LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 291 The feeling of having a lot of knowledge passing through the brain without leaving any t

Chapter 291 The feeling of having a lot of knowledge passing through the brain without leaving any traces
Dawn Castle.

After Tiana and Jarvan III reported on the situation in the northern border, the Freljord barbaric tribes finally chose to return to the Freljord after entangled for so long.

And Tiana, who received the news from the capital, rushed back quickly.

Walking out of the castle, looking at the blue sky, sitting on the carriage, taking in the scenes on the street.

Tiana felt for a moment that she was just going out for a trip. When she came back, times suddenly changed, and the changes were so drastic that it was jaw-dropping.

Debang before she left and Debang now seem to be two different things.

The harmless smile of a certain prince flashed in her mind, Tiana let out a breath, put down the car curtain, closed her eyes and meditated.

After a while, the carriage slowly stopped.

Tiana, who had just returned from the border, had not yet returned home. Instead, she came to the gate of Lu Qi's house first.

After getting off the carriage, she immediately saw Lu Qi lying leisurely on a rocking chair in the yard.

At this time, Lu Qi heard the noise and opened his eyes, sat up and said with a smile on his face: "Aunt, long time no see, welcome back."

Seeing this kid, Tiana stepped forward with a straight face and stretched out her big hand.

Lu Qi subconsciously dodged.

"you boy"

However, Tiana just patted Lu Qi on the shoulder, "I had a premonition before I left. I never thought I would cause such a big noise for you if I wasn't careful."

A slight smile appeared on her face, "But, it was done well."

In the blink of an eye, this brat has grown up to the point where he can change a coup.

Even that girl, Lacus, has grown up to be astonishing enough.

The two guys who were skipping classes in the academy and one of whom she grabbed by one hand have now grown to the point where they can stand alone.

This couldn't help but make Tiana feel happy.

"Originally, when I came back this time, I wanted to give you a lecture. But I know that you have your own ideas. From now on, no matter what you do, I will support you behind your back."

Tiana said as she patted Lu Qi on the shoulder again and looked at Lu Qi with pleased eyes.

Lu Qi smiled and said, "Thank you, aunt."

"Send some to Crown Guard's house later. I didn't drink much during this trip." Tiana smiled and turned to leave without intending to say anything else.

From the first time she saw this boy, she had an intuition that told her that this boy was not simple.

It turned out that her intuition was indeed correct.

She didn't know what Lu Qi was going to do next, but what she knew was that this kid seemed to have a lot of things in mind.

All she has to do now is support her.

Thinking about it this way, it was actually quite relaxing. At least with them here, Debon didn't seem to have to worry too much about her.

The time soon came to the afternoon.

A carriage drove from the Research Institute and stopped at the entrance of the courtyard.

Meili jumped out of the car, ran into the yard, and found Lu Qi lying on a chair basking in the sun.

"Your Highness, the dean asked me to call you over. The rails have been laid and are ready for the first trial run."

Hearing this, Lu Qi opened his eyes.

On one side, Lux, who was also lying on the rocking chair, opened her eyes at the same time and asked curiously: "Railway? What railroad track?"

"A kind of track for iron trains to be driven on, is it going to be put into trial operation so soon?"

Lu Qi thought for a moment, then sat up and said, "It's almost time for you to take a look. Pack up and get ready to go out."

These words aroused Lux's curiosity. She knew what Lu Qi had been doing with the Research Institute, but she didn't know much about the specific content.

This guy has also been very mysterious.

Now finally willing to reveal?
After a brief tidying up, Lu Qi and his group got into the carriage and set off towards the Research Institute.

In the carriage, Fiona, Bobby, Quinn and Kashina were all there, and the girls were all curious about the scientific research institute they were going to go to next.

About an hour later, the carriage slowly stopped at the entrance of the Research Institute's R&D base.

On the way, several people also discovered something new, that is, there was a long railway track spreading out from the entrance.

They noticed this very early and were quite interested.

The railroad track is very far away, and I don't know where the end is.

Several people got off the carriage and after entering it, they soon saw Wenward and others coming towards them.

After meeting and greeting each other, Wen Huade led Lu Qi and the others to the current train location.

Nowadays, this iron car has been very well modified. Both the whole car and the front of the car have adopted a shear shape that conforms to dynamics and aerodynamics. The outer shell is white and gray, and the carriages are firmly connected to each other, and there are also installations in the middle. windshield.

There are only three carriages at present, and they are not as long as Lu Qi remembered. Each carriage is only about eight meters, and the three carriages and the front of the car are only 30 meters together.

However, even if it is just like this, in front of everyone, it is already a huge steel beast.

Lux and others, who saw the train for the first time, opened their eyes slightly and looked at it intently.

"Is this the iron car you were talking about?"

Lacus didn't expect that this is what Lu Qi and the research institute have been working on for such a long time.

"more or less."

Lu Qi was also filled with admiration. He looked at Wenhuade and asked, "Is it basically okay?"

"Basically there is no problem anymore."

Wenhua De confirmed his reply with a slightly excited tone: "We have already done a test when we were building the railway tracks. During this period, we have also been testing the stability of the iron trains. Basically, we have been testing the stability of the iron trains. There will be no unforeseen circumstances.”

Hearing this, Lu Qi nodded and boarded the carriage from the stairs. There were seats in the carriage and the clean windows could clearly see the outside scenery.

Behind him, Lux, Fiona, Poppy, Quinn and Kashina all boarded the car and began to look at the internal structure.

"Your Highness, if there are no problems, then the first trial run of the train will begin."

Wynward stood outside the car, looked at Lu Qi and said.

Lu Qi nodded and said, "Okay, you can start at any time."

Wynward glanced at the two subordinates next to him, and the two men immediately boarded the front of the train and seemed to be the drivers.

Wen Huade and other scientific researchers boarded three carriages respectively.

After waiting for a period of time, the sound of "buzzing" steam was heard, followed by a "clang-clang-clang" sound.

It made people feel a little nervous.

"Will this thing drive very fast?"

Lacus sat upright on the chair, and asked Lu Qi, who was posing casually beside him.

Lu Qi thought for a while and said: "It will probably be very fast. You'd better hold on steady. This guy will start to jump out in a moment. If he can't hold on, he will be thrown directly to the back of the car."

"real or fake?"

Regardless of whether it was true or not, Lux believed it and stretched out her little hand to grab the handle firmly.

The same was true for the other girls. As the iron car shook, they couldn't help but feel more nervous. "Buzz."

After two loud noises, the train officially started, clanging along the tracks and setting off forward.

However, the car body only shook slightly, and then stabilized in the subsequent process. No matter how fast the speed was increased, the interior of the car was safe.

It wasn't until she noticed that the scenery outside the window began to change rapidly that Lux came back to her senses. Lu Qi was clearly trying to scare them on purpose.

She breathed a sigh of relief and was too lazy to talk to this guy. She opened her eyes wide and focused on the scene that flashed by outside the window.

"How fast is this, and where are we going?"

Fiona, who was slightly calmer, couldn't help but ask aloud.

Wen Huade replied: "The destination is the scientific research institute on the other side. We are basically at the scientific research base these days and rarely return to the scientific research institute. The distance between the two sides is about 30 kilometers. Normally, it would take at least three days for a carriage to travel. It will take more than an hour. But with the train, it is expected to arrive in 10 to [-] minutes.”

Fiona nodded, this description was not difficult to understand.

Just looking at the current driving speed, Wynward's words are probably true.

During this period, at least two hours were omitted.

I have to say that this product called a tin car is indeed amazing.

The railway tracks were not built on city roads, but rather took some long detours and were built in half-empty areas.

No wonder it didn't attract people's attention.

Lu Qi said at this time: "This is just a trial run, and it is only the first generation of trains. If there is no problem with the trial run, the railroad tracks will be officially built in the city to provide convenience for those who have no driving tools. And the long-term train The goal is to reach every corner of the country and reach anywhere in the shortest time.”

Just listening to his description, everyone present could not help but have wonderful expectations for the future.

And this is just the beginning of the train.

In the future, train tracks will be laid throughout Demacia, and they will be a running tool that is flush with sea navigation.

It takes three or four days for a horse-drawn carriage to catch a road car, but it only takes a day or half a day for a train.
If this is the case, connections between various places in Demacia will speed up, trade and interpersonal exchanges will become more frequent, and progress will be rapid like riding a train.

Such a future makes every scientific researcher extremely excited just thinking about it.

Many of them have regarded this move as their lifelong goal in the future.

Wynward said at this time: "There are still too many places to explore next, but each of us is full of fighting spirit and ready to face new challenges."

He also looked at the scene flashing by outside the window, and his heart was filled with admiration for Lu Qi.

He really learned too much from this prince who was much younger than him.

If it weren't for him, I probably wouldn't be able to ride on such an iron-clad behemoth in my lifetime.

"Why call a train?"

Lux asked aloud at this moment, curious brilliance shone in her bright eyes.

"Because it is driven by fire, it is as fast as a flame."

Lu Qi replied casually.


Lux nodded her head and dared to stand up. She walked back and forth in the carriage and discovered something strange.

"Why is the train traveling so fast, but I don't feel it in the carriage? And it's not affected at all?"

Faced with her question, many scientific researchers present were eager to answer.

After a while, Lux sat back with her head dizzy. Thinking about gravity, interactive motion, and gravity made people feel numb.

She chirped and said, "There is a feeling of knowledge passing through the brain without leaving any trace."

Lu Qi glanced at her and smiled.

If this thing were explained from the beginning, I'm afraid Miss Crown Guard would explode on the spot.

However, if I really explain it from the beginning, it would be very troublesome and I wouldn’t be able to finish it in a while.

Four 10 minutes passed in a flash.

Under the control of the driver, the train slowly slowed down, and finally entered the railway from the back entrance of the Research Institute, and then stopped steadily at the end.

Lu Qi and his group got out of the car and heard a round of applause.

At the scientific research institute here, a lot of people have also gathered, and they are all looking forward to this train trial.

Seeing the train arriving safely, everyone was extremely excited.

Wen Huade said loudly with a smile on his face: "I declare that the first trial run of the train was a complete success!"

The next moment, cheers resounded throughout the audience.

Looking at the cheers of countless people, Lu Qi showed a sincere smile.

What he saw in his eyes was a growing and prosperous Demacia.

The train's trial run was successful, alarming Jarvan III.

Although he has long heard that the scientific research institute is developing a number of tools that can carry multiple people and move at high speeds.

Unexpectedly, just a short time later, it has already been built.

In the evening, Jarvan III and Jarvan IV led a group of palace ministers and nobles to the scientific research institute.

Looking at the train that has been successfully tested.

And Wynward also provided them with a chance to ride.

Because this is still a good opportunity for scientific research institutes to attract investment.

Research and development requires money.

Although the palace has continuously increased the research and development funding of the scientific research institute, it is still far from enough.

At this time, it is necessary for these noble ministers with stocks in their pockets to take action.

After getting on the train and driving around, everyone was surprised.

It is unimaginable how much convenience it will bring if trains are introduced into daily life.

In this way, investment is naturally needless to say.

In the future, scientific research institutes will no longer have to worry about the R&D economy.

Finally, with the permission of Jarvan III, the construction of railway tracks was officially allowed to begin in the capital.

In the evening, Wenhuade held a celebration banquet at the Research Institute and sincerely invited Lu Qi to attend. Naturally, he would not refuse.

Everyone gathered together, drank and talked, and dreamed of a better future together.

They drank until late at night, and then they dispersed and went back to their homes.

Back home, after soaking in the hot spring, Lu Qi looked at ease and lay down on the chair in the courtyard in a relaxed mood.

The moonlight is particularly beautiful tonight.

Looking at the moonlight, he began to think slightly.

Now, Demacia is officially on the right track, and the remaining small issues only need time to be polished. It is also time to think about the next plan.

(End of this chapter)

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