LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 190 Just get used to him!

Chapter 190 Just get used to him!

The moment when familiar lines appear on the fingertips.

Lu Qi knew that it was time to end this mahjong troubled world!

I saw that his usual lazy eyes became stern at this moment, and his whole body's aura also changed suddenly.

Suddenly, the mahjong table seemed to freeze.

The three girls present all feel bad!
Their expressions also became tense at the same moment!
"Zimo! Da Sanyuan! 88 fan!" Lu Qi's eyes sparkled, and with a snap, he slapped a piece of Zimo's four strips on the table.

This pair of sky cards instantly lit up with a strong light, which almost blinded the three girls.

Zhong Fa Bai!
Three reds, three fortunes, three blanks!

To get all these nine cards in a deck at the same time is no less difficult than Guoshi Wushuang!
And when they saw this deck full of cards, the three girls on the field were also a little dumbfounded.

Kashina fell down with a face full of tears: "My pocket money"

Fiona pushed the card away, paid the money and didn't want to see Lu Qi's embarrassing expression, so she got up and went to the backyard.

Only Lux felt better at the moment, and took out the money casually.

You know, she also made a lot of cards!

During her glorious time!

Although the glory is no longer today, she believes that it's just a bad hand feeling, and she will definitely be able to kill it tomorrow!

"Tsk tsk, this is a big triple." Lu Qi couldn't care less about the moment, and looked at the fourteen cards in front of him with admiration.

There are certain cards that some people will never be able to play in their lifetime, such as the big three yuan in front of them.

At this moment, he can't wait to get a mobile phone, take a screenshot, and send it to Moments to show off.

"Cut, what's so amazing."

Lacus curled her lips in disdain, but a hint of envy flashed in her eyes when she saw the neat and eye-catching three-dollar card.

She especially likes the feeling of touching the familiar texture and then patting it on the table.

The bigger the cards, the more fun!

This big three-yuan self-touch is indeed a bit
Standing up, she didn't plan to watch it any more, and left with the belief that she would definitely make a big deal tomorrow.

After Lu Qi took a few good looks, he got up and came to the front yard.

At this moment, the sky had already darkened. Looking at the bright moon that had quietly risen, Lu Qi raised his head at a 45-degree angle, admiring the moon from an angle that was unbearably cold.

At this moment, Quinn came in from the courtyard, saw Lu Qi standing in the courtyard, posing to die, and asked curiously, "What are you doing, Your Highness?"

"Oh, Da Sanyuan, just messed around."

Lu Qi turned his head and showed a bright smile.

This answer was not what was asked, and Quinn was directly fooled. She was stunned, and there was a look of confusion in her eyes.

But soon, she came to her senses and applauded cooperatively: "Your Highness is amazing."

"Hey, it's just so-so."

Lu Qi waved his hand vainly, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "I just got a little lucky, and I got a card type that others can't usually get."

Quinn worshiped: "Whenever I can play big cards like His Highness, it will be great."

Lu Qi immediately smiled at the Dragon King!
Lax, who came out of the room, rolled her eyes when she saw this scene, and said to Quinn angrily, "You just get used to him!"

If it goes on like this, this guy might be able to squeal for four or five days.

At eight o'clock in the evening, it's time for dinner.

Several people found that today's dinner was extraordinarily rich.

Lu Qi also specially brought up a bucket of beer from the basement, and there was a bucket of the same size next to it.

For those who can drink, one person has a glass.

When it came to Lux who was holding a cup and walked up expectantly, Lu Qi pointed to the side: "You drink this."

Lux protested with an angry face, "I'm an adult! I can drink alcohol legally!"

"Don't you know how much you drink yourself?" Lu Qi chuckled and said, "The one next to you is the one you haven't drunk yet."

When Lacus heard it, she became a little interested, and asked curiously, "What is it?"

"You'll know if you drink it, it's similar to beer."

Lu Qi took the cup from her hand, then turned the switch, and suddenly a stream of golden liquid sprayed out from the mouth of the faucet.

While foaming, it exudes a brewing aroma.

Looking at it this way, it is indeed almost the same as beer.

After the cup was full, Lux took the cup from Lu Qi's hand, and, driven by curiosity, took a sip immediately.

There is a brewed fruit aroma at the entrance, the taste is the same as cola, thorny, but it has an extra soft feeling, which is very refreshing, and there is a fragrance of beer in it.

However, it was not as strong as the last time Lux drank beer.

This taste immediately satisfied Lacus' taste buds in many ways, making her eyes light up.

"This is delicious, what is this?"

"Fruit beer."

Lu Qi smiled and said, "Is it delicious?"


Lux nodded and walked away satisfied.

Then it was Bobby who came up, holding a cup, and handing it to Lu Qi with the same look of expectation.

She knew that she couldn't drink alcohol. Ever since she passed out in the wine bath last time, she knew that she should stay away from alcohol.

But like Lacus, she still feels a little envious when she watches others drink every day.

Also holding a full glass of fruit beer, Bobby immediately took a sip curiously, his big eyes lit up, and he obviously liked it very much.

Fruit beer tastes somewhat similar to beer, but the strength is quite different.

It's just right for people like Lux and Bobby who don't hold a lot of alcohol.

Afterwards, Lu Qi raised the cup in his hand and said with a smile on his face, "To celebrate today's big three yuan, let's toast!"

As soon as his words fell, the few people present were not surprised.

Looking at the battle, they guessed it all.


Lacus was the first to respond and raised her glass. She was happy that the glass was finally not Coke.

Although Coke is delicious, you can't drink it every day!

Then came Poppy, who simply loved the celebratory vibe.


Then, Fiona, Quinn, Kashina, and Yurna also took pride in Lu Qi, and raised their cups.

After a little celebration.

The next step is to drink and eat freely. Today's dishes are extraordinarily rich, and everyone is very satisfied.

After Kashina drank a glass of beer, she switched to fruit beer.

As for Fiona, who had drank a few glasses of beer, her face also had a ruddy blush that was not usually seen.

Quinn's alcohol capacity is surprisingly good, and he didn't get drunk after drinking a few glasses.

If you want to say that the capacity for alcohol is the best, in fact, it has to be Yuerna.

Because every time she drank, although she didn't have a high sense of presence, when it came to drinking, she didn't drink less at all.

But Lu Qi had never seen her when she was drunk.

Even Miss Jian Ji, Lu Qi has seen her when she is slightly drunk.

But Urna, let alone a little drunk, even if he gave her the strongest wine Lu Qi brewed, he doubted that she would be able to drink it expressionlessly.

After dinner, everyone came to the front yard, chatting while enjoying the cool breeze.

The cool wind blowing at night was a bit colder, but it also dissipated a lot of alcohol.

After that, it came to the daily essential link.

When the body is soaked in the hot spring pool, no matter who it is, it feels as if the bones of the body are about to melt at this moment.

This kind of comfort is really enjoyable.

The next day.

In the morning, Lu Qi woke up naturally from the bed.

Had a lot of drinks last night, but had a good night's sleep and woke up feeling better.

Coming to the front yard, Lu Qi started his daily washing and teeth brushing.

During this time, Lacus, Kashina, Fiona, Quinn, and Bobby also walked into the courtyard one after another.

Lu Qi went into the kitchen, worked for a while, cooked some porridge, and then returned to the front yard.

Lying on the rocking chair, waiting for the porridge to be cooked.

Having nothing to do, I said silently in my heart: "Sign in."

[Congratulations to the host for getting a random deputy draw card]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the primary skill upgrade card]

[The system rewards have been stored in the backpack, please check the host by yourself]

Several system sounds sounded, which caught Lu Qi's attention.

He opened his backpack and focused his attention on today's sign-in rewards.

Looking at the new random deputy card in the backpack, he also had a little interest in his eyes.

Immediately, he said again in his heart: "System, use the deputy card."

[Random deputy draw card successfully used]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the artist--LV6 (excellent)]

As the system responded, suddenly, a stream of information flooded into Lu Qi's mind like a torrent of water.

There is no shortage of information in this share.

He closed his eyes and immersed himself in various painting skills, as if he had honed each painting skill for many years.

After a long while, he slowly opened his eyes.

Although the new deputy is a painter, he doesn't choose it, after all, he came here for nothing.

His painting skills, because of the craftsman LV8, also have a certain grasp of drawing.

So, the drawing skills are not bad.

Now this LV6 deputy painter can be said to have raised Lu Qi's painting skills to a whole new level.

At this moment, no matter what genre of painting style, he has mastered it.

This can't help but make Lu Qi a little curious about what level his painting skills have reached.

"Yurna, go get some blank paper and a pen."

Immediately, Lu Qi gave orders.


Urna responded.

Next to her, Lux, who was also lying on the chair, asked curiously, "What do you want a pen and paper for?"

"You'll find out later."

Lu Qi smiled.

Soon, Yurna came to Lu Qi with some clean white paper and a pencil.

At this time, Fiona, Quinn, and Kashina in the backyard also suspended their morning exercises and prepared to rest for a while, so they all came to the front yard.

I happened to see Lu Qi holding a pen and paper, not knowing what to do.

"Let's start."

Seeing Lu Qi sitting there, not moving for a long time, Lacus urged.

Lu Qi, who was thinking about what to draw, glanced at her, and suddenly had an idea, picked up the pen and began to draw on the white paper.

He wrote quickly and smoothly, with almost no hesitation.

Several pairs of eyes were fixed on the paper, and when Lu Qi was halfway through the drawing, they all guessed what he was drawing.

A pair of big eyes, then a smaller body, and a quirky smirk, holding a strawberry cake in his hand.

There were still traces of cake crumbs around her mouth, and her stomach looked bulging, which made it obvious at a glance that she must have eaten a lot.

When Lu Qi's pen left the paper, what appeared on it was a Q print style Lacus.

Although the whole is drawn with black pencils, and it is still a small painting style, but at first glance, it makes people feel inexplicably real.

Lux looked at herself on the paper, her eyes lit up all of a sudden.

She didn't dislike Lu Qi for making her so edible. She took the drawing paper with her little hand and looked at it.

After a while, he smiled proudly: "As expected of me! It's so beautiful!"

A few pairs of eyes also fell on the paper, but they also agreed with this point.

The usual Miss Mianwei is quite cute, but when the Q-print style comes out, she feels a little more cute.

The most important thing is that Lu Qi draws well. He only uses black pencil, but it makes people automatically fill in all the colors and pictures.

Lu Qi smiled: "Who will come next?"

"I me me!"

Bobby immediately raised his hands enthusiastically, looking very enthusiastic.

"Okay, that's you."

Lu Qi took another blank piece of paper, and quickly began to draw again.

After a few minutes, he moved away.

Put a few pairs of eyes on it, and immediately saw a Q version of Bobby who was resting on the hammer, with her arms open, sleeping soundly. She always had a happy smile in her sleep.

There are also a few ZZZ symbols on it, which makes people immediately think that it means sleeping.


Lu Qi asked like a massage therapist.


Bobby took the drawing paper, looked at himself on it, and smiled silly.


Lu Qi said calmly.

"I come!"

Kashina raised her hand, her face full of anticipation.

She has already seen that although His Highness drew the Q version, this is also their image in his mind.

She was curious about what image she had in His Highness's mind.

Lu Qi glanced at her, and soon started to write.

Swish, swish, and after a few minutes, the painting was finished.

On the paper, there was a Q version of Kashina running hard with all her strength, and a runway was drawn around it.

Kashina's eyes lit up, and she felt a little bit of joy in her heart.

In His Highness's mind, is he so cute?


Afterwards, Lu Qi didn't ask any more, but felt hot in his hands, and started to draw the next person.

He first drew a fallen broken tree, and then there was a person sitting on the tree.

Quinn noticed that the painting was of himself, so he looked at it with even more anticipation.

Soon, Lu Qi finished the painting.

Not far from the broken tree was a wild boar with its belly turned upside down, with dizzy symbols drawn on its eyes.

On the broken tree, Quinn's body was a bit dirty, as if he had gone through a hard fight, and next to him was Hua Luo, who had also gone through a hard fight, with wounds on his body.

One person and one eagle rely on each other, and it looks very harmonious and warm in the painting.

This scene immediately reminded Quinn of the scene when she met Hua Luo, and her eyes lit up with a good-looking brilliance.

"His Royal Highness draws really well."

Kashina said with sincere admiration at this time.

Although there is only one color, it is easy for people to imagine the sense of the picture.

"It's trivial."

Lu Qi said modestly, then glanced at Fiona, and then took another blank piece of paper.

Soon, he began to draw.

Fiona's face was still cold, but there was no concealment of expectation and interest in her eyes.

Her eyes fell on the paper.

A few minutes later, I frowned!
On the paper, a Q version of her appeared, looking very angry, and there were several symbols representing anger.

Facing a dummy on the opposite side, he kept poking and poking, and he could still see some afterimages of the poking.

It looked like he was venting his anger.

With a "poof", Kashina couldn't help laughing: "It seems quite appropriate."

In my impression, whenever Fiona gets angry with Lu Qi, it will be like this on paper.

Take your anger out on that poor dummy.

"Is it appropriate?"

Fiona's face was frosty, she picked up the drawing paper, looked up at it, but the corner of her mouth could not help but evoke a smile in the next second.

This guy draws really well.

Even though her image in his heart turned out to be like this, it just made her very upset!

At this time, Lu Qi hadn't stopped writing, and soon resumed drawing.

The next one to draw is Urna.

Several people looked up, and saw Yuerna, who was sitting on a stone chair in a garden, wearing a cute maid costume, reading quietly with a book in her hand.

For a moment, people only felt that it was incomparably vivid.

In my impression, when Yuerna was free, she would sit on the stone chair in the garden on the right and read a book. She was very quiet and never disturbed anyone.

Like a bystander.

Then, Lu Qi drew Sona playing.

At the concert that was full of seats, she played the music with a soft expression and a few notes on the picture.

Then Vayne and Frey were drawn.

The two masters and apprentices appear together in the painting, embracing each other like a pair of mother and daughter, and we can see the close connection between them.

Then Lu Qi drew Sithlia again. She held up a long sword and stood bravely opposite a monster.

Before the porridge for breakfast was ready, Lu Qi drew many people.

Facing a bunch of machines, Navis was constantly making inventions.

A Tiana with a casual face drinking tea, but with a tigress painted on her back.

Holding a big sword, Galen was spinning in circles, almost turning himself dizzy.

And Jarvan IV was wiping cold sweat, as if he was afraid of something.

Before the morning porridge was ready, Lu Qi drew a lot of people he knew, and described their appearance in another style on paper.

This Q version of the painting style, a few girls met, and they also expressed their love for it.

Lux held Galen's painting, laughed and said, "I must show Galen this! It's so silly, it looks so much like him!"

And when they were discussing Lu Qi's painting.

Lu Qi silently put away the painting of Tiana, and then destroyed it.

It is better not to keep this kind of evidence that can harm him forever.

The painting style of the Q version is only one of Lu Qi's painting skills, and he knows many more.

What kind of abstraction, what kind of realism, what kind of ink painting, comics, it covers all kinds.

In the future, I will have nothing to do when I have free time, but I can draw different kinds of paintings and play with them.

(End of this chapter)

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