LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 185 I really want to see what kind of bad fruit I can eat

Chapter 185 I really want to see what kind of bad fruit I can eat
It's getting late.

But Lux thought about it, and decided to chat with him again, so she asked, "Okay, what do you want to talk about?"

Galio smiled: "Talk about what you want to talk about, and everything about you, I'm very curious."

"Well let me think about it."

Lux thought about what she wanted to talk about, and then said, "Let me talk to you about that guy."

Galio nodded without any objection, and there was a little more curiosity in his eyes.

"That guy is actually a very powerful person. He cooks super delicious food, and sometimes he is very gentle. He also knows a lot of things."

Mentioning him, Lux immediately had endless topics to talk about.

Under the night, he was telling stories with great interest.

Watching Jin Xiaoren talking endlessly, watching her talk, her eyes shone with a dazzling brilliance like starlight.

Galio became quiet, with a smile on his face, he listened carefully, and stayed by his side.

Although, he doesn't understand the feelings of little human beings.

But he could see that when that person was mentioned, little man Jin's face revealed a joy he had never seen before.

"Are you listening?"

After not getting a response from Galio for a long time, Lux looked up.

Galio nodded: "Of course I'm listening."

"I haven't figured out how to solve this problem after talking to you so much."

Lux suddenly remembered the business, but her little face was more sleepy, and then she yawned, and the melancholy in her heart increased again.

Even if she knew the reason, it still didn't prevent her from being unable to think of a solution.

If this continues, the magic power will get out of control sooner or later.

At that time, if Lu Qi finds out.
Lux didn't dare to think any more.

Galio also racked his brains at this time.

One person, one colossus, staring at each other for dozens of seconds.

Lux stood up and sighed: "I know you can't think of a solution, but after talking for so long, I feel much more relaxed."

"Me too, no one has chatted with me like this for a long time." Galio said.

"It's late now, if I don't go back, I will be scolded."

Lux looked at the sky and said goodbye: "I'm leaving, maybe I'll come tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, before I find a way, it got out of control, can I still come to you?"

"Of course you can, but I'm sure you can find a way."

Galio smiled.

"I hope so, then bye."

Lacus beckoned.

"Goodbye." Galio whispered goodbye with some reluctance.

Lacus embarked on the return journey, and this trip was not without gain for her.

At least, she figured out why the magic was out of control, and talked a lot with the Colossus.

Whether the magic power will get out of control, Lux doesn't know.

However, she must find a solution.

She hoped to stay by Lu Qi's side, not wanting to be hated by him, and not wanting to ruin everything now.

In this way, I don't know how long it took.

Lux was startled by the sudden appearance of a silent figure in front of her.

She raised her eyes and saw a figure in a cloak about ten meters away in front of her, not very tall.

But it can be seen that her right hand is holding a staff.


Lux took a step back, and her eyes became vigilant. She looked around for the first time to confirm that there was no one else, and at the same time caught a rusty sword in her field of vision.

"I didn't expect to meet someone so late."

An old woman's voice came from inside the cloak. She seemed to be smiling and asked gently, "Little girl, it's so late, where are you going?"

"go home."

Lux took another step back, and saw the other person raised his head, revealing a face that wasn't old, but it wasn't young either.

There are a few wrinkles on the face, but it looks like an ordinary old woman.

"Don't be so afraid, little girl."

The old woman laughed broadly: "You and I are the same kind of people, aren't you?"

Lux immediately opened her eyes wide, surprised at the fact that the old woman could tell that she was also a mage at a glance.

"There's nothing to be surprised about. Don't you know it yourself? You are as dazzling as a light in the dark night."

The old woman laughed, and walked towards Lacus with slow steps, "Is it a little too dangerous for you like this, in such a place?"

Lacus still looked at her vigilantly: "What do you want to say?"

"You seem to be at a loss as to how to control it, don't you?"

The old woman still saw Lacus' troubles at a glance, and she said persuasively: "You are uneasy about your future, you are hesitant about the present, you are afraid, and you are afraid that it will destroy everything you have now."

Lux shook her face, looked at the old woman: "How do you know?"

"I understand too well, when I was young, I was just like you, at a loss, helpless, and hesitant." The old woman had a soft smile on her face, "But unlike you, it has ruined my life. And you, it’s still too late.”

Lux's heart was even more shaken, she could see that this old woman was also a mage.

Doesn't look like a bad guy.

Maybe she could ask her how to master magic?
Seeing the emotion on Lux's face, the old woman continued: "I have seen countless mages in my life. And you are the one with the greatest potential I have ever seen. I can tell you that the way to control this power, from now on After that, you don't have to worry about it anymore."

Lux doubted: "You must have conditions for doing this, right?"

"That's right." The old woman nodded without lying, and slowly approached with a smile on her face, "The conditions are also very simple, you can definitely do it."

Lux asked, "What conditions?"

"Let me taste your memory."

There was a strange light in the old woman's eyes, and she suddenly raised the staff in her hand.

Lux immediately sensed a danger. Fortunately, she never let go of her guard from the beginning to the end. The moment the old woman raised her staff, she sprinted to the right with a brisk stride.

At the same time, a wave of magic light flew past where she was just now.

Lacus quickly picked up the rusty sword on the ground, then turned around and slashed it out.


A wind blade shot out from the blade and landed on the old woman's body. Although she blocked it with her staff, it still left a shallow wound.

The cloak was also blown off, revealing the old woman's white hair.

At this time, she looked at Lux who was confronting her with a sword in surprise.

She had wondered how the girl would fight back.

But I didn't expect it to be this way.

Recalling the wind blade that flashed just now, she looked at Lux again: "Using this method is simply humiliating your talent."

"I want you to take care of it?"

Lux looked at her vigilantly, and knew that the old woman was uneasy and kind.

Seeing the old woman raise her staff again, she didn't plan to cast spells on her, so she rushed towards it and waved the rusty sword in her hand.

Yufeng swordsmanship fell very fiercely towards the old woman.

The old woman waved her staff to block, and retreated step by step under Lux's pressure.

But she still has time to talk: "This swordsmanship is good, but aren't you going to learn some more powerful magic? I can teach you many, many magics, which are much more powerful than this, as long as you have a little memory."

"Stop pretending! Are you the Rock Witch?"

Lacus snorted coldly, seeing through the identity of the old woman.

"Oh? Have you already guessed it?"

The Rock Witch smiled unexpectedly: "Are you sure you don't think about it anymore?"

"No need!"

Lux condensed all the wind in her body on the rusty sword, and suddenly a gust of wind blew around her body, her eyes were serious.

Then, in the next second, he slashed out with a very serious sword.

Just when the Rock Witch became a little serious because of the momentum of the sword, Lacus threw the sword in her hand directly, turned around and ran away without hesitation.

If you can't beat it, run away!
Lux, who realized this, can be said to sprint at full speed.

The Rock Witch, a character who lives in many Demacian legends.

It is said that this witch, as old as Dashan, has existed for a long time.

She feeds on the memories of the outcasts and the lost, and those who are eaten by her will either die with nothing or become an empty shell.

Her existence is a good example of inciting people to fear mages.

Lux couldn't remember how long it had been since she last heard a story about the Rock Witch.

It seems to be when she was little.

However it doesn't matter.

The important thing is that this kind of existence is definitely not easy to mess with.

Lux, who knows what she wants, has only one thought, and that is to run!

Seeing her feint, the Rock Witch smiled unhurriedly: "Then I'll do it myself."

As she spoke, she raised her staff and knocked it on the ground.

"Clatter!", beside the road, two trees twisted their bodies strangely, bent down, and the branches were like arms, directly blocking Lux's body.

Lacus immediately stopped the car, looked at the blocked road ahead, and kept thinking about how to deal with the current situation.

"In that case, don't blame me for being rude."

Lux turned around, looked at the Rock Witch seriously, and then raised her hand.

The Rock Witch stopped in her tracks and looked over with interest: "What are you going to do?"

"You know, I'm a mage."

Lux remained calm on the surface, praying in her heart that they could listen to the conversation now.

However, no matter how hard she tried, no light came out from her hand.

Hurry up!

Lux was dying of anxiety, why didn't they work when she wanted them to work?

Another bluff, but the Rock Witch will not be fooled again, she smiled: "It seems that you are not very familiar with your magic power."

"They could be, a little emotional."

Lacus smiled awkwardly, watching the rock witch approaching step by step, but kept backing away.

The body leaned against the tree, and there was no way to retreat.

"Maybe if you don't resist, it will make you more relaxed. You are a rare treasure. I will hold back and try not to play you badly."

The Rock Witch was only a few steps away from Lux. She raised her staff, and a magical power surged on it, drawing lines of white light, like tentacles, twisting in the air.

Floating towards her.

Lux felt that those were the things that were about to take over her memory.

Looking at those silk threads, Lacus finally felt a little scared in her heart. It would be a lie not to be afraid at this time.

Her heartbeat quickened.

At this moment, a familiar feeling appeared on her hand. Looking at the rock witch who was only a few steps away, she raised her hand without hesitation.

In an instant, an extremely dazzling beam of light burst out from her hand, lighting up the surrounding area a lot.

The light beam has an extremely fast speed, emits a humming sound, and possesses impressive power. It only takes a moment to penetrate the arm of the rock witch.

A stream of bright red blood sprayed out instantly.

This sudden sudden interruption directly interrupted the Rock Witch's spellcasting, causing her to be unable to react in time.

Lux raised her hand again, and the Rock Witch stepped back in great vigilance.

But this time there was no light in Lux's hand.

She didn't care about thinking too much, and immediately found the right time, and ran towards the left at a faster pace.

The Rock Witch lowered her head, looked at the blood hole pierced on her left arm, and first cast a spell to stop the blood gushing out of it.

Then, she raised her head and looked in the direction of Lux's escape, the desire in her eyes became more and more obvious.

If it wasn't for this girl who didn't know how to master that strange light magic, I'm afraid she would have been pierced through the heart just now.

What a thrill.

But the more thrilling it was, the more she wanted to taste the girl's memory.

She didn't expect to meet such a dazzling baby tonight.

Her memory must taste delicious.

Slowly, the Rock Witch chased forward.

Lux ran as fast as she could, and soon, she saw the colossus reappear in front of her eyes.

Running to the foot of the giant statue, she patted it out of breath: "Galio, wake up, there is a bad mage, she wants to eat my memory."

She took several shots in a row, but the colossus in front of her didn't respond at all.

Now Lux was stunned, she raised her head and looked at Galio.

The giant statue is quiet, solemn, and unmoving. It is extremely quiet at night, and the only sound is the approaching footsteps behind it.

Why did Galio, who was still talking just now, suddenly not respond?
Could it be that the magic power is gone?

A look of confusion appeared in Lux's eyes.

"Have you pinned your hopes on a dead thing?"

The Rock Witch is amused by the girl's innocence.

Lux turned around, leaned against Galio, and threatened: "You'd better not get close, he can crush you flat with one kick."

"Of course, I have no doubt." The Rock Witch approved her words, and continued, "The premise is that it can move."

The Stone Witch had never seen the colossus move, nor believed he could, which seemed to be older than her life.

Lux didn't understand why Galio didn't move suddenly.

She kept thinking of ways to deal with it, but this time she was really helpless.

At this moment, she saw something, her eyes flashed suddenly, and then she looked at the witch not far in front of her: "To tell you the truth, we are waiting for you to get closer now, you just need to take one step forward, you There will be no good fruit to eat."

"Really, I really want to see what kind of bad fruit I can eat."

The Rock Witch sneered and took a step forward.

With a "poof", her expression changed.

Lowering her head, looking at a sharp knife that directly penetrated her chest, she slowly made a question mark.


"I've said it all, but you just don't listen."

Lacus breathed a sigh of relief.

The Rock Witch slowly turned her face away, and immediately saw an extremely handsome face under the night, with puzzled eyes appearing in her eyes.

"You were. when."

"Probably when you fooled her, she was here."

Lu Qi drew out the long sword, and blood dripped down the long sword on the ground.

The rock witch fell down with disbelief in her eyes, as if she couldn't understand that such a powerful mage herself died so easily.

From the beginning to the end, she didn't notice the appearance of this man at all.

She didn't have time to display all her abilities.

"Are you here so early? Why didn't you come out earlier!"

When Lux heard it, she immediately glared at Lu Qi.

"You don't go home in the middle of the night and run out of the city. How can I not teach you a lesson."

Lu Qi hehe.

After the words fell, Lux had already pounced on him, hugging him tightly.

Feeling the trembling body of the girl in his arms, Lu Qi patted her back lightly to soothe her emotions.

It can be seen that although she looks strong on the outside, she is actually afraid in her heart.

In fact, before Lux met the Rock Witch, Lu Qi had already caught up with her.

Just as he was hesitating whether to show up, the Rock Witch appeared.

However, Lu Qi did not act immediately.

He knew that, just like today, there would always be times when he was not by her side.

Lux has always learned to face danger alone.

Now that she is still new to magic control, she has performed very well in front of a mage of the level of a rock witch for so long.

"So you've seen it all?"

Lux buried her face in Lu Qi's chest and asked in a low voice.

"Well, I saw everything. I didn't expect that you have practiced Yufeng swordsmanship to this level."

Lu Qi smiled, and being able to cut the wind blade out of the blade meant that her wind-controlling swordsmanship had reached at least LV6.

If you give her a weapon that doesn't rust, maybe it can last longer.

"I didn't say that."

Lux didn't dare to look up at Lu Qi's face, so she kept hugging him and didn't let go.

Lu Qi said: "You mean, are you a mage's business?"


"I saw it too, it's pretty awesome."

Lu Qi smiled and said.

Lacus raised her head, as if she had already cried, her eyes were red, and she looked at her pitifully: "Don't you hate me?"


"Demacians don't like mages."

"It's just some Demacians." Lu Qi put his hand on her head and rubbed it: "And even if all Demacians don't like mages, I won't dislike them."

Lux looked at his clear eyes, which flickered and became moist again, seemed a little moved, and was about to say something.

Lu Qi lowered his head and showed a disgusted expression: "Cry as soon as you cry, what do you mean by wiping your nose on me?"

Lax paused for a moment, then glanced at his chest, and indeed saw a lump of snot, her face turned red immediately, feeling embarrassed.

She immediately let go of her hand, wiped away her tears, and suddenly felt a lot more at ease in her heart.

Even though this guy knew she was a mage, he still didn't change.

A trace of joy emerged in my heart.

She sniffed, and after confirming that there was no snot, she snorted again: "It's not all your fault."

"It's not my business?"

"If it weren't for you, my magic power wouldn't be out of control!"

"Is that why you wiped your snot on me?"

"Stop talking about that!"

Lux gave him an annoyed look.

This bitch always lifts which pot he doesn't open!
Lu Qi took out the cloth from his pocket, put it on his chest and wiped it, and said, "Okay, let's not talk about it, should we make a move? Look at what time it is, and go back a little later, you and me Believe it or not, your ass will bloom."

Lux also immediately realized that it was indeed getting late, so she nodded.

Lu Qi turned around and was about to walk back, when suddenly Lux's little hand grabbed his sleeve.

Turning around, she lowered her head and whispered, "My ankle is sprained."

Lu Qi obviously didn't believe it. When this guy ran wildly just now, he didn't see any sign of a sprained ankle.

And whether this guy has a sprained ankle, he can tell at a glance.

But even though he saw that this guy was obviously too lazy to walk, he didn't say anything, but squatted down: "Come on."

Lacus smiled with joy, and immediately lay on Lu Qi's back.

Then he supported it with both hands and stood up.

With Lux on his back, Lu Qi walked towards home.

Lux put her hands on his shoulders, thought for a while, and leaned her head lightly.

The gently swinging legs told her mood at the moment.

After the two walked away.

The colossus at the back seemed to look away from that direction, then yawned softly, and readjusted its posture.

Going to sleep again.

It looks like your troubles are over, little man with a golden head.

The next time I wake up, I don't know when it will be.

(End of this chapter)

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