LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 189 Little Golden Retriever, Your Lucky Card Has Finally Expired

Chapter 189 Little Golden Retriever, Your Lucky Card Has Finally Expired
The bulbs emitted light and heat, and the light illuminated the entire conference hall as brightly as daytime.

Roy got up from his seat and walked closer to the light bulb. The light on it prevented him from staring at it for a long time.

"You said. It's powered by electricity?"

Looking away and looking at Wen Huade, he couldn't help asking.

Electricity, no one in the field was unfamiliar with it.

No matter from the thunderstorm weather, or from some monsters, mages, etc., they all have a certain understanding of it.

However, in people's minds, anything related to electricity is inaccessible and very dangerous.

People have a natural taboo against this kind of power.

The last time the Academy of Sciences tried to control the power of the sky thunder, and made a long needle that could attract lightning to strike down, and two people died because of it.

This incident is not far from now, and those present still have an impression of it.

At that time, wasn't the Research Institute's research on lightning banned?

This is also the most discussed issue among the ministers present at the moment.

Facing the voice of discussion, Wen Huade's expression remained unchanged, and he replied to Roy: "Yes, this thing is called a light bulb, it is a lighting thing, it is more convenient than torches and candles, just press a switch Can."

As he spoke, Wen Huade walked towards the door, stretched out his hand and tugged at a string that had fallen down at some point.

People vaguely heard a 'click', and with a swish, the lights in the house were instantly extinguished.

There was another 'click', and the light bulb came on again.

Seeing this scene, many people present felt miraculous.

One pull makes it bright, and another pull makes it dark. If this is the case, it is indeed more convenient than torches and torches.

At this time, another person on the octagonal table got up, and his focus was not on the light bulb. He looked at Wen Huade and said, "Why did the research institute start research on electricity without permission?"

The person who said this was another noble representative, Josie.

He looked a little suspicious at the moment.

At this moment, Jarvan III, who was sitting on the main seat, said, "I allow it."

After the words fell, Josie didn't ask any more questions.

In fact, everyone present also guessed that it was so.

Wen Huade dared to show this light bulb in the conference hall, which already explained a lot of things.

At this time, Stuart frowned and said: "Although I don't know why His Majesty has canceled the ban on the scientific research institute again, I still oppose it. The scientific research institute will continue to study. Have you forgotten the tragedy two years ago?"

Wen Huade said: "If so, when will Debon's scientific research level improve?"

Stewart continued: "In my opinion, there are still many directions for scientific research. Why focus on electricity? Such a dangerous element, if you touch it carelessly, accidents will happen."

"The research of electricity is a road that must be taken on the road of scientific research. It is not a problem of accidents. If there is no one to contact forever, then the scientific research in Debon will never progress."

Wen Huade said firmly, and then he spoke again: "Furthermore, why give up on scientific research that is truly convenient for the people? The research and development and improvement of electricity will be of great convenience to the future of Debon!"

The ministers present began to discuss in a low voice.

They are basically divided into two factions.

One is to support the scientific research institute. They believe that if the scientific research institute can successfully control the use of electricity, then this is indeed a breakthrough.

The other part is the conservatives.

In their clinging concept, things like electricity are extremely dangerous, and it is better to avoid them than to bear the danger.

Demacia has not developed electricity for hundreds of years, so isn't it still standing on Runeterra?

As before, it's fine.

As the discussion continued, Wen Huade spoke again: "I know that you still have doubts in your mind at the moment. Next, I will give a simple example. Maybe after listening to it, your thoughts will change."

With his voice, the conference hall fell silent again.

"Taking this light bulb as an example, the lighting tools used in all homes in Debon today are still fire lamps, oil lamps, fire candles, etc. The burning time of fire lamps and fire candles is only one night, about ten hours, and oil lamps last for twenty hours."

"However, the sustainable lighting time of the light bulb is at least one hundred hours, and the two batteries for power supply are only twice as expensive as the oil lamp."

In simple conversion, even with two oil lamps, the lighting time is only forty hours.

Under the same conditions, two batteries can light up for [-] hours.

Such a comparison, the difference of sixty hours in between, is clear at a glance.

When the people present heard this data, they started talking.

Regardless of anything, the economy is always at the forefront. If two batteries light up for [-] hours, but the cost is five times or even ten times that of an oil lamp, then what is the point of developing it?
Many places are waiting to spend money, why should you be asked to research such a thing?
But at this moment, the price of a light bulb that can emit such a strong light is much lower than that of an oil lamp, which is amazing.

Wen Huade went on to say: "Moreover, the battery can be recycled. The wick inside the bulb is called tungsten filament, which is a special material that can last at least [-] hours under strong light before it is damaged. .”

A light bulb lasts for fifteen days, during which time the batteries only need to be replaced three times, which is the price of six oil lamps.

The six oil lamps can only be lit for 120 hours.

Moreover, the battery can also be recycled.

Such a clearly visible gap immediately made the eyes of many ministers present light up.

Especially the treasury representative, Roy.

He is the fastest at calculating accounts, and he found out in an instant how much money would be left in it.

Even Tiana, who knew earlier, was a little startled after hearing the detailed data.

If this is the case, it is not as simple as a little money.

The most important thing is that the research institute's research on electric lights is still in its infancy.

If we continue to develop in the future, there will definitely be improvements, longer lighting duration and lower cost
Even at the beginning, Stewart, who held objections, fell silent after listening.

He didn't expect that the price of this shiny light bulb that would illuminate the whole room was so low?

Looking at it this way, the appearance of this light bulb is indeed a hugely profitable and convenient invention.

It is convenient, cost-effective, and useful. Suddenly, the ministers could find no reason to object.

Looking at the expressions of the ministers present, Wen Huade continued: "Moreover, this is only the initial stage. In the next six months, I am confident that the cost of the light bulb will be reduced by another third."

The voice fell.

After some discussion, it was finally decided.

The light bulb can be popularized.

Lu Qi watched for a long time, and was not too surprised to see that the matter was finally settled.

This is Demacia. If you don't explain things like electricity clearly, you will definitely have a lot of trouble.

In other places, light bulbs are already on the market and sold.

after the meeting.

Lu Qi left the palace.

This meeting also means that the scientific research institute has officially embarked on the road of scientific research.

In the future, they still have a long way to go.

But Lu Qi already knew what was waiting for them if they went on like this.

And what he is looking forward to more is, in Runeterra, a place full of infinite possibilities, what interesting things will happen along this road.

Sitting on the carriage, he opened the curtain in a good mood and looked at the scenery outside.

It was still morning, and there were bicycles passing by on the street, occasionally making the crisp sound of "jingle bells".

However, in recent days, there have been more people in the capital.

The streets are full of people, heavy traffic, and a lively scene.

Today, Lu Qi also saw some people wearing different costumes walking on the street.

The style is obviously different from that of the Demacians, and it looks like they are from other places.

Lu Qi could also see the identities of these people.

They are people from some allies of Demacia.

Outside the territory of Demacia, there is still a large piece of land, and in this land, there are several countries, large and small.

Some of them are allies with Demacia and have very close contacts.

Now they appear on the streets of the capital, and the reason is very simple.

Three days later, it will be the National Day of Demacia. Such a celebration has existed for many, many years, and it is a very grand day.

Equivalent to Demacia's birthday.

Naturally, they came all the way to congratulate them.

With such a long distance, people from some allied countries started to leave as early as one or two months ago.

Just arrived at this moment.

The carriage of the Guangdun family also attracted the attention of many foreigners. They all cast curious eyes, and their eyes fell on the face of Lu Qi who lifted the curtain.

Feeling that his eyes gradually increased, Lu Qi put down the curtain and leaned back against the wall of the carriage.

After a while.

The carriage slowly stopped at the gate of the courtyard.

After getting out of the carriage, Lu Qi got out of the carriage lightly, but immediately saw a familiar figure.

On the seat, a slender girl in a homely white dress with black hair was sitting there.

On the other side of her was Fiona, who was calm and slowly playing chess and chess.

As her chess pieces fell, the black-haired girl frowned.

Sitting next to him was Bobby, who was small and kept watching Fiona's chess skills with his eyes wide open.

"Miss Fiona is amazing, I lost again."

As Fiona dropped another son, Sithlia said in admiration.

"You're making rapid progress, too."

Fiona smiled.

At this moment, the three of them also saw Lu Qi walking into the yard.

Sisilia immediately stood up and saluted: "Good morning, Your Highness."

Seeing Sislia, Lu Qi was also a little surprised, and said, "Why are you here?"

"It's rare to have a day off today. I thought that since I returned to the capital, I haven't seen His Highness, so I came here." Sisilia said.

"I haven't seen you for a while." Lu Qi smiled and said, "Congratulations on officially becoming a member of the Fearless Pioneer. Have you two met already?"

As he spoke, he glanced at Fiona.

Fiona nodded slightly.

"Yeah." Sithlia also replied, "When I came here, there was no one in the courtyard. I thought His Highness wasn't there. It was Miss Fiona who came out to meet me."

"Really." Lu Qi returned to the capital, and indeed he never saw Sithlia again.

As an outstanding performer in the Fearless Reserve, she has successfully entered the Fearless Pioneer.

But she can tie the record left by Galen, and it will be a matter of time before she joins the Fearless Pioneer.

Chatted with Sicilia for a while.

When it was almost noon, Quinn also came back.

After seeing Sisilia, she was also a little surprised.

They were chatting in the living room, while Lu Qi got up and went to the kitchen to start preparing lunch.

After a while, the smell of food wafted out from the kitchen.

It touched Sisilia's nerves, which made her feel a little nostalgic.

Sitting in the restaurant seat, looking at the quite rich dishes in front of her eyes, also awakened the glutton in her heart again.

As the delicious dishes entered the mouth, she immediately felt emotional.

Your Highness's culinary skills are still so good.

Sithlia was extremely satisfied with this long-lost meal.

After finishing the meal and not staying for long, Sislia left and said, "Your Highness, I'm going to visit relatives in the capital this afternoon, so I have to leave first."

Hearing this, Lu Qi nodded and said with a smile, "Then goodbye."

"I will come to see His Highness again when I am on vacation next time."

Sithlia bowed slightly to Lu Qi before leaving, and left quickly.

Her visit was a splash in Lu Qi's peaceful life, and after a little splash, it quickly subsided.

Lying on the chair, feeling the mild afternoon sun, Lu Qi let the time pass by at will.

There is a slight cool breeze blowing in the air, which makes people lose sleepiness, and makes people feel at ease in a flat way.

At four o'clock in the afternoon.

A figure happily rode a bicycle and entered the courtyard.

After getting off the car, Miss Guanwei had a happy face, obviously something good happened.

"Good news, the college is on vacation early!"

She was so happy at the moment that she almost sang a song.

It is indeed great news for her that the college will be closed in advance.

This directly saved her two days of torture.

And Lu Qi hasn't been to that place for a long time, and there is no psychological fluctuation after hearing it.

I couldn't share Lux's happiness.

Almost half an hour later, Kashina also walked into the yard.

The School of Physical Education also had an early holiday, so she wasn't that excited in comparison.

Seeing that four people were finally assembled, Lu Qi also got up from his chair and said directly, "Can we play mahjong?"


Lacus and Kashina spoke in unison.

Lu Qi immediately said: "Go shake people."

The two girls with itchy hands quickly ran to the backyard and called Fiona over there.

Four people sat at the mahjong table.

As usual, Bobby moved a small stool and sat beside Lu Qi to watch.

But this time, Lu Qi looked at the innocent and innocent Lacus on the opposite side, took a few glances, and laughed secretly in his heart.

His face has returned to normal.

Little Golden Retriever, your good luck experience card has finally expired!
Next, it's his solo show!
(End of this chapter)

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