LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 194 Aren't men unable to say that they are not good enough?

Chapter 194 Aren't men unable to say that they are not good enough? ([-] words)

"What do you think about this matter?"

Lu Qi was sitting beside Fiona at the moment, asking casually.

Fiona glanced at him. "I'll sit and watch."

What else could she see?
After all, that's Amda's business.

At this moment, the clan elders who are suffering from this matter may have forgotten even her.

But it's impossible to say you don't care.

That man named Hughes, his domineering aura and the courage to openly initiate a duel on such an occasion, all proved that he was by no means an ordinary person.

She is clear about Amda's strength, and now she can only believe that he will win.

An hour later, the banquet came to an end.

During this period, Lu Qi, as the prince, was also called to socialize with many people.

Around the evening, the banquet ended and the people dispersed.

In the afternoon, the high atmosphere of the National Day gradually faded as the sky darkened.

Heading towards the outside of the palace, when approaching the exit, a figure seemed to be waiting here, and stopped in front.

Panis looked at Lu Qi with a smile on her face and said, "Your Highness should have time tomorrow, right?"

Come to think of it, she came here again for that promise.

Lu Qi knew that there was no need to procrastinate, so he replied: "Tomorrow, there should be time."

"That's great." Panis said with a smile, "Then tomorrow at ten o'clock in the morning, we'll meet at that place, okay?"

"it is good."

Lu Qi nodded and agreed.

Panis walked out, then smiled and said, "I'm already looking forward to tomorrow."

"Can I bring my friends with me tomorrow?" Lu Qi asked casually as they walked outside together.

"Of course." Panis still smiled, "I also hope to make more friends in Demacia."

"That's good."

Lu Qi also smiled.

The two walked outside while chatting.

"Then we'll see you tomorrow."

Stopping in front of the carriage, Panisi shook Lu Qi's hand.

"Well, see you tomorrow." Lu Qi nodded.

At this moment, a middle-aged maid came over and lifted up Panis' long skirt, making it easier for her to board the carriage.

Before Lu Qi walked away, his eyes fell on the maid, and he couldn't help but take another look.

Then I felt a little strange.

A layer of camouflage was applied to the middle-aged maid, as if some kind of magic had changed her face and even her body. Through the Eye of Reality, Lu Qi could see her true face.

From the looks of it, he was a mage over fifty years old.

It is not surprising that there are mages among the people from outside the domain.

But what surprised Lu Qi was why this man had to change his posture specially.

As for this, did Dupont and Panis know about it?
Lu Qi withdrew his gaze, didn't think too much about this question, turned and left.

Soon, he boarded his carriage.

There are already several people sitting in the carriage.

As soon as Lu Qi came in, Lacus smiled and said: "It seems that you have a very good relationship, talking and laughing."

Lu Qi glanced at her: "Then you can't talk and cry, right?"

"Hmph." Lax snorted coldly, "No wonder he left in such a hurry, he left alone without waiting for us after the banquet."

Lu Qi glanced at the inside of the carriage, almost all of them were seated: "Aren't you walking faster than me?"

Lacus snorted, "We don't chat, of course we're going fast."

"Don't be so yin and yang here." Lu Qi raised his hand angrily, wanting to give this yin and yang little golden retriever a headache, but she nimbly dodged it.

So he chased after him desperately, and Lux ​​dodged left and right.

Kashina looked at the two helplessly: "The carriage is not big, can you be more peaceful."

As for Fiona, who was looking outside, she didn't want to talk to these two things at all.

Looking at Glenlot's carriage passing by, she also looked twice more.

The princess of the allied country brought her a different feeling.

For some reason, Fiona always felt that her appearance was a dangerous signal.

As the sky completely darkened, the carriage returned home and stopped at the gate of the courtyard.

Get out of the carriage, in the courtyard.

Sona, who came back early, was sitting there practicing the piano.

Bobby was lying beside him, listening with a contented expression.

There was also the sound of training in the backyard.

With the return of several people, the whole yard became more lively.

It is worth mentioning that at this time there are several more electric lights in the courtyard and house, which are used to illuminate the surroundings instead of open flames.

Under the illumination of the lights, the yard is brighter.

At the beginning, the girls felt a little novelty about the appearance of electric lights.

Recently, I also became familiar with the light of electric lights, and found that the brighter field of vision seems to be quite good.

The most important thing is that the light bulb is very convenient. Pull it once to light up, and then pull it again to dim it, which is much easier than igniting a fire.

Light bulbs, a product that is still new to the capital, are slowly being integrated into the folks.

It will take a little while, but not for long.

People are slowly accepting this convenient tool that glows with electricity.

And the Academy of Sciences has recently started new research on electricity.

And this research is -- wind power generation.

Wind power generation is a particularly important way to generate energy before the emergence of high-end power generation equipment.

Convert the kinetic energy of the wind into mechanical kinetic energy, and then convert the mechanical energy into electrical kinetic energy.

The disadvantage of wind power is that the output rate is not stable, but in Demacia, this problem is hardly a concern.

Because Demacia is a mountainous area, and the terrain is relatively high, it can be said that it is windy all year round.

Just like Lu Qi's yard, whether it's summer or autumn, it's basically easy to feel the wind blowing by.

And Demacia's road to scientific research has just started, and using wind power generation is a good way.

Lu Qi, who had been busy all day today, was exhausted when he returned to the yard.

Lazily lying on the rocking chair, as he relaxed his whole body, he also entered a state where he didn't want to move.

After lying down for a while, he suddenly remembered the scene he saw after leaving the palace.After thinking about it, he called Quinn over.

"Your Highness."

Quinn walked to Lu Qi and waited.

Lu Qi immediately said: "Go and keep an eye on Glenlot's envoys, and let me know if there is any movement."

Quinn nodded immediately, "Yes."

After finishing speaking, she turned around and left. After tidying up, she quickly left the yard.

Lux came out of the room, looked at Quinn who had disappeared, and asked curiously, "What did you ask Quinn to do?"

"It's nothing."

Lu Qi replied casually, then closed his eyes, and continued to close his eyes to rest his mind.

Seeing that this guy was not interested in talking to her, Lux was upset, then snorted, turned and went back to the house.

late at night.

In the jungle outside the capital, several figures were walking forward.

It was indeed Granlot's envoys.

DuPont followed behind the middle-aged maid, looked at the surrounding environment, and asked aloud: "Marta, are you sure you are here?"

The maid named Marte nodded affirmatively when she heard the sound: "There is nothing wrong, my divination is definitely not a problem, and our search for the past few days has determined that the location is in this area."

Beside the two of them, Panisi changed into casual clothes, tightly holding a silver-white key in her hand, which hung on her fair neck like a pendant.

Similarly, she also looked at the surrounding environment, and couldn't help asking: "Is it really okay for us to do this?"

DuPont looked at her and comforted: "Don't be afraid, we just take back what belongs to us."

Parniss asked again: "Can't you tell His Majesty the King directly?"

Dupont didn't answer the question directly, but said, "Don't worry, we'll find it soon, and there won't be any more questions after that."

After all, this is Demacia. Although the relationship between the two countries is good, what they are looking for is not commonplace after all.

And this thing is still very sensitive to Demacia.

So it is better to avoid some troubles as much as possible.

Most importantly, DuPont felt that he could find this thing without making a fuss.

And this is the best case.

If according to what Marta said, this thing can really be found, his brother can still be saved.

So during this period, he didn't want any mistakes to happen.

"Are you sure you won't be discovered?"

Thinking of this, Du Pont asked Martha.

"Don't worry, I cast a concealment spell, even those demon hunters, it is impossible to find us."

Martha said this confidently.

Looking at the two people in front of her, Panisi didn't ask any more questions, but followed them, silently tightening the key in her hands.

This time, her main purpose in coming to Demacia was to retrieve a secret treasure that Glenrot had lost for many years.

The legend about this secret treasure has been circulated in Glenlot for many years, so long that people only regard it as a legend.

But only the royal family knows that this is not a legend.

However, no one knows where this secret treasure has gone so far.

It is said that this secret treasure is still in a certain treasure house, and the one in her hand is the key to open the door of the treasure house.

This key has now become a symbol of the royal heir, and the person who owns this key is the next heir to the throne.

Now, it's in her hands.

The next day.

On October [-], the weather was fine.

It was also early in the morning, and Lu Qi woke up.

I went to bed quite early last night, and I slept quite comfortably this time.

Outside the courtyard, in the backyard, Quinn had already started his morning exercises.

After seeing Lu Qi, Quinn also stopped training, walked towards him, and reported directly: "Your Highness, at about one o'clock last night, the envoy representative of Granlot and the princess and another person I left the capital and went to the jungle outside the capital."

Hearing this, Lu Qi asked, "What are they doing outside the capital so late?"

"I don't know exactly what it is." Quinn replied, "But according to my observation, they seem to be looking for something."

"Looking for something?"

Lu Qi thought for a while.

It seems that his intuition was not wrong. It seems that Granlot's group came to Demacia this time with some other purpose.

Moreover, it appears that Dupont and Panis are not only aware of this matter, they are also involved in it.

At this moment, Lu Qi is actually more curious about the thing they are looking for.

What is it that makes people from allied countries travel thousands of miles to the capital to find it?
Quinn said at this time: "They probably found it around three o'clock in the middle of the night, and then returned to the capital."

"I see, you keep watching tonight, and tell me immediately if there is any movement."

Hearing this, Lu Qi nodded, looked at her with a smile and said, "Thank you for your hard work, pay attention to take more rest."

"I have plenty of time to rest today. I have slept for three hours, and I am quite refreshed now."

Quinn smiled, but he didn't feel very tired.

This long-lost feeling of having something to do is still very good for her.

"Anyway, don't force yourself."

Lu Qi didn't force Quinn to rest, he knew that Quinn knew it well.

Afterwards, Lu Qi went back to the house and began to prepare breakfast.

When the breakfast was ready, all the girls came together.

After breakfast, it was past eight o'clock.

Thinking of the appointment at ten o'clock, Lu Qi began to prepare.

In terms of preparation, there was nothing to prepare for, it was nothing more than a change of clothes.

"I'm going to meet that Princess Paris later, do you want to go together?"

After changing his clothes, Lu Qi told Lacus and the others about this matter.

When Lacus heard this, she curled her lips: "What are we going to do? They are asking you out, not us."

Kashina also echoed: "Yes! Let's not bother His Highness anymore!"

Lu Qi looked at Fiona again, who also shook her head.

As for Sona, she doesn't like crowded places, so she definitely won't go there.

"I go!"

Bobby raised his hand excitedly.

Just after lifting it up for a second, Lux pressed it back: "You don't go."

Then she covered Bobby's mouth with a small hand to prevent her from making a sound, so that Bobby could only make a "uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu".

Lu Qi looked at them, and asked again: "Aren't you going?"

"No! Wouldn't it be nice for us to lie down at this time?"

Lacus snorted, with a little temper in her tone.

"I'm leaving."

Lu Qi didn't ask any more questions, just turned around and walked out of the courtyard.

After a while, the carriage started to drive towards Durand Street.

At about 09:30, the carriage stopped at the intersection of the street.

After getting off the carriage, Lu Qi walked towards the place where the last art exhibition was held.

When he was about to reach the place, he found that Panis was already waiting here. She also saw Lu Qi approaching, and waved with bright eyes.

"Did your Highness come down so early?"

She looked at Lu Qi who was approaching.

Lu Qi smiled and said, "Didn't you come earlier?"

"Because I was looking forward to it, I came here early." Panisi showed a beautiful smile, but there were some dark circles under her eyes.

Lu Qi took a look and said, "Did you not rest last night?"

Panisi paused for a moment, then smiled and said, "Maybe I was a little too excited, so I went to bed late."

Afterwards, she looked at Lu Qi who was empty beside her, and asked involuntarily, "Where are the friends His Highness mentioned?"

"They said they didn't want to come." Lu Qi replied casually, and walked forward: "Let's go shopping first."

"Yeah." Parish followed beside him.

The two walked on the street, the air in the morning was quite fresh, and the occasional wind was also very cool.

Looking at the bicycles passing by on the street from time to time, Panis said: "I noticed it when I came here. These driving tools look so convenient."

Lu Qi smiled: "It's really convenient."

"There are also those newspapers. I read a lot of newspapers at home these days, and I also read stories about His Highness."

As Panis spoke, she looked at Lu Qi with a smile on her face.

She learned more about Lu Qi from the newspaper.

"Sell candied haws~!"

At this moment, a yell sounded, attracting Panis' attention.

She looked around and saw a peddler standing on the side of the street, and he was holding a long pole-like thing in his hand, with bunches of bright red candied haws stuck in it.

Suddenly, her eyes were full of curiosity.

"I want to eat a bunch."

With that said, she had already walked over and paid the money.

Soon she came back with two bunches of candied haws in her hand, and handed one of them to Lu Qi.

"Thank you."

Lu Qi didn't refuse, and took it.

Panis took a bite of the candied haws and chewed, her eyes lit up: "It's delicious."

This sweet and sour taste is surprisingly good.

"I didn't expect such delicious desserts to exist on the streets of Wangdu."

She said with a satisfied expression.

Lu Qi asked, "Didn't you go out for a stroll these days?"

"No." Panis replied while eating candied haws, "It's not fun to go shopping alone, so I just wanted to wait to be with His Highness, but unfortunately those friends of His Highness didn't come, I feel that it would be more lively if there were more people. .”

Lu Qi smiled, thinking that it will be lively later.

He thought for a while and said, "Compared with Demacia, are there many differences between Glenlot and Demacia?"

"Too many!" Panis said after thinking for a while, "There are so many mountains in Debon, but in Glenlot, most of the places are plains. The clothes and buildings are also different, and our streets are not as good. The capital is so lively."

While talking about the many differences between Glenlot and Demacia, she walked on the street and looked around curiously.

When I see a lot of novel things, I will stop and take a look.

Time passed slowly.

After getting along for a short time, Lu Qi discovered that the princess of Glenlot was a very straightforward girl.

At this time, throwing the candied haws in her hand into the trash can on the side of the road, Panis said with emotion: "I used to think that Glenlot's artistic attainments must be the most outstanding. But, wait I went abroad and came to Demacia, only to find that the outside world is huge, and Glenlot is not the only one who is outstanding."

Here, she has seen excellent paintings and heard extremely beautiful melodies.

What's more, there are many outstanding people in Demacia
For example, Sona, whose fame even spread to Glenlot, played the most beautiful melody she had ever heard in her life.

Another example is the prince next to her.

"Each country has its own characteristics. I heard that Glenlot is a country with a high happiness index."

Lu Qi said with a smile.

"may be."

Panisi sighed imperceptibly, and a gloomy look flashed in her eyes.

But soon, a smile appeared on her face again: "We're done shopping in Durang Street, shall we go shopping elsewhere?"

Lu Qi nodded: "Okay, but wait for me a moment."

Panis stopped and stood there, watching Lu Qi suspiciously turn around and walk towards a place.

Lu Qi soon came to an alley, looked at the people inside: "Don't you guys prefer to lie down?"

At this time, there were Lux, Kashina, Bobby and Fiona in the alley.

Seeing that she was discovered, Lacus puffed up her chest unreasonably: "We suddenly remembered that there is something to do on Durang Street, can't we come!"

Kashina echoed, "Yes, yes!"

Lu Qi laughed and looked at them: "Is your job just to hide in the alley and be a voyeur?"

Lacus sneered and said, "You are really shameless, who peeped at you?"

And Fiona shrugged innocently: "Don't look at me, I was dragged here by them."

Bobby also said: "They say it's more exciting."

What the two said is tantamount to betraying Lacus and Kashina.

"You guys." Lux stared at Fiona and Poppy with wide eyes, then turned her head, looked at Lu Qi, and said flatly, "We're just peeping, what's the matter!"

What else could Lu Qi do, he stretched out his hand and flicked her head: "I told you to come here at the beginning, and insist on following her."

Lux was hit by this unexpected blow, and immediately covered her forehead in pain.

"Okay, let's go, people are still waiting outside."

Lu Qi said, and walked out.

Fiona took the lead and followed.Then Poppy, Kashina, and Lux.

The four of them followed Lu Qi out of the alley, and Panis also followed curiously from outside the alley.

After seeing the four people, his eyes lit up, and he warmly stepped forward to say hello: "Several, good morning."

Yesterday, she had already met several people. Although they didn't chat, they knew each other's names.

In addition, these people often appeared beside Lu Qi, and Panis was even more impressed.

When Lu Qi said that he would bring friends with him yesterday, it was them that Panis thought of.

Facing Panis' enthusiasm, Fiona, Kashina, Lux and Bobby responded one after another.

Looking at them, Panis said happily: "I really hope that I can make more friends in Demacia. His Royal Highness is the first, and you are the second, third, fourth, and fifth."

She looked very happy, and took the initiative to chat with a few girls along the way.

She has a very good personality, and it didn't take long for her to get acquainted with the four of them. Among them, the generous and gentle Glax, Kashina, and Bobby all got along well.

The four of them strolled around the street in a cheerful atmosphere, laughing and laughing constantly.

Even Fiona has a good impression of Panis, who has a straightforward and generous personality.

They didn't have much hostility towards the princess.

It was Lu Qi who made several people feel uncomfortable from the beginning to the end.

After all, I've known this guy for so long, and I never saw him bring up such a thing as going shopping outside.

However, this guy turned around and made an appointment to go shopping with the princess of the neighboring country.

Can this be tolerated? !

Although it is a mouthful, it is unforgivable!

At this time, after some contact with Panis, the relationship between the few people naturally improved.

Lu Qi and Fiona were walking side by side on the road, and while they were chatting, the topic naturally talked about what happened at the banquet yesterday.

"Is there any reaction in your family to this?"

Lu Qi asked casually.

Fiona looked ahead and replied, "They're going to cancel this duel."

Lu Qi said: "There is no possibility of canceling the contract, let alone under the witness of my father."

"So, they're going to go the other way," Fiona said.

"for example?"

Fiona said calmly: "For example, the challenger from the Francis family will no longer be able to stand on the ring."

Lu Qi froze for a moment: "Are you planning to assassinate him?"

Fiona glanced at him: "They shouldn't be so stupid. They just plan to challenge Hughes by other clansmen. If they defeat him, naturally there will be no duel afterwards."

Lu Qi nodded suddenly: "This method is also feasible."

The time for the duel is October [-]th.

And during this period, if one of the contestants is unable to enter the ring for some reason, then this duel will naturally not count.

The method that the Laurent family intends to adopt is to challenge Hughes by letting people other than Amda.

If Hughes loses, he can't even beat ordinary clansmen, let alone be qualified to challenge Amda.

This method does work.

But it depends on whether Hughes will agree.

After all, the duel was imminent, so there was absolutely no need for him, it was a waste of energy to agree to such a meaningless challenge.

Another question is, if Hughes agrees and wins the fight, what will the Laurent family do?

It seems that the recent elders of the Laurent family have not thought about this issue.

In other words, this issue is not worthy of their attention.

Because, at this time, they did not take this foreign challenger seriously.

At this time, accompanied by a long melody, the four of Lacus stopped in their tracks.

And Lu Qi and Fiona, seeing them stop, walked over slowly.

There are some people around here, waiting quietly.

Accompanied by the sound of the melody, soon, a melodious singing sounded.

Sitting on a simple bench is a bard, wearing a blue hat with a feather on the front.

Wearing lean clothes, holding a piano in his arms.

His fingers nimbly played on the strings, and the singing continued to sing along the melody.

This is a song woven from a legend.

The content of the song is also very simple. It roughly tells that many, many years ago, a healer with long horns walked barefoot on the land under people's feet.

She has the wonderful ability to heal everything. She will heal frostbite in the cold winter and rain down in severe battles.

She has lilac skin and a beautiful appearance.

Countless people sang her praises and prayed for her healing rain.

A simple story woven into a song.

In Demacia, many legends were spread in this way.

The bard's singing voice was very good, and all of them listened with some seriousness.

Immediately after the end of the song, applause and applause rang out, and the bard stood up and bowed towards the surroundings.

Then he took off his hat and looked at the people with a smile on his face: "I hope everyone can help me with some travel expenses."

Soon, some copper and silver coins were harvested in his hat.

And when it was Lux's turn, they also donated a gold coin to each of them without hesitation.

This flattered the bard, and immediately offered to sing a few more songs for them, and they could choose what they wanted to hear.

However, the few people still had a lot of places to visit, so they left without ordering a song.

On the way, Panis also said: "I didn't expect this story to be spread in Demacia."

When Lux heard it, she asked curiously, "I heard this story when I was very young, did Granlot have it too?"

"Yes, I heard it when I was very young, but our side is still a little different."

Panis smiled and said, "Legends say that this lilac-skinned wanderer once left a treasure in Glenlot, in which she was infused with magical powers that can heal all pain and ailments in the world."

"I feel that this treasure is so powerful."

Lux dreamed for a second.

Panis nodded and said, "Yes, this treasure can cure all ailments."

Kashina said: "But this should be just a legend, otherwise, if anyone owns this treasure, wouldn't it be."

A treasure that can cure all suffering, if you have it, you can be called invincible.


Panisi nodded again, but this time she didn't say anything more.

An inexplicable brilliance flashed in her eyes.

"Don't talk about this, let's continue shopping!"

Immediately, she held the hands of Lacus and Kashina, and said happily.

At this time, everyone came to the edge of a river, and then walked to the bridge, looking at the not-so-turbulent river below.

On the surface of the river, a few geese floated there unhurriedly, looking carefree, free and undisciplined.

Seeing this, Lu Qi remembered something, pointed down and asked Panis: "Look at those ones, what are they?"

Panis took a look and replied, "Goose."

Lu Qi laughed and said, "I didn't expect you to recognize it."

"Your Highness looks down on me too much." Panisi looked at Lu Qi and said bluntly, "Does Your Highness think that I will mistake geese for ducks? I don't think anyone in the world is stupid enough to mistake them, right?"

As she said this, she didn't notice at all that Lacus' expression on the side became extremely unnatural!

And Kashina held back her laughter, trying her best not to laugh out loud.

Fiona smiled and looked away.

"Haha!" Lu Qi laughed directly, and echoed: "Yes, no one is so stupid that ducks and geese can admit their mistakes."

Lux immediately clenched her fists, her expression unkind.

Sensing that the atmosphere was a little off, Panis tilted her head and asked in confusion, "What's wrong? Is there anything funny about it?"


At this time, Kashina still couldn't help laughing.

When she smiled, Fiona couldn't help it anymore, but her endurance was extremely strong, as if she had been professionally trained, she insisted on holding back.

Only Bobby was also at a loss.

Seeing Kashina laughing out loud, the anger in Miss Guanwei's heart was suddenly ignited.

She glared at Lu Qi again, this slut who couldn't open the pot and lifted the pot, and gritted her teeth.

Lu Qi immediately put on a serious face, and glanced at Kashina who was laughing beside him: "This is not funny at all, I won't laugh anymore."

"Yeah, yeah, it's really nothing funny."

Kashina immediately put on a serious face and nodded, "I don't laugh anymore."

Saying that, the two looked at each other, and then burst out laughing again with a "puchi".

Fiona turned her face away and forcibly looked away, the smile on the corner of her mouth became more and more obvious.

"Two sluts! I'll fight you!"

Lacus couldn't bear it anymore, shouted angrily, and decided to kill her to silence her!
Immediately, she directly pursued and killed the two of them.

It's a pity that Lu Qi and Kashina ran away, and she couldn't catch up behind.

Although she didn't know why she was smiling, Panis could feel the cheerful atmosphere between them, with a smile on her lips, a little envious.

"I'm in Glenlot, and I don't really have many friends who can play like this."

She said to Fiona next to her, "Since I was a child, the adults have arranged a bunch of tasks for me that cannot be counted. When I finish these tasks and want to play with my friends, I find that I have grown up. gone."

"Me too." Hearing this, Fiona said, "From a very young age, I need to grow up in a way that the grown-ups are satisfied with."

Panis turned her head, looked at Fiona and asked, "Has Miss Fiona thought about getting rid of this kind of life?"

"Yes." Fiona nodded: "Or, I think about it all the time."

Panis looked down at the river, looking at the geese who were free and easy: "It would be great if I could get rid of it. Sometimes, I wish I wasn't a princess."

Fiona's gaze also fell on the river.

She found that this cheerful princess seemed to have many worries in her heart.

Moreover, she and herself had the same experience.

However, it can be seen from her character that she looks at all this optimistically.

"I'm furious!"

At this time, Lacus, who couldn't catch up with the two, ran back angrily. With a raging fire burning in her heart, she could only vent her anger on Bobby, who had an innocent face.

Put two small hands on Bobby's face, rubbed it away, and then threatened the two laughing in the distance: "If you don't come here again, don't blame me for being ruthless to her."

As a hostage, Bobby blinked his big eyes at Lu Qi and Kashina, his innocent eyes seemed to be calling for help.

Seeing this, Lu Qi also frowned, and said without hesitation: "Kashina, go and replace the hostage."

Kashina froze for a moment: "Then what should I do?"

Lu Qi looked at her: "I'll change you back later."

Kashina's face sank: "Your Highness, do you think I'm stupid?"

If this is changed, is there any possibility of coming back?

It is too dangerous to replace the hostages, but there is no other way to rescue the hostages.

In the end, after negotiations, Lu Qi finally rescued the hostages at the price of three bunches of candied haws.

Then use two self-ordered desserts to extinguish Miss Guanwei's anger.

However, her brilliant deeds cannot be hidden.

Kashina told Panis about it.

After listening, Panis also had a smile on her face: "Miss Lacus is so cute."

Lux blushed a little, and while eating candied haws, she quibbled: "The geese at that time obviously looked like ducks."

"Maybe I said too much just now. I learned to draw, so I learned how to distinguish ducks and geese when I was very young."

At this moment, Panis finally understood why Lu Qi and the others laughed just now, recalling what she had said, and added, "Actually, ducks and geese are sometimes difficult to distinguish."

Lux nodded along the steps: "Yes, yes."

So, this matter turned around.

Not long after, it was time for lunch.

Lu Qi decided to eat at a restaurant outside, and he treated them.

As for Lux, when she heard Lu Qi's treat, she put her eyes on the menu, ordered all the expensive ones, and prepared to make him bleed severely.

Seeing so many orders, Panis was a little worried and said, "There are so many, can we finish it?"

Lu Qi said, "You don't have to worry about that."

Panisi glanced at the table and saw that no one was surprised that there were so many dishes ordered.

She was still thinking, wouldn't it be a waste if she couldn't finish eating in a while?
But after a while, she was shocked.

Miss Guanwei's appetite really made her eyes widen.

She didn't expect that the cute-looking Lux could be so edible.

Soon, Bobby surprised her again.

Bobby is small, but his appetite is no less than Lacus.

With the two of them here, it seems that there is really no need to worry about the problem of being unable to finish the dishes if there are too many dishes.

In fact, it is not too much to say.

After all, it is a high-end restaurant, and the portion of food is carefully prepared.

After eating such a meal, it is not as good as when Lux was at home.

But even this was an eye-opener for Panis.

After lunch, it was noon, and the weather outside was not very hot, even quite cool.

At noon, there were not as many people on the streets of Wangdu as in the morning.

Several people chatted while walking after dinner.

After that, I found a place and rested for about an hour, then went back to the street and continued shopping.

It can be said that it is very energetic.

Because yesterday was the National Day, the capital city was more lively during this period, and there were many more entertainments in the streets and alleys.

While playing, while visiting various stores.

Panis bought a lot of clothing stores, jewelry stores, shoe stores, etc.

You don’t have to worry about saluting. After you buy it, store it in the store, and someone will come to pick it up later.

When it was around four o'clock in the afternoon, Lu Qi noticed that there was a little more fatigue on Panis's face, but she still had a smile on her face, happily walking around with Lacus and the others.

When they came out of a shop.

Lu Qi yawned and said, "Why don't we stop here today?"

Lux looked at him and snorted: "Are you going to die?"

"Yeah, no more."

Lu Qi is indeed a little tired, and feels like he is about to enter the energy-saving mode.

Kashina said from the side: "Aren't men unable to say that they are not good enough?"

She didn't look like she had enough fun, and it was rare for her to go shopping so happily.

"Who did you hear that from?" Lu Qi glanced at her, "I know if I can do it or not. Now, I want to go home."

Fiona glanced at the sky and said, "It's been quite a while."

She has been playing since morning until now, and for her, it's quite interesting to come here once in a while.

Personally, she is not very interested in shopping.

But it was quite a pleasure to go shopping with them.

Bobby is fine, she feels that as long as she is with everyone, she is very happy.

Panisi glanced at Lu Qi, thinking that he might have sensed his fatigue, and said with a smile, "I haven't paid attention to walking around for so long, we really should take a rest."

Seeing that she said the same thing, Lacus said: "Then go home! Do you want to come too? This guy can also take a hot spring."

When she heard about the hot spring, longing flashed in Panis' eyes, but she restrained herself, shook her head and said, "I still have some things to do when I go back, so I won't go."

"Okay then, see you tomorrow."

Lux showed a sweet smile and waved goodbye.

"Well, see you tomorrow."

Panisse nodded with a smile.

After agreeing to see you tomorrow, and then saying goodbye to Panis and leaving, everyone also waited for the carriage driven by Urna.

Sitting on the carriage, the moment he relaxed all over, the exhaustion from shopping for a day surged up.

Even the energetic Lacus has entered the energy-saving mode.

Lu Qi leaned on the carriage, missing the rocking chair in the yard.

Then, he thought curiously again.

What is it that Panis and her uncle are looking for in the middle of the night?

(End of this chapter)

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