LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 178 If He Is Tired, You Will Be The One

Chapter 178 If He Is Tired, You Will Be The One
"I think that if you take the liberty to investigate the source of the black mist, the ending will definitely be bad."

Lu Qi looked at the crowd and spoke calmly.

"Based on my experience of spending a night in the black mist, among those undead are giants, double-headed sharks, ghost ships, and sea beasts that Galen said I have never seen before."

"These creatures that appeared in various places in Runeterra have now become slaves to the black mist, which shows that the spread of the black mist is not limited to Demacia."

Listening to his narration, the ministers present were lost in thought.

Indeed, there are some undead in the black mist that Demacia doesn't have, and those undead obviously come from other places in Runeterra.

"This is more likely to indicate that there are more powerful undead creatures at the source of the black mist."

Lu Qi looked around at the crowd and said again.

"Even if we want to understand the black mist, should we make sufficient preparations? Instead of giving away people's heads meaninglessly."

Hearing this, Roy, who was sitting by the side, couldn't help coughing, and said, "Your Highness, it's inevitable to give away the head."

"The words are not rough."

Another voice sounded.

Tiana leaned back on the seat and said: "In the field, is there anyone who understands the black mist better than him and Galen? Even they think the black mist is extremely dangerous. Let's send someone over, isn't it just Give away the head?"

The surroundings began to whisper, and the radicals calmed down. After careful consideration, they found that this was indeed the case.

Where and what is the source of the black mist?
No one here wants to know this.

But the question is, how to know?

Send people over, who to send?

What danger is there, and who knows?
What if the investigation team leaves and never returns?

That's five hundred lives.

At this time, Stewart looked at Lu Qi and said: "But if we have been unknown about the black mist, who can guarantee whether its source is more dangerous to Debon? And, will the black mist Go back and forth?"

"So, we should start to strengthen the defense line of the sea border now. In my opinion, the black mist will definitely return."

Lu Qi glanced at him, and then looked at everyone.

"According to my observations and information, the spread of the black mist is more like a seasonal expansion. For example, at a certain time, it will appear like snow in winter. And when this period of time passes, the black mist will appear Back to the source."

"In the final analysis, this is nothing more than your guess, Your Highness."

After waiting for Lu Qi to finish speaking, Stuart refuted his point of view, saying, "According to His Highness's speculation, why didn't similar things happen in Debon's past history? Since you all think that the black mist will go away and come back again." Then we should investigate the source and eliminate its harm to Germany from the root.”

The ministers behind him began to discuss again in a low voice.

"As I said before, the black mist must have been to other places before it came to Demacia after several twists and turns."

Lu Qi took a few steps, came to the table, and picked up a pen.

When the conference hall became quiet, he drew a circle on it, "Does this mean that the source of the black mist itself is very far away from us?"

As he spoke, he drew a long line, and then circled it there again.

"It took hundreds of years for the black mist to spread to the border of Debon. With such a long distance, even if we send people over, do the soldiers still have the energy to deal with the danger at the source? Even if they investigate Knowing the reason and sending the information back, what shall we do?"

When Lu Qi said this, he looked at Stuart, "Send a team of more people to fight the longest battle in the history of Demacia with a bunch of ghosts? How much manpower will it cost? , material resources, energy and resources?"

The ministers present watched this handsome young man talking, and all of them calmed down.

Think carefully about his words.


Even if the source of the black mist is found out and its danger is confirmed, how should Demacia deal with it?

Is it possible to send troops to wipe out the source of the black mist?
Let alone how dangerous the source of the black mist is, even if it is wiped out, what price will it pay?

Is it more profitable than strengthening the defense line now and waiting for the next seasonal black fog to return as Lu Qi said?

Listening to Lu Qi's words, Stuart also fell silent.

After a while, he continued to speak: "This is also your highness's speculation. What if the source of the black mist is very close to Demacia?"

Lu Qi looked at him, smiled, and retorted with his words: "Then why, in the past history of Demacia, no one has discovered the black mist?"

The same question made Stuart quiet down.

Indeed, if the source of the black mist is very close to Demacia, why hasn't it been found in Demacia's hundreds of years of history?
The words he used to refute Lu Qi's point of view just now just confirmed his speculation.

That is, the source of the black mist must be far away from Demacia.

Lu Qi continued: "Besides, the black fog must have been to other places. The sea beast that Galen described is obviously not a creature in the Conqueror's Sea Territory. I remember it appeared on the other side of the Valoran continent. Watch monsters of the Sea of ​​the Dead."

On the night of Soul Eater, there was a sea beast with a body like a giant ship, octopus-like tentacles, and spots.

According to the relevant records, this sea beast should be a kind of sea monster named Sea Kui Chong that often appears in the Watcher's Sea.

A creature from the other side of Valoran, the soul after death, came to Demacia.

Doesn't this also mean that the location of the black mist is very far from Demacia?
Even if you start from the Sea of ​​Conqueror, change to a water route, and go around in circles, it will inevitably take a while.

Stuart fell silent, took a serious look at Lu Qi, and said nothing.

"So, to sum up, what we should do at this time is not to investigate the source, but to strengthen the defense line in the border waters to observe whether the behavior of the black fog is seasonal."

Lu Qi looked at the crowd, expressed his opinion again, and then he said, "Actually, in my opinion, it's not that we have no way to deal with the black mist."

After everyone heard the words, their eyes continued to focus on him, waiting for his next words.

"Based on the words of the fighters who fought against the black mist for four days on the island, as well as my experience."

Lu Qi put down the pen in his hand, and said again, "The black mist will erode a person's soul, thereby enslaving this soul, and making it fight against fellow citizens."

"The first key point of its erosion of the soul is death. People who die in the black mist will not go to the underworld, but will be trapped in the black mist and be controlled by it."

"The black mist itself has a certain degree of aggressiveness. Ordinary people have no ability to resist it. But our armor has played a very good protective role."

Lu Qi said, and walked to Galen's side.

At this moment, he was wearing a suit of armor, and there were still scratches from the battle on it, but there were no traces of being corroded by the black mist.

The armor made of Demacian steel through a special process, in the process, was actually poured with holy water, which is the material of forbidden lime water.

After completion, it has a good magic resistance and can resist magic.

Now it seems that this armor can not only resist the simple armor, but also resist the black mist.

Galen was very impressed by this point.

At that time, when his exposed skin touched the black mist, he immediately felt a cold and tingling sensation, but the other places covered by the armor did not.

And those ships and equipment that passed through the black mist all had obvious signs of being corroded.

Of course, this does not mean that Demacia armor is 100% immune to black mist.

It's just that, relatively speaking, it can last longer.

For example, when they went to the island, the armors of the four fearless warriors including Calvin also showed traces of erosion by the black mist.

But they survived for a full six days in the black mist.

Most of the people here are smart people.

Hearing Lu Qi's words, he immediately understood what he meant.

In other words, the forbidden magic stone also has an effect on the black mist.

This gave people a little more confidence in the unknown danger of the black mist.

The magic stone has always been Demacia's trump card. Now that they know that the magic stone is still useful against ghosts, many people feel relieved.

Lu Qi watched their whispered discussions and their pensive expressions, so he didn't make a sound, and waited quietly.

He opened the full map, and naturally knew that to investigate the Shadow Island, it must be a dead end.

As for the other things about the black mist, that will be at this time next year.

Besides, the black mist, the ordinary Soul Eater Demacia is fully capable of dealing with it.

As for the uncommon ones that will affect the entire Runeterra, what is the use of ordinary defense lines?
Jarvan III looked at Lu Qi, a smile flashed in his eyes, then he looked away, and said, "Who else wants to comment on this matter?"

The voice fell, and the audience was silent.

Lu Qi has already said what should be said, and he said it very clearly.

No matter how they have opinions, that is to criticize.

Including Stewart and Eldred, who initially agreed to investigate the source, sat quietly at the moment.

After waiting for a few seconds.

Jiawen III opened his mouth again and said, "Since there is no one to express their views on this matter, then regarding the black mist, we should focus on strengthening the defense line in the border sea area. As for the investigation of the source, we will wait until we have fully understood and prepared."

For Demacia, the source of the black mist cannot just give up the investigation.

After all, no matter how you say it, it is always a dangerous existence for Germany.

However, now is the time to be more fully prepared and informed.

After Jarvan III finished a wave of summaries, the matter about the black mist was over.

After that, there is reward for meritorious deeds.

Needless to say, Lu Qi's role in the black fog this time, whether it is the arrangement in advance or resisting the black fog at sea, is indispensable.

It's just that, now he is already a major general at a young age, and if he rises further, he will be a lieutenant general, the same position as Jarvan IV.

Many people think it's too early.

Other rewards are money and the like.

After all, as a prince, Lu Qi doesn't need to be knighted.

Of course, these things are all the same to Lu Qi.

Galen also played an important role in this incident and was promoted to the title of knighthood.

He himself doesn't think much of it.

No official position or title has ever been particularly attractive to him.

As for the contributions of the rest of the fighters, they will not be discussed one by one in a place like the conference hall, but will be handled by various departments.

For those who are outstanding like Sislia, there is no doubt that they are promoted.

The next step is to be knighted.

For her, it is estimated that this time she will leave her status as a fearless reserve and be promoted to the official fearless pioneer group.

Naturally, the soldiers who followed Lu Qi, as well as Quinn, could share the credit.

And there's Sona.

In this night of Soul Eater, her contribution can be said to be no less than that of Galen, the kind who can split the contribution.

However, due to her particularity.

During Lu Qi's narration, he didn't emphasize her contribution, and didn't even deliberately mention her role.

Similarly, when Galen was talking, he also intentionally or unintentionally skipped over Sona.

After the meeting.

Lu Qi chatted with III, Tiana, IV and others for a while.

Then he got up to say goodbye and left the palace.

Now he has already returned to his heart like an arrow.

Can't wait to lie on the patio chairs and soak up the sun.

For some reason, every time he took a long trip, he felt extremely tired and panicked.

Heart tired, body tired.

Arriving outside the palace, Urna had already prepared a carriage and waited here.

After getting into the carriage, Lu Qi sat down, relaxed all over and said, "Go home."

Soon, the carriage drove slowly.

Lu Qi closed his eyes and leaned against the wall of the carriage. He closed his eyes and rested for a while, feeling that his mind was much clearer.

After a while, he opened his eyes, stretched out his hand and casually lifted the curtain of the carriage, and looked outside.

On the street, people come and go, lively as usual.

Seeing the familiar street, Lu Qi thought for a while and said, "Turn left and go to the prison."

It happened to be on the way, but Lu Qi suddenly remembered Silas, as if he hadn't visited him for a while.


Urna responded and changed direction while driving the carriage.

Ten minutes later, the carriage slowly stopped at the gate of Wangdu Prison.

When the guards at the gate saw the carriage of the Guangdun family, they also thought that His Royal Highness hadn't come for a while.

"See Your Royal Highness."


After getting off the carriage, Lu Qi entered the prison unimpeded, went to the right, and came to the door of the dungeon.

Then I saw a smiling face like a blooming chrysanthemum.

Deirdre came up to him with a flattering face: "I just said why the sun is so bright and the air is so sweet today. It turns out that it is His Royal Highness who is here."

Lu Qi glanced at him casually, and walked into the dungeon.

Deirdre followed in the same old fashion.

Soon, the two arrived at the door of the familiar cell.

Just like when Lu Qi first came, the door of the heavy cell was tightly closed, and there were two guards guarding the door.

"Open the door."

Deirdre naturally knew why Lu Qi came here, took the torch from the wall, and glanced at the guard.

So, the two guards took out the keys and slowly opened the cell door.

There is some light inside, although it is not very bright, but it can be seen clearly.

Lu Qi saw at a glance that behind the cage, Silas was sitting there, copying the book stroke by stroke.

As he walked in, the light from the torch illuminated the interior a bit brighter.

"Xiao Sai, long time no see, do you miss me?"

Lu Qi greeted the inside with a smile.

However, Silas's reaction was very cold, he just raised his head and glanced at Lu Qi, then lowered his head again, and continued to do what he was doing.

Lu Qi was not angry, and looked at Silas, whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

Compared to two months ago, Silas at this time has seen some changes in his temperament.

Maybe it's because he has copied too many books, and he can clearly feel the change in him.

The eyes that were full of hatred and hostility when they met for the first time became much calmer now.

Silas and Lu Qi really had nothing to say.

But if you want to say whether you have thought about it or not, to be honest, you have really thought about it.
After all, during the recent period, what impresses Silas the most is Lu Qi who comes here to make a fool of himself from time to time.

But after such a long time this time, he didn't see the prince come again.

Thought he had forgotten himself.

But today he came again.

Nothing seemed to have changed from when we first met.

But it gave Silas a more uneasy feeling.

I just don't know what the hell this guy is going to do this time.

After glancing at Silas, Lu Qi said, "I'm exhausted outside every day, but he's here reading and writing, and he's living a comfortable life."

Deirdre beside him smiled and did not speak.

I muttered in my heart, didn't you arrange this at the beginning?

Then Lu Qi said: "From today on, give him something to do, don't you think it's not good for him to be too comfortable?"

"Extremely so."

Deirdre nodded beside him and asked, "I don't know, Your Highness, how do you plan to arrange him?"

Lu Qi said: "Take him outside. I think the playground in the prison seems to be quite big. Let him run dozens of laps every morning. After I'm done, I think it's time to expand the playground. give him."

Deird was stunned after hearing this: "You want to let him go outside? But, he is"

"What's the problem? What are you afraid of?"

Lu Qi interrupted him and looked at him.

Deird shook his head quickly: "I mean, this is a bit too cruel."

As a lifeless prisoner, Silas logically has no chance to leave this cage in his life.

However, in fact, even according to what Lu Qi said, it's okay to drag him outside to do things.

Anyway, Lu Qi was on his head when something happened, and this is Wangdu Prison, so it's impossible for something to happen.

In his opinion, the trick His Highness thought of this time was a bit too ruthless.

I get up in the morning and run dozens of laps, and when I'm done, I have to undertake the task of expanding a library.
This is purely treating people like bullshit.

"It's right to be ruthless."

Lu Qi looked at Deirdre with a smile on his face: "Every night, if he is tired, you will be the one."

Deirdre was taken aback, and quickly stood up straight to promise: "This subordinate promises to complete His Highness's task!"

 Ongoing card text
(End of this chapter)

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