LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 198 This Is Not a Treasure

Chapter 198 This Is Not a Treasure
It was almost eleven o'clock at night.

Lux, who had had enough fun, got into the carriage and went home one after another.

Two hours later, the figures of Lu Qi and Quinn also quietly left the yard.

late at night.

In the dead of night, in the jungle path outside the capital.

The three figures are moving forward purposefully.

DuPont looked at Marta in front of him, and asked, "How are you preparing?"

His tone was a little more urgent.

The longer he stayed in the capital, the more uneasy he felt.

Moreover, this matter cannot be delayed.

His brother still at Glenlot didn't know how much time was left.

Marta replied: "Don't worry, my lord. After this day's preparation, I am confident that I can break the seal."

"That's good."

DuPont glanced at Panis who was following closely, and comforted him, "After tonight, everything will be fine."


Paris nodded.

The three continued to sneak, and soon came to the entrance of the cave they had visited yesterday.

Then light two torches, held by Dupont and Panis respectively.

Looking around, the three of them slowly entered the cave.

There is not much space in the cave, so we walked forward for about 30 meters, took a detour, and reached the end.

And at the end, there is an ordinary mountain wall, empty and nothing.

The three looked at the somewhat flat mountain wall in silence.

Marta stepped forward and slowly took out her staff.

As she chanted the spell, the tip of the staff overflowed with magic power and floated towards the wall.

In an instant, with a "buzz", a burst of purple light actually lit up on the stone wall. As the light became stronger, a formation composed of mysterious spells slowly formed.

Blocked all detection.

"This is a seal array left by a powerful magician."

Marta said to herself, with an interesting smile on her face: "I never thought that such a powerful mage would come to Demacia."

However, her whole day of preparation was not in vain.

As an ancient astrology spell inheritor, the magic she learned also has a long history, and she also knows many things that the world does not know.

Looking at the sealing formation in front of her, Marta began to recite the incantation, and the staff followed her movements to engrave on the sealing formation.

The next moment, a strange thing happened.

The mantra on the sealing array, like a machine, turned a little, and the light became weaker.

Then, following Marta's several movements, the spell on the sealing array began to rotate continuously, and each rotation would make the light even dimmer.

At the last click, a brighter light suddenly lit up, like a flash of light, and it completely dissipated in the next second.

Suddenly, the seemingly neat stone wall began to collapse.

The cave was shaking.

Du Pont stood in front of Panis, looking vigilantly at the shaking cave and the falling gravel.

"Don't worry, it's just that what's behind the seal is about to unfold."

Martha cried out.

When the smoke and dust from the collapse dissipated, a gate made of pure white stone wall suddenly appeared at the position of the stone wall just now.

"This is the forbidden magic stone?"

DuPont looked at the door in front of him, with some doubts in his eyes.

The material of this gate is somewhat similar to the forbidden magic stone in his impression.

"That's right, it's the Forbidden Stone."

Marta turned to look at Panis with an unsurprised expression on her face, "Princess, please use the key to open the door."

Upon hearing this, Panisi slowly took off the necklace from her neck.

If you look closely at the key, it seems to be made of the same material as the door. She stepped forward and inserted the key into the keyhole of the door.

She only felt that the door was heavy, so she turned it to the right with difficulty.

Finally, there was a "click", as if some kind of switch had been triggered, followed by a "boom", a crack in the door appeared.

Seeing that the door was opened, Panis took out the key and hung it around her neck again.

At this time, Du Pont stepped forward, put his hand on the door, and pushed hard.

The heavy Arcatraz door was slowly opened, revealing a deep corridor and the unknown at the end of the corridor.

Finally came to this step, all three of them took a deep breath.

Then, he stepped into the door.

The temperature inside was a little cold, as if it had dropped a few degrees unconsciously.

The light of the torch illuminated the inside, and the three of them moved forward all the way, and came to the end, and found that it was a spiral staircase.

Then, they walked down step by step, and gradually saw some light sources.

When they reached the lowest floor, they saw some strange stone pillars emitting a continuous white light, which provided light for the entire space.

Here is a hall with obvious traces of construction.

Look into the hall.

I saw that in this not-so-small space, there were several booths made of white stone pillars, and what was stored on the booths were treasures full of historical traces one after another.

It seems that no one has been to this place for a long time, and a lot of dust has naturally accumulated inside.

"Sure enough, the legend of the treasure house is not false."

Marta looked at these treasures with excitement and excitement in her eyes.

In her family, this legend has been circulating for a long time.

There is a mysterious treasure house in Demacia, which stores some powerful holy objects and treasures, each of which has powerful power.

And in this treasure house, there is a powerful holy object that can change the fate of her family!
A touch of excitement also appeared on the faces of DuPont and Paris.

If this treasure house really exists, it means that the sacred object in the royal legend also really exists!
The two threw down the torches in their hands and stepped forward immediately.

The treasure house is already bright enough, there is no need for bright lighting.

They started to search separately, looking at the treasures on each booth, but when they found that they were not what they were looking for, they immediately went to the next one.


At this time, when Du Pont touched a treasure and wanted to observe it carefully, he found that the treasure turned into a pile of dust and dissipated as soon as he held it in his hand. He was stunned for a moment: "What's the situation?"

Marta glanced at it, and said casually: "In the long passage of time, they are just like us humans, and they are also unable to resist the erosion of time. It is normal to disappear in this world in the end. Among these, only Those who are not afraid of the passage of time are the real treasures."

She raised her staff and casually poked towards a treasure.

Sure enough, the moment her magic staff touched the treasure, the treasure quickly turned into dust and dissipated.

"This treasure house has a history of at least hundreds of years." Marta looked around, still looking excited: "And we are the first people to arrive here in these hundreds of years."

She also started searching, trying to find out which treasures were not corrupted by time.

Seeing this, Du Pont and Panis also began to touch those treasures one after another, praying in their hearts that what they were looking for must not be like this.

At this time, Panisi came to a booth that was twice as big as usual, and glanced at the treasures on the booth with a strange expression.

This is a strangely shaped shield with claw-like hooks on both sides. The overall color is silvery-white, inlaid with gold rims.

In the middle, there is a long, prismatic ruby.

The color of the hooked corners of those blade claws was bright red like blood.

Even in the long years, it doesn't look like it has been corroded by the years, and it is still like a brand new one.

The difference from other treasures is that on this shield, there are also chains made of forbidden magic stones.

It's like being sealed here.

Moreover, this shield gave her a very bad feeling, just looking at it made her back feel cold.

As she stopped, Marta also discovered the shield, and immediately walked towards this side.

After taking a look, Panisi walked away and walked to the next one.

This shield was definitely not what she was looking for.

And when Panis checked the three treasures again, she found that Marta was still standing in front of the shield.

The expression on his face became more and more excited.

But at this moment, Panis didn't think too much, and continued to look for what she was looking for.

In this way, after passing by three more treasures, she stopped in front of another booth.

The moment she looked up, she suddenly felt a jump in her heart, and a strange resonance seemed to come from this moment, as if something was calling her.

Looking at the silver frame like a pendant in front of him, there is a colorful gemstone under it, and there is no trace of corrosion.

However, the brilliance of the gemstone has become very dim.

Panis stretched out her hand, trembling in the air, and reached for the gem. The moment she touched it, her hanging heart was relieved.

did not dissipate.

For some reason, the moment she touched the gemstone, she immediately understood the name of the treasure and how it was used.

This treasure is called - Salvation.

It is the same name as the treasure bestowed by the lilac-skinned healer in the royal rumors.

She also suddenly understood the reason why this treasure was sealed here.

Although it is called redemption, it has extremely powerful healing ability, but the side effect is that excessive use will bring misfortune to the user.

And when it was discovered that the power to heal everything would cause disaster, this treasure was permanently sealed here.

Now, after so many years, only the last vestiges of the divine power remain in the Redemption.

I'm afraid, just enough for one more use.

However, once is enough.

Joy welled up in Panis' heart, as her father and king would be saved.

At this moment, she heard a strange sound of pulling the chain, and immediately looked towards the source of the sound.

Immediately, she saw that Marta was tearing off the chains on the shield one by one with her hands.

Because the chains were made of forbidden magic stone, her magic was useless, so she could only use her hands.

It seemed that Marta was quite strong, and the chain made a clang when she pulled it.

Looking at her behavior, Panisi couldn't help but ask, "What are you doing?"

"Those that have not been corroded by time are real treasures."

Marta pulled the chain and said, "Shouldn't we bring such a treasure back to the country?"

"It is entangled with the magic stone chain like this. What if it is a dangerous treasure? I think it's better not to touch it."

Recalling the chills she felt just now, Panisi spoke again to stop Marta's behavior.

"Princess, don't worry, I can assure you that it will not cause any harm."

Marta smiled at her and said.

With a "click", a chain was torn off.

Panis's heart skipped a beat, and she immediately felt a sense of panic. After resonating with the redemption in her hands, she could feel more things.

Inside that shield, there seemed to be a desperate roar, which made her feel uneasy.

Thinking of this, Panis insisted: "Marta, don't do this again, we can't touch it."

DuPont also came over when he heard the movement, and when he saw the treasure in Panis's hand, he was overjoyed: "Did you find it? Salvation"

"En." Panis nodded, but then found that Marta ignored her order.

Still pulling the other chain, he ordered again: "Marta, I order you now, don't do this!"

Her body exudes the majesty of a superior.

DuPont asked in surprise, "Why didn't you let her do that?"

Panis thought for a while and said, "That shield is very dangerous."

Seeing this, DuPont didn't think too much, and said to Marta, "Marta, we've already found the redemption, there's no need to touch that shield again."

The purpose of their coming here is redemption, although there are some other treasures, which are also very precious.

However, the shield was so large that even Panis felt it was dangerous. In order to avoid complications, there was really no need to move it.

He watched Panis grow up since she was a child, and he also knew about this niece's talent that was different from ordinary people.

Therefore, he did not doubt what Panis said at the moment.

Panis' firm face at this moment seemed to have made up her mind not to allow Marta to touch the shield again.

As the seal weakened, the sense of danger that the shield brought her became more and more obvious.

"You are here for salvation, and I am here for this shield."

At this moment, Marta seemed to be a different person, her face turned cold: "I originally thought that in order to avoid accidents, I would do it on the road."

As she spoke, she suddenly raised her staff, and suddenly a burst of magical power shot at DuPont unexpectedly.

The latter had no time to react, hit the magic attack, groaned, and fell down on the spot.


Panisi exclaimed.

"Princess, don't worry, I'm not stupid enough to kill him here." Marta looked at the vigilant Panis with a pale face: "I have to say, your magical ability is really getting in the way. But don't worry, go on." You only need to sleep for a while when you get down, and there will be no problem."

Kill DuPont and Panis here, and Demacia will find out tomorrow.

And Marta didn't want to draw Demacia's attention.

Otherwise, as a mage, she may not be able to let go of her hands and feet in Demacia.

As she said that, she had already recited the incantation again, and soon another wave of magic power attacked Panis.

Panis doesn't have much fighting power, she just has a different perception from ordinary people, and she has a higher talent in magic.

Facing Marta's attack at this moment, he could only dodge hastily.

But he was still hit by this magic.

However, there was no response in the next second.

"I almost forgot, you still have that key with you."

Seeing this, Marta didn't think of anything unexpectedly.

The key is made of forbidden magic stone, which has the function of resisting magic.

And her attack just now was just a stun spell, not very aggressive, and it is normal to be immune.

"Why did you do this?" Panis looked at Marta with a puzzled look on her face: "Aren't you the chief magician of the royal family?"

Martha's family had been working for Granlot's royal family very early on.

And Marta is now the head of the royal family, why did she do this?
"My family's relationship with the royal family has always been just employment, not loyalty at all."

Marta had a calm expression on her face: "The reason why I came to Glenlot back then was to take advantage of your royal family. Now that we have this shield, even the throne is within our reach."

Panis was stunned, she didn't expect this to happen, she said in disbelief: "So you've been using us all this time."

At the beginning, it was Marta who found DuPont and said that he had discovered the place of salvation.

As soon as the two heard this, they followed without hesitation and set off for Demacia for the sake of the sick king.

Unexpectedly, she has been using her all the time for this key to open the door of the treasure house.

"It's all about mutual use. Am I lying? Salvation is indeed in this treasure house."

Marta smiled: "But soon, it will be mine too."

As soon as she thought that she would even take away the redemption, Panis immediately backed away even more vigilantly, looking around, looking for hope of escape.

She didn't shout loudly, even she knew that this place was deep in the mountains and old forests, and there was no one to be seen outside.

Shouting is of no use.

"Give up the struggle, princess. Take off the necklace, you only need to have a long dream, and then you will forget everything here, and return to Glenlot."

Marta recited the spell again, and more powerful magic power began to flash on the staff.

Panis anxiously thought of a solution, her legs moved at the same time, and she fled at full speed in the direction of the exit.

However, just two steps away, a spell blasted in front of her, sending her flying several meters away.

The heavy brush fell to the ground, and the pain in her body was not as good as Panis's despair at the moment.

She knew that the little magic she had learned was no match for Marta, and she had no possibility of escaping in this deep mountain and old forest.

In the end how to do?
At this moment, with a sound of "咻", an arrow flew towards Marta at an incomparably fast speed.

However, just when it was about to hit Marta, the arrow clicked, as if it hit something, there was a crackling sound, and then lost power and fell to the ground.

In mid-air, what was revealed was a magic barrier.

"So cautious?"

Lu Qi walked in slowly from the entrance, looking at Marta.

He has rarely seen such a cautious villain.

After tracking for a long time, Lu Qi didn't expect that there was a script for a hero to save the beauty waiting for him.

Panis and the others were indeed looking for some treasure, and after taking a look at what Panis had in hand, wasn't it salvation.

Lu Qi could still recognize this piece of equipment.

It seems that this is the treasure they are looking for this time.

And soon, Lu Qi looked at the shield over there again, and frowned.

This is not a treasure.

At this moment, Marta was a little stunned by the sudden arrow, and then she looked at Lu Qi at the entrance, and was stunned again.

"His Royal Highness?"

Panis also found Lu Qi at the entrance, with a look of surprise and bewilderment.

A question arose in the hearts of the two of them at the same time.

Why is Lu Qi here?
What Marta doesn't understand is that she has set up anti-tracking magic, why can she still be followed here?
Moreover, she was completely unaware that anyone was following her during the process.

The most outrageous thing is that this person turned out to be the prince of Demacia.

At this moment, Marta suddenly felt that things were getting bigger.

She glanced at Panis and knew that the princess had been in close contact with the prince recently, but she also looked at her with an extremely blank expression.

Obviously, it also shows that she did not disclose the actions of several people.

How did Lu Qi appear here?

(End of this chapter)

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