on the journey back to the capital.

Three nights have passed since Soul Eater Night.

During these three nights, there was no sign of the coming of the black mist, so it can be confirmed that the Soul Eater Night has indeed passed.

The next Soul Eater Night will be a long time away.

at this time.

Wayne and Frey stood on a boat that was about to leave, and said goodbye: "We probably won't be able to make it back for Lux's birthday. Wish her a happy birthday for me."


Lu Qi nodded, looking at the bright crossbow on Wei En's wrist, he was also a little emotional.

When she sees Wei En next time, she might have changed her skin.

Before his death, Rammings entrusted the light creature to Vayne and told her to go to a city named 'Eze'.

And Wayne and Frey decided to go.

That city is located in the southernmost part of Demacia, and it is also a city by the sea.

Even if it takes a boat from here, it will take four or five days, and then go back, it will take half a month in total.

"When you get to the place, if you meet someone from the Sentinels of Light, send this letter to Lucian for me."

Before the two left.

Lu Qi handed the letter to Lucian to them.

Lucian's whereabouts are uncertain, and only the Sentinel of Light can deliver the letter to him.

The letter gave some feedback on the situation of Soul Eater Night and what Rammings explained.

"I know."

Wei En took the letter, and then waved goodbye to Quinn, Sithlia and others who were seeing off at the port.

Watching the ship in front of you gradually go away.

An hour later, the ship returning to the capital was also on the route.

Five days later.

Noon on September [-]th.

Lu Qi led a group of soldiers back to the foot of the city wall of the capital.

After returning to the capital, without resting, Lu Qi and Galen rushed to the palace without stopping.

Quinn took Poppy to the pro-barracks, while Sona headed home.

Three or ten minutes later, Lu Qi and Galen stopped in front of the palace.

After getting off their horses, they immediately set off in the direction of the conference hall.

In the conference hall, Jarvan III, Emperor IV, Tiana, Roy, Lev, Wen Huade and other ministers had already received the news in advance and gathered again to wait.

Seeing the two people push the door and walk in, all eyes focused on them for a moment.

Jarvan III looked at Lu Qi with a particularly gratified look in his eyes.

Jarvan IV also looked at him, feeling proud of his performance this time, but also a little emotional.

Unknowingly, Lu Qi has made a lot of achievements.

The last cult and beast tide, plus this Soul Eater Night, in these two big events, Lu Qi's performance is very important.

It can be said that it is not an exaggeration to affect the overall situation.

Dornhold's Soul Devouring Night incident had been sent back by letter a few days ago.

Demacia, who experienced such an incident for the first time, took it very seriously.

Because, this means that behind Demacia, which has been peaceful for so long, there are also enemies that cannot be underestimated.

At the same time, the most dreadful thing is the unknown.

For Demacia, those undead legions, the unknown represents terror.

Looking at the two of them, Tiana recalled what Lu Qi had said before setting off.

Unexpectedly, as he said, the black mist is really a bad omen.


Lu Qi came to San Shi's side and bowed to salute.

Jiawen III looked softly, and patted him on the shoulder: "You have contributed a lot to this customs border. We will talk about rewards for meritorious deeds later. Let's talk about it in detail first."


Lu Qi responded, looked at the minister, thought for a while, and then opened his mouth to speak.

From his departure to the small island to his return, he experienced the Soul Eater night.

During the process, he played down the identity of Ramings, the sentinel of light, and just briefly mentioned that he is still a noble soul in the black mist.

After Lu Qi finished speaking, it was Galen's turn.

Galen tells of the Night of Soul Eater encountered on the shore.

All the ministers quietly listened to the detailed process, and they could imagine how severe the danger the team encountered at that time.

After listening, everyone admired Lu Qi's defense in advance.

This time is the same as last time, if Lu Qi hadn't made preparations in advance, the consequences would have been unimaginable.

And the sense of crisis this Soul Eater Night brought to everyone was far more serious than the last cult and beast tide.

The faces of many people gradually became serious.

For those undead who are almost immortal, it can be said to be very tricky.

Where do they come from?And why come?How to have this power?
All for unknown reasons.

Soon, on this point, the ministers started discussions.

Most of the directions discussed are the source of the black mist.

"We can't be ignorant of the black mist."

"Will it come back? Or when?"

"We must find out the source of the black mist!"

"Your Majesty, I suggest sending someone to find out!"

"But who knows the source and what's the danger? Who to send?"

Radicals believe that Demacia should send a team to the west to thoroughly investigate the source of the black mist.

Go to the source of the black mist and find out.

Conservatives, on the other hand, feel that they cannot be so rash.

After all, no one can guarantee the source of the black mist, what will be waiting for them there.

Radicals and conservatives clashed fiercely on this point.

In this regard, Jiawen III, Tiana, Roy and other important figures have not expressed their opinions.

After talking for a while, more people supported the decision of the radicals.

No matter who it is, it cannot be tolerated, and there is an unknown enemy behind Demacia.

Finally, on the octagonal table, someone raised his hand.

"I suggest that a team of 500 people be sent to the source of the black mist to find out the cause."

The speaker was the representative of the nobility, Stewart, who raised his hand slightly to show his attitude.

Then, another person raised his hand.

It's the head of the Arcatraz, Eldredard.

"I also suggest finding out the source of the black mist."

The voices of the two fell, and more and more ministers around raised their hands to agree with this view.

"I agree."

"The black mist must be investigated!"

"Big deal, send a little more people, 500 people are not enough, just 1000 people."

Seeing the intentions of the ministers, Lu Qi began to move closer to the source of the investigation, and began to think.

Isn't the source of the black mist the Shadow Isles?
Shadow Island is not a place to go.

Most of Demacia's troops are elite, so they always win by quality.

At that time in Dornhold, only a team of nearly 4000 people blocked the invasion of the black mist.

However, no matter how many elites there are, wouldn't they still be giving away their heads if they went to Shadow Island?

So, after thinking for a while, Lu Qi raised his hand and said, "Allow me to say a few words."

As soon as he spoke, the scene fell silent, and everyone looked at him.

Tiana was also watching him, wanting to see what he had to say.

"As a person who has personally experienced this incident, I think I have the right to speak."

Lu Qi looked around the conference hall and said, "My suggestion is to give up the investigation."

 I'm a little tired, and I can't write any words.
(End of this chapter)

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