Chapter 199

What gave Marta the most headache was the identity of the man in front of him.

The second prince of Demacia.

Did he come alone, or in a group?

And as a mage, what will happen to her if her identity is exposed in Demacia?
This question Marta didn't even think much about.

Because in fact, from the moment Lu Qi appeared at the entrance, she was doomed to have only one choice left!

Without the slightest hesitation, Marta's eyes instantly turned to Panis, and her body moved at the same time, rushing towards her like a hungry tiger.

At this moment, only by catching her can he have a bargaining chip!

Panis' reaction was also very fast, and the moment Marta started to move, she immediately ran towards Lu Qi.

Lu Qi also moved at this second.

Marta, who rushed two steps forward, only felt a howling gust of wind, and in the next second, a tornado wind blade swept over.

She raised her staff without hesitation, and unexpectedly blocked the blow of the gust of wind.

In the next moment, a flash of sword light flashed in the air, and suddenly fell from above.

So fast!

Surprised, Marta raised her staff horizontally again, stood above her head, blocked the sword, and retreated a few meters away with her strength.

When he looked at Lu Qi again, his eyes flickered with surprise at the prince's strength.

It only took him a blink of an eye to get here from the entrance, and she could feel Lu Qi's strength from these two swords.

This made it more difficult for her to get out of trouble.

At this moment, Lu Qi is also re-evaluating the mage in front of him. From these two swords, he also tested that the opponent also has a good physical fitness.

"Your Highness, be careful, she is a very dangerous mage."

At this moment, Panisi had already run to Quinn's side, wanting to provide Lu Qi with some information.

But when he opened his mouth, he found that he knew very little about Marta. If DuPont was in a coma, he might still have a certain understanding.

Lu Qi nodded slightly, looking at Marta who had already started to cast a spell, without hesitation, he raised his sword and rushed forward.

The distance of a few meters was reached almost instantly, and the sharp long blade swung down.


Marta yelled, and the staff hit the ground heavily, followed by a burst of light.

With a "boom", a wave of fire burst out from her body.

In Lu Qi's eyes, scorching flames rushed toward his face, and the condensed wind in his body swept away towards the sides at this moment, as if condensed into a barrier on him.

The fire wave seemed to be cut open by the wind blade, and it didn't sweep over Lu Qi's body, but bypassed him.

And after the fire wave, Marta's figure has left quickly.

Taking advantage of this opportunity to catch her breath, she began to chant spells in her mouth, and then aimed at Lu Qi with the staff, and suddenly shot out a burst of magic power, blasting towards him like a cannonball.

There was absolutely no need for Lu Qi to make a hard connection, and he immediately used his supernatural powers to dodge the attack.

But in the next second.

"Boom boom boom", boulders like rolling stones surrounded Lu Qi in an instant, fluttering quickly in mid-air and even made a dull sound.

Marta frowned as she watched her condensed blow that consumed a lot of magic power.

Originally, her plan was to quietly take the shield away from Demacia to avoid complications.

But I didn't expect this prince to appear here.

Now she can only find a way to get out of trouble, and if she wants to get out of trouble, she has to take action against him.

No matter what the situation is now, after solving this prince, she must escape from Demacia day and night.

Why did things become like this?

Martha is still puzzled.

"Boom boom boom!"

At this moment, she suddenly saw several sword marks appearing on the rolling stones, and in the next second, a figure rushed out from the shattered rolling stones.

The cold light's long blade slashed towards her again.

"It turned out to be fine."

Looking at Lu Qi who was fine, Marta had already realized the seriousness of the matter.

This prince is more difficult than she imagined.


She slammed her staff on the ground again, and this time it was no longer a wave of fire, but two fiery snakes showing fierce lights.

Twisting his body, he attacked Lu Qi.

Feeling the scorching heat in the air caused by the two fire snakes, Lu Qi suddenly released the wind all over his body, and slashed forward with a sword.


In an instant, a tornado with a height of several meters roared out along with the cut blade.

In an instant, the two fire snakes were involved, as if they had absorbed their power. The flames burned in the tornado's body, releasing a frightening temperature.

Instead, he attacked Marta who was casting the spell.


Marta's eyes were startled, and she only had time to raise her staff to block it.

However, the tornado stopped, but the blazing flames directly fell on her body.

With a "boom", Marta was sent flying, the cloak she was wearing was still burning with flames.

Lu Qi sprinted, and the long blade in his hand mercilessly fell towards Marta again.

This life-threatening sword didn't make Marta flustered, she released an instant spell without hesitation.

With a "click", there was another sound of a magic barrier breaking.

Therefore, Lu Qi's sword just pierced into Marta's shoulder, and the blood immediately stained that piece of clothes red.

Marta was sweating coldly from the pain, and swiped the wand towards Lu Qi, releasing a burst of magic power, taking advantage of the gap he dodged, and opened the distance again.

However, her complexion was already extremely dignified.

She has already seen the current situation, the prince's strength is much higher than she estimated.

If this continues, she will die here sooner or later.

"Remove the seal. Release me!"

Suddenly, a hoarse and painful voice sounded in Marta's mind.

She knew the source of the sound in an instant, as if grabbing the last straw, she gave a loud shout, and the staff slammed on the ground. Suddenly, a pattern like a magic circle appeared on the ground.

And in the next moment, all the magic power in her body was released.

In an instant, the entire hall was full of violent magic power, but due to the existence of the forbidden magic stone in the hall, it was constantly attenuating.

Marta concentrated part of her magic power on Lu Qi, and the other part attacked Quinn and Panis.

Lu Qi had a premonition of what she was going to do, but in the face of the oncoming magic attack, even he had to be dragged for a while.

But what Marta has to do is very simple, she herself is not far from the position of the shield.

At this moment, he just raised his staff high and smashed it down towards the last chain of forbidden magic stone.


The chain snapped.


In the next second, there seemed to be a depressive and manic aura released from Shield's body.

Panis clutched her chest, feeling extreme pain, and at the same time had a premonition that something bad was about to happen.

And Lu Qi also had a premonition of danger, and kept warning.

Marta's eyes were excited and her face was excited. She didn't expect the shield to respond to her here.

This sacred object recorded on the family tree has unparalleled power, whoever owns it can get everything!
And she is about to be its owner!
Stretching out a trembling hand, Marta grabbed it from behind the shield.


Despair, dead silence, emptiness, pain and many other negative emotions all flooded into Marta's mind.

As if to tear her apart, the pain was incomparable.

All the despair and pain accumulated over the past thousand years filled every corner of Marta's body in an instant.

It was like there were thousands of invisible ants gnawing at her whole body.


Marta couldn't bear so many negative emotions at all, she raised her head and roared in pain.

And with her roar, a powerful energy suddenly radiated from her to the surroundings, and this energy seemed to be accompanied by a wave of desolation.

And Marta's hand holding the shield also began to mutate.

Her height unexpectedly rose out of thin air, and she became rough. The cloak was blown apart, but the bright red skin was exposed underneath.

On the skin, steel thorns like fangs grew out, and what was even more surprising was that armor with the same color as the shield grew out of her upper body, and even all over her body.

Finally, a helmet covered Marta's ferocious and painful face, but not completely, but almost half of his face was exposed.

Upon closer inspection, it can be found that her body is also so irregular, the armor has not fully grown out, but only appeared in some places.

"Aatrox! Aatrox!! I'm back! Where are you!!"

Marta raised her head, and what came out of her mouth was no longer her voice, but an extremely hoarse voice that seemed to come from the abyss.

Or, at this moment, he is no longer Marta.

It's another name - Darkin.

Lu Qi frowned as he looked at the tall, monster-like creature that appeared in his vision.

Because of his appearance, the atmosphere in the entire hall became much more depressed, and an uneasy feeling surrounded his heart.

Darkborn, a title with a "destructive" meaning.

From thousands of years ago, a group of great warriors who fought against the greater disaster that befell Runeterra.

So long ago that even then there was no Demacia.

At that time, the Shurima continent next door was not even a desert, but an oasis.

At that time, a catastrophe and disaster in Runeterra came.

That is - Void Invasion.

And the dark descendants were a group of fighters who fought against the invasion of the void at that time.

However, after preventing this disaster and protecting Runeterra, they became another disaster in Runeterra.

In their hands, Runeterra was almost destroyed.

Poor Runeterra is so full of disasters. It's either a love brain or a war sequelae, and there are a bunch of bugs watching over its head.

Their appearance will always make this already fragile land worse.

Just when the Darkin were about to destroy Runeterra, the Protoss of Targon stepped in and prevented the disaster from continuing.

But each of the dark descendants possessed extremely powerful power, and they would not die easily at all, so the protoss sealed them in a handful of weapons.

And at this moment, the shield that was sealed in the underground treasure house was a sealed Darkborn.

In Lu Qi's perception, the troubles caused by the dark descendants are no weaker than that of the love brain.

"Freedom. I finally don't have to sleep anymore."

At this moment, Joral had completely occupied and controlled the body, he squeezed his hands and made a deep voice.

The feeling of regaining freedom made Joral feel a burst of joy in his long-dead heart.

However, the feeling of weakness all over his body made him frown.

He didn't know how long he hadn't experienced such a weak feeling.

Obviously, this is not a suitable vehicle for him.

He needs a stronger, more potential carrier to restore his strength.

Then, seek out Aatrox and his darkin brethren, and free them, too.

"How about you go back to sleep for a while?"

Looking at the dark man who was talking to himself, the language was obviously not from this era.

Lu Qi tried to communicate with him.

He couldn't understand the darkin's words, but Joral understood his words, with the help of the original owner of this body.

When he looked at Lu Qi, without any hesitation, he raised the shield in his hand, and his tall body rushed towards him.

In his eyes, the human being in front of him is obviously a more suitable carrier for him.

"It seems that there is nothing to talk about."

Lu Qi raised his brows, his face became solemn and serious: "Quinn, let Hua Luo call someone."

"Yes!" Without hesitation, Quinn turned around and rushed out, then whistled.

Lu Qi took a deep breath, and also rushed towards the Darkborn in front of him.

He knew that the Darkborn were not unintelligent creatures, but since the other party didn't want to communicate, and launched an attack directly.

That means that there is no possibility for the two parties to continue their talks.

Then there is only one way left - physical hypnosis!

With Lu Qi's agility, even with Panis and the comatose DuPont, he could escape if he wanted to.

However, this only creates one possibility.

Let this dark descendant who woke up early enter the secular world.

Even if he was allowed to go to a nearby village, with his character of attacking without saying a word, it would inevitably cause unpredictable consequences.

Therefore, it is best to block him here.

But in the final analysis, the reason why Lu Qi really dared to stay was also because the sense of crisis brought to him by this dark descendant at the moment was not strong.

It's like a half-finished product.

If it was a full-body darkin, Lu Qi would definitely run away.

But it was obvious that the Darkborn rushing towards him with their shields up at this moment was not a complete body.

According to his understanding of the darkborn, the power of the darkborn was sealed in their weapons, and their bodies were already destroyed during the sealing process.

Therefore, if a darkin wants to return to Runeterra, he must find a body that can support their strength.

Human beings are their target.

An excellent carrier may not be easily occupied. Even after being occupied, the darkborn need to adapt to the new body and recover their strength for a certain period of time.

Ordinary carriers cannot fully display its power.

It was like a semi-finished product in front of him, covered with half of the armor, and the horns on the helmet were broken like antelope horns.There are spike-like shells on some parts of the body, while some places are skinny and some places are thick, thus forming a creature that looks extremely weird.

A full body Darkborn Lu Qi can't beat him, but a semi-finished product can still pass two moves.

At this moment, facing the charge-like attack launched by the Darkborn in front of him.

The long blade that Lu Qi swung in mid-air also condensed the wind and sword intent and fell down at an exceptionally fast speed.

With a full blow, there was even an afterimage in the air.

With a sound of "铛", the long sword landed on the shield, making a crisp sound.


Jolar's charge stopped forcibly, and he felt a powerful force coming from the shield.

But this only made him stop, and looked at Lu Qi with some surprise.

In his eyes, human beings have always been weak existences like ants.

Facing this carrier with excellent potential, even though he didn't even have half of his strength at the moment, he still didn't take it seriously.

However, such a blow immediately made Joral put away his contempt.

This made him even more sure that the human being in front of him was definitely a more suitable carrier for him.

The next moment, he waved the shield in his hand. The two-meter thick shield was like a toy in his hand, making a sound of piercing through the air, and attacked Lu Qi.

Lu Qi directly dodges to distance himself.

The shield smashed into the air and hit the ground. There was a sudden explosion, gravel splashed, and several cracks appeared on the ground with the shield as the center.

"It's not easy to come here."

Lu Qi looked at the cracks on the ground, and directly released all the sword intent.

In an instant, there seemed to be a surge of sword intent in the hall, and an unstoppable momentum appeared in his whole body.

Joral sensed the change in the momentum of the humans in front of him, and without hesitation, he raised his shield and rushed over again.

Lu Qi also rushed out directly.

In the next second, the two collided together, and the confrontation between the shield and the blade was deadlocked in midair.

"You are very good."

Feeling the turbulent sword intent coming from the human sword in front of him, so surging, there was a touch of praise in Joral's eyes.

In the memory that is so long in his mind that he is about to forget, he was once a human being.

And in his human period, a person with such strength at such a young age was already very good.

Afterwards, a more powerful force erupted from his whole body, and an inexplicable impact force was added to the shield, which directly lifted Lu Qi away.

Lu Qi stabilized his figure in mid-air, landed on the ground, and then stepped forward again.

A few sharp sword lights appeared in the air, the speed made people feel dazzled.

However, they were all blocked by Joral, sparks flickered from friction in the air, and Joral was able to fight back.

He doesn't have a weapon at hand right now, but holding this shield in his hand is his best weapon.

No matter what kind of attack Lu Qi launched, the shield in Jolar's hand was like a mountain that could not be crossed, blocking it all.

"It's useless, human, I have the strongest defense."

Jolar's body was behind the shield, and a hoarse and deep voice came out.

There was a bit of arrogance in his tone.

Although Lu Qi couldn't understand the language of the Darkborn, he guessed what he was talking about.

Among other things, this broken shield is really tough, harder than a turtle shell.

He slashed so hard that his hands were numb due to the shock, but he didn't see any sword marks on the shield.

The Darkborn in front of him was sealed in the shield, so it can be seen that what he was best at before being sealed was defense.

And as the slashes continued to fall, Lu Qi finally found a clue.

Only at this moment did he realize that his attack did not actually land on the shield.

Around this Darkborn, there is an almost transparent defensive barrier, blocking all his attacks.

This barrier can be said to be extremely strong.

"You can't beat me."

Joral said lightly, he knew that even if he didn't do anything next, this human would die from exhaustion.

However, as a proud warrior, he would not do such a thing that would shame him.

Just when he was about to start fighting back.

Lu Qi's full-strength sword fell down again, his aura was far beyond ordinary, and on the blade, there seemed to be a bright green sword intent wrapped around it.

In the next second, it landed on the shield!
There was a slight sound of "click".

Jolar's face twitched.


In the next second, a scene that shocked even him happened.

I saw that his shield position was actually shattered!
How can this be?

He wouldn't be surprised at all if the one in front of him was a Darkborn as powerful as him.

However, he can be sure that the sword wielding in front of him is definitely a human being.

How could a human being break his shield position?
"It seems that this thing is not as strong as I thought."

At this moment, Lu Qi suddenly grinned.

As long as the shield can be broken, then everything is fine.

It has to be Wuji Sword Intent.

The real damage attached to Wuji Sword Intent is simply the nemesis of defense.

No matter how high your defense is, if you do real damage with a knife, you will have to kneel no matter how hard it is.

It's a pity that Lu Qi doesn't know Wuji swordsmanship.

Only when Wuji Sword Intent is paired with Wuji Sword Art can the real damage be maximized.

At this moment, the smile he showed fell in the eyes of Joral, which was tantamount to the greatest mockery.

"It just broke my shield!"

With a low growl, he raised his shield, bursting out with a frightening aura, and rushed towards Lu Qi.

Lu Qi's aura was not weaker than that of the Darkborn in front of him at all. Facing the charge launched by him, he also looked calm and did not intend to dodge.

Wuji Sword Intent was attached to the blade, and he also rushed out, slashing down with his sword.

The sword landed on the shield, but still failed to leave even a shallow sword mark.

The two powerful forces collided, and at this moment, several sharp sword lights flashed in the air.

Accompanied by a splash of blood, a pain that he hadn't experienced for a long time appeared on his arm, making Joral enter a brief daze
Looking at the wound on his arm, he couldn't imagine that he would be injured by a human being.


Just when Lu Qi was about to take this opportunity to strike again.

A burst of blood-red energy burst out from Joral's body, making his aura even more manic and violent.

The other half of him was exposed outside. On his face that seemed human but not human, his eyes completely turned blood red.

"Very good! Let's fight!"

He looked at Lu Qi with a little more fighting spirit.

He began to reflect on his underestimation of the enemy, and from this moment on, he would no longer consider whether he would destroy this excellent carrier.

In the next second, his foot stepped on the ground and rushed towards Lu Qi.

Under the eruption of this force, several cracks appeared on the floor.

In Lu Qi's eyes, it seemed as if a giant beast was rushing towards him, he did not hesitate to use all kinds of supernatural powers, and quickly opened the distance.

However, Joral kept chasing after him, jumped out like a cannonball, and the shield smashed countless raised stone pillars along the way.

He was about to get close to Lu Qi, and fell with one blow.

Lu Qi immediately moved away, only to hear a loud bang behind him.

The place where he was just now was directly smashed into a big hole.

He was secretly startled, is this the power of the Darkborn?
The dark descendant in front of him has not recovered all his strength, if he recovers his full strength, it will be easy to destroy this hall, right?

But just looking at the current situation, it is not impossible to fight.

Lu Qi turned around and slashed a few swords without hesitation, only a few flickering sword shadows could be caught in the air, as if the air had been cut.

All the slashing attacks landed on Joral's shield, and Joral savagely swallowed all these attacks, and then smashed down the shield with a wave of his hand.

Lu Qi dodged flexibly, speaking of his own abilities.

His speed is even stronger, it can be said that he has reached the level of Xiaoqinggong, flexible and fast.

In contrast, Joral looked a little bulky, and his explosive strength and speed relied on his extraordinary physical fitness.

Having been a darkborn for many years, coupled with his extremely strong defense, Joral has almost given up the fighting skills he learned in the human period.

In his eyes, as long as physical ability is stronger than anything else, then all skills are useless.

But at this moment, Lu Qi's flexibility made Jolar extremely upset.

Nima, I can't touch it!
As time passed, several new wounds appeared on Joral's body.

What annoyed him was that this human being, whom he regarded as an ant, could leave so many wounds on his noble body.

If it was in his heyday, this kind of thing would even become the humiliation of his life.

And Lu Qi felt at the moment, as if he was grinding a boss with thick and long blood bars.

"I can make countless mistakes, but you can only make one mistake."

Another blow hit the air, and Joral stared at Lu Qi and made a sound.

Lu Qi found that he could understand what the dark man in front of him was saying, hehe smiled: "Don't worry, I won't make mistakes."

He never joked about his own life.

Lu Qi slashed forward with a sword, and the blade fell on the shield, making a crisp sound.

However, in the next second, with a "click", the long blade was overwhelmed and broke into two pieces, one of which flew out.

Lu Qi frowned, and without hesitation, he used full speed to distance himself.

Ma De, break again?
This long blade was already the best quality weapon he could buy in the capital.

I don't know what kind of material that broken shield is made of, it's so hard it's ridiculous.

Seeing Lu Qi who was running away immediately, Joral sneered, and also broke out to catch up at full speed.

In the distance, Panis and Quinn, who were hiding at the entrance, became anxious when they saw this.

Quinn knew that with his current strength, even going up would only get in the way.

And Panis has no fighting ability, so she can't get involved in the battle between Lu Qi and the Darkborn.

Seeing the sudden reversal of the battle situation, her heart was also pulled together.

Looking at Lu Qi who kept running away, Panisi lowered her head and glanced at the holy object in her hand for redemption.

Redemption has the power to heal all, and likewise, it has a powerful part of the Creator.

You can only choose one of the two.

Moreover, now there is only one last chance to use it.

If it is used here, then the father
After a brief hesitation, Panis raised her eyes again, as if she had made up her mind.

Afterwards, she devoted all her mind to redemption.

When she was very young, she heard from her father that the fate of some people was determined from the moment they were born.

A person, what happens and who he meets is the arrangement of fate.

The loss of her mother when she was young, the early death of her elder brother, and the serious illness of her father are fateful arrangements, so it is also a fateful arrangement for her to go to Demacia to meet Lu Qi, and it is also a fateful arrangement for her to be used by Marta until Lu Qi appears.

The sacred object held in the hand was called salvation, but it was considered a symbol of misfortune.

Perhaps her misfortune itself was arranged by fate.

Her whole life is destined to be spent in loss.

But at least, she doesn't want to lose the cherished person in front of her eyes.

A crystal teardrop slipped from the corner of the eye, dripping on the redemption, and suddenly, a burst of dazzling and colorful light flickered.

Jolar sensed the danger and looked over.

In the next second, he saw Panis raise the redemption.

The light gathered and turned into a powerful energy, which fell on Joral in an instant.


Surrounded by the light of redemption, Joral wailed in deep pain.

In this way, it lasted for tens of seconds.

The light dissipated, and the shield fell heavily to the ground, but the person holding the shield still did not fall down.

He was emitting hot smoke all over his body, as if he had stepped out of a steamer, his aura looked even more frightening, and he was gasping for breath.

Panis was stunned, she didn't expect the power of redemption to be unable to deal with this monster.

"The power of the stars is indeed impressive, but unfortunately, the person who created it only left a part of the power of the stars in it."

Qiao Laer looked at Panis, and said lightly: "It's enough to deal with other people, but it can't deal with me. Human beings, you can't change anything."

"No, at least it stalled."

At this moment, Lu Qi's voice sounded.

Qiao Laer looked at it, and his eyes suddenly froze.

At this moment, Lu Qi had another long blade in his hand, but it was different from the one he used just now.

The long blade he is holding in his hand is four or five feet long, and its whole body is snow white. There are shallow lines on the body of the sword, and even the hilt is also white.

"This weapon."

In Joral's mind, memories of this weapon came back.

Also remembered the memory of him being sealed in this land.

That year, he set out to conquer this continent under the order of Aatrox, occupied the land under his feet almost quickly, and enslaved the humans on the land.

At this time, a group of cunning humans claimed to have built the sharpest weapon for him.

Paired with his strongest shield, the two combined make him even stronger.

And the moment he held this weapon in his hand, the powerful suction from the blade immediately took away part of his strength.

When he was weak, the group of humans chanted a despicable spell, imprisoned him in the shield, and suffered endless reincarnation of nothingness.

In an instant, a monstrous anger surged in Jolar's heart!

"Give me this sword!"

He burst out with great strength and rushed towards Lu Qi, his eyes of hatred seemed to tear him apart.

Lu Qi smiled faintly, and rushed forward without any fear, and with Wuji Sword Intent attached to the sword body, he slashed out with a single sword.

When the sword landed on the shield, the sound was no longer crisp.

It was a loud "boom".

In the next second, it was Qiao Laer who flew out backwards.

His body was blasted straight into the wall like a kite with a broken string.


Lu Qi looked at the weapon in his hand in a daze.

Thinking about this sword that I picked up at random, is it so strong?

"This is not your power! Give it back to me!"

Jolar rushed out of the wall angrily, realizing that part of the power he hadn't recovered existed in the sword.

"Okay, pay you back."

As Lu Qi spoke, he slashed out with another sword.

"Boom!", accompanied by another loud noise, Joral flew out again, as if hit by a truck.

"It's so cool."

Lu Qi's sense of experience at this moment can be said to be completely full, using the power in the sword effortlessly.

Holding the long sword in his hand at this moment, Lu Qi had the illusion of being invincible.

Seeing Lu Qi's soaring combat power, Panis and Quinn were also a little surprised.

When Joral rushed out of the wall again, he was obviously much weaker, and his eyes seemed to be burning with flames, staring at Lu Qi closely.

"Why, can you use it?"

The group of humans did not lie, this weapon is indeed very sharp.

However, such a powerful weapon is not available to everyone.

Not to mention, the power absorbed by that weapon and sealed inside.

How could this human being break the seal and use it freely?

"Go back to the shield and think about it slowly."

Lu Qi felt that the power in the blade was losing, and he didn't intend to drag it any longer.

The figure flickered and approached Joral in an instant.

Without hesitation, Jollal picked up the shield to block in front, but facing this powerful sword, he still knelt on the ground with half of his legs, struggling to support it.

It can be vaguely seen that a sword mark has already appeared on the smooth outer shield.

However, leaving a sword mark seems to be the limit.

Lu Qi swung his sword again, completely exhausting the power in the blade, and finally exposed Joral's body from the shield.

Without hesitation, he stabbed out with a sword.

"Do not!!"

Looking at the long sword that was getting closer in his eyes, Joral screamed with his eyes splitting.

In the next second, with a "puchi", the snow-white long sword directly pierced Joral's heart.

"No!!!" Once again roaring in grief and anger, Joral felt the power that was constantly being exhausted, and shouted out a name in his heart: "Aatrox!"

The cry was full of despair.

His strength began to recede, returning to the shield.

After a while, the Darkborn, who had just been free for a short time, was sent back into the shield and completely disappeared.

The bright ruby ​​on the shield seemed to flash a burst of red light, the shield shook twice, and then there was no more movement.

Everything is at peace.

Marta's body returned to its original state, but she was lifeless and fell to the ground with blood flowing from her chest.

His eyes had lost their luster.

Because what Lu Qi penetrated was actually her heart, and at the last second, Jolar actually returned to the shield on his own initiative.

Even if he is extremely reluctant.

But he had to.

Because he is possessed by Marta, if this body dies, even if he is as strong as the Darkborn, he will be severely injured.

It may even die with the carrier.

At least Lu Qi can be sure that this dark descendant is definitely not dead.

Because at this moment, he has already heard the voice from the shield, like the whisper of a devil, constantly bewitching him.

"Release me, and you will have even stronger power."

"I won't occupy your body."

"let me out."

Looking at the motionless shield in front of him, Lu Qi kicked it directly, causing it to fall to the ground: "Calm down, I'm not in a good mood to stay up late."

Expecting that it would be so troublesome here, Lu Qi directly shook him over.

It made him spend so much effort now.

Seeing that the broken shield was still undecided, Lu Qi immediately became angry.

A few words were not enough to relieve his anger, he stepped on two feet while talking, and then glanced thoughtfully: "This shield is so hard, it is perfect for use as a table foot."

Shield: "."

(End of this chapter)

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