LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 193 Duel Challenge

Chapter 193 Duel Challenge
"That's about it."

After Lu Qi spoke again, he picked up a glass of juice and drank a couple of sips.

"Ha ha."

After Fiona finished listening, she glanced at Lu Qi, sneered twice, then turned and left.

From these two sneers, Lu Qi vaguely heard the yin and yang of the same style as Miss Mianwei.

Then as soon as he turned his head, he met Kashina's gaze.


Meanwhile, the other end.

Amda was sitting at the table with a group of friends from the capital, laughing and chatting.

"Time flies so fast. In a blink of an eye, you are also a well-known swordsman on the list in the sword hall." A man in a fancy dress sighed, picked up the wine glass in his hand, and handed it to Amda who was sitting opposite him with a smile on his face.

"I have just been on the list, and there are still too many people who are stronger than me."

Amda raised the cup in his hand modestly, and lightly touched the man's.

Next to him, another person smiled and said, "I think you should stop being modest. You can be on the list at such a young age, and you will surely be among the best in a short time."

"Yes!" Another person complimented: "Among the few of us, only you are on the Sword Hall list."

In Miraz City, there is a place called "Sword Hall".

Almost all of Demacia's swordsmen, famous or not, gathered here.

The significance of this place to swordsmen can be said to be extraordinary.

In its long history, the Sword Hall has witnessed the rise and fall of countless powerful swordsmen.

The Sword Hall is also a sacred duel place for countless swordsmen.

Many significant duels have been fought there.

In the Sword Hall, there is a list, which is ranked according to age, strength and record, which is fair and just.

Every swordsman is proud to be on the list, but the Sword Hall gathers swordsmen from the entire Demacia, so one can imagine how difficult it is to be on the list.

Not to mention, the gold content among the best.

Amda's father, the current patriarch of the Laurent family, Sebastian -- was once the number one swordsman in the sword hall at the peak of his glory. He has a great reputation.

However, he didn't stay on the list for long.

An invading battle made this high-spirited swordsman, like fireworks in full bloom, brilliant and dazzling, but short-lived.

Amda swallowed the wine in the glass in one gulp, a firm color flashed in his eyes.

For him, getting on the Sword Hall list was just the starting point.

What he really wants to do is to take back the glory that once belonged to his father and the Laurent family!

This is his goal since he was very young!
"You're Amda Laurent, aren't you?"

At this time, a figure came.

"You are?" Hearing this, Amda looked at the person who came. Standing in front of him was a young man wearing foreign clothes, short black hair, and a scar on his face that seemed to be a sword scar.

From him, Amda felt a sharp edge like a sword.

He knew at a glance that this person must be a good hand with a sword.

However, those eyes were extremely cold.

"My name is Hughes Francis. I wonder if you have heard of this surname?"

Hughes introduced himself in a flat voice.


Amda thought for a while, vaguely seemed to have heard this name somewhere, but couldn't remember it.

"Can't remember? It's okay."

Hughes calmly took out a white handkerchief from his chest pocket, and threw it at Amda's face, "According to your Demacia rules, this is considered a challenge, right?"

The handkerchief hit Amda on the face first, and then slowly fell towards the ground.

Looking at the falling handkerchief, Amda was slightly stunned: "Challenge?"

"Yes, I, Hughes Francis, officially challenge you, Amda Laurent, to a duel!"

Hughes looked directly at Amda, with an inexplicable hatred flashing in his eyes.

Amda was a little puzzled. This Hughes was obviously from an allied country. Why did he initiate a duel against him?

On the side, a friend frowned and said, "We don't even know your identity, so why accept your challenge?"

Another person said: "Furthermore, this is the eldest son of the Laurent family. What qualifications do you have to challenge him?"

"Even if the allies come, they can't be so nonsense?"

Several people frowned and looked at Hughes, who was always calm.

At this time, the movement here also attracted the attention of many people, and the surrounding nobles gathered around one after another.

Among them were Sebastian and Alma, as well as several young people and elders of the Laurent family.

"What's going on over there?"

Kashina, who was chatting with Lu Qi, also noticed the movement over there, and looked over curiously.

"Look at it."

Lu Qi walked over there with great interest.

At this time, as the number of people around increased, they looked at the white handkerchief on the ground and understood the meaning of the handkerchief.

An old man from the Laurent family looked stern: "Where did you come from? You challenged me without any explanation."

Another old man beside him also shouted: "Today is the National Day, how can I allow you to mess around!"

Except for the members of the Laurent family, most of the rest of the nobles looked like they were watching a show.

In the face of so many people, Hughes remained calm and said: "I am Skagwen, the eldest son of the Francis family, and Joseph Francis is my father. Do you have any impression of Laurent?" ?”

Hearing the surname Francis, Sebastian's expression changed.

And the two old men seemed to have some impressions.

Among the crowd, some nobles seemed to have heard of this surname before.

Sebastian walked out at this time, looked at Hughes and said, "I remember him, Joseph. Is he okay now?"

"already dead."

Hughes looked at Sebastian, the hatred in his eyes grew a bit, and his voice became colder: "He died in the second month after returning to China."

Sebastian froze for a moment: "This"

"I understand you. After all, the name of the weak is not worth remembering."

Hughes said in a calm voice: "But it doesn't matter. I stand here today to regain everything my father lost here. This time I came to Debon, I wanted to challenge you, but"

As he said that, he glanced at Sebastian's leg, then moved his gaze to Amda, "So, I can only take a step back and challenge your son."

Amda looked at him with a gaze that seemed to take everything away from him.

At this time, someone in the crowd seemed to remember.

"I remembered, the surname Francis, the envoy who came to Germany 15 years ago was named Francis."

"That said, I seem to have a little impression."

"I also remembered the duel that year."

Through the crowd, one recalled voice after another gradually filled in the events of that year.

Because, 15 years ago, this matter was relatively well-known.

It was also the National Celebration that year, and the envoy sent by Skaguen was named Joseph Francis.

He is a well-known swordsman in Skaguen, and after coming to the capital, he challenged Sebastian, who was in the limelight at that time, to a duel.

Sebastian had no reason to refuse.

So, under the witness of Sebastian's friend, Jarvan III, a duel between him and foreign envoys began.

This duel has a different meaning.

If the number one swordsman in the Sword Hall was defeated by foreign envoys, he would probably lose face.

Therefore, Sebastian cannot lose, and he will not lose either.

It has to be said that Joseph is indeed a powerful swordsman, but he is still not enough for Sebastian at his peak.

It was a brilliant duel that many people look back on.

The ending, of course, ends with Joseph failing, but along the way, something goes wrong.

The young and energetic Sebastian did not leave Joseph with any dignity, not only let him fail miserably, but also humiliated him with words.

After the duel was over, Joseph and the envoy team embarked on the journey back home.

What happened after he returned to China is unclear.

"After returning to China, he did not recover from the defeat. Skaguen also canceled all his duties because of this, and he died of depression in the second month after returning to China."

Hughes can still recall the humiliation of his father by the people in front of him.He said coldly: "Now, I want to take back what he lost here, Amda, do you dare to accept the duel challenge?"

Looking at Hughes with hatred in his eyes.

Sebastian sighed, did not speak, but gave Amda the right to choose.

Back then, after Joseph lost, he did humiliate the opponent.

He also didn't expect that the other party would be devastated and finally die in depression.

He remembered this Hughes, when he and Joseph came to Demacia, he was still a very young child.

In fact, there are hidden secrets about what happened back then.

Joseph did not challenge him out of admiration, but a drunken dispute that led to the duel.

Joseph, who was drunk, spoke rudely to Sebastian's wife, Alma, her words were full of teasing, and she even wanted to do it.

Seeing this, Sebastian was extremely annoyed, kicked Joseph away, and then challenged him to a fair duel.

Joseph, who was drunk, readily agreed.

But dueling is such a sacred thing, as long as you agree to it, you can't go back on your word.

Soon, the next day, under the witness of Jiawen III, the duel began.

The duel attracted many people. Joseph did have some strength, but he was not his opponent.

After winning, Sebastian, who was still angry, directly humiliated the opponent.

This made Joseph lose face, not only in front of many envoys, but also in front of the Demacians.

The next day, he returned home with the team of envoys.

As the envoy representative of Skaguen, Jarvan III and Sebastian decided to conceal the cause of the incident in order to maintain the dignity of the allies.

But the humiliation after the duel was seen by many people.

Including Joseph's child, Hughes.

In the eyes of Hughes, who was young at the time, he only saw his father whom he admired so much failed miserably and was humiliated by his opponent.

His father's dignity fell to the ground and shattered.

After returning to China, within two months, he died of depression.

Since then, he has never had a father in his childhood.

This dealt a huge blow to his young mind.

Therefore, the seeds of hatred are also left behind.

From the night his father passed away, he swore in his heart that he would take back everything his father had lost.

A Laurentian elder said, "Amuda, you don't have to promise him."

Another clan elder also said: "It's normal to lose in a duel. If it happens repeatedly like this, wouldn't the original intention of the duel be lost?"

When the duel was first established, the original intention was to resolve all grievances through a gentlemanly, public, and fair duel.

When the two of them stepped onto the ring and finally left the ring, no matter whether it was one person or two people who came down, it meant that the grievances had been resolved.

The matter between Joseph and Sebastian was over as early as the duel that year.

After returning home, Joseph's depression was his own problem.

There was absolutely no need for Amda to agree to this duel that would do him no good.

But seeing the persistence in Hughes' eyes, Amda slowly bent down, picked up the white handkerchief on the ground, looked at the two clan elders and his father and said with a smile: "This is what I have to go through, isn't it?" ?”

After finishing speaking, he looked at Hughes again with a serious expression: "I accept your challenge and allow you to take back your father's glory."

He really had no reason to agree to the duel.

However, he had no reason to refuse.

A mighty swordsman who never shirks a fight.

Defending the honor of the family is also what he should do as the eldest son of Laurent.

He could feel that Hughes in front of him was a powerful swordsman.

Then, defeating him is also the way to go.

At this time, Jarvan III also came over upon hearing the inquiry, and the crowd gave way.

Hughes looked at him, knelt on the ground on one knee, bowed his head and said, "Your Majesty, I implore you to witness this duel as you did back then."

Jarvan III, looking at the white handkerchief that has appeared in Amda's hand, nodded: "Since he has picked up the handkerchief, it means that the duel contract has come into effect. As you said, I will witness this duel I don't know what the opinion of the envoy of Skagwen is?"

His gaze turned to the envoy representative of Skaguen on the other side.

Hearing this, he coughed: "I'm really sorry, Your Majesty, I didn't know that Hughes would do this without authorization when I came here this time."

"It doesn't matter, Demacia allows all fair duels."

Jarvan III said with an easy-going attitude.

Hearing this, the envoy said: "Since the duel contract has come into effect, it is up to me to make the decision, and we promise to strictly abide by all the regulations of Germany. And the challenger, Hughes Francis, no matter in this duel, is he alive or not?" , or death, is his own business."

When the messenger said this, he was not disregarding the relationship.

Instead, he was showing his attitude to Jarvan III that no matter what Hughes' outcome in this duel would be, it would not escalate this issue again.

Jiawen III nodded: "Today is the National Day, since that's the case, then the duel between the two of you will be set in two days, do you have any objections?"

Hughes immediately replied: "No."

Amda also lowered his head and responded, "No."

In this way, this duel was settled.

The time is two days later.

And many nobles at the scene expressed their interest.

After all, interesting things like this rarely happen.

Several elders of the Laurent family showed helplessness when they saw Amda agreeing.

You know, this duel was witnessed by so many nobles.

This meaning is completely different.

If they win, their Laurent family will not benefit much.

But if you lose.
Seeing that Amda agreed, Sebastian didn't say anything, and gave him an encouraging look.

Alma also believed in her son very much.

Fiona was in the crowd, glanced at Amda, then at Hughes, then withdrew her gaze, turned and left.

Lu Qi also looked away, and after eating the melon, he found a random seat and sat down.

And at the banquet, the duel between Amda and Hughes became more and more popular.

Basically, every noble has already heard about this.

There was also discussion about this.

After the duel was confirmed, Hughes left the banquet.

And Amda did not leave, sitting among a group of friends.

"From my point of view, this kid is nothing special."

"Amda, you can defeat him with a few moves."

"Indeed, I can still trust Amda's strength."

Several friends were smiling and talking relaxedly.

"Let's talk about this for today, I'm going back to prepare."

Amda drank the last sip from the cup, stood up and said goodbye.

Seeing his serious appearance, several friends didn't want to keep him anymore.

So, soon, Amda also left the banquet.

The departure of the two did not reduce the heat of the duel. The nobles treated it as an after-dinner chat, and they were all chatting.

From what happened back then, to the present, and to the current Laurent family.

Of course, there was not much talk about the Laurent family.

After all, they were there too.

The Laurent family was a swordsmanship family with unparalleled glory at the beginning, but now, it has to be admitted that they have been going downhill.

Ever since Sebastian passed away, they had never seen any amazing swordsman in this family.

As a family that is proud of swordsmanship, but has no capital to show in swordsmanship.

That means that this family is not far from decline.

In order to stop all this, it can be seen that the Laurent family has been working hard for so many years.

And now, they instilled all their hopes in the eldest son, Amda.

It can be said that his every word, deed, and action represent the future Laurent family.

Therefore, the elders still felt a little angry about Amda's reckless consent to this duel today.

But the contract has come into effect, but there is no room for reversal.

They didn't want to put pressure on Amda any more, so they thought of other ways.

(End of this chapter)

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