LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 184 Little human beings have so many farts

Chapter 184 Little human beings have so many farts
It was a little late at night.

Under the moonlight, Lax squatted on the ground, watching the last fairy wand in her hand burn out little by little.

In her eyes, those shining sparks are blooming to their heart's content.

Suddenly, a gleam of light overflowed from the fingertips, which shocked Lacus.

She didn't have time to think about it, so she hurriedly covered her hands, thankful in her heart that fortunately, there were very few people in the front yard at the moment, and she was not seen.

"Lacus, what are you doing over there?"

Kashina waved to her from the other side: "Let's soak in the hot spring together."

Lacus stood up, smiling at her with a small face: "I suddenly remembered something, so I'm leaving first."

As she said that, she glanced at her hand and confirmed that the light had disappeared temporarily, but she didn't dare to stay here any longer.

So he ran to the bicycle, got on it, kicked his feet, and plunged into the darkness without daring to look back.

Kashina looked at her hurriedly away in doubt.

And within a few minutes, Lu Qi, who had been busy in the backyard, walked back to the front yard and asked strangely, "Where are the Lux people?"

Kashina replied: "She said something happened and then ran out."

"What can she do?"

Lu Qi glanced outside the courtyard, suddenly thought of something, he chuckled: "It must be because I didn't write my homework."

Playing firecrackers today delayed the time to soak in the hot springs.

At this time, it was half past ten.

At such a late hour, as usual, it's time for the girls to go home.

But today, the little golden retriever ran away without soaking in the hot spring, which is a bit strange.

On weekdays, it is her favorite hot spring, and it can be said that she will not miss it every day.

Came to the backyard, took off his clothes, Lu Qi soaked in the hot spring pool.

The scent of medicine emanating from the warm pool makes people feel refreshed.

Lu Qi raised his head, looked at the moonlight tonight, and watched it quietly for a while.

After about ten minutes, he got up from the pool feeling that something was wrong, and his voice caught Fiona's attention.

"It's been half an hour?" She said in a lazy voice.

"No." Lu Qi replied, picked up a towel and began to wipe his body, "I'll go out for a while, you guys continue to soak, be careful, it's easy to get dizzy after soaking for a long time."


Chick Jianji echoed casually, apparently enjoying the suitable temperature of the hot spring.

After changing his clothes, he went to the basement to get some wine, and then Lu Qi rode out.

The direction is Crownguard House.

In three to four minutes, he rode to the gate of the Crown Guard's mansion and got off his horse.

At this moment, the gate of Mianwei's house has not yet reached the gate control time, and the gate of the courtyard is open.

He walked towards the courtyard, no one asked him all the way, and soon walked into the house and came to the living room.

In the living room, the lights are bright.

Augesa is knitting a sweater, which seems to be a woman's style.

What makes people unable to bear to take a second look is that Pete, a tall middle-aged man, is knitting a sweater just like Augsa.

Sensing the sound of footsteps outside, he immediately put down the things in his hand and coughed pretendingly serious.

Augesa raised her head, looked at Lu Qi who came into view, and asked curiously: "Why are you here?"

Pete also had a serious face, looked at Lu Qi and asked, "Where's Lux?"

"She's taking a bath in the hot spring."

Lu Qi had a harmless smile on his face.

Upon hearing this, the corners of Pete's mouth twitched, soaking in hot springs at other people's houses at night?
Inexplicably, a feeling of beating up this kid rose in his heart.

Before he could say anything, he saw Lu Qi put down the strange wine bottle in his hand: "I suddenly remembered that uncle probably hasn't tasted these newly brewed wines yet, so he brought some here."

"You really have a heart."

A smile appeared in Augsa's eyes.

Pete also found a lot of wine from Tiana recently, and I just heard that all these wines were brewed by the kid in front of him.

Now seeing that this kid specially brought him some newly brewed wine, I didn't expect this kid to know something.

A smile appeared on his face, and he said, "Then I won't be polite to you, I'll accept this wine."

"Uncle taste slowly."

After Lu Qi finished speaking, he bowed: "Then I will take my leave first."

"Well, slow down on the way back."

Augsa didn't want to stay, after all, the two families are so close, at most 10 minutes away.

After speaking, Lu Qi turned and left the living room.

A while after he left, seeing Pete eagerly opened the jug and poured out a glass of clear white wine, Augesa also smiled and asked, "What do you think of this child?"

When Pete heard this, he put down the jug, and pretended to be serious, "Well, it's so-so."

"Don't pretend to be there." Augesa gave the old boy who was outspoken and unhappy, and continued to knit the sweater: "Anyway, I like this kid quite a lot. And."

After she finished speaking, she glanced at Pete who was about to drink the glass of wine that had just been poured out in one gulp.

"If you dare to go to my bed reeking of alcohol tonight, you will know the consequences yourself."

this sentence.

Immediately, Pete's hand holding the glass froze in the air, neither drinking nor not drinking.

After struggling for a tenth of a second, his heart broke.

Big deal!
He directly raised his glass and swallowed all the wine in it. As his face turned rosy, he also showed a somewhat comfortable expression.

The wine made by this kid is indeed very good!

"Crack" sound.

The weaving stick in Augsa's hand broke in two, and she stood up with a cold face.

Pete swallowed nervously, only to find that his wife walked away angrily.

Pete is torn between coaxing his wife and continuing to drink.

Afterwards, he really wanted to slap himself.

as a man.

How can you be bothered about this kind of thing?

In this case, of course, continue to drink!

Thinking about it, he poured another glass directly, and continued to drink happily.

Leave the Crownguard's mansion.

Getting up on the horse, Lu Qi got a message.

That is Miss Crownguard did not come home.

It's late at night, it's almost eleven o'clock, and this girl won't go home.

There is indeed a problem.

Then she is so late, if she doesn't go home, where can she go?

With a sound of "drive", Lu Qi started to move the horse under him, thinking about this question in his mind.

Immediately, he raised his eyes and looked in one direction.

In the dead of night.

A bicycle stopped at the entrance of a waterway.

Lux carefully looked around, and after confirming that there was no one there, she left the bicycle and entered the waterway.

After going down a few stairs, the surrounding light suddenly became extremely dark, and the sound of water flowing could be heard vaguely.

But Lux was not afraid, but raised her hand, and a ray of light bloomed from it, instantly lighting up the surroundings.

After the road ahead appeared, she walked forward slowly according to her memory from a few years ago.

This uncontrollable light gave her a good help at this moment.

This is the underground waterway of the capital, which is a water circulation system. The water flowing in from the river connected outside will enter here and then circulate.

But about this, there is a secret that only Lux knows.

After walking forward for a few minutes, she saw a ray of moonlight coming in from one place.

"Sure enough, it's still there."

She quickened her pace.

It was a gap connecting the outside of the capital. She had come here before under the same circumstances, and found this gap by accident.

Lux's body can just pass through the gap.

The surrounding light recovered, the moonlight fell, and the road ahead was still quite bright.

She took a deep breath, started running, and ran into the woods ahead.

The woods at night are very quiet, not even a single person can be seen, and some birds and beasts can be faintly heard shouting, which adds a bit of loneliness to the forest.

He looked at the light in his hand that could not be suppressed no matter how hard he tried.

Lux felt the same panic as six years ago.

She knew it had always been in her body.

But I don't know why, after six years, she lost control again without warning.

What is the reason?
Lux couldn't figure it out, but she didn't want to let it do this.

Even if she knew it, it was a part of herself, a kind of talent she was born with.

But when it lit up from her fingertips, Lux instinctively felt scared.

Because this is Demacia.

In a country where magic is forbidden, she possesses inappropriate talents.

She couldn't imagine what people would think of her when they knew she was a "heterogeneous".

Father, Aunt, Galen, Kashina, Fiona, Sona, Quinn, Wayne, Frey, Poppy... and many friends.

and Lu Qi.

For some reason, every time she thinks of him, Lacus will feel inexplicably afraid for a while, as if her heart is pinched by someone.

She was afraid that Lu Qi would stay away from her if he learned that she was a mage, or even loathe her.

Whenever she thinks of this, a tingling feeling will emerge in Lux's heart.

She didn't want to see this happen.

So, she wants to stop this before things get bad.

She decided to use the same method as she did six years ago, and this is the only way she has now.

Speeding up her pace, Lux's figure ran forward in the forest, she didn't care to look at all the scenery she passed by.

After a while.

As the white giant standing taller than a tree appeared in front of him, Lux stopped in her tracks.

Just as she remembered, the ancient giant always looked down vigilantly and majestically.

This huge sculpture has a long history and is regarded as a symbol of war by the army.

When the soldiers go out to fight, the Colossus goes to war with them.

Colossi carved from the Arcane Stone have the ability to absorb magic, thus protecting soldiers from the Archmage's attacks.

Legend has it that he even woke up a few times when he absorbed enough magic.

However, this is legend, and the Demacians haven't seen the colossus move for a long time.

But only Lux knows that this is not a legend.

This colossus he is alive.

After calming down her somewhat shortness of breath, Lacus recalled the scene six years ago, and then mustered up the courage to walk forward.

In front of Galio, she was pitifully small.

It is said that the colossus is 30 meters high, and he can crush her flat with his feet.

Lux put her hand on the body of the colossus, a strange thing happened, the light on her hand seemed to be absorbed, and all got into Galio's body.

The surface of Galio's body began to show a film-like fluorescence, flickering slightly.

I don't know how much he absorbed, but after about 2 minutes, Lux found that the light from her hand was no longer pouring out.

So, Lacus took a few steps back, raised her head and looked at Galio in front of her, feeling a little drummed and a little scared in her heart.

Will he wake up?

After waking up, will he no longer remember her?

This majestic colossus is a hero worshiped by countless people, but it is also the embodiment of the fear of countless mages.


At this time, a loose and long yawn came from above.

Lux suddenly became nervous. She knew that Galio had woken up, and she was hesitating whether to say hello.

"Oh, cute little guy with a golden head." A pleasantly surprised voice came from above, and Galio's voice was closer, as if he lowered his head or bent his waist: "You came to play with me again ?"

Seeing that he still recognized her, there was a hint of joy on Lux's face, but the joy soon disappeared. She lowered her head and said, "I didn't come to play with you, I have a question to ask you."

"Your expression is the same as when I saw you last time. Isn't that problem solved?"

Galio squatted down so that he could better see the beautiful eyes of little Jin.

He likes these eyes, they are as beautiful as the most beautiful gems he has ever seen.

I also like her brilliance, it is so beautiful.She is shining brightly, like ten thousand stars in the vast Milky Way, shining and scorching to its heart's content.

"Solved, but not quite."

Lux sighed, and said, "The last time was six years ago, and it has been restless recently."

"Six years ago? I thought it was yesterday."

Galio is not very sensitive to time, he usually sleeps for decades at a time, sometimes hundreds of years.

"Didn't you realize that I've grown up a lot?"

As Lux spoke, she rarely raised her head and straightened her chest.

Galio scratched his face: "Is there?"

These two words were like a sharp sword, hitting Lacus's little heart, causing her little face to sink.

It was a humiliation to her that it hadn't changed from six years ago.

"In my eyes, you have always been so small."

Galio made a big and small gesture as he spoke.

This made Lacus feel better, and then she reacted: "Now is not the time to talk about this, I am in a lot of trouble now."

"That's easy, I'll help you solve this trouble."

Galio stood up, shook his wings, and scattered dust all over the sky. He put his hands on his hips confidently, "I like to solve big troubles."

Lux choked on the dust and coughed a few times. Knowing what kind of solution Galio was talking about, she immediately vetoed it: "No way! The trouble I'm talking about refers to this on me."

"OK then."

Galio squatted down again, looked at Lacus: "What do you want to do?"

"I don't know, it's always out of my control, and it ran out suddenly. I want to ask if you have a solution? For example. How to control it?"

Lacus said with a sad face.

Galio shook his head blankly, apparently this question also stumped him.

Lux sighed, and sat on a stone pier beside her: "You have seen so many mages, I thought you would have a way."

Galio sat aside, scratching his head: "All the mages I've seen have been crushed by me, and they usually don't talk to me for as long as you do."

In fact, Lux didn't have much hope, otherwise, wouldn't the problem be solved last time?

But in this way, she has nothing to do.

After all, it can't always be like today, secretly feeding all the uncontrollable magic power to the big guy next to him in the middle of the night.

Sooner or later, it will be discovered.

She thought of a way in distress and didn't speak again.

Seeing this, Galio also showed human distress on his face, put his hands on his face, and remembered the same thing.

Ten seconds passed like this, and Lux ​​stood up.

Galio asked, "Have you thought of a way?"

"No, I don't even know why it got out of control."

Lux shook her head and sighed again.

Galio thought for a while and said, "The reason why it really got out of control is actually because of your influence."


Lux was puzzled: "I didn't take the initiative to provoke it at all."

"It's not a question of whether you provoke it or not."

Galio thought hard about what to say, and then said in a rough tone: "You and it are one, what happens to it depends entirely on your mood. Maybe it's because of some kind of opportunity, maybe it's The appearance of something makes it active again. The reason for its activeness is because of you."

Lacus was at a loss when she heard this, and tried her best to think about the opportunity Galio mentioned.

The magic was out of control, it happened last night.

What was she thinking at that time?
She was lying in bed and thinking
Fireworks and Lucci.

Thinking of that guy, Lux vaguely felt that the magic power in her body seemed to jump again.

Suddenly, she raised her head: "I may know what the opportunity is."

Galio opened his eyes and asked curiously, "What is it?"

"It's because of a certain guy!"

Lux said in a not-so-good tone, and when she thought about it, it was full of scenes of how that bitch made her angry.

"Is that guy a bad guy?" Seeing her displeased expression, Galio immediately got excited and said eagerly, "Do you want me to smash him for you?"

"No!" Lux refused without thinking.

Galio didn't understand: "Why? I thought you hated that guy."

"Although that guy is always cheap, he always annoys me, laughs at me, and is lazy"

Lux complained a few times, and then changed the topic: "But in fact, he also has very good things, he is a very good person, and I don't hate him."

Galio tilted his head, really can't think of what is wrong with the guy Jin Xiaoren described.

But since she said yes, it was good.

"So you found the problem?" Galio asked.

"I don't know." Lux shook her head in a daze, and said puzzledly, "Why do they become more active than usual every time I think of that guy?"

This question really stumped Galio, he scratched his head: "Why do you always miss that guy?"

"Because. Because"

Lux originally thought that this question was easy to answer, but when she opened her mouth, she couldn't say anything.

That's right, why does she always think about that guy?

"I thought of a solution!"

Galio slapped his big hands, his voice became a little excited, he lowered his head and looked at Lacus: "Just don't think about him!"

"Please think again."


Galio stepped back and fell silent.

The solution that I finally came up with was rejected in less than a second.

There's so much shit about little human beings.

Seeing his depressed expression, Lux also showed a cute smile and said, "Thanks to you, I know the reason."

"Small." In front of her smile, Galio immediately let out a triumphant laugh, and the bright laughter even woke up the sleeping birds and beasts in the vicinity.

"Shh, be quiet."

Lacus was startled, and looked around, for fear that someone would come out suddenly.

"Okay." Galio immediately lowered his voice obediently, and he said again, "Chat with me for a while."

(End of this chapter)

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