LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 188 There Can Be More Scenes Like This

Chapter 188 There Can Be More Scenes Like This

At this time, a rush of footsteps came from the corridor outside.

Not long after, Fiona, Kashina, Quinn, and Bobby poured into the room one after another.

Looking at the messy house, Fiona looked at Lu Qi and Lacus strangely: "What's going on?"

"He suddenly had a convulsion!"

Lacus pointed her small hand decisively at Lu Qi who was standing aside.

"Understood." Fiona nodded, turned and retreated.

Lu Qi: "?"

Why does this make sense?

A few people came and went quickly, and when they saw nothing, they returned to the state of being busy.

The reason why I came here is because in Lu Qi's yard, it is rare to hear such a loud movement.

In the room, Lux smiled at Lu Qi.

"In short, practice hard by yourself." Lu Qi glanced at her angrily, and walked out.

Lux watched him leave, raised her hand, and with a thought, there was another burst of soft light on her hand.

Looking at this brilliance, her eyes were a little lost.

For so many years, this is the first time she has truly accepted and faced this force.

In her mind, she couldn't help but recall what the Colossus had said to her six years ago.

"It's what you were born with, it doesn't matter where you were born, you are who you are."

With a wave of Lux's hand, the radiance came out of his hand, and then turned into a burst of fluorescent spots in the air, slowly falling down.

Looking at these light spots, Lux murmured: "Light magic"

She didn't know what was waiting for her on the road ahead.

But looking at the room she was in at the moment, and the doorway where the guy had long been out of sight, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Now, she thought, she would no longer feel confused.

Light and her are one, and you and I cannot be separated, she must accept it.

For this power in her body, Lux knew that there were still too many places waiting to be discovered by herself.

She can create a lot of possibilities with it.

Taking a deep breath, Lux clenched her fists and pumped herself up.


Had dinner.

The air was a bit cooler than in the afternoon.

Soaking in the pool with a suitable temperature, Lu Qi couldn't help but feel a sense of refreshment.

The cooler the weather, the more comfortable the hot springs will be.

Looking at the bright moon hanging high in the sky, he also felt somewhat emotional.

In a blink of an eye, it is almost October.

More than half of autumn has passed.

How time flies.

Compared with the quiet years on the left side of the pool, the right side is very noisy.

"Damn it, how can you be the top three, and I am the third from the bottom!"

"Lax, don't make trouble. It's so itchy, take a good soak for a while~"

"No! This is the price you paid for betraying me!"

"I was wrong, don't scratch it!"

Lu Qi leaned against the edge of the hot spring pool, heard the noise from the right, and yawned slowly.

The white mist was lingering, and through the white curtain in the middle, two delicate figures could be vaguely seen constantly tossing, one desperately retaliating, the other desperately resisting.

During the play, the splashing sound of water splashes kept ringing.

"Don't, don't come here, I'm really... out of strength."

While backing away, Kashina panted, begging for mercy and looking at Lacus with a face of resentment.

"I don't care, I will be beaten when I go back at night, and someone must be buried with me!"

As Lux said, she threw herself towards Kashina with all her might.

With a plop, the two girls fell into the water together, splashing everywhere.

When they got up from the water again, they were still running away and chasing each other, entangled and fighting.

Among other things, Lux's tickling skills are quite good, and her nimble fingers landed on Kashina's tickling point under her delicate skin, making her laugh constantly.

As the laughter continued, the white and delicate bodies of the two girls flickered.

The swimsuits she was wearing were one pink and one white.In terms of figure, Kashina, who is only a few months older than Lax, already has a bit of a pretty quality.

And Lux ​​also has a bit of a slim taste.

If you want to ask Lu Qi why he can see clearly, at the moment he is smiling, watching the two girls not far in front of him fighting.

There is nothing more interesting than watching two cute girls fight in the pool.

As a man, Lu Qi said that there could be more scenes like this.

And soon, the two girls who were fighting were also froze, their eyes looked at Lu Qi who was not far away, and they froze for a moment.

Her face, which was quite ruddy after soaking in the hot springs, looked even more rosy at the moment.

The slapstick action calmed down, and at the same time, the two of them realized that they had run on the wrong side, and immediately returned to the right side in desperation.

Then the two put their heads in the water at the same time and settled down completely.

Lu Qi picked up the wine glass casually, drank the wine in one gulp, and continued to look up at the moon.

The next day.

Lu Qi woke up early in the morning.

The recent long recuperation did not make him too lethargic, but instead adjusted his biological clock to be very healthy.

Get six to eight hours of sleep every day, go to bed early, and wake up early.

Go to bed late, get up late.

However, relatively speaking, he who just got up at this time is already considered lazy.

Because I just went downstairs, early in the morning, the yard was already a bit lively.

After washing up, Lu Qi began to prepare breakfast.

After breakfast, Lacus and Kashina went to the academy happily.

In two days, they will usher in a super long holiday, and they have even passed the college entrance examination, and both of them seem to be in a good mood.

And Quinn went to the pro-barracks as usual.

Fiona started her daily morning exercise as usual.

Poppy chose to continue lying flat.

Lu Qi found that this short man belonged to the type who would do whatever came to his mind.

For example, if she wants to train, she picks up the hammer and runs to Fiona.

And if she wanted to lie flat, she would immediately start lying down.

There are no rules.

Unlike Fiona and the others, who insist on morning exercises every day, they are very stable.

But even so, Bobby continued to become stronger.

This is the yordle who is favored by the heavens.

Lu Qi changed his clothes, sat on the carriage, and headed out.

The carriage drove all the way, with a clear direction.

About an hour later, at eight o'clock in the morning.

The carriage slowly stopped in front of the entrance of the palace.

After getting off the carriage, Lu Qi went straight into the palace, and after a while, he arrived at the palace of Jiawen III.

The third generation got up as early as before, and when Lu Qi entered the door, he had already started approving political affairs.

There are a lot of book pages on the table, which are divided into two stacks.

It means that he started a long time ago.

"Father, good morning."

After entering the door, Lu Qi simply said hello, and then sat on the sofa beside him, without disturbing San Shi again.

When he was bored, he raised his hand from time to time, grabbed a flower and leaf from a flowerpot, and tore it off one by one.

After about half an hour, the two stacks of pages became one stack.

Jarvan III stood up, looked at Lu Qi softly and said, "Let's go."

When he walked ahead, Lu Qi got up and followed.

On the way to the conference hall, the father and son chatted.

"The medicine you sent last time, I took it and it works very well, and my waist is not so sore anymore."

Walking in front, Jarvan III said with a smile on his face.

Lu Qi replied: "As long as it is useful, if father feels uncomfortable, feel free to come to me."

"There are not so many uncomfortable places, and I have been sleeping pretty well recently."

Jarvan III moved his shoulders a bit, as if returning to his youth.

He is 55 years old now, and his bones are getting older day by day. He is not as brave and powerful as he was when he was young. Sitting in a chair every day, he often feels back pain.

One day, he was noticed by Lu Qi who came to the palace to chat with him.

Some medicines were sent to relieve back pain. After drinking it, Jiawen III found that the effect was surprisingly good.

And Lu Qi's explanation for his medical skills is that he studied medicine with Melly since he was a child, and began to study by himself when he grew up. In order to treat Melly, he spent all his money and savings, and he learned a lot. There are few kinds of medicine.

But in the end, I still couldn't find a way.

In fact, it is.

In the fragment of memory, Lu Qi himself knows medical skills. In order to treat Melly's illness, he left the village for a while, went to several surrounding villages and small towns, and visited many doctors.

But in the end, there was still no cure for Mellie's cough.

In fact, after thinking about it, Lu Qi also felt something strange.

Why didn't his mother, as a medical practitioner, detect the cough in advance?
But this is suspicious from the very beginning.

Now she is buried in the ground, but Lu Qi doesn't want the truth of the year to be buried in the ground with her.

In the future, when he finds an opportunity, he may find a way to figure it out.

About a few more minutes passed.

The two followed each other to the door of the conference hall.

After opening the door and entering, there were already many ministers waiting inside, and seven people were already seated on the octagonal table.

Jarvan IV was also present, he came earlier than Lu Qi, and seeing that the third was busy, he came here ahead of time to wait.

He was chatting with Tiana at the moment, with a smirking expression on his face.

Lu Qi roughly glanced at it, and the only one missing was the head of the Demon Seekers.

But not long after Jarvan III sat on the main seat, a figure hurried in.

Eldred bowed his head and saluted: "The minister was delayed for some time on the road."

Jiawen III glanced at him and nodded: "It's okay, let's take a seat."

Eldred got up, walked slowly to the seat, and sat down.

With the presence of all the eight ministers on the octagonal table, the meeting hall also fell silent tacitly, and no one made a sound.

"For this meeting, let's briefly talk about the National Day in three days."

Jarvan III spoke calmly and started the meeting this morning.

Lu Qi stood at the back, listening quite bored, this meeting was almost the same as the few times he had attended before.

People speak nonsense, ghosts speak human words.

If one sentence is divided into three sentences, there are not many useful words in dozens of words.

This made Lu Qi, who was quite energetic before entering the door, start to feel sleepy.

Glancing to the side, Jarvan IV was also yawning, obviously not paying much attention to such political matters.

He didn't dare to show the yawn yet, so he could only try his best not to open his mouth.

That stubborn expression made Lu Qi want to laugh.

Meetings like this are not held every day. If they want to start, they will be notified in advance.

If anyone on the octagonal table wanted to hold a meeting, he would enter the palace ahead of time and report to Jiawen III.

Unlike Jarvan IV, who was the eldest son, he had to come and listen to this kind of meeting every time now.

Lu Qi is free to come and come whenever he wants, and no one cares if he doesn't want to come and lie down at home.

Soon, the meeting progressed to what Lu Qi was interested in.

"Does anyone have anything to say about this meeting?"

As the meeting came to an end, Jiawen III also looked at the crowd and spoke.

"Your Majesty, I have something to say."

After the voice fell, Wen Huade raised his hand.

Jarvan III nodded, indicating that he could continue talking.

Wen Huade stood up and said aloud: "Recently, the Academy of Sciences has conducted a study, and after many experiments, its stability has been confirmed."

As soon as his words came out of his mouth, many people present showed interest.

The fireworks produced by the scientific research institute last time have already aroused heated discussions.

It's only been a few days now, and the research institute has come up with something new?

In the recent period of time, the scientific research institute has been tossing a lot.

Minister Roy, who didn't know about it, asked with a little interest at this moment: "Is there any new invention?"

"Yes, and this invention has a major impact on Germany's scientific research." Wen Huade's words at this time were not addressed to the third generation, but to the ministers present.

His exaggerated remarks attracted everyone's attention.

Wen Huade did not stop, and continued: "After a long period of research, the research institute has now successfully mastered the use of electricity."

As soon as the voice fell this time, the audience suddenly fell silent.


Roy froze for a moment.


Wen Huade raised his hand, and several scientific researchers stepped forward and pulled up all the curtains in the conference hall.

People's eyes went dark, lost the sunlight, and the conference hall suddenly became dim.

Just before all the ministers came back to their senses.


In the next second, with the sound of a machine, a burst of light suddenly radiated from all around the room.

In an instant, the entire conference hall was illuminated extremely brightly.

The ministers were shocked for a moment, and looked around, and suddenly saw bright and dazzling light bulbs, bursting with extremely bright light.

With a "wow", the scene suddenly became chaotic.


"This, is this electricity?"

"No, isn't the research institute banned from researching electricity two years ago?"

"What's with the light?"

"Hiss, don't say it, it's quite bright."

Discussions continued to ring out, and several people on the octagonal table also had different expressions.

Tiana had a smile on her face, she knew about it long ago, so she was not surprised at the moment.

The rest of the people's eyes flashed.

Amidst the discussion, some bold people walked towards the bright electric lamp, and directly reached out their hands to caress the smooth electric lamp.

Immediately, the one who was burned immediately withdrew his hand.


(End of this chapter)

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